Christian Heritage Home Educators of Washington

Recordings Listing


Puyallup, WA
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 3 through 4, 2022

WA - 2022 Spring Conference

Presented by: Christian Heritage Home Educators of Washington
Recording ID: 2022-SET
Original Price: $176.00
Set Price: $59.99

2022 Conference Complete Audio Set

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 22-01Love at Its Best by: Emeal Zwayne22-02Standing in the Land of Giants: Four Ways to Grow Our Children as Leaders by: Jeff Myers22-03Compelled by Compassion by: Emeal Zwayne22-04How to Stand for Truth and Be Nice at the Same Time by: Jeff Myers22-05The Unfailing Sympathy of Christ by: Emeal Zwayne22-101Raising Young Men Who Love God and Lead by: Jeff Myers22-102Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends by: Sarah (Mally) Hancock, Harold Mally22-103'Go To The Ant' A view from Natural History by: Dr. Gordon Wilson22-104Patrick Henry: A Forgotten Founder by: Bill Potter22-106What Your Homeschooled Child Needs Most by: Rachel Zwayne22-108Teacher God's Word Diligently: How to Get Your Kids Excited about the Bible by: Kathie Morrissey22-109How to Write a Resume and Network by: Ben Coder22-203Identifying Properties of Rocks and Minerals in the Field by: Patrick Nurre22-204More Than Legal Peace of Mind: What You Didn't Know to Do as a HSLDA Member by: Amy Buchmeyer22-205Beyond Box School: The World is Your Campus by: Jonathan Brush22-302John Dewey and the Impact of American Pragmatism by: Bill Potter22-303How to Cultivate a Love for Biology by: Dr. Gordon Wilson22-304College Madness - When the Crowd is Wrong by: Jonathan Brush22-305Helping Girls Expose Lies and Speak Truth in Their Heart by: Sarah (Mally) Hancock22-306Emotions: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly by: Rachel Zwayne22-309Staying on Track: How to Get it all Done by: Kathie Morrissey22-400Leadership lessons for our sons from George Washington, Robert E Lee, and Winston Churchill by: Bill Potter22-402Answering Children's Top Five Questions about God by: Jeff Myers22-403Egyptian Chronology and the Bible by: Patrick Nurre22-404How to Adult by: Jonathan Brush22-405Serving Like Jesus by: Emeal Zwayne22-406The Hope-Filled Homeschool Mom by: Rachel Zwayne22-409Managing Multi-Level Teaching by: Kathie Morrissey22-5039 Ways Generation Joshua Equipped Me as a Political Advocate by: Amy Buchmeyer22-504Geology Insights with Northwest Treasures by: Patrick Nurre22-601How to Speak the Truth without Fear by: Jeff Myers22-602Let's Get Real: Q & A for Moms by: Rachel Zwayne22-603Dealing with an Official at Your Door - a Step by Step Guide by: Amy Buchmeyer22-604The Transformational Power of Encouragment by: Emeal Zwayne22-605Winning the Hearts of Your Children by: Kathie Morrissey22-606Singleness: A Season of Fruitfulness and Joy by: Sarah (Mally) Hancock22-609Genesis and the Ice Age by: Patrick Nurre22-701How to Have Ministry as a Family - by: Sarah (Mally) Hancock, Harold Mally22-702Amazing Adulthood - Are you Ready? by: Mary Craig22-703Relationships 101 by: Jonathan Brush22-704What Does the Future Hold for Homeschool Freedom? by: Amy Buchmeyer22-706The Amazing Story of the Doolittle Raider and the Samurai by: Bill Potter22-708Prayer: A Parent's Most Powerful Tool by: Kathie Morrissey22-709Magnificence of the Mundane by: Dr. Gordon Wilson This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 22-01
Jun. 3, 2022

While we all know that loving God and our neighbor is the fulfillment of the two greatest commandments, it's easy to miss what that kind of love actually is, and how it should be lived out from a biblical and practical perspective. While the world will readily offer up its own skewed definitions of love, we will explore what the One who is love itself has to say about it. As we do so, we'll gain a greater understanding from Scripture on how to first cultivate this love at home with our own family, how to integrate it into all facets of our homeschooling environment, and how to demonstrate it in every other sphere of life.

