Recordings Listing


Bismarck, ND
Thursday - Saturday
Feb. 15 through 17, 2024

2024 NDHSA Convention - Blessed is the Man

Presented by: North Dakota Home School Association
Recording ID: 24-1000
Original Price: $154.00
Set Price: $120.00

ND 2024 Complete Conference Set

When you purchase this set you do not need to "check" any other boxes. All messages (that were successfully recorded at the event) will be delivered (via email link) to you as soon as possible after they are presented. Note: Ms. Goyer was unable to attend.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 24-00Your Child, God's Champion by: Rick Boyer24-01The Killer B 'Bitterness' by: Rick Boyer24-02Our First 40 Years by: Rick Boyer24-11Boys will be Men by: Rick Boyer24-12AHow to get Kids Excited about Learning by: Jared Dodd24-13Got Kids? Get Character by: Marilyn Boyer24-14Simplify Your Homeschool by: Rebecca Moan24-15Return to Genesis by: Mike Snavely24-16The Power of Your Child's Emotions by: Roger Smith MD24-21Family Time: Ideas for Busy Dads by: Rick Boyer24-22ATime and Home Management by: Nancy Bjorkman24-23These Kids are Driving Me NUTS! by: Marilyn Boyer24-24Homeschool High School How-To's by: Llora Knight24-25The Horror of the Flood by: Mike Snavely24-26Transitioning from Controlling to Influencing by: Roger Smith MD, Jan Smith24-31Raising Cain without Killing Abel by: Rick Boyer24-32Homeschooling a Child with Dyslexia by: Alysia Budd24-33Getting it All Done by: Marilyn Boyer24-34Updates to the Academic, CTE, and ND Scholarship by: Jim Upgren24-35The Pillars of Evolution by: Mike Snavely24-36Dad's Essential Role by: Roger Smith MD24-41The Battle Within: Understanding the War Between Spirit & Flesh by: Chuck Black24-42ALeaving the Classroom Mentality by: Theresa Deckert24-43Exploring Homeschooling Methods by: Nancy Bjorkman24-445 Core Habits to Help Your Child Learn Anything by: Christina Rondeau24-45Lost Secrets of the Ancient Civilizations by: Mike Snavely24-46Discipline That Draws Children Closer by: Roger Smith MD, Jan Smith24-51Defining Moments That Change Your Future by: Chuck Black24-52Getting Started Homeschooling in ND by: Theresa Deckert24-53Why I'm Glad I Homeschooled through High School by: Marilyn Boyer24-54Exploring Learning Styles by: Nancy Bjorkman24-55The Stricken Earth by: Mike Snavely24-56Did I Just Say That? by: Roger Smith MD, Jan Smith24-61Beyond the Textbooks by: Rick Boyer24-62AFighting Apathy, Teaching your Children to Care by: Chuck Black24-63Delighting in Your Children, Key to Keeping Their Hearts by: Marilyn Boyer24-64Surviving High School Transcripts by: Llora Knight24-65Spiders! by: Mike Snavely24-66Just Tell Me What to Do by: Jan Smith24-71Heroes, Standing on the Shoulders of Giants by: Rick Boyer24-72AThe Mystery of the Dinosaurs by: Mike Snavely24-73Things I would Do Again or Differently by: Marilyn Boyer24-74Sensory Needs: Solutions to Help by: Alysia Budd24-76Managing Fear in the Midst of Chaos by: Jan Smith This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 24-00
Feb. 16, 2024

Throughout the history of Israel and Judah, God raised up several great men to rule over His people. But it was a king who took the throne at the tender age of eight who became the most godly king of all. II Kings 23:25 tells us: "Before him there was no king like him who turned to the LORD with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might...nor did any like him arise after him." The life of Josiah provides parents with dynamic principles for training up the next generation of godly leaders to turn OUR nation back to God!

ID: 24-01
Feb. 17, 2024

It’s quiet, but deadly. It can poison a whole family when no one even knows it’s there. It dampens affection, kills communication and leaves hearts wounded and hurting. It is the number one reason why marriages break up and why parents lose the hearts of their children. The Bible describes it as a “root” that springs up and defiles many. In this talk, Rick Boyer explains how the poison of bitterness damages relationships and how the grace of God can put them back together again. Peace and love in your home are not just a dream.

ID: 24-02
Feb. 17, 2024

Rick Boyer and his wife have been home schooling since 1980. Starting out young and green in a time when only a handful of families was home schooling, Rick and Marilyn found few resources to help them in their journey. They had to blaze their own trail, surviving such obstacles as skeptical grandparents, hostile school authorities, unhelpful curriculum publishers, blizzards, Indian attacks…(just kidding). The Boyers are still home schooling today and now share their experiences around the world through their books and their speaking ministry. Rick will share some of the most profound lessons learned along the way.

ID: 24-11
Feb. 16, 2024

Eighty percent of the children labeled “Learning Disabled” in school are boys. That’s why wise parents understand that the confinement, boredom and regimentation of school are things to be avoided if boys are to thrive. The key to understanding and cooperating with the drives God has built into boys is in recognizing that boyhood is preparation for the roles of family protector, provider and leader that naturally and Biblically fall upon men. We must understand that we are not raising boys, but training future men if we are to make boyhood the exciting and profitable season of life that God intended it to be.

