Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association

Recordings Listing


Indian Hills Community Church, Lincoln, NE
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 8 through 9, 2024

Nebraska 2024 Conference and Curriculum Fair

Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
Recording ID: 2024Full
Original Price: $195.00
Set Price: $65.00

NCHEA 2024 C&CF Full Recording Set

2024 Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association Conference and Curriculum Fair, full set of recordings, Fri-Sat.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 24Fri101Marriage, Communication, and Friendship by: Steve Scheibner, Megan Scheibner24Fri201Battling with Behavior? by: Steve Scheibner24Fri202The Age of the Earth and the Fossil Record by: Richard Stepanek24Fri204Historical Markers in Nebraska by: Gretchen Garrison24Fri205You Can Homeschool Your Neurodivergent Learner -and We can Help! by: Rochelle Mathews-Summerville24Fri206The Developing Brain, Learning and Behavior by: Brain Balance24Fri301Traditions, Transitions, and Transparency: Lasting Success for the Homeschooling Family by: Megan Scheibner24Fri302Spelling Problems… How to Fix Spelling Issues for Good! by: Aimee Eucce24Fri303Homeschooling 101: Homeschooling in Nebraska by: Michelle Pietzyk24Fri304You Can Homeschool Your Child with Autism! Building Successful Programs at Home by: Rochelle Mathews-Summerville24Fri305High School Without Fear by: Dara Halydier24Fri401Training Young Men to be Gentlemen in a Feminist Culture by: Steve Scheibner24Fri402Refuting Compromise by: Richard Stepanek24Fri403Seeing Beyond 20/20 by: Mikaela Betka24Fri404Understanding the Twice Exceptional Learner- Boundless Gifts by: Rochelle Mathews-Summerville24Fri405The A to Z of a Character Healthy Homeschool by: Megan Scheibner24Fri601Food Science - An Everyday Useful Science by: Beakers and Bricks24Fri602Learning to Read and Spell SHOULD be FUN!! by: Play 'n Talk24Fri604RightStart Math Card Games by: Right Start Mathematics 24Fri6055 Tools to Help Your Children Think Well and Develop Understanding by: Classical Conversations 24Sat1012ML (Second Mile Leadership for Men) by: Steve Scheibner24Sat102Genesis: Yesterday's Answer to Today's Problems by: Brian Young24Sat103Developing and Drafting an SEP (Student Education Plan) by: Rochelle Mathews-Summerville24Sat104Woman to Woman: The Mentoring Model by: Megan Scheibner24Sat201Training Teens to Take the Initiative by: Steve Scheibner24Sat202Which God is the One True God? by: Richard Stepanek24Sat203Why Teaching Boys to Read and Spell is Different than Teaching Girls! by: Aimee Eucce24Sat204Tricky High School Issues: Homeschooling Teens with Special Needs by: Rochelle Mathews-Summerville24Sat205The Toddler Toolbox by: Megan Scheibner24Sat301Resources for Getting Kids into Computing by: Tyler Morten24Sat302Dinosaurs and the Bible by: Richard Stepanek24Sat303Reading Intervention Resources by: Vicki Duin24Sat304Motivating the Reluctant Learner by: Rochelle Mathews-Summerville24Sat305Homeschooling with Simplicity and Sincerity by: Megan Scheibner24Sat401Mentoring Moms One Story at a Time by: Lamplighters 24Sat402My Family Ministry by: Child Evangelism Fellowship 24Sat403Reaching Your World by: e3 Partners24Sat404Evangelizing the Evangelized: Teaching Evangelism to Your Kids by: Ratio Christi24Sat405What Homeschoolers Won't Talk About by: Abiding Truth This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 24Fri604
Mar. 8, 2024

Exhibitor Workshop

Topics: MathExhibitor


Indian Hills Community Church, Lincoln, NE
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 27 through 28, 2018

2018 NCHEA Adult Conference and Curriculum Fair

Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
Recording ID:
Original Price: $130.00
Set Price: $50.00

Friday Sessions 2018

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2018A1But What Good Is an English Major? by: Ian Andrews2018A2Christianity and the Constitution by: Jake MacAulay2018A3Supports to Improve Executive Function by: Mary Flory2018A5Mom Don't Make me Think - Just Tell me the Answer by: Kathleen Cotter Lawler2018A6Chartering Your Way Through High School for College, Workforce, or Military by: Carol Becker2018A6Chartering Your Way Through High School for College, Workforce, or Military by: Carol Becker2018A7Heroes for Homeschoolers by: Paul Barkey2018B1"It's Onomatopoeia Mom!" Using Children's Stories to Teach Literary Devices by: Adam Andrews2018B2Monitoring Progress in Basis Academic Skills by: Ed Daly2018B3"Astronomy, What It Is and Isn't" by: Brian Young2018B4Getting Ready for Kindergarten by: Gwelda Carlson2018B5Developing a Plan for High School: Sample Four-Year Plans by: Carol Becker2018B6Financial Planning Basics by: Waddell & Reed 2018C1SenCap/Dual Credit Advantage by: Southeast Community College 2018C2Taking the Fear out of Fractions with Right Start Fractions by: Right Start Mathematics 2018C3Strategic Prayer for Children and You the Homeschool Teacher by: Moms in Prayer International 2018C4Boost Your ACT & Sat Scores by: Gene Walter2018C5Experience Excellence in Writing by: Institute for Excellence in Writing2018D1Why Your Kids Love Fantasy Literature and What to do About it by: Ian Andrews2018D2Preparing Your Students for Effective Christian Citizenship by: Jake MacAulay2018D3Ready-Set-Go by: Danna Swartz2018D4Give Me the Key: Successful Homeschool Management by: Ruth Tennis2018D5Why Does My Child Struggle to Read: Commonly Missed Connection Between Reading & Learning by: Rachel Smith2018D6Essential Skills for Successful Teens: Study and Time Management by: Carol Becker2018K1Teaching the Classics from Dr. Seuss to Socrates by: Adam Andrews2018K2Homeschooling's Highest Goal-Lessons from the Story of Job by: Adam Andrews This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.