Speakers Detail

Aby Rinella

Aby Rinella

Aby Rinella is a former public-school teacher turned passionate homeschool mom. Aby is an Idaho native who lives in the mountains with her college sweetheart and 3 awesome kids where they enjoy all things outdoors. Aby is a writer and speaker, seeking to encourage and inspire women to live the life they were designed to live, to train up their children in God’s Word, and to stand on truth in a culture that has lost its foundation. Aby and her husband, Jesse, are passionate about encouraging men and women to prioritize the calling they have been given to raise their families the way they were designed. They also write for outdoor/hunting publications with a focus on family in the field and the benefits of pointing children to their Creator through spending time outside, in His creation. Jesse and Aby are the former directors of their local homeschool support group, and board members of Homeschool Idaho. Aby also co-hosts the Schoolhouse Rocked podcast, as well as writes for publications in both the homeschool community and the outdoor industry. The Rinella family runs a non-profit organization, Called Beyond, that takes families and children impacted by disability, terminal illness or various obstacles on hunting, fishing, and other outdoor adventures.

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