Recordings Listing


Lancaster County Convention Center
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 14 through 15, 2019

PA-2019 In Everything Give Thanks

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania
ID: 2019-606
Jun. 14, 2019

A look into the ancient definition designed by God of what a “good man” is inside of a modern culture that either doesn’t know or doesn’t care.

ID: 2019-612
Jun. 15, 2019

Time is given to equally to everyone. It is a valuable gift that can be squandered through disorganization and the accumulation of material goods. The session will include practical and simple ways to conquer clutter once and for all, and to teach children to do the same.

ID: 2019-616
Jun. 15, 2019

We know from the Bible that a gentle spirit is precious to God. This session will examine how both parents and children can develop a gentle and peaceful spirit, and maintain it in the midst of difficult or frustrating days.


Northwest Nazarene University Nampa, Idaho
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 7 through 8, 2019

2019 Homeschool Idaho Convention - Highlights

Presented by: Homeschool Idaho
Recording ID: 19-000
Original Price: $175.50
Set Price: $80.00

Complete 2019 Convention Set

With this purchase you can download and listen to any and all of the adult sessions from the 2019 Homeschool Idaho Convention (for personal use only). Two sessions were not available for the set: Tyler Hogan's History Starts Here, and Nancy Manos' Hands-on Making Lapbooks. Young adult sessions are not included in this set. The sessions stay in your Alliance Recordings account for at least three years.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 19-01Loving, Learning, and Laughing by: Rachael Carman19-02Invasion of the Conviction Snatchers by: Todd Wilson19-03This, We Believe by: Todd Wilson19-04Soaring Beyond Survival by: Rachael Carman19-11Playing Academic Catch-up with Teens by: Beverly Parrish19-12Irresistible Parenting by: Todd Wilson19-13Seven Simple Steps to Sanity by: Rachael Carman19-14Exploring Creation by: Davis Carman19-16Getting Started in Homeschooling by: Janelle Knutson19-17You Are Enough! Encouragement for the Homeschool Mom by: Nancy Manos19-21Secrets of the Boy Whisperer by: Beverly Parrish19-22Lies Homeschoolers Believe by: Todd Wilson19-23How Liberal Arts Prepares You for the Job Market by: Ben Merkle19-24The First Five Years of Homeschooling (I Mean Parenting) by: Davis Carman19-26Organizing your Homeschool by: Janelle Knutson19-27Curriculum Approaches by: Nancy Manos19-31Can I Help My Child with Special Needs? by: Beverly Parrish19-32What's Next? - Helping Your Children Choose the Best Route After Graduation by: Todd Wilson19-33Stand by Your Man by: Rachael Carman19-34Math - Filling in the gaps by: Sue Wachter19-36How to Homeschool when Life is Difficult by: Janelle Knutson19-41Preparing Your Child to Read Well by: Beverly Parrish19-42Taming the Techno-Beast - Parenting in the INTERNET Age by: Todd Wilson19-43Pace vs. Perseverance by: Rachael Carman19-44Small Homeschool Co-ops: Enrichment for the Learning by: Nancy Manos19-46Homeschooling Multiple Grades without Losing your by: Janelle Knutson19-47Story Prompts to Kickstart Your Fiction by: JoEllen Claypool19-51Strategies for Struggling Learners: Creating a helpful learning environment in their heads and in your home by: Beverly Parrish19-52How to Homeschool What you Believe by: Todd Wilson19-53What About THAT Child? by: Rachael Carman19-54Curriculum, Transcripts, Diplomas…Oh My! by: Linda Patchin19-56Homeschooling Big Kids with Little Ones Underfoot by: Janelle Knutson19-57Have Fun Writing Facts: Cross-Curricular Nonfiction by: Carol Peterson19-61Reading Strategies for Struggling Learners by: Beverly Parrish19-62An Unbeatable Homeschool Team by: Todd Wilson19-63Attention, Obsessive-Compulsive, Perfectionist, Control-Freaks: CHILL OUT by: Rachael Carman19-64Math and Art Connection by: Sue Wachter19-66Homeschooling the Preschooler by: Janelle Knutson19-67The Price is Right (for Support Group Leaders) by: Nancy Manos This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 19-02
Jun. 7, 2019

Do you have a child who doesn’t want to be homeschooled, in-laws who don’t understand your reasons for homeschooling, a spouse who isn’t sold on the idea, or worse – a guilt complex reminding you that you have no business homeschooling your children? Those nagging, sometimes-silent disapprovals can crush a person under the weight of guilt and despair and snatch away firmly held convictions if we allow them to. Join Todd for an hour of laughter and encouragement as he goes face to face with the Conviction Snatchers and shows you how to address their concerns, questions, and critical comments. You’ll be glad you did.

ID: 19-33
Jun. 7, 2019

All too often the lessons are finished, the books read, and the frogs dissected, but what priority are you giving the principal? When does he get time with his favorite teacher? Is it time for a principal-teacher meeting (a.k.a. a date)? Standing by our husbands through this challenging lifestyle choice is often neglected. Come and remember the blessing of a well-prioritized home.

ID: 19-62
Jun. 8, 2019

Marriage is hard… in fact, it’s real hard! Yet when it is right and good, it can withstand anything. It doesn’t matter what the economy does, the status of your bank account, the condition of your home or vehicles, or what your children dish out…because when a husband and wife are right, they’re unbeatable. On the flip side, when a husband and wife feel distant or apathetic, it only takes the slightest breeze to ruffle a bunch of feathers. The truth is a mediocre marriage sucks the joy right out of life and your homeschool. The economy can swing up, your checking account can be healthy, your home and vehicles can purr like kittens, and the kids can behave like angels, and life still…stinks. That’s because marriage matters. Join Todd as he shares real life stories, problems, and frustrations along with practical, simple solutions to having a marriage that can‘t be beat!


Redmond, WA
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 26 through 27, 2019

WA - 2019 Spring Conference

Presented by: Christian Heritage Home Educators of Washington
Recording ID: 2019-AUDIO-SET
Original Price: $414.00
Set Price: $125.00

