Michigan Christian Homeschool Network

Recordings Detail

Recording ID: 17-155

Need a Part Time Job as a home economist?

Sometimes, the opportunity to homeschool is squelched by real financial barriers. The temptation is for both parents to work outside the home and place their children in public school. Beth Mora, mom of eight kids and wife of one hardworking man is no stranger to managing a large family. Learn how she whittled their family food budget down to $500.00/month while her family (One husband, who burns a lot of calories as a contractor, six VERY hungry teenage boys, and two girls) still ate like kings and queens! Her frugal ways saved over $1000/month! Yes, it was work but embracing a fabulous and frugal lifestyle enabled the Mora’s to keep on homeschooling! Are you ready to carve out a part-time job in your home by becoming a top-notch home economist? Your employment application is waiting for you at this workshop! All who are willing will be hired!