We daily face giants of culture that cause our kids to lose hope instead of embracing God's promises. How do we prepare kids to stand alone even when everything seems to be falling apart? With our guide Dr. Jeff Myers from Summit Ministries we'll look at four areas where we and our children can make daily progress in getting a vision for our lives, developing a strong sense of mission, staying motivated, and setting worthy goals.

ID: 22-03
Jun. 3, 2022

Compassion doesn't come easy for the forgetful. As Christian homeschooling families who are daily surrounded by the things of God in our academic environment, it's easy to become detached from the world and the importance of proactively demonstrating the heart of God toward those who live outside the four walls of our home—especially those who don't know Christ, or who do things differently than us. Combine this with the reality that we are busy people who live in an increasingly diverse world, and we find ourselves failing to emulate the compassionate heart of our Savior toward unbelievers, and our fellow Christians. We will learn how to fight this harmful tendency, how to be at peace with families who make different educational choices, how to avoid being condescending toward those who employ different parenting styles, how to draw near with the gospel to unbelievers whose sins grieve us, and how to emulate Jesus—the One who looked out on the multitudes and was moved with compassion.

Many Christians find themselves at odds with the culture around them and even under attack for their beliefs. They're tempted to lash out, but that's a mistake. Here's a biblically-based leadership strategy for combating bad ideas in an inquisitive, friendly fashion that changes hearts and minds.

ID: 22-05
Jun. 4, 2022

Weaknesses! Not only do all of us have them, but they are often the greatest source of our disheartenment as Christians. Whether it's in our role as husbands, wives, children, or homeschooling parents, we are all often haunted by our shortcomings and besetting sins. Enter Christ—our High Priest who sympathizes with our weaknesses, and who experienced our same temptations. In this session, we will be refreshed by the delightful truth that Jesus calls weak sinners like us to come boldly to His throne of grace, where we will find mercy and grace to help us in our time of need.

ID: 22-101
Jun. 3, 2022

“It’s bad to be a boy.” That’s the message of our gender-confused, stereotype-obsessed culture. Dr. Jeff Myers shares five aspects of masculinity, based on the Bible, that help parents raise self-assured and level-headed boys in in a culture that abuses and abandons the very idea of what it means to become a man.?

Many parents say that one of their biggest struggles at home is the bickering and fighting that occurs between their children. In this session, Sarah and her dad, Harold, will share how their family learned to work through pride, offenses, and irritations in relationships, and learn to become best friends. This presentation, including Scripture, ideas, insights, stories, and personal testimonies, is recommended for the entire family. Sarah is the co-author of Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends, with her siblings.

Take a closer look at this familiar group of insects. By taking a quick tour of some of the more interesting species of ants, we will be flabbergasted at the complexity, diversity, and behavior of these ordinary, yet extraordinary insects. All these talks are meant to be more than entertainment. They will show us that wonders surround us at every turn. We just need, as teachers, to remove the curricular cataracts that prevent us from seeing these creatures with childlike wonder.

ID: 22-104
Jun. 3, 2022

Patrick Henry was perhaps the most outspoken Christian of the Founding Fathers. He is also one of the most forgotten, except for his speech to the Second Virginia Convention at St. John’s Church. He sat at the feet of the great Virginia preacher Samuel Davies in his early years, next to his devout Christian mother. He rose through the ranks of the frontier lawyers then among the Tidewater Grandees of the House of Delegates. Always outspoken, always with enemies arrayed against him, Henry stood on principles and did back down from those who would challenge them. He led Virginia to Independence and through the War, then opposed the Constitution for its granting too much power to a president, though the first one would be his friend George Washington. An example to generations of young Americans, Patrick Henry needs to be better known today.

Topics: History
ID: 22-106
Jun. 3, 2022

Choosing curriculum and making sure that your children are on the right track academically can be extremely overwhelming and cause you to lose sight of the most important aspects of homeschooling – discipline and discipleship. Many parents try to add a little character training here or there and miss the crucial daily opportunity for spiritual training. This workshop will deal with the vital aspect of laying a strong spiritual foundation in your children’s lives and keeping academics in their proper place.?

