Recordings Listing
Kalihi Union Church
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 13 through 14, 2015
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 13 through 14, 2015
CHOH Annual Conference - 2015
Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of HawaiiID: 17-204
Mar. 13, 2015
Mar. 13, 2015
Learn different ways to get scholarships as well as FREE college!
From dumbing down to danger to destruction, learn how and why today’s devices are destroying the hearts and minds of our children.
ID: 2015-31
Mar. 13, 2015
Mar. 13, 2015
In a world of ever changing technology, students must not lose the art of effective note taking to carry them throughout life.
Discover how this is a learnable test and every question can be answered in 30 seconds or less.
ID: 2015-33
Mar. 14, 2015
Mar. 14, 2015
Learn life-long skills to sound smart when speaking and writing
ID: 2015-34
Mar. 14, 2015
Mar. 14, 2015
Parents and teens will learn about amazing scholarships from this misunderstood test.