2019 Conference Complete Audio Set

This set contains all recordings available from the 2019 Christian Heritage Spring Conference, Building a Godly Legacy.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 19-001The Puritan Philosophy of Education - Keynote by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-003Doing Apologetics in an Anti-Apologetic Age - Keynote by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-004The Theology of Work - Keynote by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-005Modern Spirituality and Your Mind – Truth Endures - Keynote by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-02ARelational Wisdom: Preparing Children for Life - Keynote  by: Ken Sande19-02BRelational Wisdom: Preparing for Life - Keynote by: Jeff Sande19-101Building a Strong Family Legacy - The Art of Intentionality by: David McAlvany19-102Resolving Everyday Conflict by: Ken Sande19-103If Your Children Are Not Headed for College, Prepare Them for Home Business by: Rhea Perry19-104Developing a Plan for High School: Sample Four-Year Plans by: Carol Becker19-105The War on the Constitution, Why Youth Should Care by: Jake MacAulay19-106Hacking Physics: Making Physics Wonderful for Your Students by: Wes Olson19-107Knights in Training: Raising Boys into Men by: Heather Haupt19-108That's Impossible by: Mike Snavely19-109Getting Kids to Help at Home: Training in Diligence and Thoroughness by: Vicki Bentley19-110The Journey to Novarupta by: Pat Roy19-111Strong Marriages for Healthy, Homeschooling Environments by: Scott LaPierre19-112Teaching Literature from a Christian Worldview by: Kevin Swanson19-201Disposing of Baggage: The Proper Disposal of Generational Junk by: David McAlvany19-202Harnessing the Power of Emotions   by: Ken Sande19-203Formative Discipline by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-204Essential Skills for Successful Teens: Study and Time Management by: Carol Becker19-205Maximizing on the Power of Mentorship by: Kevin Swanson19-206Preparing the Biblical Christian for Engagement in the Culture by: Jake MacAulay19-20710 Ways to Boost Brain Power by: Heather Haupt19-208Grand Canyon – The Puzzle on the Plateau by: Mike Snavely19-209Exploring Curriculum Options by: Vicki Bentley19-210The Laws of Thermodynamics by: Pat Roy19-211Health from a Biblical Perspective by: Allan Blain19-212Relational Wisdom in the Movies by: Jeff Sande19-213The Grand Design: A Chess Master's Strategies to Success in Life by: Elliott Neff19-300Building a Strong Father and Son Legacy by: Jeff Sande, Ken Sande19-301Pop Culture, Entertainment, and the Family by: Kevin Swanson19-302The Negotiation Skills of Solomon by: Ken Sande19-3035 Home Business Projects that Teach Financial Literacy and Create Income by: Rhea Perry19-304Multi-level Teaching by: Vicki Bentley19-305Embracing Disturbance: Blessings in Disguise by: David McAlvany19-306The Homeschooling Dad by: Jake MacAulay19-307Spiders! by: Mike Snavely19-308The Life of Isaac Newton and Why it Matters by: Wes Olson19-309Building on a Sure Foundation: Staying the Course through High School by: Carol Becker19-310The Need to Be Prepared by: Scott LaPierre19-311Why Movement is Essential to Learning by: Heather Haupt19-312The Scopes Trial by: Pat Roy19-313Young Peacemakers by: Corlette Sande19-401Building a Financial Legacy: A Jump Start Before Marriage by: David McAlvany19-402Homeschooling and Missions by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-403How We Brought Our Dad Home from Corporate America in Just 3 Years and How You Can Too! by: Rhea Perry19-404Hope for the Organizationally Challenged by: Vicki Bentley19-405Managing Change by: Ken Sande19-406Ape Men Fossils by: Pat Roy19-407The Pillars of Evolution by: Mike Snavely19-408Making Math and Science Meaningful by: Kevin Swanson19-409You Can Homeschool High School . . . If You Can Make It through Tomorrow! by: Carol Becker19-410The Institute on the Constitution for Youth by: Jake MacAulay19-411Conquering Your Fear of Educational Gaps by: Heather Haupt19-412Tips for Enjoying the Process of Child Training by: Mary Craig19-501Raising Empathetic Children by: Ken Sande19-502Avoiding the Pitfalls of Investing in Today's Markets by: David McAlvany19-503Understanding the Times — How the Western World Loses the Christian Faith by: Kevin Swanson19-504When Life Broadsides Your Homeschool by: Vicki Bentley19-505Rebels/Prodigals: God can Rescue Them . . . He is Our Hope by: Jake MacAulay19-506Expanding your Comfort Zone for Maximum Impact by: Allan Blain19-507Dinosaurs by: Pat Roy19-508The Life of Albert Einstein and Why it Matters by: Wes Olson19-509Preparing Your Teen for Life by: Carol Becker19-510Overcoming Artificial Maturity  by: Jeff Sande19-511Equipping Kids to Persevere and Pursue Excellence by: Heather Haupt19-512How to Permanently Remove the Deep Roots of Bitterness by: Tim Roth This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

Relational wisdom is the ability to discern emotions and interests in yourself and others, interpret them in the light of God’s Word, and use them to manage responses and relationships successfully. In this life-changing message, Jeff describes the basic principles of relational wisdom and shows how these skills reduce conflict; promote close family relationships; and prepare young adults for close friendships, durable marriages, better job performance, and a more credible witness for Christ.

ID: 19-102
Apr. 26, 2019

Enjoy a more peaceful and productive classroom by learning how to teach your children to resolve conflict constructively. They will learn to discern the heart desires (idols) that fuel conflict, sincerely confess their wrongs, graciously confront others, and practice meaningful forgiveness.

Homeschooled children can flourish when their parents have strong, healthy marriages. Conversely, children suffer when there’s conflict between Mom and Dad. Learn how parents can have a relationship that allows their children to prosper, not just academically, but emotionally and spiritually.

What are your generational blessings? What baggage do you carry from one generation to the next? We have baggage from earlier generations; we leave baggage for future generations. It’s not our intention, but as frail and imperfect human beings, we can (BUT DON’T HAVE TO) perpetuate cycles of sin and pain. Our goal is to find gratitude, learn about practicing grace, and live together unburdened and free.

ID: 19-202
Apr. 26, 2019

Emotions are wired into all people by God’s design and are tied to our greatest joys and accomplishments of life—as well as our greatest struggles and agonies. Ken explores the biblical nature of emotions, how God intends them to enrich our lives, and how we can channel both negative and positive emotions into constructive action.

ID: 19-301
Apr. 27, 2019

How does a family interact with popular culture? Popular culture is everywhere. It influences peer groups and sets worldview and cultural perspectives of almost everybody. Very few have wisdom and strength to swim against the stream. So, how does a family make its cultural choices? What part should entertainment play in the home? What are major biblical principles for discernment of music, movies, tattoos, dress, etc.?

ID: 19-305
Apr. 27, 2019

Learn about successful crisis management and the disposition needed to turn disturbance into blessing. There are life events outside of our control but to which we must respond. Unemployment, health crisis, loss of a loved one, moral failure, and a long list of other “surprises” are either a basis for family implosion or can be handled in a way with redemption and growth as outcomes.

ID: 19-310
Apr. 27, 2019
ID: 19-405
Apr. 27, 2019

Change is one of the most frequent causes of conflict, whether in the home, office, church, or on a home school board. This workshop will provide a strategy for managing change in a way that builds unity, honors the “old guard,” empowers the “new guard” and inspires entire groups to see every transition in life as an opportunity to grow in character and become more useful to God.

ID: 19-504
Apr. 27, 2019

You had a wonderful plan at the beginning of the school year for a well-rounded education, envisioning academic excellence and character development in your smiling, well-adjusted offspring. But then… life happened. How do you find "normal" again? In this workshop, Vicki helps you focus on the essentials when you're on the frontlines, especially in a crisis situation.

More than feeding, dressing, and driving our kids to play-dates, being a mom means every day is an opportunity for teaching, training, and modeling Christlikeness. The Disciple-Making Mom needs tools to disciple her children in prayer, service, Bible study, Scripture memorization, and true fellowship. Be encouraged and strengthened, knowing that although discipling seems a huge task, God is on your side.


Worcester, MA
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 26 through 27, 2019

MA - 2019 MassHOPE Christian Homeschool & Family Discipleship Convention

Presented by: Massachusetts Homeschool Organization of Parent Educators
Recording ID: 19-00
Original Price: $297.00
Set Price: $99.00