Kathie shares how to use God’s word all through the day, and how she has taught her children to love God’s Word, and get excited about it. You will be encouraged as she shares the blessings that have resulted in her family as they practiced these ideas. Included will be suggestions on making Scripture memory fun and easy!

ID: 22-109
Jun. 3, 2022

How does a Christian effectively obtain a job in the modern world? After discussing the idea of “working in exile,” Ben and Bethany will delve into the design of a resume and its application toward obtaining a job, internship, or volunteer or ministry position. Also learn about the importance of concepts such as a cover letter, search engine optimization, and online job applications. This session is geared toward students but is applicable to job hunters of all ages!

Join Rockman Pat, of Northwest Treasures, Geology! He will help your students to grasp a few basic principles in identification to help them when they are out hunting for their geologic treasures.

HSLDA membership? That’s some kind of legal thing, isn’t it? If you think you know what membership in HSLDA is all about, think again! From one-on-one advice from our educational consultants to nationwide store discounts, HSLDA provides so much more than legal peace of mind for your homeschool. Discover the ins and outs of HSLDA and why your membership might be the best $12-a-month investment around.

In the last years, we have seen the world of education change drastically. A constantly-expanding number of online and homeschooling options for higher education can make choosing an educational route harder than ever before. Today’s students need a solution that prepares them for adapting to the daily changes of real life. Focus on helping students develop the skills needed for success in any field: communication, conflict resolution, teamwork, decision-making, and turning ideas into reality. Our project-based education program equips students through academic webinars, student-chosen projects, in-person events, and interacting with peers and professionals. Focus on unique opportunities to truly make the world your campus both during your educational journey and into whatever the Lord has prepared for you afterwards.

Secular Humanism is a pagan religion based on the sovereignty of man. Following America’s Civil War, a number of theologians and philosophers stepped forward to promote that religion in a variety of disciplines. One of the most progressive philosophers who rejected the biblical view of man and God, defined what education should become. John Dewy became the high priest of the public school movement. Examine his presuppositions and his success in molding government-controlled education and its implications for today’s United States.

Topics: Apologetics
ID: 22-303
Jun. 3, 2022

In this workshop we will?discuss not only why parents should cultivate a love?for science in their?kids but how they can actually?do it. Our starting point will be a robust belief in and gratitude toward the?Lord of all creation (from a biblical young earth creation perspective). We will explore the reasons why biology is often taught in a boring way and we will discuss very practical solutions to remedy this tragic situation.

ID: 22-304
Jun. 3, 2022

“Go to school, get good grades, get into a good college so you can get a good job and live The American Dream!” Well, the American Dream is broken and many students are broke when they graduate college. Come learn about crowd dynamics, groupthink and how to make sure you’re on the right side of the incredible changes, opportunities and challenges happening in Higher Education today… regardless of what the crowd is doing.

Many girls try to change their wrong?actions, but never learn to discern the wrong?thinking?behind the actions. As girls learn to identify lies which are the root issues behind struggles they face and replace them with truth, they will see how God’s Word will transform each area of their lives as the truth sets them free! In this session Sarah will include many stories, illustrations and practical tips for both mothers and daughters as she discusses topics such as a girls’ emotions, purity, an understanding of who God is, and a proper view of who we are in light of the truths from Scripture.

ID: 22-306
Jun. 3, 2022

As women, we can experience a wide range of emotions each day. What we do with the emotions that we face is crucial to living a life of focus and peace. This workshop will stir you up to be serious about dealing with your emotions in a biblical way, and in turn encourage you as a homeschool mother in the midst of the emotional challenges that you may face with your children.

Topics: Mothers

Our children are the future of our country and the Church. They must be trained to stand in the day of battle, lead when others falter, and live lives that exemplify character, courage, and perseverance. We do not have to invent historical examples of such leaders, nor despair because such men are hard to find today. The exemplary lives of Washington, Lee and Churchill provide ample illustration and witness of the kind of men whose lives can inspire our children today.

