Recordings Listing


Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA
Thursday - Saturday
Jun. 13 through 15, 2024

PA-2024 Coming Together to Equip, To Encourage, To Endure

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania
Recording ID: 2024-000
Original Price: $220.00
Set Price: $125.00

The Complete 2024 CHAP Convention Set (Includes Special Needs)

You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the sessions from the 2024 Convention in Elizabethtown, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set. 6/15/2024

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 1011...2...3...Homeschool! by: Ginger Wayde102Homeschooling for College Credit by: Jennifer Cook-DeRosa103Nuts and Bolts of High School at Home by: Barb Beideman111Homeschool Resources and Getting Connected in PA by: Alicia Hunt112Using CLEP in Your Christian Homeschool by: Jennifer Cook-DeRosa113My Wife Wants to Homeschool, Now What? by: Todd Hunt121Understanding the PA Homeschool Law by: Ginger Wayde122Christian Dual-Enrollment Programs You Should Know About by: Jennifer Cook-DeRosa123Guidance Counseling 101 by: Barb Beideman131What About Socialization? by: Alicia Hunt133Can I Really Homeschool High School? by: Abby Banks140Agile Homeschooling by: Hal Young, Melanie Young141Adapting Activities to Include Mixed Ages and Abilities by: Sarah Collins143Homeschooling: IEP Considerations by: Shannon Lehman144When Math Doesn't Come Easily by: Kathy Kuhl151When School is Harder Than it Ought To Be by: Melanie Young, Hal Young153Help! My Child Won't Sit by: Sarah Collins154Planning Homeschool with Learning Challenges by: Kathy Kuhl161What Gifted Kids Really Need by: Melanie Young, Hal Young163What is this Function you Speak of with Executive Functioning Skills? by: Sarah Collins164Screens, Tech, and Learning Challenges by: Kathy Kuhl171Struggling Learners in High School & College by: Melanie Young, Hal Young173The Sensory Balanced Homeschool by: Sarah Collins174IEP/ISP Implementation Tips by: Shannon Lehman200Who Do You Answer To? by: Rebecca Spooner211No Longer Little by: Melanie Young, Hal Young212Homeschooling and the History of Parental Rights by: Will Estrada213The Return to Genesis by: Mike Snavely221Confident Homeschooling by: Rebecca Spooner223Evaluations: A Celebration of the Successful Homeschool Year by: Rachel Klein230How to raise kids who serve: creating a culture of service for your household by: Melissa Hannigan231Raising Teens by: Rebecca Spooner2326 Ways You're Making Homeschooling Harder Than It Needs to Be by: Abby Banks233What is Education? by: Ginger Wayde241Habits That Build A Sticky Marriage by: Melanie Young, Hal Young242Understanding the PA Homeschool Law by: Will Estrada243The Mystery of the Dinosaurs by: Mike Snavely251Running Your Own Business by: Rebecca Spooner252Teaching Boys to Love Reading/Writing by: Melanie Young, Hal Young253How to Homeschool Multiple Ages without Losing Your Mind by: Abby Banks300Revival in the Home by: Rebecca Spooner311Things My Dad Never Told Me by: Hal Young312How Can I Teach My Child to Study the Bible if I never Learned Myself? by: Abby Banks313Grand Canyon The Puzzle on the Plateau by: Mike Snavely321Homeschooling for the Future by: Rebecca Spooner322CPS Investigations and Your Family: How to Protect Your Family by: Will Estrada323Did You Make the Grade? by: Ginger Wayde331I Feel Stupid by: Rebecca Spooner332Parenting in a Gender-Confused World by: Melanie Young, Hal Young333Equipping You with the Encouragement to Endure by: Ginger Wayde, Bridget Anderson, Denise Ebersole341How Do You Balance It All by: Rebecca Spooner342Your Family's Communication Culture by: Melanie Young, Hal Young343Lost Secrets of Ancient Civilizations by: Mike Snavely This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
Recording ID: 2024-003
Original Price: $22.00
Set Price: $18.00

The 2024 High School at Home Set

You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the High School at Home sessions from the 2024 Convention in Elizabethtown, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 102Homeschooling for College Credit by: Jennifer Cook-DeRosa103Nuts and Bolts of High School at Home by: Barb Beideman112Using CLEP in Your Christian Homeschool by: Jennifer Cook-DeRosa122Christian Dual-Enrollment Programs You Should Know About by: Jennifer Cook-DeRosa123Guidance Counseling 101 by: Barb Beideman133Can I Really Homeschool High School? by: Abby Banks This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 123
Jun. 13, 2024

One of the most important aspects of homeschooling is to prepare our children well for what comes next. Some of the topics covered in this session are how to determine direction and interests, exploring and preparing for college majors or vocations, conducting a college or career search, and preparing spiritually for life after homeschool. High school curriculum, transcripts, tests, college visits and applications will be covered in this session. We will also discuss relevant books and websites that will help you in this vital role.

ID: 140
Jun. 13, 2024

Homeschooling while dealing with challenges – learning, health, or more – is challenging! Seriously, it can be tempting to quit and let the “experts” take over, but homeschooling offers some benefits that no school can match at any price. Hal & Melanie have homeschooled through learning disabilities, children with chronic medical conditions, and bouts of serious illness themselves. They’ll give you hope and practical encouragement to leverage the flexibility of homeschooling to bless your family.

ID: 221
Jun. 14, 2024

If you find yourself constantly comparing your homeschool to others or looking outward for answers, you might be an insecure homeschooler. Join a second-generation homeschooler who lives to tell the story that this is possible and that your kids are going to be okay. Learn some tools and key points to help you trust your own discernment and listen to what God is saying to you about your homeschool so you can follow His lead. Give yourself some grace for the journey and then rise up and stand firm—not easily swayed or moved with your feet planted on your path. You are not doing this by accident, and you, my friend, are not alone.

In a self-centered, entitled culture, Christian parents want more for our kids. We were created to serve others, but it doesn’t just happen. It takes intentional parenting and a personal desire to serve. Learn how to incorporate an attitude of service in your family, beginning in your home and taking it to your neighbors, your city, and the world!

If you’re experiencing burnout or can’t seem to stay on top of the homeschooling, you’re not alone! If you’ve lost the joy in your calling as a homeschool mom, then maybe you’re making homeschooling harder than it needs to be! This session will help you refocus your vision, while learning how to implement effective systems to get the most important things done in your homeschool.

ID: 233
Jun. 14, 2024

Where did the idea of education come from? Does the Bible say anything about it? Is our common viewpoint on education in the US on point or way off target? Join Ginger as we consider the purpose and goal of education, along with what a proper education should include.

ID: 321
Jun. 15, 2024

Homeschooling has changed drastically over the years—everything from who is doing it to why and how they go about it. What does the future look like? Do we just keep approaching the same things in the same ways, or is it time to adapt and flip the script? We aren’t raising our children for a world that was written about 20 years ago, we are raising them for the world 10 years from now. Let’s talk about proactive homeschooling and equipping a generation for what is yet to come.

ID: 331
Jun. 15, 2024

If you’ve ever heard your kids say this, it’s time to have a frank discussion about it. What is genius? What are we measuring ourselves up against anyway? Sometimes we need freedom from our own limited view of intelligence so that we free our children from the narrow-minded perspective of the world. Let’s unlock the individual genius in the kids we have been given—and in ourselves—as we lift the veil and choose to see the bigger picture together.