Recordings Listing


Lincoln, NE
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 1 through 2, 2016

2016 NCHEA Conference and Curriculum Fair

Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
ID: 2016D2
Apr. 1, 2016

Come hear answers to some of the most confusing questions people have about creation and the Bible. How did people live to be 900 years old before the Flood? Was ancient man really primitive? What caused the Ice-age and when was it? Where did Cain get his wife? What happened to the dinosaurs, when did they live and are they in the Bible? These and many more questions will be answered during this session.

Why aren’t your Christian neighbors homeschooling? What is the number one reason that parents do not homeschool? Their lack of con?dence to believe that they can actually do the job, or, put another way—fear of failure. Many homeschoolers in the midst of homeschooling are wondering how they will be able to determine whether they are successful or not with their children. Mike will explain in very clear and decisive terms how you can know whether or not you have been successful when you get to the end of your homeschool experience where it says “The End.” One way to answer the question is whether or not our work homeschooling with our children has been in vain. The Bible gives clear and decisive direction in this area which should be very encouraging to all of us, and hopefully give us encouragement in even the most dif?cult situations.


Kalihi Union Church
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 11 through 12, 2016

CHOH Annual Conference - 2016

Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii

Our children live in the midst of a secular culture facing a host of issues and moral dilemmas that we never had to deal with at their age. Because many children are not prepared to counter our culture, startling percentages of those raised in evangelical homes abandon their faith and beliefs as they move into adulthood. For this reason, training our children to develop a strong biblical worldview is one of the most important things we can do for them. Teaching them to think biblically about all areas of life equips them to become powerful thinkers, leaders, and communicators. Most importantly, it also gives staying power to their faith as they face opposition. In this session, Zan Tyler provides practical answers to the following questions: • What is a biblical worldview and why is it crucial for my children? • How can I teach worldview—especially if I don’t understand it myself? • How can I teach worldview to my elementary-aged children? • How can studying the life of Daniel change my teenager’s life? Our goal as Christian homeschoolers must be bigger and broader than turning out kids with exceptional talent and high SAT scores. By incorporating worldview training, we can better equip them to use their gifts to impact the world for Christ, help others by solving real problems, and bring glory to God in the process.

Do you ever have those moments of panic when you wonder if you are giving your children everything they need to succeed in life? Do you worry that you are inadequate for all that homeschooling requires of you? Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night plagued by the long list of important things that still need to be done—and know there will never be enough time in the day to accomplish them? In this session, we will discuss five areas that pose particular challenges to homeschool moms and be reminded that He always holds us in the palm of His hand. Join Zan and be encouraged by God’s promises of hope, strength, power, and help for those of us who are weary and imperfect

ID: 2016-32
Mar. 11, 2016

Courtship sounds so old-fashioned.  What exactly is courtship and how does it differ from dating?  Learn how to escape our culture’s practice of one relationship after another that is even prevalent in our churches.

ID: 2016-34
Mar. 11, 2016

“How can a young man (girl) keep his (her) way pure?  By living according to Your Word.” Psalm 119:9. True beauty is behavior transformed by a loving God and made visible.  Help your daughter find relevancy in Christ in today’s culture.  Daughters, find a way to “fit in” to society without compromising your purity.

ID: 2016-36
Mar. 11, 2016

Planting seeds of scripture in the hearts of our children begins at an early age.  At this session, we discuss a Bible-centered approach to home schooling. Can one book possibly cover all subjects?! Come and see how the Bible becomes the primary "curriculum" to educate your little ones.  Ages 4 and up.

ID: 2016-37
Mar. 12, 2016

What does it look like to live out your faith while still in high school? In this interactive session, students will explore how to effectively lead and serve like Christ as a teenager.


Friday & Saturday
Jun. 19 through 20, 2015

OR-2015 Our Hope is in the Lord

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
Recording ID: 15-SET
Original Price: $225.00
Set Price: $99.00

