Recordings Listing


Porland, OR
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 20 through 21, 2008

When You Walk By the Way

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 08-12
Jun. 20, 2008

Most boys love reading books filled with adventure, discovery, unusual facts, and heroic, courageous behavior, but their moms, the primary book finders, may be at a loss in determining books that fulfill these ideals. Jan Bloom, vintage book dealer and mother of a male reader, searched for great books that appealed to boys but were also well-written and had positive role models and a healthy worldview. Jan will give suggestions of authors for all ages of boys, from those early "reading is too hard" days to "I hardly have time to read anymore" years.

ID: 08-25
Jun. 21, 2008

Jan, a veteran homeschooler, uncovers and discusses many of the misconceptions, unrealistic expectations, and problems that make homeschooling difficult. Her message addresses prevention and positive steps for the new homeschooling mom and hope, help, and healing for the veteran homeschooler.