Complete Convention Set all available recordings

This set will allow you to download any or all of the available sessions from the 2019 MassHOPE convention (for personal use only). One purchase will give you access to this great resource for years to come.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 19-01This, We Believe! by: Todd Wilson19-02Ten Lessons I Learned on the Way to Jail by: Zan Tyler19-03Reckoning with Truth (Teens) by: Eric Ludy19-04Embracing the Struggle: Encouragement for Weary Educators by: Brian Phillips19-05Developing a Plan for High School: Sample Four Year Plans by: Heather Frommak19-06Building a Solid Math Foundation by: Allison Fitzgibbon19-07Raising G-rated Sons in an R-rated World by: Joe Tyler19-08Homeschooling: Seven Steps to a Great Start by: Jessica Mura19-09Lies Homeschoolers Believe by: Todd Wilson19-10Lineage of Majesty (Teens) by: Eric Ludy19-11Motivate Your Child by: Dr. Scott Turansky, Joanne Miller, R.N.19-12Laying a Foundation for Reading Comprehension in the Preschool Years by: Faith Berens19-13Why All Our Students Must Study Shakespeare by: Roy Speed19-14Nature's Secrets in Our Backyards and Beyond… by: Kathy Dunfee19-15Reliability of Scripture (Teen) by: Paul Jordan19-16Happy at Home: Four Elements of a Superb Preschool Experience by: Zan Tyler19-17Charting Your Way through High School for College, Workforce, or Military by: Heather Frommak19-18Teaching Struggling Learners at Home: Nuts & Bolts for Success, Part 1 by: Krisa Winn19-19Math That Adds Up: It's Not Just About Numbers by: Sharon Fisher19-20The Importance of Teaching Art to Your Child by: Monique Pappas19-21What to Do When Your Plan Doesn't Go According to Plan by: Todd Wilson19-22How To Remove a Foundation with a Squirt Gun (Teen) by: Paul Jordan19-23Christ among the Pagans: Christians and Classical Education by: Brian Phillips19-24HLEP! My Kid Can't Spel! by: Faith Berens19-25Beyond the Five-Paragraph Essay by: Roy Speed19-26Raising Courageous Kids to Confront a Sexualized Culture by: John Lowrey19-28Talk with Me: How Conversation Stimulates Learning by: Zan Tyler19-29Cultivating Our Relationship with Christ (Teen) by: Paul Jordan19-30Honor: The Key that Helps Our Kids Excel by: Dr. Scott Turansky, Joanne Miller, R.N.19-31Essential Skills for Teens: Study and Time Management by: Heather Frommak19-32Teaching Struggling Learners at Home: Nuts & Bolts for Success, Part 2 by: Krisa Winn19-33Reading Between the Lines by: Sharon Fisher19-34Raising William Wallace: Parenting with an Epic Outcome in Mind by: Eric Ludy19-35Homeschooling - A Revival Movement by: Zan Tyler19-36Help! I'm Married to a Homeschool Mom by: Todd Wilson19-37Ten Simple Proofs (Teens) by: Eric Ludy19-38Understanding Attitudes in Children and How to Change Them by: Dr. Scott Turansky, Joanne Miller, R.N.19-39High School Transcript Clinic: Practical Help and Tips by: Heather Frommak19-40Deists or Devout? The Founders, Faith, and Freedom by: Andrew Frye19-41Becoming a Tech-Confident Parent by: John Lowrey19-42Homeschooling: Seven Steps to a Great Start by: Jessica Mura19-43Raising Children to be Intentional Christians in a by: Zan Tyler19-44The Power to Do It: Exchanging Failure for Victory in Your Daily Christian Life (Teen) by: Eric Ludy19-45The Classical Educator as Lifelong Learner by: Brian Phillips19-46Reading Difficulties: Remediation Strategies and Techniques, Part 1 by: Faith Berens19-47Grammar for the Real World by: Roy Speed19-48Lighting a Fire vs. Filling a Bucket: The Heart of a Charlotte Mason Education by: Kathy Dunfee19-49You CAN be a Great Math Teacher by: Allison Fitzgibbon19-50Don't Tell Me What You Believe…LIVE It! by: Todd Wilson19-51Veritas: Defending Truth in a Postmodern Age (Teens) by: Andrew Frye19-52There's Hope! Understanding the Roadmap to Help Kids Thrive by: Joanne Miller, R.N., Dr. Scott Turansky19-53Extracurricular Activities: Jazz Up Your High School Program by: Heather Frommak19-55How to Get Your Family Excited About Science by: Sharon Fisher19-56Connecticut Homeschooling: A Look to the Future by: 19-58Logos - A Reasoned Faith (Teens) by: Andrew Frye19-59Trivium & Trinity: Classical Education Beyond Dorothy Sayers by: Brian Phillips19-60Reading Difficulties: Remediation Strategies and Techniques, Part 2 by: Faith Berens19-61Teaching Math to Struggling Learners by: Krisa Winn19-62Teaching Writing Simplified by: Sharon Fisher19-63Fractions: Misunderstood by Most by: Allison Fitzgibbon19-64Canon: Understanding the supernatural construction of the Scriptures by: Eric Ludy19-65Reaping the Whirlwind: Darwin, Scopes, & Evolution in History (Teens) by: Andrew Frye19-66Dealing with ADD: A Heart-Based Approach by: Dr. Scott Turansky, Joanne Miller, R.N.19-67God Uses Our Weaknesses and Limitations as Homeschool Moms by: Zan Tyler19-68The College Admissions Process: The Homeschool Student's Guide by: Heather Frommak19-69Leaving a Legacy: The Vision of the Homeschool Dad and Husband by: Joe Tyler This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 19-07
Apr. 26, 2019

Joe Tyler discusses the key issues we face as dads striving to instill a Christ-centered vision of purity in our sons. He addresses the cultural pressures on our young men and shares practical advice to counter the culture. Because of the frank and sensitive nature of this discussion, we request that only men attend.


Jamestown Civic Center
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 1 through 2, 2019

2019 North Dakota Home School Convention

Presented by: North Dakota Home School Association
Recording ID: 19-00
Original Price: $171.00
Set Price: $65.00

Complete set of 2019 NDHSA Convention (41 sessions)

Purchasing this set will allow you to download 41 sessions from the 2019 North Dakota Home School Convention, for personal use only. Each of these sessions will appear in your Alliance Recording account. NOTE: Hands-on Science Labs, computer classes, crafts and the TEEN TRACK are not included in this set.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 19-02Freedom: What's It Worth To You by: Dr. Brian Ray19-11Who Am I? Identity Determines Strength by: Dr. Brian Ray19-12The Homeschooling Dad by: Jake MacAulay19-13Tips for successful Homeschooling by: Nancy Manos19-14Shoestring Budget Homeschooling by: Dara Halydier19-15Getting Started in North Dakota by: Theresa Deckert19-16High School Record Keeping by: Lisa Nehring19-21Dinosaurs, Ice Age and Pre - Flood World by: Brian Young19-22Homeschooling Outside the Box by: Cam Leedahl19-23Curriculum Approaches by: Nancy Manos19-24Marriage Matters by: Dara Halydier19-25Building a History Timeline by: Jay Patterson19-26The Fundamentals of Writing Fiction by: Chuck Black19-31Swimming Upstream: The Water Gets Clearer by: Dr. Brian Ray19-32Practical Apologetics by: Chuck Black19-33Ideas for Hands - On Learning by: Nancy Manos19-34Raising Godly Kids by: Dara Halydier19-35Dual Credit: What You Need to Know by: Dan Dreissen19-36Blended Learning by: Lisa Nehring19-37Fashioned by God (For Young Ladies) by: Shaun Prince19-41Scientific Evidence of a Young Earth by: Brian Young19-42Rebels and Prodigals: God Can Rescue Them by: Jake MacAulay19-43Joy in the Journey by: Nancy Manos19-44High School Fun: All Subjects Without All the Textbooks by: Dara Halydier19-45Engaging Early Learners by: Nancy Bjorkman19-46Working and homeschooling by: Lisa Nehring19-51About to be Co-Opted by: Dr. Brian Ray19-52Understanding Temperaments by: Catherine Zoller19-54Gracefully Letting Go by: Dara Halydier19-555 Mistakes To Avoid in Teaching Math by: Antoinette LaGrossa 19-56Teaching Multiple Children by: Llora Knight19-57Make a Joyful Noise: Applied Vocal Technique by: Emily Black19-61Nurture and Admonition... Not Pain and Provocation by: Dr. Brian Ray19-62Revelation Generation: Preparing Children for the Days to Come by: Chuck Black19-64What Homeschoolers won't Talk About by: Dara Halydier19-65Parenting the Special Needs Child by: Thea Lee19-66What's Next by: Lisa Nehring19-67Courting, Dating or Becoming a Eunuch by: Catherine Zoller This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 19-24
Mar. 1, 2019

Romance, passion and negligees...for too many home-schoolers these are things of past. Dad goes to work, Mom is busy from sun up to sun down with the house and kids, and there are still obligations outside of the home. Everyone falls into bed exhausted! But marriage is still the bedrock of the home and must be nurtured! Dara will give you some creative ideas on keeping your marriage a priority and maybe even a little bit steamy.

ID: 19-37
Mar. 1, 2019

~This workshop is for ladies and young ladies only. Some material may not be suitable for boys and young men~ Learn how God has intricately designed the female body.

ID: 19-42
Mar. 2, 2019

How did our wonderful home-trained son go off the rails? He forsook his faith and all he was taught. Lies consumed our relationship. He plunged into the lifestyle of worldly passions and fell into the deep end of the legal system. We lost our son... but God! This prodigal came back to the kingdom of Heaven taking it by force and revenging his former disobedience. The impossible happened in our son. That son is Jake MacAulay, and he’s here to share his story. Parents, there is hope.