2015 Complete Conference

The 2015 Conference theme reminds us that "Our Hope is in the Lord" as we raise our families, tend our marriages, and homeschool. Sessions from the 2015 Oregon Christian Home Education Conference address all those aspects of Christian homeschool family life.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 15-001Our Hope is in the Lord by: Gregg Harris15-00230 Years of Vigilance for One Day of Freedom by: Dick Karman15-003Hoping in God Throughout the Seasons of Life by: Gregg Harris15-102Preschool 1,2,3,4 by: Jennifer Bliesner15-103Noah's Flood by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-1045 Secrets for Aspiring Entrepreneurs by: Daniel Craig15-105Christian Homeschool Success in High School by: Lee Binz15-106Nurture and Admonition - Not Pain and Provocation by: Dr. Brian Ray15-107Three Simple Goals for Your First Year by: Melanie Young15-108Nurturing Your Marriage While Homeschooling by: Ann Dunagan, Jon Dunagan15-109Your Struggling Learner, You Can Homeschool and We Can Help! by: Faith Berens15-201My Beloved, My Friend by: Melanie Young, Hal Young15-202Starting Your Preschooler Off Right by: Jennifer Bliesner15-203Ancient Man – What They Left Behind Confirms Scripture by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-204You're a Christian? That's Like So Weird by: Daniel Craig15-205High School Grades and Credits by: Lee Binz15-207Let the Homeschool Journey Begin by: Joyce Padilla15-208Aiming our Arrows into Adulthood by: Jon Dunagan15-209Teaching Struggling Learners At Home: Nuts and Bolts for Success by: Faith Berens15-303The Grand Canyon – Catastrophic Layering and Erosion by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-304Pop Culture, Jesus and Me by: Daniel Craig15-305One Hour Transcript Workshop by: Lee Binz15-306Training our Boys to be Men by: Jon Dunagan15-307Homeschooling Through the Hard Times by: Melanie Young, Hal Young15-308Personal Leadership by: Gregg Harris15-309Tackling Tricky High School Issues: Practical Help and Guidance by: Faith Berens15-402Endangered Minds: Raising a Thinking Child in an Electronic World by: Jennifer Bliesner15-403Dinosaurs and the Bible by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-404Daring Daughters: World Missions for PreTeen and Teenage Girls by: Ann Dunagan15-405Planning High School Courses by: Lee Binz15-406Anger: The Subtle Home Breaker by: Mike Schrock15-407Homeschooling a Houseful by: Melanie Young15-408A Yearning Fulfilled by: Gregg Harris15-409Laying a Foundation for Reading Comprehension in the Preschool Years by: Faith Berens15-501Raising Real Men by: Melanie Young, Hal Young15-502Dear Mommy: Loving the Little Years by: Grace King15-503Mount St. Helens – Evidence for the Flood by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-504How My Parents Kept My Heart...Even in the Teen Years by: Daniel Craig15-505Finding the Faith to Homeschool Through High School by: Lee Binz15-508Mission-Minded Families by: Ann Dunagan, Jon Dunagan15-509Developing and Drafting Student Education Plans (SEP's) by: Faith Berens15-601Parenting and Homeschooling By Faith, not Fear by: Ann Dunagan, Jon Dunagan15-602Homeschool FAQ's by: Joyce Padilla15-603The Ice Age by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-604Do Something! How to Engage Life for the Glory of God by: Daniel Craig15-605What's Next? Options After Homeschool High School by: Lee Binz15-606Communicating with Teens by: Mike Schrock15-607Homeschooling from the Beginning by: Melanie Young15-608Freedom – What's It Worth to You? by: Dr. Brian Ray15-609Dyslexia Demystified—Definitions and Hope for Homeschoolers by: Faith Berens This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 15-001
Jun. 19, 2015

Can we produce good moral character in others by means of education? If so, how? And if not, why are we educating? What can parents do to raise children who have a heart for doing what is right in a world that seems bent on doing so much that is wrong?

ID: 15-304
Jun. 19, 2015

If you pay any attention to the latest trends in popular culture, it’s impossible to deny that something is desperately wrong with our world. And while it might be nice to imagine that homeschoolers are unaffected by these trends, we cannot plead immunity to the lust and pride which saturates our toxic culture. The satanic rebellion of our generation is having its effect on us. So how should we respond? Should we resign ourselves to the status quo? Should we hide away in polar huts with lead lining? Or, should we just pretend things are not as bad as they seem? Upholding the biblical alternative to these extremes, this session will challenge you to stop playing games, and start picking fights. It will challenge you to draw some lines and start pitching the battle. It will challenge you to ask, “What’s the difference between pop culture, Jesus and me?”

ID: 15-501
Jun. 20, 2015

In spite of what the culture is telling us, boys and girls are different. Have you ever had a war breakout in the middle of history, or had a single math lesson take three hours? Then you're probably raising boys! If the world seems intent on gender-bending and forcing our sons into a feminized mold, Hal and Melanie, parents of six boys, explain the biblical way out - and a better way to turn wild little dirt-lovers into strong Christian men!


Harrisburg, PA Farm Show Complex
Friday & Saturday
May. 8 through 9, 2015

PA-2015 Plans to Give You Hope

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

As a pilot for American Airlines, Steve was very close to the events of 9/11. Steve was originally scheduled to be the co-pilot on AA Flight 11, the first flight to be hijacked on Sept. 11th, 2001. Through a extraordinary set of divine circumstances Steve was bumped from that flight the night before by a more senior pilot. Now, he tells his deeply moving story of God's providence on that terrible day in our history. Come discover why God gave Steve a second chance and now uses him to teach parents all around the world to parent with purpose and urgency as he introduces you to The Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent. Intensely practical and Bible based, the Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent is designed to give parents both the tools they need and the hope necessary to build a Christ-centered character-driven home environment. The Nine Practices are a great way to revitalize parents in the all important task of parenting. This session will take highlights from the 10- week Parenting Matters small group study. Steve will unwrap the Three Pillars of Parenting, The Motivation Model, The Growth Continuum, The Proactive vs. Reactive Parent, and more. You don't want to miss this once in a lifetime event.

Parents who have challenging children need specific tools for working with these kids. This session offers hope and encouragement to parents who desperately need it. In this session parents will understand how raising the character threshold can help kids do the right thing. Attendees will learn to use an Action Plan Worksheet to develop a unique plan for their child. Parents gain hope and encourage by learning a biblical plan to work with a challenging child.

One of the most discouraging challenges parents face has to do with the bickering and fighting between their children. In this session parents will learn three roadblocks to sibling harmony and the three honor-based solutions from God's Word. Parents will gain greater confidence for dealing with sibling conflict, understand how to deal with common concerns like tattling and competition, and learn more about honor and how it can change the dynamic in their family.

ID: 2015-115
May. 9, 2015

There's a lot of talk about Christian worldview. In fact, never before have Christian teens received so much training in developing a proper worldview. But something seems dreadfully wrong, because the truth is...there just doesn't seem to be much difference between "our teens" and "their teens." To be honest there sometimes isn't much different between "our adults" and "their adults." That's about to change.

