New York State Loving Education At Home

Speakers Detail

Travis Zimmerman

Travis Zimmerman

Travis Zimmerman, Speak My Word Ministries’ Co-Founder, loves Jesus Christ with all of his heart. Over the past 25 years, his speaking style has been described as electric, dynamic, and heart-felt. Travis has committed the past 13 years to memorizing God’s Word which he has spoken at national conferences, retreats, and churches. His short video messages on The Daily Pulse have logged 45,000+ views.Travis earned an Aerospace Engineering degree from Penn State University as well as a Master of Business Administration from Webster University. He is currently enrolled in a Master of Arts in Theological Studies at Liberty University. Additionally, Travis served as a United States Air Force officer as well as Sight & Sound Theatres’ national sales manager. Travis and his bride, Suzanne, live in Hershey, PA where they homeschool their five school-age children: an oldest daughter and four sons. See www.speakmyword. org for more information.