Christian Heritage Home Educators of Washington

Recordings Listing


Washington State
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 19 through 20, 2021

WA - 2021 Spring Conference

Presented by: Christian Heritage Home Educators of Washington
Recording ID:
Original Price: $160.00
Set Price: $49.00

WA - 2021 Spring Conference

More Than Conquerors - Pursuing Christ Amid New Challenges (Please note: Dr. McLeod's and Bill Jack's sessions are not included in the set)

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 21-003Restoring American Exceptionalism One Family at a Time - Keynote by: Rick Green21-005One Life to Give - Keynote by: Rick Green21-101The Biblical & Constitutional Right to Self-Defense by: Rick Green21-102Identifying and Correcting Blocked Learning Gates: How to by: Dianne Craft21-104Dissections at Home by: Joel Thomas21-106New Beginnings, Part 1 (Time Chroniclers Audiobook Series - Episode 1) by: Pat Roy21-107The Drama of the Reformation by: Douglas Bond21-201A Vision for Your Life (Kickstart: Launch Your Life Series) by: Kevin Swanson21-204COVID & The Constitution by: Rick Green21-205Getting It All In: Making a Workable Plan for YOUR Family by: Susan Bradrick21-206New Beginnings, Part 2 (Time Chroniclers Audiobook Series - Episode 2) by: Pat Roy21-207Mission Aviation: Technically Skilled People Advancing the Kingdom! by: Doug Nunziato21-302Teaching the Right Brain Child: You Might Have a Right Learner in Your Midst (Parts 1 & 2) by: Dianne Craft21-303Calling for Boys vs. Girls (Kickstart: Launch Your Life Series) by: Kevin Swanson21-304Introducing Electricity: Simple Affordable Labs for Homeschoolers by: Joel Thomas21-305Principles of Child Training (CH Parent Qualifying Course Series) by: Mary Craig21-306The Reunion, Part 1 (Time Chroniclers Listening Series - Episode 3) by: Pat Roy21-307Three Keys to Gap Year Success by: Jonathan Brush21-401Getting Started in Life (Kickstart: Launch Your Life Series) by: Steve Riddell21-403COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates, Other Medical Issues, and Your Parental Rights by: Bradley Pierce21-404Why Children Stop Playing Music When They Stop Taking Lessons: How to Create a Lifestyle of Music and Worship by: Elisha Voetberg21-405The Reunion, Part 2 (Time Chroniclers Listening Series - Episode 4) by: Pat Roy21-406The Poetic Wonder of Isaac Watts by: Douglas Bond21-407How Our Parents Kept Our Hearts by: Megan Craig, Daniel Craig21-502Training Your Child's Photographic Memory by: Dianne Craft21-503Mentorship 101 (Kickstart: Launch Your Life Series) by: Steve Riddell21-504The Sexual Revolution by: David Eddy21-505Debate Is More than Just Arguing by: Amy Joy Tofte21-506New Frontiers, Part 1 (Time Chroniclers Listening Series - Episode 5) by: Pat Roy21-507The Mighty Weakness of John Knox by: Douglas Bond21-601Auditory Processing and Working Memory by: Dianne Craft21-602New Frontiers, Part 2 (Time Chroniclers Listening Series - Episode 6) by: Pat Roy This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

With passion and humor, Rick outlines the timeless principles of liberty which allowed America to become the most successful nation in history; not perfect, not infallible, and certainly not indestructible, but something exceptional and extraordinary… truly unique in all of history. Rick and his kids will share powerful stories and principles from Legends of Liberty throughout history and then leave the audience with specific action steps for applying those principles to our personal and family lives while preserving them for future generations.

ID: 21-005
Mar. 20, 2021

In this powerfully moving presentation, Rick Green and his four children use the stories of great world-changers to inspire each of us to discover our passion, plan our purpose, and execute our plan. With just a little sacrifice on our part, we can preserve liberty for future generations by living out our freedom with purpose and passion.

What does the 2nd Amendment really mean to your family? Most important, how do you practically live out your rights & defend your family? Is it Biblical to use force to stop violence against your loved ones? Rick & his family will share the history of the 2nd Amendment and how they, as a family, have enjoyed learning together how to defend themselves and others. You will learn how to intellectually defend the Constitution, but also get some practical and powerful tips on the actual, physical defense of your family.