ID: 2015-203
May. 8, 2015

Are you aware of these past crises when America's fate hung desperately in the balance? From the French & Indian War, Revolution, Barbary Pirate War, War of 1812, Civil War, WWI & II, etc., you will learn 'the rest of the story' of how leaders with faith and courage arose and disaster was averted! Captivating true-life incidents of seemingly unexplainable circumstances resulted in the nation being saved! You will be inspired as you uncover "Miracles in American History - 32 Amazing Stories of Answered Prayer." In 1746, 70 ships with 13,000 troops sailed from France to lay waste to the American colonies. Massachusetts Governor William Shirley proclaimed a Day of Fasting. What happened next was unexplainable! After the Battle of Monongahela, George Washington wrote from Fort Cumberland to his younger brother, John Augustine Washington, July 18, 1755: "But by the All-Powerful Dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me!" How did Thomas Jefferson's resolution for a Day of Fasting on June 1, 1774, lead to the forming of the Continental Congress, and eventually Independence? How in 1781 the providential rising of three rivers in 10 days allowed Americans to escape British General Cornwallis? Or how the uncanny way Benedict Arnold's planned betrayal of West Point was discovered? George Washington exclaimed: "The Hand of Providence has been so conspicuous in all this (the course of the war) that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith." Ben Franklin declared: "In the beginning of the Contest with Great Britain...we had daily prayer in this room for Divine protection...All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a Superintending Providence in our favor." In 1865, President Lincoln proclaimed a Day of Fasting for April 30. What freak accident happened two days later which changed the course of the Civil War? What did Woodrow Wilson declared as the U.S. entered WWI. Or Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression? Or FDR, Eisenhower, MacArthur and Patton during WWII? Or Truman during the Korean War? When Apollo 13 was lost in space, what happened after President Nixon called all of America to pray? Are you aware of these American Miracles?

What is going on in the world? Is it politics as usual or is there a bigger picture? How did past civilizations rise and fall? Can the past give us an insight into the future? In the nearly 6,000 years of recorded human history, POWER, like gravity, seems to inevitably concentrate into the hands of ONE individual, sometimes called pharoah, caesar, czar, kaiser, king, caliph, emperor, monarch, sultan, president or communist dictator. No matter what the autocratic leader's particular title is, the default setting for human government throughout history has been monarchy. How rare is America's experiment with a republic? On the spectrum of human government, one side is TOTAL GOVERNMENT with power concentrated in the hands of a totalitarian dictator, and the other side is NO GOVERNMENT - anarchy. America, out of all previous nations on earth, was able to get closest to the anarchy side of the spectrum and still maintain order because of a secret ingredient - Judeo-Christian morality. Society could exist with less external control because citizens had more internal control. When power is concentrated, the State is supreme. When power is separated, the individual is supreme. America's founders had a unique window of opportunity to maximize the freedom and opportunity of the individual.

"The only things certain are death and taxes" - Benjamin Franklin. Yet few know America's interesting history of Income Tax, such as: 1787 - U.S. Constitution prohibited a "direct" Federal tax 1862 - "Revenue Tax" on incomes went into effect as an emergency to finance the Union during the Civil War 1873 - Civil War ended, emergency over, Income Tax Repealed 1895 - Supreme Court made Income Tax unconstitutional 1913 - Woodrow Wilson thought tariffs on imports caused wars, so he worked to replace them with an Income Tax. Income Tax was originally only a 1% tax on the top 1% richest people in America. 1943 - Paycheck Withholding began as an emergency effort to get funds to finance WWII. John F. Kennedy - "Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased flow of revenues to the Federal Government." (Annual Budget Message, Jan. 17, 1963) Thomas Jefferson - "It is an encouragement to proceed as we have begun in substituting economy for taxation" (2nd Annual Message, 1802)

ID: 2015-215
May. 9, 2015

Does God want you to homeschool? Wouldn't Christian School be just as good? (Maybe better) I think God is calling my children to be missionaries to public schools. What did Jesus have to say about homeschooling? What will become of America? Where is the homeschool movement headed?

ID: 2015-218
May. 9, 2015

Being a Mom is about so much more than feeding, dressing, and driving our kids to play-dates. With only a few short years to impart important spiritual truths to our children, every day becomes an important opportunity for teaching, training, and modeling Christlikeness. A Discipling Mom conference will give mothers the tools they need to disciple their children in the important areas of prayer, service, Bible study, Scripture memorization, and true fellowship. Moms will walk away encouraged and strengthened, knowing that although discipling their children seems a huge task, God is on their side.

ID: 2015-401
May. 8, 2015

God's incredible creation will wow you as Dr. Martin shares fascinating facts about many different creatures the Lord has created. He will explain how it is utterly impossible for them to evolve. He will also share how each one of these irreducibly complex and amazing creations can be used to testify and proclaim that there is a Creator God who is the Lord Jesus Christ.

ID: 2015-408
May. 8, 2015

This talk includes many of the evidences for creation that the Lord used to bring Dr. Martin from being an agnostic, zen-Buddhist, evolutionist to a young earth creationist. Dr. Martin uses statistics and current studies to vividly demonstrate how our Christian school kids are following the same downward path into secular humanism that the public school kids are taking and that it is only the homeschoolers who are "stemming the tide," though they are also sloping off into moderate Christianity instead of staying solidly Biblical. When belief in the Bible's authority and accuracy is shaken, people lose their trust in it and the culture departs from Biblical principles. This talk will help equip all ages with foundational truths about creation which will enable young people to stand strong against the attacks of evolution and secular humanism in the academic arena and today's culture.

ID: 2015-412
May. 9, 2015

Our culture is changing at a terrific speed and today's youth are not always getting the Biblical principles they need in time to help them make wise decisions. In this session Dr. Martin will share a Biblical approach to social networking, blogging, YouTube, Smartphones, texting, iPods, Kindles, etc. which are a huge part of everyday life now. While these technology innovations are not bad in and of themselves, they can have a negative influence on our lives if our use of them is not guided by Biblical principles. This session will present specific Scriptures to help guide Christian teens and young adults in their use of technology-based systems so that they will glorify the Lord - not feed the flesh.