Children have serious questions about God and the Bible that shape their lifelong worldview. Based on thirty years of working with young adults, Dr. Jeff Myers helps parents answer questions such as What is God like? How do we know the Bible is true? Why doesn’t God stop pain? What happens when we die? What about those who have never heard?

ID: 22-403
Jun. 4, 2022

Many will dismiss what the Bible says simply because they believe the Bible can’t be trusted in the arena of historical accuracy.? Egyptian?Chronology?is?the lynch pin for this.??This seminar includes?the latest in archaeology as it relates to Egyptian Chronology, and is a great help to those teaching early history.

ID: 22-404
Jun. 4, 2022

“Growing up” shouldn’t be a passive activity. But do you know what it takes to get from childhood to adulthood? I’m not talking about the trend-of-the-week parenting success advice—do you know the foundational, unchanging principles every generation needs to become effective adults? This inspirational conversation will teach you the principles you need to understand yourself, your path, and the kind of difference you can make in the world.

ID: 22-405
Jun. 4, 2022

As fallen creatures living in a fallen world, we are relentlessly tempted to scratch the stubborn itch of indulgent self-centeredness—daily battling an unrequited yearning to be the focal point of everyone’s attention.? But the real Master, who is undeniably worthy to be incessantly waited on, said of Himself that He did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.? God has given us plenty of opportunities to imitate the servant-heartedness of Jesus—the greatest servant in existence.? Discover what glad servanthood really looks like, and how we can become willing and joyful servants to our loved ones and the world as we follow in the footsteps of Christ.

ID: 22-406
Jun. 4, 2022

Every homeschool mom can always do with a good dose of encouragement, and reminders of the confidence and joy that is readily available in Christ. Come and hear Rachel share about the faithfulness of God in her homeschool journey and the hope that we can have, despite the many challenges, as we commit the education of our children to Him

ID: 22-409
Jun. 4, 2022

There are no easy answers to teaching a number of children of different ages, and there’s no doubt that doing so is a real challenge that requires patience and creativity. Though we may feel it’s pushing us to our limits, it provides opportunities for our kids to learn responsibility, independence, and self-control. Kathie Morrissey, mother of 8 children, will share many practical tips and ideas to make your school time more productive, and your job easier.

Looking for ways to engage your student in the political process, but don’t know where to start? Generation Joshua, HSLDA’s offshoot for youth engagement, assists parents in raising up the next generation of Christian leaders and citizens by equipping them to positively influence the political processes of today and tomorrow. As an HSLDA attorney and GenJ alumna, Amy will share how GenJ empowers through relationships and how it will inspire your student to engage in the political process.

ID: 22-504
Jun. 4, 2022

Take a few minutes with Patrick Nurre of Northwest Treasures to learn a variety of ways to reinforce Biblical geology with your family.

ID: 22-601
Jun. 4, 2022

Public speaking and thinking on your feet are vital communication skills in the workplace and society. Don’t let fear and uncertainty shut you down. These proven practical strategies from Dr. Jeff Myers have been used by difference-makers all over the world to communicate with confidence in speeches and conversations, even in the face of hostility.

ID: 22-602
Jun. 4, 2022

The moment every parent dreads: a social worker knocks on your door. What do you do? Knowing beforehand how to respond can mean the difference between quickly resolving a CPS investigation and being subjected to the difficulty of an unnecessary, potentially traumatic experience. During this talk, Amy will equip you with an easy-to-understand explanation of the 4th Amendment, preemptive strategies, and instructions for how to respond if an official shows up at your door.

ID: 22-604
Jun. 4, 2022

Have you ever noticed the way that people respond when you speak words of encouragement into their life?? It’s almost similar to the joy that a lost traveler in a hot dessert exudes when he suddenly finds a lush oasis.? We know this because it’s exactly what each of us has experienced when others have thoughtfully taken the time to encourage us.? The trials of life can often be extremely disheartening, but this session will help us discover that the greatest source of encouragement to our own souls comes from being used by God to encourage others. Amid the current homeschooling season of life that God has placed us in, we will dive deep and uncover what the Bible has to say about how we can become ready and eager encouragers toward those in our immediate circle of influence, and beyond.?

