Recordings Listing


Portland Convention Center
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 21 through 22, 2013

OR-2013 Anchored in Christ

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 13-503
Jun. 22, 2013

Be encouraged, challenged, and equipped with ideas as the Dunagan's share from their local and global adventures. Mission-minded families focus on God’s Great Commission, with a passion for the lost. There’s a spiritual depth and hunger that reaches beyond the maintenance mode of cultural Christianity. Learn to “raise the bar” in leadership and service, to “guard the gates” of your home, and to live with an attitude of self-sacrifice and submission to God, while radiating an unmistakable, contagious joy.

No matter what kind of family you were raised in, you can establish a godly legacy of leadership for the next generation because of the blood of Jesus Christ. The decisions you make day-by-day don’t just affect you; they affect your kids, and their kids, and all who they will influence. Learn to disciple your children to disciple others. From God’s Word, learn to see from God’s perspective, with a focus on eternity, the Cross, and the glory of God. You’re building a legacy, brick-by-brick, for the future!