ID: 2015-414
May. 9, 2015

The earth is wearing out, just like the Bible said it would. The earth is undergoing changes that can be seen everywhere -- Why do volcanoes erupt? Why are there earthquakes and tsunamis? Why do rocks fall from the sky? What are comets? Why are there unique weather patterns? And, is the earth warming? If so, why? Why are all continents shifting toward the Pacific? What produces El Ni-os? The answers are all related, and might surprise you!

ID: 2015-416
May. 9, 2015

Dr. Martin shares five key Scriptures to combat problems within the family. He challenges fathers and husbands to be loving, spiritual leaders in their families. He gives examples of ways that family members can practice right responses to each other. A theme verse for this talk is Col. 1:10.

Do not be intimidated by teaching science. Use it as your most effective tool to deflect objections to Biblical truths. The minds of our youth are prime targets. Wonders of Science will demonstrate dozens of science experiments illustrating Biblical concepts providing an apologetic against today's skeptics. The presentations are highly entertaining, often using volunteers and humor. Seen live by eight million and over one billion via TV internationally!

ID: 2015-508
May. 8, 2015

At birth you see everything upside down and backwards! Why would God design the eye like that? Can you really trust your ears? Your eardrum needs to only move one-half the diameter of a hydrogen atom to register a sound! A one-sixteenth inch piece of DNA translated into books makes a stack from the earth to the moon and back 400 times! Our God is totally awesome!

ID: 2015-511
May. 9, 2015

Is there such a thing as anti-gravity? A volunteer tries to turn a suitcase around. A "blink of an eye" chemical change illustrates life essential enzymes. Break natural law, you break your neck; break God's spiritual laws can bring distaster!

ID: 2015-514
May. 9, 2015

Walking away from your own shadow is easy! What your voice sounds like on the Sun. Every action, word or thought can be recorded. IBM can already do two of those three things over your entire life! What kinds of records does God have on us? Can one's damaging past be erased?

ID: 2015-518
May. 9, 2015

Where could heaven actually be? Solid material passing through other solid material. A cry that can shatter a goblet! Designing a weapon that could shatter the entire earth! Any shopper passes through a force field every day. A scientist looks at the resurrection miracle just before passing a million volts through his body and lighting a board on fire!


Baton Rouge / Baker - Louisiana
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 17 through 18, 2015

2015 CHEF of Louisiana Homeschool & Parenting Convention - Raising the Next Generation

Presented by: Homeschool Louisiana
ID: A1
Apr. 17, 2015

In spite of what the culture is telling us, boys and girls are different. Have you ever had a war break out in the middle of history, or had a single math lesson take three hours? Then you’re probably raising boys! If the world seems intent on gender-bending and forcing our sons into a feminized mold, Hal and Melanie, parents of six boys, explain the Biblical way out – and a better way to turn wild little dirt lovers into strong Christian men. This session will make you appreciate your boys as never before!

Because none of it will matter if they don’t follow Christ. Many homeschoolers hope and pray that because they’ve homeschooled, their children will turn out all right. But unfortunately, we are seeing a number of homeschooled children turning away from God in rebellion. We can’t make our children serve Christ, but we can make sure we aren’t standing in the way! Find out about the power of delighting in your children and loving them as Christ loves us. Hear how to point them to the Savior and teach them to serve Him!

ID: E5
Apr. 18, 2015

Conflicts arise when parents least expect it, but it is part of normal family life. Discipline in the home is essential for healthy relationships and creating an atmosphere for learning, but accomplishing that from toddler to teen is difficult. In this fast-paced, how-to workshop, Roger and Jan offer practical ways of dealing with common areas of conflict from a Biblical mindset.

ID: G1
Apr. 18, 2015

Join Lavon and his two adult sons talk about “A Father’s Blessing to his Children!” One of his sons is a new father himself; both are not that far removed from having been in the thick of being homeschooled themselves. A Dad’s role in mentoring his sons is significant. Rather than just talking about big picture principles, they’d like to share some real life practical ideas and thoughts as they talk about the ups and downs of their journey. An open and honest question and answer period will be facilitated at the end.

ID: G7
Apr. 18, 2015

This session will focus on the mother's role in instilling godly character into the lives of her children through discipleship. Some of the topics we will cover are: •What exactly is discipleship? •How important is a Bible curriculum? •What are some practical ways to disciple my children? •What are some of the struggles in discipleship? And what are the rewards?


Kalihi Union Church
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 13 through 14, 2015

CHOH Annual Conference - 2015

Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii
ID: 2015-09
Mar. 13, 2015

God is working redemptively through homeschooling. Here is the hope we have for our failures, weaknesses and frustrations. God is at work to make Himself known to you more deeply and fully.

ID: 2015-11
Mar. 13, 2015

The 20 Power Tools of Learning and the brain science behind them. For teens and their parents. Cut your study time in half, remember what you learn, recall it when you need it.

ID: 2015-12
Mar. 14, 2015

A love for learning is a blessing God has for His children-- one that is meant to enrich our lives, give us purpose and draw us into a quest to know the Creator. This workshop will give you a biblical foundation for safeguarding a child’s natural curiosity and joy of discovery; and suggest ways to approach homeschooling that keeps this important element alive and growing in your child.

ID: 2015-14
Mar. 14, 2015

From the perspective of a mom who raised four teens, long time high school level teacher and evaluator of numerous high school homeschool programs. The high school years are your child's resume for the future. Here's how to maximize his time, prepare him for a changing job market, get doors to open, and facilitate non-traditional learning experiences.


