Recordings Listing


Porland, OR
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 12 through 13, 2009

For Such a Time as This

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

As author of The Second Mayflower (just released in its 3rd edition), Kevin Swanson speaks from the heart on the beautiful vision that formed America. No other nation on earth has been so blessed with liberty and prosperity as America. In this rousing and inspiring presentation, Kevin urges home educators to study America's godly heritage, be grateful for it, and to live the principles that beat in the heart of the founders of the nation. Has the vision faded, and have the blessings departed? How is God going to use the home school movement to revive this blessing? God may very well be preparing to use homeschooling in a powerful way to transform our families and our nation.

ID: 09-02
Jun. 12, 2009

In this address, Mike contrasts godly wisdom (which Christians should be trying to follow) and worldly wisdom (wisdom from below) as it relates to specific issues that we all deal with in the homeschool community. He explains that there are two conflicting worldviews or belief systems today, orthodoxy and progressivism. Orthodoxy is committed to an external, definable and transcendent authority for truth. This truth comes from God and is given to us primarily through His Word, the Bible. In contrast, progressivism asserts that moral authority is to be defined by the spirit of the modern age, a spirit of rationalism and subjectivism. Truth tends to be viewed as a process, as a reality and is ever unfolding depending upon the circumstances. He will explain how certain important U.S. Supreme Court decisions have been affected by this new progressive thinking. Mike will then break down how these two differing views are affecting education and specifically, the freedom to home educate. The good news is that truth sets one free. The good news is we know the truth, we simply have to live and battle for the truth. Homeschoolers have demonstrated their willingness to do so, hence our hope for the future.

Topics: Encouragement

Parental rights and religious freedom have been the two foundations to establish a constitutional right for parents to teach their children at home. The U.S. Supreme Court some years back weakened the free exercise of religion claim as a foundation for homeschooling so that in order for homeschoolers to claim a fundamental right to homeschool, they must be able to combine the free exercise right with the parental rights claim. In other words, both rights have to co-exist. Currently, this is not a problem, but because of the fragile nature of freedom, moral decay, complacency and apathy, homeschooling freedoms are in jeopardy. Additionally, since the parental rights foundational claim is an "implicit" right, not an "explicit" right (meaning parental rights is not specifically spelled out in the Constitution) parental rights as we know it today is teetering and could be in trouble in the future. Mike will explain why parental rights are under attack and provide a solution on how we can maintain the current freedoms we have to teach our children at home.

ID: 09-04
Jun. 13, 2009

Dick Karman, chairman of the Oregon Christian Home Education Association discusses God's providence in the battle to freely home educate our children.

ID: 09-05
Jun. 13, 2009

What is the heart of homeschooling? What is it that really makes it work? This is an important question in that there is a distinct possibility that the homeschooling ethos may disappear into the burgeoning list of educational choices, especially with the rise of government-funded school at home. In this presentation, Kevin presents a passionate case for preserving the heart of homeschooling, those elements that have contributed to its beauty and success - the heart of Christ, the hand of the parent, and the blessings of freedom.

Topics: Encouragement
ID: 09-06
Jun. 13, 2009

This charge was given to high school graduates at the Graduate Recognition Event of the 2009 OCEAN Conference. The text of the address is found in Micah 6:8: "And what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" (NASB) Mike explains what it means to "do justly", to "walk humbly", and to "love mercy" as we go through our daily living. The aim of the address is to remind graduates of what's important in life and how to evaluate true success.

A humorous and encouraging presentation for the homeschool mom who feels like she's going down a #5 rapid spinning like a top. When you emerge at the end of the run, you discover that God was doing something marvelous, despite your own inadequacies and the confusion of the ride.

Topics: Encouragement
ID: 09-33
Jun. 13, 2009

Training is more than teaching. A child's soul is the seat of his character. Nothing is more important than applying God's wisdom to training in this area. It is the foundation for a child's success as an adult. This session will walk through the training of the mind, will, and emotions; the soul of a child. Clear guidelines for discipline will be presented.

If we want our home school years to be successful, we must build a quality family life and healthy marriage that will serve as a model for our children's future relationships. This session focuses on how to make this happen. Included are ten tips for husbands and wives and what wives wished their husbands knew about home schooling.

ID: 09-44
Jun. 13, 2009

Raising motivated children starts with the parents. How are you as a parent motivated? How will you model that for your children? But one must step back even further to ask, why are you home schooling? When having that answer clear in your mind, you as a parent-teacher then have a source for your own motivation. Spreading that to your children then becomes easier. As they catch your vision they also will be more motivated. Obedience is another key issue of motivation. Come and discover the many aspects of motivation in this talk which will help you deal with, " Mom, I don't want to do my math today, or ever again."

Topics: Encouragement