Recordings Detail

Recording ID: 24-94

Right Brain and Left Brain for the Student and Teacher

Saturday Jun. 15, 2024

Do you find it hard to relate to and teach your children who have different learning/processing styles than you do? Understanding how your student processes information can be the key you need to help them unlock a love of learning. In this session, we will be exploring the neurobiology behind information processing and decision making. The focus will primarily be on how the right brain and left brain function and work together. As we develop applications for understanding communication, you’ll begin to understand why the same message can have vastly different meanings for two people. Take-home applications will help improve communication, relating, and efficiency in learning. Dr. Joe has an engaging way of making the complex simple, and while his two sessions aren't connected, it will be helpful to attend both as you will learn two sides of a coin (how information is processed and how an individual relates to the world around). This session is more focused on external interpretation than internal processes.