Recordings Listing


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 19 through 20, 2005

From Generation to Generation

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 05-17
Aug. 19, 2005

Home educators are the Warren Buffets in the primary and secondary educational field. They know how to invest their time and resources to develop an amazing child portfolio. The question becomes, “Does one cash in all their options at graduation and squander the investment or continue growing the investment through the college years to amass a lifetime pension?” What is the criteria for making the investment in a college education? How does one decide whether to choose a prestigious college or a smaller less recognized college? Ought a career be the ultimate objective of a college education? Come explore these questions.

ID: 05-34
Aug. 20, 2005

Today most people think that education is to train a child for a good paying and satisfying job. Is that how we as home educators ought to view education? We have already taken the quirky road of non-conformity by teaching our children at home. Ought we consider something so outrageously daring as to become traditionalists? For thousands of years, until modern 20th century man became “enlightened,” education primarily had one goal in mind. Come find out what that goal was. This foundation of education must be solid in order to have an ordered, civilized person and society. Come learn how to be a trend setter by pursuing traditionalism.

ID: 05-44
Aug. 20, 2005

Raising motivated children starts with the parents. How are you as a parent motivated? How will you model that for your children? But one must step back even further to ask – why are you home schooling? When having that answer clear in your mind, you as a parent-teacher then have a source for your own motivation. Spreading that to your children then becomes easier. As they catch your vision they also will be more motivated. Obedience is another key issue of motivation. Come and discover the many aspects of motivation in this talk which will help you deal with, " Mom, I don't want to do my math today – or ever again."