Recordings Listing


Patchogue, NY
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 24 through 25, 2017

2017 NYS LEAH Downstate Conference

Presented by: New York State Loving Education At Home
ID: 17-101
Mar. 24, 2017

As a mom of 6 from Pre-K through High School, teaching a multitude of grades can seem very overwhelming. Over the years, we have dealt with life's interruptions from a husband with multiple surgeries in one year, to a son with a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. Life has interrupted us many times, and along the way we have learned ways to teach as a family, having older kids help teach the younger ones and learning the same topic all together at the same time. Do you have a few kids in a few different grades? Pre-school, Primary School, Middle School and High School... how does one teach them all? In this workshop, we will discuss teaching all your kids the same subject at the same time... while assigning grade appropriate assignments. Dealing with the distractions of the littles, the business of the teens and not losing the in-betweens. We will include time at the end for discussion and Q&A to try to troubleshoot some common problems through brainstorming.

ID: DNY1710
Mar. 24, 2017

Come join me as we spend the hour discussing the 4 different learning styles and their teaching counterparts. We will discuss Social Sam, Perfect Paula, Wiggly Willy and Competent Carla, and have some open discussion to trouble shoot what happens when the "Perfect Paula" teacher has to teach "Wiggly Willy" student and vice versa! Let's learn how to embrace the different personalities and leave with tools to work with, instead of around them!