Portland, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 20 through 21, 2014

OR-2014 Be Thou My Vision

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 14-002
Jun. 20, 2014

One reason parents have problems with some teens is that those teens have a deficiency in their earlier character development. In this session, we examine Luke 2 to see how Jesus, by age 12, had developed seven key qualities necessary for true maturity. This message will motivate and encourage both parents and their children.

ID: 14-003
Jun. 21, 2014

Anger from one or both parents is probably the number one thing that is spiritually derailing children in Bible-believing homes and churches. Anger also destroys oneness between a husband and wife. Many parents think wrath is justified by children’s disobedience and rebellion. Dr. Davis explains that the anger is probably the cause of the rebellion. This session enables parents to see the source of their anger and work to overcome anger.

ID: 14-101
Jun. 20, 2014

Maybe the Canon should have been closed after the first five books. What about after the Old Testament? The New Testament? Is the Bible really the Word of God, or are there other sacred writings that we should follow? This talk will reinforce why we don’t have a blind faith. The Scripture is the reliable, trustworthy, completed Word of God

ID: 14-109
Jun. 20, 2014

One of the most powerful things a parent does for his child is to bless him; one of the most terrible things a parent does is to curse his child. A blessing involves unconditionally and often publicly speaking good words in the Name of the Lord. In this session Dr. Davis demonstrates how he uses songs he wrote for his 12 grandchildren after they were born to bless them on a regular basis.

ID: 14-209
Jun. 20, 2014

According to Proverbs 19:19, people who live with an angry person are continually having to “deliver him” from the consequences of his anger. Angry people do foolish and hurtful things that often destroy their testimonies. But the greatest cost of anger is the destruction of relationships with loved ones. This session equips people to conquer anger with five key steps.

Do you struggle to keep your heart tuned into God’s voice through all the other noise of life? In this Pinterest-Perfect world it’s all too easy to hold the Lord at arms length until we do the “important” things. Learn the secret of developing an intimate spiritual life and why it makes all the difference in your family and marriage.

ID: 14-409
Jun. 21, 2014

Our grandparents were exposed to Christian values in a culture firmly grounded in faith and family. Our parents were a part of a cultural revolution in which faith became laughable and families disintegrated on a wholesale basis. Now we find ourselves awash in a world where good is called evil and wicked is called good. Learn why nurturing biblical discernment is an essential life skill for any parent navigating the treacherous cultural waters of the 21st century.

ID: 14-609
Jun. 21, 2014

The first occurrence of the word “work” in the Bible was not in relation to man, but in relation to God Himself. Work is godly because God is the original worker. In this session, you will learn to develop character in children by training them to be diligent workers, using their hands to do hard work.


Atlanta, GA
Thursday - Saturday
Jun. 5 through 7, 2014

2014 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association
ID: 1412
Jun. 6, 2014

In this session we define “science”, and illustrate the scientific method of problem solving. In the light of true science, the three main concepts that the theory of evolution is based upon are examined and shown to be faithbased rather than science-based. The purpose of this session is not only to show that science does not support evolutionary theory, but also to give Christians some “tools” with which to combat the theory.

A powerful and attention-grabbing presentation on the vital importance of the Bible’s history in Genesis: how it is foundational to the Gospel and relevant to our world and society. The authority of the Bible is paramount. Items of scientific evidence are woven into the presentation in a way that is easily understood by the layperson, as is the Gospel message. Christians are motivated to become armed and equipped to be able to ‘give an answer’ and to be vastly more effective at personal evangelism. In addition, their own personal faith is strengthened. Non-Christians are challenged to see the issues in a different light, and at the same time get salvation-relevant information which an ‘evidence-only’ talk would not provide.

ID: 1439
Jun. 7, 2014

Based on the life of Ehud the Benjamite, Mark will unveil the unique strategy that God and his parents used to prepare him to become a skilled and strategic warrior, confident leader, and a skillful entrepreneur. In this seminar we will look at the assessment of a child’s natural abilities and the instructive insights that are necessary to cultivate in each child, teen, and passionate pursuit of excellence in every area of life. This seminar promises to be an eye opener for all ages—in more ways than you expect; but in a way you will never forget! If time allows we will also take parents behind the scenes to see what inspired and motivated the great minds of Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Einstein, Edison, and the more modern creativity of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and the Beatles. They all had something in common--something available to all! Join Mark and be convinced that “Everyday you are becoming who you will be forever.”

ID: 1446
Jun. 7, 2014

With fascinating illustrations, this session contrasts the evolution model with the creation model from a historic standpoint through a look at what many ancient cultures were able to accomplish. It contrasts some of these civilizations to our own.

ID: 1447
Jun. 7, 2014

Attitudes affect much of our lives, including the relationships we have in the home. Sometimes children have bad attitudes about instructions, authority, schoolwork, or even about the family itself. Unfortunately, many parents focus only on the behavior and don’t help children deal with the underlying heart issues. Learn to recognize thinking errors that lead to bad attitudes, see why it’s important to address emotions in the family. In this session, parents will learn proactive and corrective strategies for addressing bad attitudes in family life.

ID: 1448
Jun. 7, 2014

Real power to elicit change in behavior comes through recognizing and training the underlying belief systems that drive our behaviors. In this session, Ben and Ann Marie Brezina will describe a Biblical view of ourselves as parents and relate practical examples of how focusing on identity can empower us and our children towards healthy relationships and Christ-like behavior.

ID: 1454
Jun. 7, 2014

Could you explain where the water for a world-wide flood would have come from, and where it all went?! Understanding the flood (the purpose, the causes, the aftermath and the evidence) is very important to a biblically sound creation model. This session covers all the basics about this event, and also includes a video and PowerPoint presentation on the “Hydroplate Theory”, a biblically accurate and scientifically feasible portrayal of the “how” of the flood event.