Leavenwoth, WA
Thursday - Saturday
Feb. 7 through 9, 2019

WA - 2019 Marriage Retreat

Presented by: Christian Heritage Home Educators of Washington
ID: 19MR-001
Feb. 7, 2019

The Beginning and End of Marriage, and Why Ours Matters

ID: 19MR-002
Feb. 8, 2019

Pursuing God's Blessing in Our Marriage

ID: 19MR-003
Feb. 8, 2019

Growing Through Hard Times in Our Marriage

ID: 19MR-004
Feb. 8, 2019

Cultivating Intimacy in Our Marriage

ID: 19MR-006
Feb. 9, 2019

Taking the Next Steps in Our Marriage


Linn County
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 22 through 23, 2018

OR-2018 Build Your House - Homeschooling for the Kingdom

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
Recording ID: 18-SET
Original Price: $310.50
Set Price: $99.00

2018 Complete Conference Set

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 18-01Family Worship: The Forgotten Home Discipleship Tool by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.18-02American Exceptionalism by: David Barton18-03 Culture Wars: How They Affect the Homeschool Family and How We Respond by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.18-04Keeping Truth in History by: David Barton18-101Bible Study Basics: How to Study and Teach the Bible at Home by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.18-102Sex, Porn, and Your Kids:Age Appropriate Conversations by: Corey Gilbert18-103Life is a Bowl of Cherries by: Betsy Ray18-104Developing a Plan for High School: Sample Four-Year Plans by: Carol Becker18-105A Mom's Sentimental Journey by: Vicki Bentley18-106Thriving in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges by: Eliot Grasso18-107The Challenged and Challenging Child by: HELP Vendor18-108Biblical Stewardship with Continuing Education Credits by: Timothy Partners18-109Getting Started Teaching Kids with Learning Difficulties by: Marianne Sunderland18-110The Days of Creation by: Pat Roy18-152Why Christian Collegiate Education? by: New StAndrews18-153Experience Excellence in Writing by: Institute for Excellence in Writing18-154Making the Cut: A Candid Look at Independent Filmmaking by: Little Crews Studio18-155Emergency Services by: Civil Air Patrol Oregon Wing18-156Top Ten Homeschooling Secrets to Ace the SAT/ACT/PSAT by: College Prep Genius18-157Storytellers: The Gatekeepers of our Heritage by: Jack Dublin18-158Developing a Quiet Time with God by: Real Life Bible Studies18-181It's Easy to Homeschool - Dads (and Sons) and Donuts by: Dick Karman18-182You've Got What It Takes, and It's Not What You Think - Moms (and Daughters) and Muffins by: Dorothy Karman18-201Don't Let Home Education Destroy Your Marriage! by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.18-202Leading Your Family in a Tech'ed-Out World- by: Corey Gilbert18-203Getting It All Done: Loop Scheduling for Homeschooling and Homemaking by: Tauna Meyer18-204High School Transcript Clinic: Practical Help and Tips by: Carol Becker18-205Exploring Curriculum Options by: Vicki Bentley18-206Evangelism, Mission Trips, and Spanish by: Living Waters Spanish 18-207Key Principles for Living Life with Passion, Purpose, and Victory by: Cheryl's Christian Books18-208Math is More than Just Numbers with RightStart™ Math by: Right Start Mathematics 18-209Avoiding and Overcoming Homeschool Burnout by: Marianne Sunderland18-210Made in the Image of God by: Pat Roy18-301God in the Constitution by: David Barton18-302Oregon Homeschool Law: Past, Present and Future by: Dorothy Karman, Rodger Williams18-303#IBELONGTOCHRIST by: Betsy Ray18-304Charting Your Way Through High School for College, Workforce, or Military by: Carol Becker18-305The Word for Wee Ones by: Vicki Bentley18-306Free College at Your Fingertips by: College Prep Genius18-307Aerospace Education/STEM by: Civil Air Patrol Oregon Wing18-308Been there. Done That. Still Doing It! by: Sandy Belschner18-309Help for the Hopelessly Unorganized Child: Homeschooling Kids with ADD or ADHD by: Marianne Sunderland18-310Dinosaurs and the Bible by: Pat Roy18-401Four Centuries of American Education by: David Barton18-402The Christian Man as Father by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.18-404Essential Skills for Successful Teens: Study and Time Management by: Carol Becker18-405Hope for the Organizationally Challenged by: Vicki Bentley18-406Build an Amazing Homeschool Transcript by: College Prep Genius, Jean Burk18-409Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by: Marianne Sunderland18-452What It Takes to Be a Missionary Pilot! by: Mission Aviation Fellowship18-453The Challenged and Challenging Child by: HELP Vendor18-454Hands-on Aerospace Activities by: Civil Air Patrol Oregon Wing18-455The Art of Grammar Across the Ages by: Classical Conversations 18-456Making a Difference: Children with Character by: Accelerated Christian Education 18-457Written In The Stars: by: Jack Dublin18-458Fractions: From Fear to Fun with RightStart™ Math! by: Right Start Mathematics 18-501Know the Bible by: David Barton18-502Our Valuable Homeschool Freedoms: Remain Vigilant, Be Vocal, Experience Victory by: OCEAN Freedom Watch Team18-503Developing and Teaching Your Family a Biblical Sexual Ethic by: Corey Gilbert18-504The College Admissions Process: The Homeschooled Student's Guide by: Carol Becker18-505Homeschooling Middles While You Still Have Littles by: Vicki Bentley18-506Best Kept Secret to Free College: The PSAT by: College Prep Genius18-509You Can Homeschool Your Child with Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, and Dyslexia: Identifying, Accommodating, and Remediating by: Marianne Sunderland18-601Biblical Manhood in the Home by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.18-602Homeschool Child Abuse, Government Control, and Homeschool Freedoms by: Dr. Brian Ray18-603This is My Story. This is My Song! by: Joyce Padilla18-604 You Can Homeschool High School…If You Can Make It Through Tomorrow! by: Carol Becker18-605When Life Broadsides Your Homeschool by: Vicki Bentley18-609Raising Kids with Vision by: Marianne Sunderland This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

Two hundred years ago a man could be excommunicated from his church for failing to lead his household in regular family worship. Today a man can become a pastor without ever having engaged in the process. Learn the history, theology, and importance of family worship, along with gaining practical tips any family can follow to institute this vital practice.

This session will help parents move past the awkwardness inherent in topics regarding sexuality and provide you with ideas and resources to incorporate into your family conversations.

Will the fabric of your relationship as a couple unravel once your children leave home? Home education demands can consume couples, causing them to forgo investing in their marriage. Dr. Baucham shares the theological and practical importance of a strong marriage as the foundation of home education and explores ways to make time for our marriage and why it will benefit not only us but our children in the long-run.

ID: 18-405
Jun. 23, 2018

A recurring theme among homeschoolers is: Help! I’m committed to homeschooling, but I’m feeling overwhelmed just by everyday life! For many of us, standard organizing suggestions don’t “stick,” and we wonder what’s wrong with us. In this workshop, Vicki shares some tools that have helped her (and other busy moms) to homeschool and get dinner on the table… on the same day. (If you were “born organized,” you may find yourself in this workshop anyway, to possibly pick up one more idea!)

Handout available at:

You can’t teach what you don’t know. ?This session is designed to equip parents as they develop a biblical sexual ethic for themselves that they can then share with their children.

ID: 18-601
Jun. 23, 2018

One of the most glaring shortcomings in the home education movement has been the absence of male involvement. This session offers a biblical look at the father's true role in the home and why it is absolutely essential to the successful home education of the children. Dr. Baucham will address several issues including feminism and hyper-patriarchy, which have brought imbalance and disorder into many Christian homes. He will disclose how the gospel addresses these issues for ultimate hope and healing.