ID: 22-605
Jun. 4, 2022

The most important thing we can do as we raise our kids is strive to win and keep their hearts! When we have their hearts, we are able to influence them and their values. That is one of the main reasons many parents feel led to home school their children – so THEY can be the ones influencing their children’s values. When we fail to win their hearts, or that heart connection becomes weak, our kids will often begin to look to their friends for relationship, and no longer be open to our teaching. Kathie will share some things to avoid that often lead to losing their hearts, and then give 6 key things to help you win & keep their hearts.

In this session Sarah shares key lessons the Lord has taught her about trusting the Lord in the area of singleness. The Lord gave her amazing opportunities in her single years, before getting married at age 41. Yet, it wasn’t always an easy road. Sarah will share honestly about the joys and the challenges of singleness, encouraging single women of all ages to trust God’s timing and pour themselves out for the Lord. She will share ways the Lord encouraged her when she needed it, and insights from Scripture that helped her through the journey.

ID: 22-609
Jun. 4, 2022

Probably the least understood of subjects in earth history is the Ice Age and how it fits into a biblical worldview. We’ll examine the evidence for an Ice age caused by the Genesis Flood, how it could fit into the period between Noah and Abraham, and reinforce confidence in what the Bible says historically.

It is easy to underestimate the tremendous potential we have as families for the Kingdom of God. In this workshop, Harold and Sarah, speaking as a father-daughter team, will share how important it is for every family to be serving the Lord together. When a family works together for the Lord, the young people are given motivation and vision, the family learns to overcome struggles and work in harmony, and mighty works are accomplished for God’s kingdom. This workshop will give encouragement, direction, and practical ideas for developing a “ministry mindset” in children and ministering together as a family.

ID: 22-702
Jun. 4, 2022

The high school years offer a prime opportunity for parents to together with their teens to review and to evaluate their teens preparation for adulthood. They can determine a plan of action how to equip and solidify their teen’s beliefs, skills, and relational abilities necessary for future success and passionately following Christ. Whether male or female, single or married, specific training is necessary to be able to face the demands of these roles with confidence and ease.

ID: 22-703
Jun. 4, 2022

Do you know what it takes to make your relationships extraordinary? Let’s take some time to debunk a few relationship myths and talk about the essential formula you need to follow to make—and keep—authentic relationships.

Between a worldwide pandemic and a new administration, the face of homeschooling looks dramatically different than it did even a year ago. Amy will talk through what you should expect for homeschooling freedom, potential influences from the federal and state legislation, and why there are so many reasons for hope.

One of the boldest stratagems of the Second World War involved the bombing of Tokyo shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Jacob DeShazer, one of the Doolittle’s raiders who participated in that assault, led a life fleeing from God until his captivity as a prisoner of the Japanese. His story and that of the commanding Japanese pilot in the attack on Pearl Harbor, Mitsuo Fushida, intertwine in a way only God could orchestrate through a series of remarkable providences. This story shows the hand of God in the lives of two relatively obscure warriors, which in the end resulted in the conversion of many Japanese people and the witness of the Gospel to untold thousands of others in the post war world. History is not only stranger than fiction, it displays the glory of God in amazing ways.

ID: 22-708
Jun. 4, 2022

The battle for our children’s life should be fought on our knees! Prayer is the most important part of rearing our children. Why? Because God can do what we cannot do. Kathie will share several practical prayer ideas, as well as suggestions for some the things we should pray for regarding our children. Being a praying parent makes a difference, and we need to commit to praying daily for our kids.

ID: 22-709
Jun. 4, 2022

The main goal in this workshop is to see the creation through?new eyes. Often when we observe common familiar creatures, our initial reaction is “been there, seen that, ho hum” when there?really is nothing ho hum about it. I will survey a few animals, plants, and fungi that we deem boring, and then (without exaggerating) showcase God’s handiwork by unveiling the hidden yet awe-inspiring features of these living masterpieces. We will find out that the boringness is in us, not in the animal,?plant, or fungus.??