ID: 1455
Jun. 7, 2014

Join Mark as he reveals an unusual passage of Scripture that is rarely preached or talked about. Twice God the Father speaks about His Son—once at His Son’s baptism and then three years later on top of a mountain. The second time He speaks he repeats what he said the first time but adds one significant component that is essential for all parents—“Listen to him.” Once you learn what this means, you will approach your children with a more purposeful plan that will cultivate their identity, confirm your love, be encouraged by your pleasure in them, and possess the confidence and authority that has been bestowed upon them. As always some of the most powerful teaching on parenting is right before our eyes. (Hebrews 5:8; David and javelins; Joseph, Daniel, Abraham, Moses, Peter: a servant and apostle—switched roles)

ID: 1458
Jun. 7, 2014

Faithfully having a time for daily family Bible study and worship will transform your family, supercharge your faith,and can completely change your life. Planning and leading a daily family Bible study is simple, doesn’t require and specialized theological training, and will yield benefits beyond what you can imagine. Come hear Jonathan share about how his life, and the life of his family, has been transformed by one simple discipline. You will leave equipped to change your family dramatically!

ID: 1460
Jun. 7, 2014

A hot topic for today! This session provides a biblical alternative to the standard explanation for these creatures,and answers the basic questions everyone has on the subject - What were dinosaurs? When did they really live? What really happened to them? Does the Bible talk about

Parents who have challenging children need specific tools for working with these kids. This session offers hope and encouragement to parents who desperately need it. In this session parents will understand how raising the character threshold can help kids do the right thing. Attendees will learn to use an Action Plan Worksheet to develop a unique plan for their child. Parents gain hope and encourage by learning a biblical plan to work with a challenging child.

Parents who have challenging children need specific tools for working with these kids. This session offers hope and encouragement to parents who desperately need it. In this session parents will understand how raising the character threshold can help kids do the right thing.

ID: 1465
Jun. 7, 2014

This is one of the most breathtaking and perplexing sites in the USA. Standard geological explanations for its formation are wrong, and most creationists have overlooked some major pieces of the puzzle. Amazingly, what carved the canyon also explains most of the fascinating geological features in the entire area (e.g. Monument Valley, The Petrified Forest, Canyonlands & Arches, Canyon de Chelley, etc.). Furthermore, they all formed very quickly! What happened?!


Baker, Louisiana
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 25 through 26, 2014

2014 CHEF of Louisiana Annual Homeschool Convention

Presented by: Homeschool Louisiana
ID: D1
Apr. 25, 2014

You may not crack open a book, work through a curriculum, or call it school, but it's your job to train your children. Join me as we look at the trials, triumphs, and tribulations of training our children. Now don't worry, I won't make you feel guilty or give you a forty-six point outline, but I promise to tell it straight and to encourage you in the best job there is - fathering.

ID: D7
Apr. 25, 2014

Establishing a clear biblical worldview and a strong foundation in basic Christian doctrine will inoculate your children against the false teachings and worldly values they will one day encounter during the critical teen years. This workshop will give you the confidence and tools you need to cover this vital subject with your children.

ID: E4
Apr. 26, 2014

Enjoy tea and cake as ladies share the experiences as a homeschool mom, pursuing excellence, and trying to find that ever-elusive "balance." Several ladies have prepared something to share, but the time is flexible enough to address the needs and concerns of the attendees.

Our children live in the midst of a secular culture and face a host of frightening problems that we never had to deal with at their age. Because they are often not prepared to counter our culture, startling percentages of children raised in evangelical homes do not continue in their faith and beliefs into adulthood. For this reason, training our children to develop a strong biblical worldview is one of the most important things we can do. Teaching them to think biblically about all areas of life equips them to become powerful thinkers, leaders, and communicators. Most importantly, it also gives staying power to their faith as they face opposition. Our goal as Christian homeschoolers must be bigger and broader than turning out kids with exceptional talent and high SAT scores. By incorporating worldview training, we can better equip them to use their gifts to impact the world for Christ, help others by solving real problems, and bring glory to God in the process.


Patchogue, NY
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 14 through 15, 2014

2014 NYS LEAH Downstate Convention

Presented by: New York State Loving Education At Home


Portland Convention Center
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 21 through 22, 2013

OR-2013 Anchored in Christ

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 13-001
Jun. 21, 2013

Every day in life, families receive a series of blessings and storms sent from God for the purpose of revealing the power of a relationship with Jesus Christ. When they come, everyone reacts or responds to them based on what they believe the gospel to be; it's their foundation. God's Word states that believers have an anchor for the soul, but sometimes souls drift because they forget that anchor or because they don't really know how to connect to the anchor. Norm provides practical explanation and suggestions for how to live anchored in Jesus Christ. This results in powerful, peaceful, grace-filled living that attracts others to Christ.

ID: 13-002
Jun. 21, 2013

What happed to cause some homeschooled students to reject the Christian worldview that was important to their parents? Jesus encountered four dangerous mindsets and their negative results when He walked among His people. Homeschoolers can easily fall into one or more of these traps and in so doing can bring serious harm to their families. This session will explain how giving focused attention to one command of Christ will help home educators recognize and avoid those four damaging viewpoints, while at the same time helping them experience satisfaction and eternal significance in their efforts.

Homeschooling children or teens often develop a wrong understanding about their relationship with God from parents who give or withhold acceptance based on performance. Do you know how to give the blessing of an imperishable relationship even when another has disappointed or offended you?

