Georgia Home Education Association

Speakers Detail

Maggie Hogan

Maggie Hogan

Maggie and Bob Hogan live in a (formerly) Amish farmhouse in Dover, DE where they began homeschooling their two (now grown) sons in 1991. She is a regular columnist for homeschooling Internet sites as well as several print magazines. She’s a nationally known speaker and co-author of The Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide, Gifted Children at Home, Hands-on Geography and other resource books. Involved in local, state, and national homeschooling issues, they both serve on boards of home education organizations in Delaware. Maggie likes to start things: co-ops, projects, diets, and businesses! Along with Bob, she is owner of Bright Ideas Press, a home school company dedicated to bringing the best practical, fun, and affordable materials to the homeschool market.