This is for your “puzzling child”. Is it a maturity issue, or is something else going on? If you have a bright, hardworking child who has to work too hard to learn, he is telling you that one or more of his Four Learning Gates is blocked. Find out specifically how the brain processes information, and where that processing can break down. Learn how to be your own diagnostician using a checklist of symptoms; then learn the necessary interventions. It doesn’t have to be so hard for your child!

ID: 21-104
Mar. 19, 2021

In this workshop we will be completing a dissection together while taking a closer look at the challenges a dissection at home can present. Together we will also answer questions such as where specimens can be sourced, what preservation methods are available and what are important safety considerations.

Jimmy’s 15th birthday goes from joy to disaster after his father passes down a watch and a journal containing information that two men are sent to silence. In modern day, Scott Penner finds his faith challenged when he’s handed an assignment to cover Darwin’s voyage to the Galapagos. At home he must confront the family’s bad habits and poor attitudes towards each other.

ID: 21-107
Mar. 19, 2021

In the face of cultural hostility, followers of Christ must not compromise the bold historical witness of the Christian faith. We stand not on a mere idea or a fanciful myth, but on historical events that testify to the fact that Jesus is Lord and Savior.

This session is from Kickstart: Launch Your Life, courtesy of Daniel Craig. Read the following description of the Kickstart program! “What am I going to do with Johnny?” When 36% of college graduates show no cognitive gains after four years of study, and only 51% can find full-time employment after exiting a higher education system with an average price-tag of $72K (public) to $140K (private), it’s impossible to deny that the college paradigm has failed us. How then are we to prepare our young people for their God-given calling so that they’re able to successfully engage the marketplace in a difficult economy? Though man’s education systems are declining, God’s program of relationship-based, character-focused, and life-integrated education has never been more effective. Mentorship prepared 12 men who change the world 2,000 years ago, and it’s still the most powerful method for launching young men and young women into life today. And that’s why we’re excited to announce the release of Kickstart–your student’s step-by-step guide to launching their life with clear vision, through powerful mentoring relationships and real-life application. Designed for young men and women, ages 15+, this breakthrough self-study program. This program is also great as a study with parents. This session focuses on the following: - What Is Wrong with Us? - Vision: Where It Comes From - Vision – What It’s Not - The Kingdom of God - Seeking God vs. Seeking You - Vision: What Is Yours?

ID: 21-204
Mar. 19, 2021

Are Quarantines and other Covid restrictions Constitutional? In this presentation, Rick answers the questions raised as we are living out what seems like a dystopian novel. How far can the government restrict your movements, your church gatherings, and your ability to work? What criteria must be met for a public health emergency to trigger the things we are seeing across the Nation? Where do you go for due process if government overreaches it’s constitutional authority? What can we do to restore rational, scientific, constitutional responses to this and future situations?

This session is courtesy of the Christian Heritage Start-to-Finish Parent Qualifying Course. Are you ever frazzled, frenzied, and frustrated because you can’t get it all in? A hint: We can’t! But we can significantly reduce the pressure by making choices based on God’s priorities. So, come and learn practical ways to design a workable, flexible, Bible-based schedule by evaluating, from God’s perspective, the myriad of viable “good” activities in order to choose what is very “BEST” for YOUR FAMILY. And discover that using His principles can bring joy and peace to your home-based discipleship adventure.

Jimmy’s captured and put in a place where nobody seems to care that he’s been kidnapped, except a young boy, Tom. For the Penner family, Scott’s father, Ian, dies. This leaves behind his mother, Ellie (who’s suffering from Alzheimer’s) and living in a mysterious home.

Missions is the great call of our Lord for all believers to take part in. Yet, not all of us are evangelists, church planters, or pastors. Is there a place for the technically minded in missions? Yes! God has gifted each of us in unique ways so that we can use those gifts for His Kingdom’s work. In this presentation, come learn about how the skill of aviation in missions is spreading the Gospel farther and faster to the most isolated parts of the world.

These wonderful children learn in a different manner than their left brain siblings. You will learn how to identify the right brain child, and learn many simple teaching techniques, such as Right Brain Reading and Right Brain Math. Right Brain Reading is the method Dianne used in her Resource room to help students make a two-year gain in reading in one year! For kids who find math “miserable”, this is a Godsend. No curriculum required! Help your children get in touch with the “smart part of themselves”! Poor test takers will learn how to store facts using their photographic memory. Everyone looks smart when these strategies are used.