ID: 13-105
Jun. 21, 2013

In a culture that is opposed to the principles of God's word, it's easy to succumb to fear: "I know I'm supposed to home school... but WHAT IF I ruin my child?” "What will my own parents say?" "What about socialization?" Homeschool moms grapple with these and many other fear-based questions, especially during the first years of homeschooling. Esther faced what seemed like an impossible circumstance, too. And just as Esther has a part to play, so you have an important role in shaping the hearts and minds of a future generation. What is most important during the homeschool years is following the Lord wherever He leads - and modeling that faith. Because where God guides - He also provides.

With 20 plus years of experience in homeschooling a large family and lots of lessons learned the hard way, David and Linda will share many tricks of the trade and practical insights which they've learned that helped their family survive homeschooling.

ID: 13-201
Jun. 22, 2013

Common Core, No Child Left Behind, Goals 2000, and, by the way, have you forgotten about the Seven Cardinal Principles? Presumptuous planners, nationalists, and philosopher-kings have another plan for “all our children.” Dr. Brian Ray addresses the most fundamental reason why every parent should care about Common Core State Standards that has hit hard the educational scene. What should homeschoolers, scripturalists (i.e., Christians) and liberty lovers do about this, if anything? If you do not want your children to be a part of this educational bandwagon and you do not want to waste your time jumping into bandwagon reactionism, come hear Dr. Ray.

Our culture is sedated by images that deaden senses and rob many of what they are created to be. Join Mark as he exposes the damaging effects that certain kinds of media, electronic games, and literature, have on the brain, the conscience, the imagination and one’s moral and spiritual development. Most importantly, he will introduce initiatives that ignite motivation, revive the imagination and inspire excellence.

ID: 13-207
Jun. 22, 2013

Fear can paralyze; it can grip hearts, torment minds, and hinder some from parenting in God’s joy and purpose. Philippians 4:6 says, “Be anxious for nothing.” Do you fear your own inadequacies (or wonder if your homeschooling is going to mess up your kids for life)? Do you fear teenage rebellion, hormones, high school, or the future? Do you fear not pleasing others, not having finances, or not fulfilling God’s purpose? In this workshop, you’ll be encouraged by God’s faithfulness and love for you, concluding with a time of prayer

When the Watkinses began homeschooling in 1986, it was a brand-new idea for most families, and convincing grandparents that you weren’t ruining their grandchildren was a major issue. Now, with eight children, four children-in-love, 15 grandchildren, both sets of grandparents still living, and 20+ years of homeschooling behind them, the Watkinses have some unique insights about helping grandparents to love homeschooling just as much as you do

Pretend that Mary and Martha decide to homeschool. Following their character, Martha would probably have all her plans in place (and be frustrated), and Mary would probably be at the feet of Jesus (and way behind schedule.) Everyone has a little of Mary and Martha in them, but this workshop is designed to encourage Marys who love the Lord and their children, but need help and structure to successfully homeschool. The presenter of this workshop is a self-proclaimed Mary who managed to homeschool for 17 years, and still likes to talk about it

ID: 13-301
Jun. 22, 2013

How does a father call a son out into manhood God’s way? In this message, Norm reveals what happens if fathers don’t call out sons and then draws insights from how the heavenly Father prepared His Son for ministry.

ID: 13-307
Jun. 22, 2013

I Corinthians 13:11 says, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” As homeschooling parents, how can we prepare our children for adulthood? And how can we prepare our hearts (through prayer and effective communication) to release our kids into a new season? There’s life after graduation– with college, careers, romance, weddings, and next-generation purpose. Let’s aim and launch our arrows, to hit God’s mark.

Linda Lacour Hobar points to recent world history, where there are those who have planted “good seed” and those that have planted “bad.” Linda Lacour Hobar sheds light on The Great Awakening, The Enlightenment, Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, and Billy Graham. These stories will examine a handful of 19th-20th century figures and the wake of their influence on our world today

ID: 13-400
Jun. 22, 2013

One of the most powerful ways parents can add value to their relationships with their children is by growing in humility and learning how to express the humility of Christ to their children. Norm gives some practical ways that are sure to impact children and increase parents' value to them.

ID: 13-404
Jun. 22, 2013

Gleaning from a 17th-century gem, The Education of a Child from The Wisdom of Fenelon, Mark presents a “radical reversal” of our traditional approach to a biblical education. Commissioned to educate King Louis XIV’s incorrigible grandson to become the next king of France, Francois Fenelon wrote and then lived one of the greatest educational treatises ever written. In fact, in 1802, nearly 150 years later, Fenelon’s work was still revered as the most extraordinary educational work on record. Parenting based on gentleness, mentoring, joy, and patience will be among just a few of the highlights of this seminar.

ID: 13-406
Jun. 22, 2013

What should parents do to train their boys to be strong and godly men — not wasting their lives on video games and TV, but working hard, taking risks, enjoying adventure, and daring to follow God wherever He leads? In this session, parents will be challenged with biblical truth and hard-hitting honesty from real-life experiences – growing up with five brothers on a dairy farm and raising five sons into military service, international business, engineering, and rugged missions.

ID: 13-407
Jun. 22, 2013

Many home educators feel tension between themselves and their churches, but do not know what to do. We can all think of many "helpful" suggestions or comments we could offer to our pastors, especially concerning home education. But are those suggestions really helpful? Listen to David Watkins – pastor, state homeschool leader, homeschooling father of eight and grandfather of 15 – share some things not to say to your pastor! See what homeschoolers are really like through the eyes of their pastors.

ID: 13-500
Jun. 22, 2013

“Where there is no vision, the homeschoolers are unrestrained.” That’s a unique version of Proverbs 29:18. When you know how to lead with vision principles, you will experience unity, order and peace, and be more efficient.

ID: 13-507
Jun. 22, 2013

While there is no sure-fire formula to guarantee that any child will turn out to be a success, there are timeless and proven principles that, when implemented, will lay a powerful foundation upon which they can experience significant accomplishments. This workshop brings to light real help in properly training our children.

