Recordings Listing


Treasure Valley Baptist Church, Meridian, ID
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 2 through 3, 2023

2023 Homeschool Idaho Convention - Legacy: Rooted, Abounding, Enduring

Presented by: Homeschool Idaho
Recording ID: 2023-ALL
Original Price: $130.50
Set Price: $49.95

2023 Idaho Complete Convention Recordings Set

When you buy this set you do not need to check off any individual recordings. All available recordings from the 2023 Homeschool Idaho Convention will be in your account. You can download them and listen to them at your convenience (for personal use only)- they stay in your account for at least 3 years.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 23-01Legacy by: Aby Rinella23-02Starve the Fear, Grow Your Faith by: Connie Albers23-03Homeschooling's Highest Goal: Lessons from the Story of Job by: Adam Andrews23-04Homeschooling Reimagined by: Connie Albers23-11Routine, Rules, Relationships by: Connie Albers23-12Raising a Worldview Detective by: Adam Andrews23-13Identifying and Correcting Blocked Learning Gates by: Pamela Gates23-21Resilient and Resourceful: Tips for Affording the Homeschool Lifestyle by: Connie Albers23-22Teaching the Classics from Seuss to Socrates by: Adam Andrews23-23Teaching the Right Brain Child by: Pamela Gates23-25Bringing Joy to the High School Years by: Jennie Nelson23-31Discover How Tiny Steps Can Lead to Significant Changes in Your Homeschool by: Connie Albers23-32Teaching with Grace: An Unlikely Path to Success in the Classroom by: Adam Andrews23-33Smart Kids Who Hate to Write by: Pamela Gates23-35Preschool: A Time of Joyous Exploration by: Jennie Nelson23-415 Ways to Protect your Child from the Dangers of Open AI, Chat GPT and Social Media by: Connie Albers23-42Thinking Carefully about College: A Homeschool Dad Evaluates Higher Education by: Adam Andrews23-43Training the Photographic Memory by: Pamela Gates23-44And They Want to Eat Too? by: Aby Rinella23-45Getting Started Q & A by: Audra Talley23-51Defining Your Journey by: Connie Albers23-52The Story of a Homeschool Family Feud by: Adam Andrews23-53The Biology of Behavior by: Pamela Gates23-54Curriculum, Transcripts, Diplomas…oh my! by: Linda Patchin23-55Homeschool By Any Other Name by: Audra Talley23-61Raising Kids Amid Culture Crisis by: Connie Albers23-62Education in an Hour: Teaching Life's Most Crucial Lesson in One Sitting by: Adam Andrews23-63Auditory Processing and Memory by: Pamela Gates23-64But What About… by: Aby Rinella This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 23-52
Jun. 3, 2023

Adam Andrews recounts the difficulties of his scholastic journey. Fathers will find something to relate to in the testimony of this homeschool veteran. What do our children need most from their fathers? How can we be sure to give it to them? Most importantly, how do we fix things when we do it wrong? Come hear about the hope that waits for us all on the other side of failure. You will find balm for your wounds, peace for your mind, and rest for your soul – and all in a most unlikely place.

If you had only one hour in which to give your student a complete education, could you do it? If you accepted the challenge, what lesson would you teach? Adam Andrews argues that a complete and profound education can be acquired in one lesson – and then sets out to prove this audacious claim in an eye-opening, inspiring presentation. Adam first demonstrates the lesson using an example from his own subject, Literature. He then shows you how to teach it in your own area of interest. Adam gives examples of the lesson from every subject in the curriculum and invites the audience to contribute their own ideas. The power of this lesson may revolutionize the way you teach on a daily basis – and it only takes an hour!