Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Recordings Listing


Porland, OR
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 25 through 26, 2010

OR-2010 Educating for Eternity

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Rick Boyer and his wife have been home schooling since 1980. Starting out young and green in a time when only a handful of families was home schooling, Rick and Marilyn found few resources to help them in their journey. They had to blaze their own trail, surviving such obstacles as skeptical grandparents, hostile school authorities, unhelpful curriculum publishers, blizzards, Indian attacks&(just kidding). The Boyers are still home schooling today and now share their experiences around the world through their books and their speaking ministry. Rick will share some of the most profound lessons learned along the way, including: -It's not schooling, it's discipleship -Life is the curriculum -The kid is the can -Socialization is for socialists -George Washington survived without Little League -and many more!

ID: 10-02
Jun. 26, 2010

We all want our children to catch the vision for God and grow up to serve Him. But how do we begin? Rick and Marilyn Boyer, home education pioneers of thirty years, believe the Bible contains the best plan for the upbringing of wise and competent children. Seeking wisdom from God's Word and applying it to their own lives, they have trained their fourteen sons and daughters, some of whom are now parents and passing on the vision to their own children. Come hear Rick and Marilyn- with some video clips from some of their adult children- explain the scriptural method for passing on a vision of powerful Christian living from generation to generation through family discipleship!

ID: 10-04
Jun. 26, 2010

It has been said that the parents of the 1980's and 90's were the Moses generation--they left Egypt (government schooling) and headed for the Promised Land, as the Israelites once traversed the wilderness to return to Canaan. The generation of Moses completed part of the mission, getting as far as the Jordan River. But it was left to Joshua and the younger Israelites to cross the river and take back the land that had been promised to their father Abraham centuries before. Today, home schooling parents have broken free from the bondage of Godless philosophies and are raising up the Joshua generation that will carry the battle over the Jordan--taking the banner of Christ back into American government, law, medicine, business, education and the arts, where God and His Word were once universally honored. The enemies of God are trembling today at the thunderous approach of the Joshua generation!!

To those who understand history, the hand of God is unmistakable in the story of America. Our Founders built on the soil of the New World a nation organized on the principles of Scripture. The result was that early America astounded the world with its freedom, genius and productivity. But when the training of children shifted from the realm of the family and moved into the realm of government, it took only a few generations to bring about the social, spiritual, moral and intellectual decay that permeates our society today. Now, home educating parents are taking back their children and raising up a generation of bright, godly, competent Americans who understand their heritage and are determined to reclaim it for the glory of God. God the designed the family, not the school to be the primary training ground for His champions.

Scripture records the stories of several cases of strife between siblings. In almost every case, there is a principle involved which the parents have violated, sowing destruction in their family. This series of case studies gives valuable insight into the causes --- and therefore, the cures - of sibling rivalry.

ID: 10-38
Jun. 25, 2010

Parents who decline to put their children in their church's Christian school or youth group are sometimes viewed as odd or rebellious. Rather than reacting or withdrawing homeschoolers must take the initiative in the church and be examples of families who really minister.

ID: 10-48
Jun. 26, 2010

There are plenty of misconceptions about the role of the father in a home schooling family. Some people think that if he can't be at home during "school time" he can't be involved. Others think his job is to take over some of Mom's chores in order to free her to spend more time with the children. But Scripture gives seven functions of a father in a godly home, and each of these can be applied very practically and powerfully in home education. Enjoy the wisdom and humor of this presentation as Rick answers the question of "What's A Dad to Do?"