Lancaster, PA
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 1 through 2, 2018

PA-2018 Walking by Faith and not by Sight

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

As a pilot for American Airlines, Steve was very close to the events of 9/11. Steve was originally scheduled to be the co-pilot on AA Flight 11, the first flight to be hijacked on Sept. 11th, 2001. Through a extraordinary set of divine circumstances Steve was bumped from that flight the night before by a more senior pilot. Now, he tells his deeply moving story of God's providence on that terrible day in our history. Come discover why God gave Steve a second chance and now uses him to teach parents all around the world to parent with purpose and urgency as he introduces you to The Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent. Intensely practical and Bible based, the Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent is designed to give parents both the tools they need and the hope necessary to build a Christ-centered, character-driven home environment. The Nine Practices are a great way to revitalize parents in the all important task of parenting. This session will take highlights from the 10- week Parenting Matters small group study. Steve will unwrap the Three Pillars of Parenting, The Motivation Model, The Growth Continuum, The Proactive vs. Reactive Parent, and more. You won’t want to miss this keynote event to jump-start your weekend at the CHAP Convention.

ID: 2018-104
Jun. 1, 2018

In this session we will cover some essentials of what you should be doing and helping you get a grip on how to do it. We'll be looking at large considerations like God's calling for your family, every day considerations such as household maintenance, and individual considerations such as each child's unique learning needs and much more. You will start to create a framework for yourself to be on the path of successfully starting or moving forward on this homeschool journey.

ID: 2018-108
Jun. 1, 2018

Desiring to be homeschool moms and wives who endure with hope in the race set before us, we will go over how to maintain JOY. The secret is something that we need to do daily (if not moment by moment). You will find this session encouraging as Brandy shows you that you can go through and come out of this journey with a smile on your face; not just surviving but thriving!

ID: 2018-111
Jun. 2, 2018

Learn how to manage the chaos of homeschooling and keep a heart of hope and joy through chores, messes, markers on the wall, and diaper changes!

ID: 2018-112
Jun. 2, 2018

Whether you are a beginning homeschooler or a seasoned veteran, there are core truths that call you back to your greatest success. Join Kristen Eckenwiler as she shares her personal list of seven insights she wishes someone had told her about homeschooling. Her passion for homeschooling and encouraging spirit is sure to help you move forward with renewed enthusiasm.

ID: 2018-204
Jun. 1, 2018

Want your teen to take more initiative around the house? Want to reduce the “Drama” level in the family? Want to get your pre-teens, teens, and young adults excited about character healthy living? Join “America’s Parenting Doctor,” Dr. Steve Scheibner as he reveals seven practical steps to raising the behavior bar in your home. A Character Matters session will begin the process of moving your young people from ordinary to extraordinary.

At fourteen years old I faced an episode of doubt in my life that lasted for fourteen years. Because of it I could not claim God’s Word as infallible nor witness boldly to anyone seeking answers about Jesus Christ. God preserved my faith through it all, but much was lost to those years lived in flimsy faith. It doesn’t have to be so for your child. As parents we have an obligation to equip, prepare, and launch our children into the world fully capable of standing against the spiritual attacks and waves of doubt that they will often face. Discover how to discern if doubt is something your child is dealing with and learn a few basic principles on how to help them overcome and live a faith-filled life, even as a youth.

Parenting and marriage have a great deal in common. Both are loaded with challenges and pitfalls. Ephesians 4:22-24 gives us insight into parenting and marriage success by introducing us to the principle of put-off and put-on. This joint seminar will give you the practical tools to raise the standard in your marriage and in your parenting.

Is behaving like a gentleman an outdated and antiquated idea? Join Dr. Steve in a discussion of how to teach our young men to be masculine in a society that seeks to squeeze them into a feminine mold. Becoming a gentleman starts at home. Come discover ways to cultivate a culture of masculinity without raising men who are brutes!

ID: 2018-303
Jun. 1, 2018

According to Proverbs 19:19, people who live with an angry person are continually having to "deliver him" from the consequences of his or her anger. In fact, they wind up doing it again and again. Angry people do foolish and mean things that often destroy their testimonies. But the greatest cost of anger is the destruction of relationships with the people the angry person loves. This message gives five key steps to conquer anger.

ID: 2018-305
Jun. 1, 2018

It is amazing to study both history and the Bible and see the things young people accomplished. Teens such as Joash, Josiah, David, Alexander Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, David Farragut, William McGuffey, “Stonewall” Jackson, Charles XII, Peter the Great, Evan Roberts, Bob Jones, Sr., Vance Havner and others accomplished much in their teen years. We don’t have this in our day because we have no vision for it. In Luke 2 Jesus, by age twelve, had developed seven key qualities that parents should seek to develop in their pre-teen children.

ID: 2018-307
Jun. 1, 2018

Secrets have the potential to greatly bless your life. Secrets build relationships by binding hearts with those with whom you share your secrets. But secrets also have the power to bring you into bondage. Walls may be erected by secrets that are kept from mates or parents. Your most dangerous sin is probably your secret sin. Because sin is a thought before it becomes an action, parents should daily ask children what secret temptations they are facing. We tend to share secrets we should not share and to not share secrets we should share. Parents miss a great opportunity to bind hearts with their children when they allow others to share the secrets of life itself with their children.

Many good families have lost their children because the parents did not communicate clearly in their spirits to their children that their priorities were in the proper order that God meant them to be. Wrong priorities create problems all by themselves that can only be corrected by getting priorities right. The proper question to ask in relation to priorities is, "WHO is a man's top priority, as far as life relationships are concerned?" This message, profusely illustrated, is an “eye-opener” to many parents about how important it is that their children be only after God and their mates in their order of priorities. It also encourages parents to do whatever they have to do to keep those priorities right.

ID: 2018-318
Jun. 2, 2018

Most parents “let go” of a rebellious child when they should not, and don’t “let go” when they should. Love must be strong enough to deal with rebellion and also strong enough to “let go” when unstoppable consequences start to come. Every Christian may profit from hearing these principles, but they are especially helpful for parents of rebellious children 18 or older.

ID: 2018-403
Jun. 1, 2018

How can a mom homeschool while her children constantly vie for her attention or bicker whenever her back is turned? Simply put, she can’t. But the Razvis understand that situation because that’s what it was like for them just after their first adoption of a sibling group of five children. Come and hear how they have conquered that sibling rivalry and forged strong bonds between siblings. They will share the tremendous impact sibling relationships have on Mom’s ability to teach. This workshop will leave you encouraged that you can truly have peace in your homeschool.

ID: 2018-405
Jun. 1, 2018

How can a family of fifteen manage to fit homeschooling in along with all the basic necessities of life and still stay sane? Come and hear the Razvis share how important planning is for their home, what methods they use, and why they use them. Be encouraged that it is possible to not only stay sane but to cover the necessities and still maintain the joy of a God-centered household. Come hear their definition of the word “necessities” along with practical tips for planning. Walk away encouraged that if a family with 13 children can do it, so can you.

There is a spiritual war being waged for our families. Our enemy is strong, and we are in his territory. Dad, if you don’t fight for your family, no one else will. When a soldier is in enemy territory he is alert, focused, and purposeful about every move he makes with weapons ready. Only you stand between the enemy and your family, for God has given you the authority and the responsibility to stop him from destroying your marriage and your children. This takes courage, but your calling is noble…it is God's call to arms. Chuck offers straight answers and practical help for dads who are looking to protect, train, equip, and launch soldiers for Jesus Christ.

Second mile leaders are those counter-intuitive servants of God who earn the right to be heard by developing a consistent love of virtue, a disciplined approach to gratification, and a submissive love for the authority of God’s Word. Male leadership is essential to the success of marriages, families, the church, and society. This session will teach men to earn the right to be heard, prefer pProactivity, reject reactivity, learn to elevate virtues above feelings, build moral muscle, seek forgiveness, and develop a finisher’s attitude.

Imran and Tami Razvi have been married for 23 years and are together raising 13 children. Believe it or not, they still sometimes hit “bad cell” areas in their relationship. Good communication is so important in a marriage, and keeping the communication lines open in a homeschooling family is critical in keeping things flowing smoothly. Come laugh with Imran and Tami over some of the “bad cell” areas they have hit over the years. Imran and Tami will share with you the strategies they use to quickly recognize and move out of “bad cell” areas as well as avoid driving through them as often as possible. Come be encouraged and go home with an exercise to clear all the static from your lines of communication.

