Recordings Listing


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 20 through 21, 2004

A Bountiful Harvest

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

NOTE: There are long periods of silence on this recording while those in the session were filling out personality assessments For some strange reason, you’ve decided to homeschool your children. At the beginning you thought, “This will be great!” Now reality is settling in. You’ve lost your temper twice this week, one of the kids told you they want to go back to public school, and you can’t find the test papers that need grading. You’re thinking,“Maybe I just don’t have the right personality to homeschool my kids. The OTHER homeschoolers I know seem to do it so much better! What’s wrong with me?”

What ARE the “3 C’s of homeschooling, and what is a “well-rounded” student? Are you always worried about choosing the “right mix” of subjects and lessons? Have you sometimes asked yourself “Is there really a good reason to teach this subject?” or “Am I really able to teach this subject?” Join Steve Clark as he shares some ways to determine which subjects to choose and then discusses how your choices can fit into a master plan of developing a well-rounded student.