This session is from Kickstart: Launch Your Life, courtesy of Daniel Craig. Read the following description of the Kickstart program! “What am I going to do with Johnny?” When 36% of college graduates show no cognitive gains after four years of study, and only 51% can find full-time employment after exiting a higher education system with an average price-tag of $72K (public) to $140K (private), it’s impossible to deny that the college paradigm has failed us. How then are we to prepare our young people for their God-given calling so that they’re able to successfully engage the marketplace in a difficult economy? Though man’s education systems are declining, God’s program of relationship-based, character-focused, and life-integrated education has never been more effective. Mentorship prepared 12 men who change the world 2,000 years ago, and it’s still the most powerful method for launching young men and young women into life today. And that’s why we’re excited to announce the release of Kickstart–your student’s step-by-step guide to launching their life with clear vision, through powerful mentoring relationships and real-life application. Designed for young men and women, ages 15+, this breakthrough self-study program. This program is also great as a study with parents. This session focuses on the following: - The Big Picture - Boys vs. Girls - Girls: Trap #1, Trap #2, and Proverbs 31.11 - Boys: Genesis 1.26-28, Provider, Shepherd, and Your Specific Calling

Is your child interested in electricity and you aren’t sure how to support their interest? In this workshop we will demonstrate the best ways to present abstract concepts around electricity. We will also provide your family with a number of simple, low cost and high interest experiments to help cement learning.

This session is courtesy of the Christian Heritage Start-to-Finish Parent Qualifying Course. What else is there to learn about child training? What do you do when your parenting seems to be missing the mark? Here is a perfect opportunity to learn wisdom and practical specifics by: learning more in-depth the foundations of training, identifying and correcting negative character traits like laziness and pridefulness, and helping your children mature and develop more of a Christ-centered focus.

The two men who burned down Jimmy’s barn (Marley and Clive) comeback, looking for his father’s journal and threatening Jimmy’s mother. The Penners come to Ian’s funeral and find that there’s no one to take care of Grandma (Ellie). The family begins to work together to fix up the house, but Ellie refuses to sell.

ID: 21-307
Mar. 20, 2021

In this webinar, you’ll learn three specific ways to make the most of your gap year, focusing on community, learning, and adventure. Community is more important than ever before. Engaging in real Christian community is critical to prosper in this difficult season. A gap year is a unique opportunity to earn both college credits and money. Learn how to leverage this year to maximize both. This year could be a year remembered by shattered plans, or as a year of unmatched exploration. The choice is yours.

This session is from Kickstart: Launch Your Life, courtesy of Daniel Craig. Read the following description of the Kickstart program! “What am I going to do with Johnny?” When 36% of college graduates show no cognitive gains after four years of study, and only 51% can find full-time employment after exiting a higher education system with an average price-tag of $72K (public) to $140K (private), it’s impossible to deny that the college paradigm has failed us. How then are we to prepare our young people for their God-given calling so that they’re able to successfully engage the marketplace in a difficult economy? Though man’s education systems are declining, God’s program of relationship-based, character-focused, and life-integrated education has never been more effective. Mentorship prepared 12 men who change the world 2,000 years ago, and it’s still the most powerful method for launching young men and young women into life today. And that’s why we’re excited to announce the release of Kickstart–your student’s step-by-step guide to launching their life with clear vision, through powerful mentoring relationships and real-life application. Designed for young men and women, ages 15+, this breakthrough self-study program. This program is also great as a study with parents. This session focuses on the following: - Ordered Steps – Psalm 37.23 - Four Keys to Getting Started - Action Steps

Politicians and bureaucrats across the country are getting ready right now to push a new vaccine on children, even when parents object. This could result in a tidal wave of attacks upon many homeschoolers across the country. As an experienced parental rights attorney, Heritage Defense attorney Bradley Pierce will discuss what parental rights challenges lay ahead and the three things every family should be doing right now to prepare for them.

All too often children spend years and hundreds of hours taking music lessons and practicing only to relegate music to something they did when they were younger. The music ends when the lessons and recitals end. What a shame! Music is not something we simply add to our regiment of schooling. The Bible tells us again and again to have music be part of our lifestyle forever. Not just when we have time to practice and perform but when we are about our day serving our Creator. But how do we equip our children to do this?

Marian and her brother (Daschel) discover where Jimmy has been taken, and risk everything to rescue him. At the Penners, rumors around town abound about strange activities surrounding the Penner family.

