Recordings Listing


Portland, OR
Friday - Sunday
Jun. 24 through 26, 2011

OR-2011 Delight in the Lord

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 11-45
Jun. 25, 2011

In the last chapters of the book of Judges, a rather strange story is told. It is a story of Levites, concubines, dismemberment and revenge. But more than anything, it is a story of Civil War. As homeschoolers in our local church, we can sometimes feel like we are in a battle, but with whom are we fighting? Like the tribes of Israel, are we engaging in civil war? More than anything, the book of Judges is a book about "relationships;" God's relationship with His people, and their relationships with each other. In this session, a home schooling father of 8 and his public-schooling Pastor (with a degree in Education) will discuss how we can avoid civil war and achieve unity.