Honor is a lost concept in the western world. Yet it is a biblical mandate. How important is honor? What does it mean to honor God? What does it mean to honor your father and mother? And how do those concepts play out in daily life? Even if mom covers all of the academics of homeschooling, dad’s role is crucial. What is that role and how does honor play a part in it? Come and take a peek into the life of the Razvi family and hear what a blessing honor has been for this family of 15.

Coming face to face with our own anger as parents can be a scary thing. But it is also a mercy from God. We can have hope knowing if God convicts us of our anger, it is not to crush us, but to change us. Dig deeper than anger management techniques and learn how God can transform us from the inside out.

ID: 2018-417
Jun. 2, 2018

This simple, but powerful and life-changing, workshop will help you rise above the day-to-day existence of homeschooling and help you see the BIG PICTURE of why you've chosen to homeschool.

We are called to disciple our children. But what a beautiful thing it is to get to the place where our children are wishing to be discipled by us, coming to us to ask for prayer and counsel over sin struggles in their hearts. Do you know God’s vision for your family? Do your children know it? Are you headed there together? Are you connected to your child’s heart? If your child is a toddler, now is the time to begin paving the way to family unity. If he is already a teenager, don’t miss this workshop. If God’s love can conquer unity challenges in the Razvi’s family of 13 children (8 adopted and 5 birth children), He can conquer those challenges in any family. Come hear our story and take away practical tools for developing family unity.

ID: 2018-502
Jun. 1, 2018

How, when, and why should you teach your kids about sex? This practical presentation is anchored in the Scripture where parents can learn how to use the Bible as a starting point for sex-ed in the home.

For 20 years, Debby has been teaching this workshop based on the the biblical virtues of honor and respect. Both moms and dads rave how this teaching has created a peaceful home environment they were missing. Come ready to learn 8 standards with practical application ideas for training the heart attitude of your preschoolers.

Learn how to set up boundaries for screen time, without your kids voting you off the island. Learn some of the common roadblocks that will keep you from finding media balance in your home and the tools that will make "I'm bored" a thing of the past.

ID: 2018-511
Jun. 2, 2018

Come listen to Debby Sjogren share how God gave her creative ideas to train up children (even as early as 3) to serve others by starting in the family then expanding to their church, the broader community, and the world! Age-appropriate chores, serving the elderly, baking for “new mothers”, tutoring in the inner-city, and taking the Good News of Jesus Christ to a waiting world are just a few of the practical ideas you will leave with when attending this inspiring workshop based on the life of Jesus.


Northwest Nazarene University
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 1 through 2, 2018

2018 CHOIS Convention

Presented by: Homeschool Idaho
Recording ID: 2018-ALL
Original Price: $195.00
Set Price: $60.00

Complete Convention Recording Collection for the 2018 CHOIS Convention

With this purchase you will have the ability to download and listen to any or all sessions from the 2018 CHOIS Convention. Enjoy them today and for years to come! This collection contains audio from both the adult workshops and the Teen Program sessions. This set does not include recordings that were lost or damaged due to technical difficulties. This set is designed for personal use only.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 18-111Discipline That Works: Get Your Kids to Listen the FIRST Time by: Kirk Martin18-112The Four Language Arts by: Andrew Pudewa18-113Choosing Curriculum and Teaching Methods by: Linda Patchin18-114The Power of Homeschool Research: What It Tells Us and How to Use It by: Dr. Brian Ray18-115Building a Solid Math Foundation by: Teresa Foltin18-116Relational Wisdom: Preparing Children for Life by: Jeff Sande18-117The Science of Learning and How it Should Change What You Do On Monday by: Beth Mora18-121Motivating Strong Willed Toddlers Tweens & Teens by: Kirk Martin18-122Teaching and Evaluating Writing by: Andrew Pudewa18-123Solving Your Science Struggles by: Jeannie Fulbright18-124Common Challenges to and Succeeding in Home-Based Education by: Dr. Brian Ray18-125Mom, Don't Make Me Think – Just  Tell Me The Answer by: Teresa Foltin18-126Raising Empathetic Children by: Jeff Sande18-127Educational Life Hacks for Students With Dyslexia, Dysgraphia or Dyspraxia by: Beth Mora18-13110 Ways to Stop Defiance, Meltdowns & Disrespect by: Kirk Martin18-132Spelling and the Brain by: Andrew Pudewa18-133How to Homeschool Multiple children by: Jeannie Fulbright18-134Remind Me Again: Why Am I Homeschooling My Teen? by: Linda Patchin18-135Teaching Math to a Child with Learning Challenges    by: Teresa Foltin18-136Powerful Peacemaking by: Jeff Sande18-137Keeping Your Smart Cookie Challenged by: Beth Mora18-201Stop the Yelling, Lecturing & Power Struggles by: Kirk Martin18-202Embrace Your Journey by: Jeannie Fulbright18-211The Strong-Willed Child: Are You Saving for Bail or College? by: Kirk Martin18-212Paper and Pen: What Research Says by: Andrew Pudewa18-213Notebooking—Creativity with a Purpose by: Jeannie Fulbright18-214Homeschooling Works and Increases Freedom by: Dr. Brian Ray18-215Fractions: From Fear to Fun! by: Teresa Foltin18-216Discipling Faith in the Family by: Marty Meyer18-217So Smart But He Can't Find His Shoes by: Beth Mora18-222Nurturing Competent Communicators – The Power of Linguistic Patterns by: Andrew Pudewa18-223Curriculum, Transcripts, Diplomas…Oh My! by: Linda Patchin18-224Home Educated and Now Adults: Were the Criticisms True or False? by: Dr. Brian Ray18-225Memorizing Math Facts without Tears by: Teresa Foltin18-226Relational Wisdom in the Movies by: Jeff Sande18-227How to develop an educational plan for your student with dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD, and other special needs by: Beth Mora18-231Stop Sibling Fights   by: Kirk Martin18-232Reading Strategies for the Struggling or Non-Reader by: Andrew Pudewa18-233College Crash Course by: Jeannie Fulbright18-234Why ESA-Tax-Funded Schooling is a Bad Idea by: Dr. Brian Ray18-235Let's Play Math Games! by: Teresa Foltin18-236Missions and Families by: Marty Meyer18-237The Road to Homeschool Co-op Utopia    by: Beth Mora18-Y104The Profound Influence of Music on Life, Part One by: Andrew Pudewa18-Y106History Maker 202 - Perception: Understanding Your World by: Marty Meyer18-Y107History Maker 303 - Principles for Knowing God and Hearing His Voice by: Marty Meyer18-Y108Relational Wisdom (a Youth Message) by: Jeff Sande18-Y204The Profound Influence of Music on Life, Part Two: Evaluating Musical Elements by: Andrew Pudewa18-Y205Straight Talk For Teens: 10 Ways to Get More Power & Freedom by: Casey Martin18-Y206Speaking Up Without Talking Back: 5 Ways to Disagree With Your Parents, Respectfully. by: Casey Martin18-Y207Purpose, Passion, & Contentment. Discovering God's Plan For Your Life. by: Casey Martin18-Y208Relational Wisdom in the Movies (Message for youth) by: Jeff Sande This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 18-201
Jun. 2, 2018

Calm your explosive household? Do you want your child to take responsibility for his school work, chores and attitude? It’s time to stop the yelling, arguing and power struggles with toddlers and teens. Don't expect your children to control themselves…if you cannot control yourself? It’s not your job to manage everyone’s emotions and make everyone happy! Create stress-free mornings, school, dinner and bedtime. We promise you will laugh and leave with a dozen practical strategies that really work.

You have a child who does what you ask and sails through life. Easy. You have another child who causes you to pull your hair out, stay up late at night worrying, and asking God, “WHY?!” But what if you understood this challenging child’s heart and brain from the inside out? This instruction and advice will answer some of your questions.

ID: 18-216
Jun. 2, 2018

Drawing from his book Epic Faith to share keys for Discipling Faith in the Family, you will learn how to establish a rock solid foundation by building our faith on the Word, Voice and Character of God. See a prayer strategy used by believers around the world which can be a great tool to use in family devotions.

Many think that good readers will naturally become good writers. Others think that writing talent is just that a natural ability. Both are myths. What are the two most critical things you can do as a parent to develop a high level of writing aptitude, from a young age and into high school? You will hear the two easy but unbelievably powerful things you can do to build language patterns and nurture competent communicators in your family.


