Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

Recordings Listing


Lancaster County Convention Center
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 14 through 15, 2019

PA-2019 In Everything Give Thanks

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania
Recording ID: 2019-000
Original Price: $259.25
Set Price: $125.00

The Complete 2019 CHAP Convention Set

Enjoy all of the sessions on this complete set from the 2019 Convention from Lancaster, PA.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2019-101Miracles in American History by: William Federer2019-104Identifying and Correcting Blocked Learning Gates by: Pamela Gates2019-105Teaching the Right Brain Child by: Pamela Gates2019-107Auditory Processing and Working Memory by: Pamela Gates2019-111Fearless - Living Impervious to the Frets, Forebodings & Anxieties of Life by: Eric Ludy2019-113Smart Kids Who Hate to Write by: Pamela Gates2019-115Training the Photographic Memory by: Pamela Gates2019-117The Biology of Behavior by: Pamela Gates2019-203Raising William Wallace by: Eric Ludy2019-204George Washington Carver-His Life & Faith in his Own Words by: William Federer2019-205The Power to Do It - Exchanging Failure for Victory in Your Daily Christian Life by: Eric Ludy2019-206The Fall of the Ottoman Empire & the Birth of Modern Day Israel by: William Federer2019-207Immovable by: Eric Ludy2019-213Change to Chains-the 6000 Year Quest for Global Power by: William Federer2019-214Getting Started Homeschooling by: Barb Beideman2019-215Separation of Church and State by: William Federer2019-216Fortification by: Eric Ludy2019-217How Do Democracies & Republics Rise and Fall by: William Federer2019-304Jurassic Reality: Dinosaurs & Most Asked Questions by: Jonathan Sarfati2019-305Biological Robotics: Incredible Design in Life by: Jonathan Sarfati2019-306Homeschooling in PA: Up-to-date Law Reviews, Legislation & Legal Issues by: Dan Beasley2019-307The Christian Roots of Science & Busting Evolutionary Myths by: Jonathan Sarfati2019-313Bioethics: Issues of Life, Death & Morality by: Jonathan Sarfati2019-314The Erosion of Parental Rights & How to Stop It by: Dan Beasley2019-315Is Genesis a Literal History? by: Jonathan Sarfati2019-316Homeschool Discrimination & What We're Doing About It by: Dan Beasley2019-317Design, Deluge and Dilemma by: Jonathan Sarfati2019-403A Lamp in the Dark by: Christian Pinto2019-404Prayer - Building Foundations for Life by: Kirk Thomsen2019-405The True Christian History of America - Part 1 by: Christian Pinto2019-406Growing in Our Relationship with God by: Thomsen Family2019-407The True Christian History of America - Part 2 by: Christian Pinto2019-412The Bible & the Sword by: Christian Pinto2019-413On Language Arts: A Charlotte Mason Approach by: Sandi Queen2019-414Tares Among the Wheat by: Christian Pinto2019-415Raising Disciples, Not Just Believers by: Kirk Thomsen2019-416Bridge to Babylon by: Christian Pinto2019-417Creative Ways to Enjoy Praying with Your Children - Part 2 by: Thomsen Family2019-502Becoming a Tech Confident Parent by: John Lowrey2019-503Math You Understand by: Steve Demme2019-504Mentoring Boys into Manhood by: Adam Hultstrand2019-505Fostering Lifelong Learners by: Steve Demme2019-506Ministering to Boys and Men by: Roy Smith2019-507Training Your Child to Live Forever by: Steve Demme2019-51215 Principles of Manhood by: Adam Hultstrand2019-513The Honorable Man by: Eric Ludy2019-514Hearts, Minds and Technology by: John Lowrey2019-515Deepening Family Relationships by: Steve Demme2019-516Marriage - A Most Valuable Work by: Roy Smith2019-517Celebrating Hope & Redemption in the Valleys of Life by: Steve Demme2019-602The Charlotte Mason Approach - An Introduction by: Sandi Queen2019-604Homeschooling During Difficult Times by: Sandi Queen2019-605Developing Godly Character in Children Through Discipline by: Bonita Greiner2019-606Good Man by: Nathan Clarkson2019-607Identifying Your Child's Learning Style & Learning to Teach It by: Sandi Queen2019-612Organize, Declutter and Find Time by: Bonita Greiner2019-613Creative Ways to Enjoy God's Word with Your Children by: Thomsen Family2019-614Support Group Leadership for the 21st Century by: Debra Bell2019-615The Writer Within: Unlocking Your Child's Creative Writing Potential by: Sandi Queen2019-616Developing a Gentle Spirit by: Bonita Greiner2019-617Creating Your Own Unit Studies by: Barb Beideman This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
Recording ID: 2019-001
Original Price: $42.50
Set Price: $39.95

