Recordings Detail

Recording ID: 25-01

Marriage Lessons From Real Life

Zan was Joe’s best friend and ministry partner in college. He loved her and wanted to know how she felt about him. Even though they had never dated, Joe proposed out of the blue during their junior year—and Zan didn’t speak to him for a month! In spite of this rocky start, the Tylers have thoroughly enjoyed more than 40 years of marriage. They’ve experienced abundant joys and triumphs and have weathered many storms. Among Joe’s responsibilities at home, he is in charge of attitude adjustments and comic relief. Zan says, “Being able to laugh through the years has helped me survive things like threats of jail, the pressures of homeschooling, and the stress of life in general!” Enjoy this refreshing session of laughter and encouragement as Joe and Zan share candidly about the ups and downs of married life—including their biggest fight ever—while focusing on principles that have served to form the unshakeable foundation of their marriage. You’ll learn how embracing the magnificent biblical vision of marriage is the key to a vibrant relationship