Recordings Listing


Treasure Valley Baptist Church, Meridian, ID
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 3 through 4, 2022

2022 Homeschool Idaho Convention

Presented by: Homeschool Idaho
Recording ID: 22-ALL
Original Price: $99.00
Set Price: $49.95

Complete set of recordings from 2022 Homeschool Idaho

When you buy this package you have access to all of the recordings that were captured at the 2022 Homeschool Idaho convention. You can listen to any recording (for your personal use) any time. You do not need to check any other sessions- they are all here.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 22-01Adventuring Together by: Gretta Eskridge22-02Homeschooling for the Win by: Caleb Schroeder22-03Strategies for Successful Homeschooling by: Gretta Eskridge22-04Homeschooling in Cancel Culture by: Caleb Schroeder22-12Finding our Why by: Aby Rinella22-13Getting Started in Homeschooling by: Janelle Knutson22-21Homeschooling with Confidence by: Gretta Eskridge22-22The Joshua Generation by: Caleb Schroeder22-23Homeschooling Multiple Grades Without Losing Your Mind by: Janelle Knutson22-24Curriculum, Transcripts, Diplomas…oh my!— by: Linda Patchin22-31Cultivating a Love of Reading by: Gretta Eskridge22-32Homeschool Fatigue by: Caleb Schroeder22-33Motherhood: Ministry in the Mundane by: Aby Rinella22-41Homeschooling for a Stronger Marriage by: Caleb Schroeder22-42Am I Planning God Out of my Homeschool? by: Aby Rinella22-43Organizing Your Homeschool by: Janelle Knutson22-51Parenting the Passionate Child by: Gretta Eskridge22-52Homeschooling is Discipleship by: Caleb Schroeder22-53Homeschooling the Preschooler by: Janelle Knutson22-61Homeschooling in Times of Doubt by: Gretta Eskridge22-62Integrating Dad into Homeschool by: Caleb Schroeder22-63Homeschooling Big Kids with Little Ones Underfoot by: Janelle Knutson This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 22-12
Jun. 3, 2022

Why Homeschool? This is a question we must even ask ourselves. In a culture that has abandoned truth, it is more important than ever that we build our homeschool ‘why’ on a solid foundation that will not give way as the storms come. The right ‘why’ is what will keep us rooted and grounded on hard days, thwarting off the doubts that come. It is what will stop the naysayers in their tracks and encourage those that are looking for answers. Aby discusses the heart of homeschool and the greatest ‘why’ of all. Have your passion for His calling lit on fire! This session is for all homeschool parents.

ID: 22-33
Jun. 3, 2022

Lesson plans, diaper changes, times tables, and dinner…again! Do you ever catch yourself, during the mundane days of motherhood, dreaming of more? Do you feel like the daily demands of mom-life takes a super-human strength that you just aren’t sure you have? Do you feel ‘less than’ as you look around at all the super-moms out there? Do you ever dream of trading in your apron for a cape and doing bigger things in this world? Then this session is for you! You are guaranteed to walk away encouraged, changed, and ready to embrace your calling like never before.

ID: 22-42
Jun. 4, 2022

Do you love to plan? Do you like organizers, rows, columns and checklists? Do you love to label and color code everything into neat little boxes? Planning is essential to what we do; it helps our days and years run smoothly; but could it be that some of us become bound and chained to our ideas and plans? Is it possible that we are planning God right out of our homeschool? Come and hear how we can put God back in the driver seat of our home and school and how to use planning to help us rather than control us.