Recordings Listing


West Des Moines
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 10 through 11, 2022

IOWA 2022 Conference

Presented by: Homeschool Iowa
Recording ID: 2022-Iowa
Original Price: $230.00
Set Price: $85.00

Access to all recordings made at the 2022 Conference in Iowa

When you purchase this option, all 45 recordings made at the 2022 Iowa Conference are available to you (for personal use only). You need not select individual titles or other offers. This option holds all available session recordings (some were lost in the process) in your account for up to 3 years.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 22-04 Exploring Homeschooling Methods by: Nancy Bjorkman22-05 Seven Prayers of a Parent by: Shirley Quine, David Quine22-11 Unhurried Homeschooling: Why We Need to Slow Down by: Durenda Wilson22-13 Charlotte Mason Foundations: A Paradigm Shift by: Nancy Kelly22-21 The Happiness Habit: A Life Hack To Improve Your Moments and Memories by: Jeannie Fulbright22-24 Technology and the Future of Work by: Nick Reddin22-25 Managing Life & Home While Homeschooling by: Nancy Bjorkman22-26 Homeschooling During Tough Times by: Vicki Tilman22-27 Qualified for Life: High Schoolers as Persons by: Nancy Kelly22-31 Homeschooling: Purpose or Performance? by: Durenda Wilson22-32 Teaching Struggling Learners at Home: The Nuts & Bolts for Success by: Faith Berens22-34 Durable Trades for a Durable Future by: Rory Groves22-35 Teaching (and Learning) the 7 Elements of Art by: Annie Pool22-36 Breathing Life into Your High School Math by: Jenny Conner22-41 Building Resilience in Your Kids by: Durenda Wilson22-42 Accommodations for Students with Disabilities by: Faith Berens22-43 Five Steps to a Superior Science Education by: Jeannie Fulbright22-44 Meal Planning – by: Erin Port22-45 Start with Chickens: Homesteading as a School Subject by: Rory Groves22-46 Home Organization: Bringing Calm into Chaos by: Amy Recher22-51 Guard Your Schedule: From It Flows the Wellspring of Your Homeschool Atmosphere by: Jeannie Fulbright22-52 Moms & Muffins: Nurturing Sibling Relationships by: Durenda Wilson22-53 Simplicity by: Nancy Kelly22-54 Dads & Donuts: The Family Economy by: Rory Groves22-55 Engaging Early Learners by: Nancy Bjorkman22-56 Don't Judge Me: A Lesson from the Front Line of Parenting by: Scott Woodruff22-61 Pulling Weeds or Applying a Pre-Emergent? by: David Quine22-62 The College Question: Exploring Alternatives to College by: Rory Groves22-63 A Crash Course on All Things ACT by: Jenny Conner22-66 Tackling Tricky High School Issues: Help for Students with Special Needs by: Faith Berens22-71 Preparing Your Mom Heart for the Post Homeschool Years by: Durenda Wilson22-72 How to Homeschool High School by: Vicki Tilman22-73 The Well-Balanced Mind: The Imagination Factor by: Nancy Kelly22-74 The Secret to Teaching Writing That Anyone Can Master by: Jeannie Fulbright22-81 The Essential Tools for Developing Self-Motivated Children by: Jeannie Fulbright22-82 How to Build the Transcript Your Teen Needs by: Vicki Tilman22-83 The Art of Self-Education through Notebooking by: Nancy Kelly22-84 Defending Homeschooling When Critics Say Homeschooling Parents Abuse Their Kids by: Scott Woodruff22-86 Healthy Habits for Life: Making Physical Health a Priority by: Meg Jacques22-87 The Ten Things All Future Mathematicians and Scientists Must Know by: Ed Zaccarro22-91 Sustainable Homeschooling by: Durenda Wilson22-92 How to Choose the Best Electives for Teens by: Vicki Tilman22-93 Will Work for Food: The Economics of Self-Sufficiency by: Rory Groves22-94 Literature: Filling Our Children's Hearts, Souls & Minds with Truth by: Shirley Quine, David Quine22-96 Developing & Drafting Student Education Plans by: Faith Berens22-97 Nature Journaling by: Emily VerDoorn This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

“The Principality of Mathematics is a mountainous land, but the air is very fine and health-giving.” ~Charlotte Mason Is this indicative of high school math in your home? Are you enjoying the fine air and taking in the summit view, or does the air feel thin and your student is seemingly stuck hiking in a circle? In this workshop we will learn how to help students retrace their steps to build a more solid understanding of place value, fractions, decimals, integers, and exponents. Then with this firm ground under our feet, we will navigate how to breathe life into your upper-level math lessons through hands on discovery and practical examples of Algebra and Geometry concepts. Come explore with us, for a world of truth and beauty awaits to be found in this mountainous land!

ID: 22-63
Jun. 11, 2022

In this workshop we will dive into the details regarding ACT and learn general test taking strategies. Next, we will look at each of the four individual tests which comprise ACT (English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science Reasoning) and discuss strategies and resources specific to each test. Lastly, since the math portion seems to strike fear in all high school juniors, we will spend time working through example problems together. We will come to understand how mathematical thinking, as opposed to rote memorization, is the key to success on this portion of the exam.