Recordings Listing


Harrisburg, PA Farm Show Complex
Friday & Saturday
May. 13 through 14, 2016

PA-2016 Renewing Our Minds

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania
ID: 2016-411
May. 14, 2016

People often view scientists as neutral, disinterested observers that draw conclusions from the data without bias. This, however, is a myth. Believing and unbelieving scientists, alike, view and interpret the universe through a set of faith assumptions regarding God and all things (their worldview). These assumptions are determined by one internal and simple reality: love or hostility toward God as the creator of all things. The nature of one’s heart drives speculation about life and the universe that cannot be derived by the scientific method, even as they are often considered “settled science.” Come hear how the nature of our heart (will) influences how we view, interpret, and draw conclusions regarding God and His world.

ID: 2016-418
May. 14, 2016

Romans 1:18-22 tells us that all people are without excuse for not honoring and giving God thanks. Why? Because His handiwork so clearly display His power, genius, and goodness that they “know” God, even as they go about denying His existence and authority. Every known fact and scientific discovery shouts the existence and glory of its Creator, while nothing in the universe supports the idea that all things are founded and operate according to random chance. Unbelievers ask for evidence as they deny the obvious. Imagine the aid to our faith and hope in our darkest trials when we never lack clear testimony of God’s goodness and power. Imagine the help to our witness and interaction with unbelievers when we understand how all things support the truth of our worldview and faith in Christ. Imagine the encouragement to our faith when we rightly view all things as supporting God’s ultimate purpose and plan in Christ, when every atom, bite of food, and star in the sky declare His infinite glory.

How do we acquire and nurture in our children a God-honoring worldview that strengthens joy, comfort, and faith in God and Scripture, even while exposing the unreasonable blind faith of unbelief? It’s much easier than you think if you start in the right place. God is the infinitely excellent creator and sustainer of all things, apart from whom we have nothing, including life, knowledge, truth, authority, and moral absolutes, on whom we depend for everything, to whom we owe all things. God, then, constitutes the proper starting place for a proper worldview. You will be surprised how many mysterious and confusing threads fall into place in the marvelous tapestry of God’s work and purpose when we begin with the source and explanation of all things. Indeed, apart from God as their source and sustainer, life and all things reduce to an impossible and pointless absurdity.