Recordings Listing


Kalihi Union Church
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 13 through 14, 2015

CHOH Annual Conference - 2015

Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii
ID: 17-204
Mar. 13, 2015

Learn different ways to get scholarships as well as FREE college!

Topics: College

From dumbing down to danger to destruction, learn how and why today’s devices are destroying the hearts and minds of our children.

ID: 2015-31
Mar. 13, 2015

In a world of ever changing technology, students must not lose the art of effective note taking to carry them throughout life.

ID: 2015-32
Mar. 14, 2015

Discover how this is a learnable test and every question can be answered in 30 seconds or less.

ID: 2015-33
Mar. 14, 2015

Learn life-long skills to sound smart when speaking and writing

ID: 2015-34
Mar. 14, 2015

Parents and teens will learn about amazing scholarships from this misunderstood test.