ID: 24-31
Feb. 16, 2024

Few things create more tension for parents than hearing their children fight with each other. But it's nothing new, as the Bible clearly shows. Scripture also shows several causes of sibling rivalry AND teaches us how to deal with it effectively. Peace in your home really is possible! Come and hear how you can help your children learn to live at peace with each other, laying foundations for successful relationships all throughout life.


Linn County Expo Center, Albany, OR
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 16 through 17, 2023

OR 2023 - A Future and a Hope

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
Recording ID: 2023-1000
Original Price: $216.00
Set Price: $99.00

2023 OR - Complete Conference Set

The complete conference set includes the available MP3 messages recorded at the 2023 conference. (Messages lost to technical difficulties will not be included.)

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 23-01Your Family – A Future and a Hope by: Rick Boyer23-02This, We Believe! by: Todd Wilson23-03The Gift by: Todd Wilson23-04 The Kids We Need Today by: Rick Boyer23-101Lies Homeschoolers Believe by: Todd Wilson23-102Boys Will Be Men by: Rick Boyer23-103My Kids Hate School – Setting Them FREE with Passion-Driven Learning by: Marilyn Boyer23-104Charlotte Mason and Her Methods by: Sonya Shafer23-10510 Ways to Make the Most of the Preschool Years by: Heather Haupt23-106Educational Styles and Curriculum by: Colene Lewis23-107Living Well in Exile: The Hope – Is Your Faith Strong? by: Paul Telfer23-111Hope for America: Equipping Youth with Civic & Constitutional Literacy by: Wes Butler, Jeff Heyen23-114Approaches to Dyslexia: Barton Program & More (Positive Learning Solutions) by: 23-115Tools to Help Your Children Think Well and Develop (Classical Conversations) by: 23-201Proverbs – The Ultimate Parenting Book by: Rick Boyer23-202What's Next? Life After Graduation by: Todd Wilson23-203Homeschooling and Preschoolers, Too? by: Marilyn Boyer23-204Lessons from the Valley by: Sonya Shafer23-205Homeschooling and Still Loving Each Other by: Colene Lewis, Heather Haupt23-206Getting Started Homeschooling by: Tauna Meyer23-207Living Well in Exile: Developing Your Benchmarks by: Paul Telfer23-301Taming the Techno Beast – Parenting in the Internet Age by: Todd Wilson23-302The Killer Bee that destroys relationships by: Rick Boyer23-303 You Mean, I Can Teach History Like That? by: Marilyn Boyer23-304Language Arts: It's a Natural Progression by: Sonya Shafer23-305Stepping Outside the Homeschool Box: Creating a Home Where We Learn by: Heather Haupt23-306Homeschooling Teens – Tips That Work by: Colene Lewis23-307Living Well in Exile: Relationships by: Paul Telfer23-40120 Things to Teach Your Children Before They Leave Home by: Rick Boyer23-402Every Dad a Homeschooling Dad! by: Todd Wilson23-403Getting It All Done by: Marilyn Boyer23-404Keep it Simple: How to Teach Your Whole Family Together by: Sonya Shafer23-405Conquering Your Fear of Educational Gaps by: Heather Haupt23-406Transcripts: Simple and Effective by: Colene Lewis23-407Living Well in Exile: Choosing an Occupation by: Paul Telfer23-411Uncle Rick's Storytime by: Rick Boyer23-412ADHD and the Homeschool Family (ThinkBright ADHD Coaching) by: 23-413Shaping a Pro-Life Worldview: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Oregon Right to Life) by: 23-414RightStart™ Math: Why it Works by: 23-415Experience the Classical Education (Classical Conversations) by: 23-417Why do Smart Kids Struggle? (Help Elevate Learning Processing, Inc.) by: 23-501An Unbeatable Homeschool Team by: Todd Wilson23-502In the Valley of How Long by: Rick Boyer23-503Remind Me – Why Am I Doing This, Anyway? by: Marilyn Boyer23-504Using Charlotte Mason with Special Needs by: Sonya Shafer23-505Knights in Training: Raising Boys Into Men by: Heather Haupt23-506Launch and Let Go by: Colene Lewis23-507Living Well in Exile: Using the Future by: Paul Telfer This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 23-04
Jun. 17, 2023

Every parent wants great things for his children. Yet all around, we see young people without purpose or vision, addicted to shallow amusements, and with no passion for worthy goals. Learn how to motivate your children to greatness. They were born for such a time as this.

ID: 23-302
Jun. 16, 2023

It's quiet but deadly. It can poison a whole family when no one knows it's there. It dampens affection, kills communication, and leaves hearts wounded and hurting. It is the number one reason marriages break up, and parents lose their children's hearts. The Bible describes it as a "root" that springs up and defiles many. In this talk, Rick Boyer explains how the poison of bitterness damages relationships and how the grace of God can put them back together again. Peace and love in your home are not just a dream.

ID: 23-502
Jun. 17, 2023

"How long, O LORD? Wilt Thou forget me forever?" This was the cry of David's heart in Psalm 13. Most of us have been there. As a parent, you will probably encounter seasons when life is just too much, and you despair of ever feeling that you're up to the challenge of raising godly children in a hostile world. But God had a solution for David, and He has the same grace available to you. Hear how disappointment and tragedy were turned into victory in a homeschooling parent's life.