Kalihi Union Church
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 9 through 10, 2018

CHOH Annual Conference - 2018

Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii
Recording ID: 2018-F
Original Price: $145.00
Set Price: $59.00

2018 Full Conference Set

The entire set of recordings for the Christian Homeschoolers Of Hawaii 2018 Conference. Key Note Speakers: Steve & Megan Scheibner Featured Workshop Speaker: Woody Robertson

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2018-01Living on Borrowed Time: Parenting in a Post 9/11 World by: Steve Scheibner2018-02Marriage, Communication and Friendship by: Steve Scheibner, Megan Scheibner2018-03Marriage and Parenting Go Hand-in-Hand by: Steve Scheibner, Megan Scheibner2018-04Battling With Behavior? by: Steve Scheibner2018-05Training Teens to Take the Initiative by: Steve Scheibner2018-06Second Mile Leadership for Men by: Steve Scheibner2018-07Training Young Men to be Gentlemen in a Feminist Culture by: Steve Scheibner2018-08The A to Z of a Characterhealthy Homeschool by: Megan Scheibner2018-09The Character Conscious Mom by: Megan Scheibner2018-10The Toddler Toolbox by: Megan Scheibner2018-11Woman to Woman: The Mentoring Model by: Megan Scheibner2018-12Homeschool 2.0: A Fresh Look at Education by: Woody Robertson2018-13Study Like a Genius: Unlocking Your Brain by: Woody Robertson2018-14How to Homeschool High School by: Woody Robertson2018-15Five Mistakes Parents and Students Make Planning for College by: Woody Robertson2018-16Now Calling All Entrepreneurs: 10 Musts for Starting and Growing Successful Businesses by: Woody Robertson2018-17Eight Practical Steps to Life After High School: Training Starts Now by: Woody Robertson2018-18Homeschool 101 by: Lora Burbage2018-19Choosing Curriculum by: Lora Burbage2018-20Raising Your Child to Have Sexual Integrity by: David Willweber2018-21How To Raise Children Who Love God and Walk in Godly Character by: Wendy Tang2018-22Foreign Languages and Teacher Training by: Louise Minervino, Douglas Groesser2018-23Evaluating Your Child's Skills and Abilities by: Sarah Olbris2018-24Experience Excellence in Writing by: Jan Miller2018-25What Do My Child's Test Scores REALLY Mean? by: Sarah Olbris2018-29Let's Play Games with RightStart™ Math! by: Rachel Wilkes2018-30American Heritage Girls: Christ-centered Ministry for Girls by: Richelle Benson2018-31Teacher Mother—How to Get it Done by: Panel 2018-33Getting Through the High School Years by: Panel This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
Recording ID: 2018-S
Original Price: $55.00
Set Price: $20.00

Steve & Megan Scheibner Keynotes & Workshops

All keynote and workshop sessions with Steve & Megan Scheibner

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2018-01Living on Borrowed Time: Parenting in a Post 9/11 World by: Steve Scheibner2018-02Marriage, Communication and Friendship by: Steve Scheibner, Megan Scheibner2018-03Marriage and Parenting Go Hand-in-Hand by: Steve Scheibner, Megan Scheibner2018-04Battling With Behavior? by: Steve Scheibner2018-05Training Teens to Take the Initiative by: Steve Scheibner2018-06Second Mile Leadership for Men by: Steve Scheibner2018-07Training Young Men to be Gentlemen in a Feminist Culture by: Steve Scheibner2018-08The A to Z of a Characterhealthy Homeschool by: Megan Scheibner2018-09The Character Conscious Mom by: Megan Scheibner2018-10The Toddler Toolbox by: Megan Scheibner2018-11Woman to Woman: The Mentoring Model by: Megan Scheibner This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

As a pilot for American Airlines, Steve was very close to the events of 9/11. Steve was originally scheduled to be the co-pilot on AA Flight 11, the first flight to be hijacked on Sept. 11th, 2001. Through a extraordinary set of divine circumstances Steve was bumped from that flight the night before by a more senior pilot. Now, he tells his deeply moving story of God’s providence on that terrible day in our history. Come discover why God gave Steve a second chance and now uses him to teach parents all around the world to parent with purpose and urgency as he introduces you to The Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent.

Recognizing that a healthy marriage is the basis of a healthy home, Steve and Megan will teach from their book The Eight Rules Of Communication For Successful Marriages. They will finish the session with a fun, loving look at marriage and F-R-I-E-N-D-S-H-I-P.

Parenting and marriage have a great deal in common. Both are loaded with challenges and pitfalls. Ephesians 4:22-24 gives us insight into parenting and marriage success by introducing us to the principle of Put-off and Put-on. This joint seminar will give you the practical tools to raise the standard in your marriage and in your parenting.


Portland, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 23 through 24, 2017

OR-2017 Strength for Today and Hope for Tomorrow

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
Recording ID: 2017-all
Original Price: $247.50
Set Price: $99.00

All sessions from the 2017 Oregon Conference

This one price allows you to download any or all of the sessions from the 2017 Oregon Christian Home Education Conference, (for personal use only) now and in the future. Sessions unavailable (or lost) due to technical difficulties will not be included.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 17-01Fearless Homeschooling by: Heidi St John17-02The Home God Uses to Change the World by: Matthew Jacobson17-03Ripped from the Case Files by: Jim Mason17-04Uncommon Courage by: Heidi St John17-101Multi-Level Teaching by: Heidi St John17-102Homeschooling the Early Years: You Gotta Turn Right to Go Left by: Heather Haupt17-103High School 101 by: Jean Burk17-104Micro Business for Teens: Starting a Micro Business by: Carol Topp, CPA17-105Successful Homeschooling by: Lisa Jacobson17-106Homeschooling: Real Hard and Real Blessings by: Colene Lewis17-107Recruiting & Retaining Volunteers by: Beth Mora, Forrest Mora17-108The Prodigal Son, the Forgiving Father, and the Power of Beholding by: Jim Mason17-109Math-You-Hate becomes Math-U-Love with Math-U-See by: exhibitor17-201Strong Roots – Strong Families by: Heidi St John17-202Sharing Life, Loving, and Learning by: Heather Haupt17-203Managing Anger and Conflict in Your Home by: Beth Mora17-204Free College at Your Fingertips by: Jean Burk17-205The Secret to Building a Strong Marriage by: Lisa Jacobson17-206Well Planned Day, Yes It's Possible by: Rebecca Farris17-207Top 10 Tips for Running a Homeschool Organization by: Carol Topp, CPA17-208Choosing and Using the Best Curriculum by: Caleb Crossman17-209Experience Excellence in Writing by: exhibitor17-211Walking Tall: How a Man Can Win in This Sex-Saturated Culture by: Matthew Jacobson17-212Why Is My Fabulous Child So Forgetful and Frustrated? by: Bill Hartner17-301Help and Hope for the Overwhelmed Mom by: Heidi St John17-302Marriage Wisdom: Practical Tools for Love and Friendship between Husband and Wife by: 17-303Knights in Training: Raising Boys into Men by: Heather Haupt17-304Learn Real Life Skills by: Carol Topp, CPA17-305Dream Bigger by: Beth Mora17-306Homeschooling Hints from Calvin & Hobbs by: Colene Lewis17-307Dyslexia: Facts and Fiction by: Joann Matson17-308Note to Self: The Vital Role of Homeschooling Dads by: Jim Mason17-309Logic Through All Ages by: exhibitor17-311Work at Home as a Medical Transcriptionist by: exhibitor17-312Seven Principles for Living a Passionate Life with Joy, Purpose, and Victory by: exhibitor17-401The First Three Years: A Workshop for Homeschool Rookies by: Heidi St John17-402Beauty in the Bloom by: Beth Mora17-403Stepping Outside the School Box: Creating a Home Where We Learn by: Heather Haupt17-404How to Ace the “New” SAT by: Jean Burk17-405An Equipment Operator's Guide to Keeping Your Family by: Forrest Mora17-406How the IRS Sees Homeschool Organizations by: Carol Topp, CPA17-407Choosing and Adapting Curriculum for Special Needs Students by: Jennifer Bliesner17-408History of Homeschooling in Oregon by: Dick Karman17-453Thriving in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges for Christian Homeschoolers by: exhibitor17-454Why Is My Fabulous Child So Forgetful and Frustrated? by: Bill Hartner17-455TROWEL - Teaching Children about Christ and Culture by: Dennis Tuuri17-456Radically Different Spelling Success with Spelling You See by: exhibitor17-501Better for Best: Keeping Christ as the Center of Your Home by: Heidi St John17-502Why We Need a Parental Rights Amendment by: Jim Mason17-503Help for the Homeschooling Mom: How to Stop Spinning Your Wheels and Move Forward by: Heather Haupt17-50430+ Micro Business Ideas by: Carol Topp, CPA17-505Treating Writing Allergies by: Beth Mora17-506Homeschooling Teens – Tips That Work by: Colene Lewis17-507The Who, What, When, Why & Hows of Developing a PDP by: Jennifer Bliesner17-50810 Relationship Mistakes by: Matthew Jacobson This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 17-02
Jun. 23, 2017