ID: 21-406
Mar. 20, 2021

In an age of simplistic and repetitive choruses, many churches are rediscovering the blessing of theologically rich and biblically informed songs. Douglas Bond introduces us to Isaac Watts, “the father of English hymnody.” Bond urges Christians to delight in the grandeur, beauty, and joy of Watts’ poetry. We pray that you would regain a sense of God’s majesty as we celebrate the God-given poetic wonder of Isaac Watts.

ID: 21-407
Mar. 20, 2021

- Discerning what your kids will remember most from your parenting - Practical tips to build strong relationships with your children - Building a family team that stays together and enjoys one another - Four factors for strong family relationships

ID: 21-502
Mar. 20, 2021

Many people think that some are just born with a “photographic memory”. But we now know that this amazing ability can be easily taught. The ability to use the photographic memory is one of the best gifts you can give your child. Your child can store his spelling words in his photographic memory for quick retrieval. Vocabulary is learned in a totally different way! Imagine your child actually having fun improving his vocabulary for the SAT.

This session is from Kickstart: Launch Your Life, courtesy of Daniel Craig. Read the following description of the Kickstart program! “What am I going to do with Johnny?” When 36% of college graduates show no cognitive gains after four years of study, and only 51% can find full-time employment after exiting a higher education system with an average price-tag of $72K (public) to $140K (private), it’s impossible to deny that the college paradigm has failed us. How then are we to prepare our young people for their God-given calling so that they’re able to successfully engage the marketplace in a difficult economy? Though man’s education systems are declining, God’s program of relationship-based, character-focused, and life-integrated education has never been more effective. Mentorship prepared 12 men who change the world 2,000 years ago, and it’s still the most powerful method for launching young men and young women into life today. And that’s why we’re excited to announce the release of Kickstart–your student’s step-by-step guide to launching their life with clear vision, through powerful mentoring relationships and real-life application. Designed for young men and women, ages 15+, this breakthrough self-study program. This program is also great as a study with parents. This session focuses on the following: - Common Misconceptions - Getting Started with the Basics - What Should I Do? - Take One More Step!

ID: 21-504
Mar. 20, 2021

What is wrong with homosexuality? Our nation is rapidly moving from a position of accepting homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle to demanding its acceptance even among those who have biblical convictions against it. The wise Christian will have a biblical answer ready for those who question why they uphold “traditional” (biblical) marriage values. Is homosexuality wrong? Why is it wrong? Why does it matter, really? Understanding Romans 1 is key to knowing what the Bible teaches on this contentious subject.

ID: 21-505
Mar. 20, 2021

Regardless of natural ability or internal desire, young people can learn to discover ideas, discern truth, and influence others by participating in debate. If your children are ready to meet their challenge, grow in grace, and communicate with confidence, check out debate. It’s an adventure worth taking!

Jimmy’s transported to the port of Plymouth, England. Marian and Daschel are in a race against time to find Jimmy before Marley and Clive. For the Penner family, Ellie shows up with a burnt diary containing a code. Winny, Hope, and Heath must work together to try to discover the meaning.

ID: 21-507
Mar. 20, 2021

In this session author Douglas Bond explores the life of John Knox, the great Reformer of Scotland, who is often remembered as something akin to a biblical prophet born out of time—strong and brash, thundering in righteous might. In truth, he was “low in stature, and of a weakly constitution,” a small man who was often sickly and afflicted with doubts and fears. For those who see themselves as too weak, too small, too timid, or simply too ordinary for service in God’s kingdom, Knox’s life offers a powerful message of hope—the biblical truth that God often delights to work most powerfully through people who are most weak in themselves but most strong in Him.

ID: 21-601
Mar. 20, 2021

Do you have a child whom you suspect has an Auditory Processing Problem? There are ten auditory channels. Some channels affect academics (reading, phonics and sight words, spelling, and math), while others affect everyday life (easily confused, misunderstands verbal information, poor working memory, speech delay or articulation issues). Become your child’s own diagnostician as you identify, bypass, and correct auditory processing problems at home. Learn to bypass the auditory learning glitch by using the child’s natural photographic memory and how to correct the auditory glitch by using the proven methods of home Brain Integration Therapy and Targeted Nutritional Interventions.

Jimmy and Daschel come face to face with his captors. Who will prevail? The Penners have to work together to get to the parade in Ellie's small town. Later, they find Ellie remembering enough to help the family decode the secret of the Penner home. What will they find?