Recordings Listing


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 22 through 23, 2003

The HEART of Home Education

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 2003-13
Aug. 22, 2003

You’ve used all the sticker charts and point systems you can think of an d you are still faced with the Monday morning whines!! Is this child unmotivated, lazy or just normal? In this workshop, Mrs. Hensley will look at the underlying factors behind motivation and “un-motivation” as well as the importance of our attitudes and expectations in motivating our children.

ID: 2003-24
Aug. 22, 2003

Parents of children with disabilities experience many challenges associated with having and teaching a child with learning problems. Negative emotions, lack of support and distorted perspectives can keep us from being effective teachers of our children. In this workshop, Mrs. Hensley will discuss the importance of facing challenges honestly as well as look at how these challenges are actually opportunities placed in our lives by God for our spiritual growth.