Homeschool Idaho

Recordings Listing


Treasure Valley Baptist Church, Meridian, ID
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 3 through 4, 2022

2022 Homeschool Idaho Convention

Presented by: Homeschool Idaho
Recording ID: 22-ALL
Original Price: $99.00
Set Price: $49.95

Complete set of recordings from 2022 Homeschool Idaho

When you buy this package you have access to all of the recordings that were captured at the 2022 Homeschool Idaho convention. You can listen to any recording (for your personal use) any time. You do not need to check any other sessions- they are all here.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 22-01Adventuring Together by: Gretta Eskridge22-02Homeschooling for the Win by: Caleb Schroeder22-03Strategies for Successful Homeschooling by: Gretta Eskridge22-04Homeschooling in Cancel Culture by: Caleb Schroeder22-12Finding our Why by: Aby Rinella22-13Getting Started in Homeschooling by: Janelle Knutson22-21Homeschooling with Confidence by: Gretta Eskridge22-22The Joshua Generation by: Caleb Schroeder22-23Homeschooling Multiple Grades Without Losing Your Mind by: Janelle Knutson22-24Curriculum, Transcripts, Diplomas…oh my!— by: Linda Patchin22-31Cultivating a Love of Reading by: Gretta Eskridge22-32Homeschool Fatigue by: Caleb Schroeder22-33Motherhood: Ministry in the Mundane by: Aby Rinella22-41Homeschooling for a Stronger Marriage by: Caleb Schroeder22-42Am I Planning God Out of my Homeschool? by: Aby Rinella22-43Organizing Your Homeschool by: Janelle Knutson22-51Parenting the Passionate Child by: Gretta Eskridge22-52Homeschooling is Discipleship by: Caleb Schroeder22-53Homeschooling the Preschooler by: Janelle Knutson22-61Homeschooling in Times of Doubt by: Gretta Eskridge22-62Integrating Dad into Homeschool by: Caleb Schroeder22-63Homeschooling Big Kids with Little Ones Underfoot by: Janelle Knutson This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

Homeschooling one child can be a challenge but throw in multiple children and things can get crazy. If you are overwhelmed with homeschooling several children then come find encouragement and practical tips in this workshop. Janelle Knutson, veteran homeschool mom of seven children, will share how to homeschool multiple grades without losing your mind.

ID: 22-43
Jun. 4, 2022

If you are looking for ideas on how to organize your homeschool then this workshop is for you. I will be sharing numerous ideas for lesson planning, organizing your student’s work and grades, creating ways for your child to work independently and setting up your homeschool. There are plenty of ideas to choose from. Pick the ones that work best for you and your family.

How is it possible to homeschool your older children with a baby, toddler or preschooler around? Come be encouraged and gain practical tips as a mom of seven shares how homeschooling is not only possible but beneficial for the whole family when you have little ones underfoot.


Northwest Nazarene University Nampa, Idaho
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 7 through 8, 2019

2019 Homeschool Idaho Convention - Highlights

Presented by: Homeschool Idaho
Recording ID: 19-000
Original Price: $175.50
Set Price: $80.00

Complete 2019 Convention Set

With this purchase you can download and listen to any and all of the adult sessions from the 2019 Homeschool Idaho Convention (for personal use only). Two sessions were not available for the set: Tyler Hogan's History Starts Here, and Nancy Manos' Hands-on Making Lapbooks. Young adult sessions are not included in this set. The sessions stay in your Alliance Recordings account for at least three years.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 19-01Loving, Learning, and Laughing by: Rachael Carman19-02Invasion of the Conviction Snatchers by: Todd Wilson19-03This, We Believe by: Todd Wilson19-04Soaring Beyond Survival by: Rachael Carman19-11Playing Academic Catch-up with Teens by: Beverly Parrish19-12Irresistible Parenting by: Todd Wilson19-13Seven Simple Steps to Sanity by: Rachael Carman19-14Exploring Creation by: Davis Carman19-16Getting Started in Homeschooling by: Janelle Knutson19-17You Are Enough! Encouragement for the Homeschool Mom by: Nancy Manos19-21Secrets of the Boy Whisperer by: Beverly Parrish19-22Lies Homeschoolers Believe by: Todd Wilson19-23How Liberal Arts Prepares You for the Job Market by: Ben Merkle19-24The First Five Years of Homeschooling (I Mean Parenting) by: Davis Carman19-26Organizing your Homeschool by: Janelle Knutson19-27Curriculum Approaches by: Nancy Manos19-31Can I Help My Child with Special Needs? by: Beverly Parrish19-32What's Next? - Helping Your Children Choose the Best Route After Graduation by: Todd Wilson19-33Stand by Your Man by: Rachael Carman19-34Math - Filling in the gaps by: Sue Wachter19-36How to Homeschool when Life is Difficult by: Janelle Knutson19-41Preparing Your Child to Read Well by: Beverly Parrish19-42Taming the Techno-Beast - Parenting in the INTERNET Age by: Todd Wilson19-43Pace vs. Perseverance by: Rachael Carman19-44Small Homeschool Co-ops: Enrichment for the Learning by: Nancy Manos19-46Homeschooling Multiple Grades without Losing your by: Janelle Knutson19-47Story Prompts to Kickstart Your Fiction by: JoEllen Claypool19-51Strategies for Struggling Learners: Creating a helpful learning environment in their heads and in your home by: Beverly Parrish19-52How to Homeschool What you Believe by: Todd Wilson19-53What About THAT Child? by: Rachael Carman19-54Curriculum, Transcripts, Diplomas…Oh My! by: Linda Patchin19-56Homeschooling Big Kids with Little Ones Underfoot by: Janelle Knutson19-57Have Fun Writing Facts: Cross-Curricular Nonfiction by: Carol Peterson19-61Reading Strategies for Struggling Learners by: Beverly Parrish19-62An Unbeatable Homeschool Team by: Todd Wilson19-63Attention, Obsessive-Compulsive, Perfectionist, Control-Freaks: CHILL OUT by: Rachael Carman19-64Math and Art Connection by: Sue Wachter19-66Homeschooling the Preschooler by: Janelle Knutson19-67The Price is Right (for Support Group Leaders) by: Nancy Manos This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 19-16
Jun. 7, 2019

This workshop takes you step-by-step through the process of getting started in homeschooling. From visiting HSLDA and the Homeschool Idaho websites for information on how to homeschool legally, to finding a support group, picking curriculum and setting up a home for homeschooling, this workshop covers it all!

ID: 19-26
Jun. 7, 2019

If you are looking for ideas on how to organize your homeschool then this workshop is for you. Janelle will be sharing numerous ideas for lesson planning, organizing your student’s work and grades, creating ways for your child to work independently and setting up your homeschool. There are plenty of ideas to choose from. Pick the ones that work best for you and your family.

When you and your family are faced with a challenging life situation, homeschooling can seem daunting. Homeschooling is probably the last thing you want to think about taking on. Is it possible to homeschool when life is difficult? Come hear a mom of seven share how her family homeschooled through a challenging season in life. Be encouraged and gain practical insight.