No matter what kind of family you were raised in, you can establish a godly legacy of leadership for the next generation because of the blood of Jesus Christ. The decisions you make day-by-day don’t just affect you; they affect your kids, and their kids, and all who they will influence. Learn to disciple your children to disciple others. From God’s Word, learn to see from God’s perspective, with a focus on eternity, the Cross, and the glory of God. You’re building a legacy, brick-by-brick, for the future!

ID: 13-604
Jun. 22, 2013

Join Mark as he reveals an unusual passage of Scripture that is rarely preached or talked about. Twice God the Father speaks about His Son—once at His Son’s baptism and then three years later on top of a mountain. The second time He speaks He repeats what He said the first time but adds one significant component that is essential for all parents—“Listen to Him.” Once you learn what this means, you will approach your children with a more purposeful plan that will cultivate their identity, confirm your love, be encouraged by your pleasure in them, and possess the confidence and authority that has been bestowed upon them.


Atlanta, GA
Thursday - Saturday
May. 16 through 18, 2013

2013 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association
ID: 1307
May. 17, 2013

What is ‘real science’? Jonathan discusses the distinction between ‘origins science’ which seeks to explain what happened in the past and ‘operational science’ which is testable, repeatable, and is the source of things like cell phones and antibiotics. He shows how what we see from operational science—things we observe today—support the Bible’s statements about origins and an intelligent Designer—the God of the Bible. This includes startling evidence for a globe-covering Flood that laid down rock layers, formed fossils, and carved canyons.

ID: 1318
May. 17, 2013

In popular culture (media, movies and public education), dinosaurs are probably used more than any other topic to indoctrinate people, particularly our youth, into the worldview of evolution and its associated millions-of-years timeframe. However, most have never heard the overwhelming evidence that demonstrates man and dinosaurs have coexisted in recent history. Moreover, evolutionary paleontologists have been confronted by physical evidence that contradicts their idea that the last dinosaur walked the earth 65 million years ago. What does this mean for Christians? Gary relates how we can use this information to reaffirm the Bible’s account of history, and the dinosaurs’ place in it. It’s important information that we can use to equip our children when they are confronted by the cultural view of dinosaurs and the millions of years of evolution.

Creatures do change over time. It’s called natural selection, but it’s not evolution, because they can only change within predetermined limits. Frogs stay as frogs, and dogs remain as dogs. If we are taught to understand it from a biblical perspective, natural selection is actually great evidence for the incredible capacity for animals to adapt due to their design. In short, what we observe is the opposite of evolution, and great evidence of a designer—the Creator God of the Bible. Equip your children to understand this important issue so they can withstand the humanistic evolutionary bias that interprets the real evidence to discredit the Bible. Romans 1:20 “For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.”

Child-training methodologies are important. The permissive methods, the behavior-modification methods, and the externalistic, recipe-driven methods have all borne bad fruit over the years. But what is there for parents who desire authentic, heart-deep, God-loving kids? Based on the experience of generations of godly child-rearing, and the wisdom of God’s Word, Kevin Swanson carves out a biblical balance to this difficult subject in this presentation.

ID: 1332
May. 17, 2013

Why do most scientists believe in evolution? Is it because the science behind evolution is so strong? In this eye-opening presentation, and using their very own data, Gary ‘busts’ the myths behind evolutionary assumptions and shows how the evidence fits the biblical account better. But why is this an important debate for Christians? It’s because our children will be taught evolution as ‘fact’ when they undertake higher education. The consequences are having a damaging effect on the church as our youth walk away from their faith. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can actually empower our children if we can teach them how to think straight in this crooked world.

ID: 1333
May. 17, 2013

What is it about home education that has profoundly reenergized education and produced such outstanding academic results? Incredibly, the average Homeschool 8th grader without teacher-credentialed parents tests 4 grade levels above the national average on nationally standardized tests. And it is not because we have taken a public school system complete with desks and bolted them to the floor of our living rooms. In this visionary, ground-breaking presentation on the Homeschool vision, Kevin presents the basic elements that make up an outstanding homeschooling experience for your child. This message will give the first-time homeschooler confidence and vision and will provide encouragement and a reality check for the experienced home educator.

What is ‘real science’? Jonathan discusses the distinction between ‘origins science’ which seeks to explain what happened in the past and ‘operational science’ which is testable, repeatable, and is the source of things like cell phones and antibiotics. He shows how what we see from operational science—things we observe today—support the Bible’s statements about origins and an intelligent Designer—the God of the Bible. This includes startling evidence for a globe-covering Flood that laid down rock layers, formed fossils, and carved canyons.

“Every year Greg & Connie Brezina bring clear insight for building a family pleasing to God. Without marital harmony the home school will not function as God intended. You will learn some very practical steps to make your marriage a blessing to those around you and to God. This has always been a favorite session at the GHEA Conference.

Gary is arguably the world’s leading Christian authority in this area. His book, Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection, is the only creation book to be an Amazon top 50 best-seller. He points out that life can only arise from one of two mechanisms; either it was created (as the Bible says) or it evolved (as evolutionists claim). Countless numbers, including most Christians, believe in alien life due to popular culture and evolutionism. So what about life on other planets? What about all the UFO sightings and experiences with alleged aliens that people (including some Christians) claim to have? Are these real events, and are they really aliens? Gary’s investigations have taken him all over the world to uncover a sinister agenda by spiritual forces that have deceived millions. And yes, the experiences can be real, but they are not really aliens. As much as it might surprise many, Gary will demonstrate from Scripture that, even in this incomprehensively massive universe, the earth and mankind are unique, and that the Bible does not allow for intelligent life on other planets. Prepare to have your thinking challenged.