Massachusetts Homeschool Organization of Parent Educators

Recordings Listing


Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts
Thursday - Saturday
Apr. 21 through 23, 2022

MA-2022 Masshope Planting with a Purpose (Isaiah 61:3)

Presented by: Massachusetts Homeschool Organization of Parent Educators
Recording ID: 2022-ALL
Original Price: $202.50
Set Price: $99.00

Complete convention set 2022 MassHOPE

When you purchase this set you have access to all of the sessions that were recorded at the 2022 MassHOPE convention for your personal use. Each message is copyrighted by the speaker- all right reserved. (You don't need to click on any of the individual session recordings- this has them all.)

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 22- AWhy Homeschool? by: Deborah Wuehler22- BReady, Set, Go! by: Susan Jacobsen22- CThe Cost of NOT Homeschooling by: Deborah Wuehler22-01Homeschooling Reimagined by: Connie Albers22-02What is a Leader? by: Paul Hastings22-06Laying a Foundation for Reading Comprehension in the Preschool Years by: Faith Berens22-07Tools for Leadership by: Paul Hastings22-10Education: Why the Teacher Should be YOU! by: Deborah Wuehler22-11Succeeding with science instruction on the high school level by: Diane Speed22-12Leadership = Influence: Leadership Skills for Everyone by: Jonathan Brush22-13To Teach or NOT to Teach: A Simple Plan from Preschool to Graduation by: Kim Sorgius Jones22-14Building a Solid Math Foundation by: Suzanne Fenton22-15Phonemic Awareness: The Missing Ingredient in Reading Instruction by: Faith Berens22-16Ask: The Critical Importance of Questions by: Jonathan Brush22-17SOS! How to Homeschool Students with Special Needs by: Faith Berens22-18How to help your children write stories that reach people's hearts by: Carol Robb22-19Math Myths, Math Anxiety, and Math Learning Challenges by: Suzanne Fenton22-20Five Things Every Parent Should Know About Homeschooling High School by: Diane Speed22-21The Framework You Need to Make Sense of the World and Your Place in It by: Jonathan Brush22-22Five Things God Says About Loving Your Siblings by: Kim Sorgius Jones22-23Do You Have All That You Need? by: Deborah Wuehler22-24Literature: Social and aesthetic nourishment for homeschool students by: Roy Speed22-25Strong Fatherhood for Dads by: Paul Hastings22-26The Importance of Taking Action and Doing Real Things by: Jonathan Brush22-27Remain Steadfast During High School by: Connie Albers22-28You CAN Be a Great Math Teacher by: Suzanne Fenton22-29How to Teach Your Child to Learn Independently by: Kim Sorgius Jones22-30Reading Difficulties: Remediation Strategies and Techniques, part 1 by: Faith Berens22-31How to Really Change the World and Make Sure Your Life Has Meaning by: Jonathan Brush22-32The Higher Calling of Fatherhood by: Paul Hastings22-33Homeschooling My Autistic Child – Can I? How? by: Julie Garber22-35Three skills every student needs for college by: Diane Speed22-36Plan: Taking the Overwhelm Out of Homeschool Planning by: Kim Sorgius Jones22-37Rules Minus Relationship Create Rebellion by: Connie Albers22-38Homeschooling Through Hardship by: Deborah Wuehler22-39Reading Difficulties: Remediation Strategies and Techniques, part 2 by: Faith Berens22-40Entrepreneurship 101 by: Paul Hastings22-41Family Study: Helping Kids and Teens Grow in Faith by: Kim Sorgius Jones22-42Helping Students with Sensory Processing Challenges Learn Successfully by: Julie Garber22-43Fractions: Misunderstood by Most by: Suzanne Fenton22-44Five things about writing most students are never taught by: Roy Speed22-45Rebuilding Western Civilization: A Call to a Bigger Vision by: Jonathan Brush22-46Teach Kids How to Create a Positive Social Footprint by: Connie Albers22-47Homeschooling the Rebel by: Deborah Wuehler22-48High School at Home for Teens with Special Needs by: Faith Berens This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

The heart of leadership is influence and everyone influences someone. That means everyone needs some basic leadership skills, no matter who you are or what you do. You can spend a lifetime reading and studying leadership, and that’s not a bad pursuit, but this session will give you the basic leadership skills you need to understand so you can apply them immediately.

Technology has fundamentally changed education and almost every educational institution on the planet hasn’t caught up yet. There is a foundational shift from an answers-based paradigm that has dominated education since universities were invented to a questions-based paradigm. Simply stated, if you are still teaching in an answers-based paradigm you are missing a key opportunity to prepare your student for the world that they will live and work in. This session is all about teaching you what a questions-based paradigm is, why it’s important, and how to teach it.

Despite a popular belief to the contrary, the world and culture does not work on facts; it runs on story. Stories are what drive cultural and social change, inspire action, give meaning, and educate the next generation. Western Civilization in particular is driven by the stories in the Bible. Understanding story, and especially the Biblical story, is essential to understand the world you live in, and your part in the grand story that is our reality. The session will help you understand story, Biblical story, and how that understanding will have an immediate practical impact on your life.

In a bygone time, plans were paramount, caution was king, and deciding was marked by deliberation. In that old world knowledge trumped experience. We don’t live in that world anymore. In our world iteration is better than planning, action holds the throne, and deciding is marked by doing. In our world knowledge is still necessary, but knowledge without experience holds little value. This session will teach you how to adapt to this new world and use project-based education to train students to take action for the real world.

You are a human being, not a human doing. Culture and society will tell you that changing the world and making a difference with your life will require you to become rich, famous, and/or powerful. Unfortunately, it’s extremely difficult to become rich, famous, and powerful. Fortunately, that’s not the way you change the world and make a difference. Christianity has a different plan for world changers, a plan that anyone can follow, that requires community, and that you can start today. This session will teach you how you really change the world and find meaning. Caution: If you attend this session you will have to start today!

What if homeschooling and the homeschool movement was about more than education, but was the training corps for the special forces whose mission is to take and hold the cultural anchors of our civilization? What if your local church was more than a building to worship in once a week, but was the headquarters for an army whose mission was to rebuild a civilization? What if we understood that this army doesn’t build walls and fortifications to keep the barbarians out, but builds homes and communities that lower the bridge, open the gates, and invites those outside in, to a better world? This session will challenge you to think big, think long, and join the mission.