Homeschool Idaho

Recordings Detail

Recording ID: 23-23

Teaching the Right Brain Child

-original message lost s- this is a replacement -same topic - same speaker Is your child a right-brain learner? Half of the population is right-brain dominant, and half is left-brain dominant. You may have a right-brain learner in your midst! These wonderful children learn in a different manner than their left-brain siblings. If you have a child who does not “like’” schoolwork no matter what you do, you will learn much in this workshop. You will learn how to identify the right-brain child and learn many simple teaching techniques, such as Right Brain Spelling (making the words “stick instead of slip”) and Right Brain Reading. (As a bonus, you will also understand your spouse better since we tend to marry the opposite hemisphere...God’s sense of humor!) By using a totally different strategy, we consistently see a two-year gain in reading and spelling in one year! Parents say, “I can’t believe it, but my child asks to do spelling now.”