Recordings Detail

Recording ID: 24-64

The Slow Brain and The Fast Brain

Saturday Jun. 15, 2024

Does your child (or do you) display primarily reflexive/impulsive problem solving or deliberate/meticulous problem solving? Do either of you struggle getting out of the box, or taking time that is needed to think something through? Developing understanding of these two default modes of thinking can create better decision making and problem solving in school and all of life. In this session, we’ll explore the principles of neuroscience that lead to brain activity, connectivity, and function We’ll ask questions to make the jump from principles of science to applications for learning. Learn how cognitive tasks work, how the brain problem solves, and how to improve focus (both more and less). Lessons will be shared from both clinical and learning environments, and homework will be given to parents to help apply these general ideas into your home. Dr. Joe has an engaging way of making the complex simple, and while his two sessions aren't connected, it will be helpful to attend both as you will learn two sides of a coin (how information is processed and how an individual relates to the surrounding world). Dr. Joe’s second workshop is in Session IX. This session is more focused on internal processes than external interpretation.