Favorite Recordings of 2019

Favorite Recordings of 2019

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2019-104Identifying and Correcting Blocked Learning Gates by: Pamela Gates2019-105Teaching the Right Brain Child by: Pamela Gates2019-107Auditory Processing and Working Memory by: Pamela Gates2019-111Fearless - Living Impervious to the Frets, Forebodings & Anxieties of Life by: Eric Ludy2019-117The Biology of Behavior by: Pamela Gates2019-205The Power to Do It - Exchanging Failure for Victory in Your Daily Christian Life by: Eric Ludy2019-513The Honorable Man by: Eric Ludy2019-605Developing Godly Character in Children Through Discipline by: Bonita Greiner2019-612Organize, Declutter and Find Time by: Bonita Greiner2019-616Developing a Gentle Spirit by: Bonita Greiner This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

Anxiety has become a familiar house guest to a strong majority of modern-day Christians. Many of us accept it as a personality issue, rather than addressing it as a dangerous enemy. The Bible teaches a life of fearlessness. And, to many of us, the idea of fearlessness, sounds wonderful, but wishful. This session was built to train the Body of Christ in how to cultivate the fearless life that laughs at empty bank accounts, mocks disease, chuckles over impossibilities, and smiles at the future.

The constant declaration of the Christian life should be “I can’t, but God can!” Our lives were made to be inhabited by the living God, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, to be used as a “glove” upon His hand. This enabling power of His life, called grace, supplies all we need for life and godliness. Grace is far more than a mere hug of God. In this life-changing message, Eric Ludy equips you with the spiritual tools to stop trying to manufacture the Christian life and instead let God do it in and through you.

ID: 2019-207
Jun. 14, 2019

When the winds and rains beat against your house, are you movable? Do you grow weak in the knees when bad news strikes? Are you susceptible to the bait of anxiety, foreboding, fretting, and fear? This message holds the secret to an immovable soul. We'll give you a hint: it's a person.

ID: 2019-214
Jun. 15, 2019

Are you new to homeschooling or new to Pennsylvania? Are you thinking about homeschooling at some point in the future? Do you have questions about what homeschooling might look like and how to get started? This session is designed to encourage and equip you to homeschool your children. Topics include: why homeschool, how to get started in PA, a typical day, curriculum, record keeping, testing, portfolios, and evaluations.

ID: 2019-216
Jun. 15, 2019

This word is usually used in regards to strong fortresses of old, but it is also meant to describe the believer's life - fortified. In this session, Eric expounds on how to live a fortified life spiritually, physically, and emotionally in order to remain strong against the enemy of our soul.

Homeschool graduates still encounter discrimination when applying for employment, civil service, admission to colleges and trade schools, and participation in extracurricular competitions and programs. While homeschooling is now widely recognized as a legal form of education, there is still much work to be done to ensure that students and graduates are not discriminated against because their parents choose to exercise their right to homeschool. HSLDA continues to advocate for students and graduates who face this kind of discrimination. Come hear the stories, legal battles, and solutions for how to end homeschool discrimination.

ID: 2019-317
Jun. 15, 2019

1 Peter 3:15 commands us to have answers and always be ready to defend the Christian faith. This presentation will supply people with vital information about fossils and the Flood. This is a great presentation designed to train people in how to share the Christian faith using the creation account found in the book of Genesis.

In this workshop Marian will continue to share from her personal experience of spiritually investing in the lives of her children. Come glean some creative, inexpensive and practical ways to enjoy praying with your children. Marian will share how to organize these ideas into a weekly prayer plan. Kristen, one of Marian’s daughter will share about her prayer journey. This workshop is for mothers.

ID: 2019-505
Jun. 14, 2019

Sandi and I wanted to give our sons a good foundation in language arts and math along with a love for learning. Our vision worked, for each of our sons is a lifelong student and always learning and growing. We catch a fire from someone who has a fire. This workshop will share strategies for encouraging a passion for learning through books, family excursions, and exposing your family to fellow firebrands.

ID: 2019-514
Jun. 15, 2019

The messages of pop culture conflict with biblical teaching, and major gateways for these conflicting messages comes through smartphones, computers, and other technology. This session is about using technology for good, setting reasonable boundaries, and nurturing the hearts of our children.

This workshop is Steve’s testimony of the last thirty years as the father of a child with special needs. He shares what his family has learned as a result of Johnny’s disability, and the special, rewarding, and joyful role he has played in their lives. Even in the difficult experiences of life, God proved faithful. His grace sustained them and brought good out of their struggles and disappointments.

ID: 2019-604
Jun. 14, 2019

In this session, Dr. Sandi Queen shares how, during her youngest son’s 3 1/2 year battle with cancer, and her own diagnosis two years into her son’s struggle, the Lord allowed her to continue to not only persevere through daily life in a busy household and care for her ailing son, but also write 40 books during this time. No matter what your struggle is - caring for an aging parent, loss of your own health, going through a divorce or other di cult family time, this session discusses practical ways to get through your days, and will be a blessing and a help.