Does the quality of your marriage matter? Do the endless days of child rearing and homeschooling matter? Does your family have a larger purpose in this world? God says, "Yes!" Will you live for His plan and purpose?

ID: 17-105
Jun. 23, 2017

The very thought of homeschooling can be overwhelming—whether you're a newbie or a veteran homeschooling parent. It's a big job and there's no way of getting around it. But after 18 years of teaching, I've found these steps that actually work. And these aren't merely academic solutions, but answers that have helped our family relationships—and my sanity—as well. It's a surprisingly simple plan that will prepare your student—and the teacher—for real success.

ID: 17-106
Jun. 23, 2017

This talk provides honest encouragement to those considering homeschooling. The real hard part of home education is the commitment of time, energy and resources. The real blessings of home education include stronger family bonds and a personalized education. And these blessings will make the work worth it.

ID: 17-201
Jun. 23, 2017

Arguably the most profound change in America in the past 50 years has been the deconstruction of the family unit. The foundational building block of 4000 years of world culture and 250 years of American society has been undermined, underappreciated, and under attack since the 1960’s. Learn how to put down the kind of strong roots that will help you become an “intentional arborist” as you nurture the strong family that you desire-and that your children need. Learn how you can nurture what’s important and learn to ignore the flurry of cultural foolishness that we all-too-often mistake for what’s really important.

ID: 17-202
Jun. 23, 2017

Heather Haupt is joined by her mother, Colene Lewis for this 2-generation workshop.

One of the perks of homeschooling is the opportunity families have to build relationships. Learning to live and learn together 24-7 provides a wonderful environment where relationships are cultivated. It isn't always easy, but the benefits are well worth the effort!

ID: 17-203
Jun. 23, 2017

Conflict happens. Anger happens. Siblings fight. Mom and Dad don’t see eye to eye. Feelings get hurt. Things are said that shouldn’t be said, and things are done that shouldn’t be done. We each have different points of views on how life should go. Add the personal character flaws of each family member to the mix, and you’ve got a recipe for calamity. Unchecked anger and unresolved conflict can undo the best of homeschool plans. Teaching your child how to manage anger and conflict far outweighs any school subject. Beth Mora, author, blogger, and homeschool mom tackles real-life tensions that happen behind all of our homeschool doors and offers practical solutions for messy moments.

ID: 17-205
Jun. 23, 2017

No one really talks about this part. They talk about curriculum and co-op classes. Schedules and science fairs. Teacher-student relationships and sibling relationships. But there's little mention of the most important behind-the-scenes relationship of all: the one with your husband. Here's how you can do more than maintain your marriage; you can grow and even thrive while you homeschool together.

Are you providing a marriage example you would encourage others to follow? What steps are you taking to deepen your love and build a lasting friendship with your husband/wife?

ID: 17-303
Jun. 23, 2017

Come discover how we can reach the heart of our boys and inspire them to embrace this training phase of their lives as they pursue living a life of purpose that, like the knights of old, courageously puts the needs of others before their own. What is holding modern day boys back and how can we move forward by giving boys a vision for their future and honoring their innate love for adventure? The world needs more kind, courageous, and bold men who will lead their families well and make an impact in their world both now and for the rest of their lives. It starts with igniting the imagination, honoring their love for adventure, and casting a vision for the training process.

We are faced with daily challenges, Biblical standards are being compromised, our culture adheres to having no absolute truths, and spiritually, we are at war between good and evil. This workshop sheds light on seven key principles for living daily with passion, purpose, and victory and teach our children to do the same!

ID: 17-508
Jun. 24, 2017

How to build healthy family relationships when imperfect people spend so much time together!


Lancaster, PA
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 2 through 3, 2017

PA-2017 With Grace to Complete the Race

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania
ID: 2017-101
Jun. 2, 2017

Why do you homeschool? When your children are grown, what will define success for you? What is a Biblical philosophy of education? This workshop will help you to focus on what is really important. Israel will share with you what has helped his family avoid burnout and frustration in the many years of homeschooling.

ID: 2017-104
Jun. 2, 2017

When you are trying to inspire and motivate children, there are two forces that are often exerted: Positive and Negative Reinforcement. In this session, Israel explains the importance of affirmation as a way to inspire and motivate your reluctant child. Drawing from practical and Biblical examples, this session will help you to keep those important relational connections as you are attempting to impart knowledge.

Everyone struggles with anger on some level, but when anger is a frequent occurrence with your children, over time, it will damage your relationships and hinder your effectiveness. Are you tired of being stressed out, and ready to have a peaceful atmosphere in your home? Learn how in this important workshop.

ID: 2017-111
Jun. 3, 2017

Sarah and Grace Mally, two homeschool graduates, together with their father, will discuss the importance of being a Christ-centered family in an ungodly world. How can parents pass on a Biblical foundation? How can young people be prepared, not just for college or a career, but for the mighty works the Lord has called them to do? How can they avoid rebellion and shipwreck? How can they find purpose and gain zeal? When a family has an eternal mindset and takes initiative in ministry, the young people are given motivation and vision, the family learns to overcome struggles and work in harmony, and mighty works are accomplished for God’s kingdom. This workshop will give practical ideas, direction and encouragement to help children and young people become mighty warriors for Christ.

Many girls try to change their wrong actions, but never learn to discern the wrong thinking behind the actions. As girls replace lies with the truth, they will see how God’s Word will transform each area of their lives as the truth sets them free! In this session Sarah will include many stories, illustrations and practical tips for both mothers and daughters as she discusses topics such as a girls’ emotions, purity, an understanding of who God is, and a proper view of who we are in light of the truths from Scripture. With all the twisted thinking around us, it is absolutely necessary for our young people to be well grounded in the truth of God’s Word. Sarah will challenge parents to help their daughters identify lies which are root issues behind struggles they face. When a young lady learns to “speak truth” TO herself, she is planting her feet upon an unshakable foundation that will resist even the most powerful attacks of the enemy.

ID: 2017-114
Jun. 3, 2017

For many men, homeschooling has been looked at largely as something their wife does. Many believe that if they pay the bills, that is really all that God expects of them. Biblically speaking, what is the proper role for men in the process of home education?

ID: 2017-115
Jun. 3, 2017

Sarah and Grace Mally will share from their perspective as daughters about how parents can win their daughters’ hearts. Sarah and Grace are very thankful for the emphasis their parents put on discipleship during their homeschool years and, in this workshop, they will share some of the specific choices their parents made that they are especially grateful for. Sarah and Grace will also share practical ways to encourage young ladies to be strong for the Lord in their youth, avoid rebellion during the teen years, have direction for their life and ministry, and maintain strong relationships with parents.

ID: 2017-203
Jun. 2, 2017

Many parents say that one of their biggest struggles in home schooling is the bickering and fighting that occurs between their children. In this session, Sarah and Grace Mally, co-authors of the book Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends, will share how they have worked through pride, offenses, and irritations in their relationship, and learned to become best friends. This presentation, including ideas, insights, stories, and personal testimonies, is recommended for the entire family.