Homeschool Idaho

Recordings Listing


Nampa, ID
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 3 through 4, 2016

2016 CHOIS Convention

Presented by: Homeschool Idaho
ID: 1105
Jun. 3, 2016

Homeschooling can be a lot of things, but most assuredly it is the adventure of a lifetime. This workshop begins by helping you build a road map for your homeschool journey, and concludes with practical suggestions on how to follow that map.

When should I start preschool at home? What does my preschooler need to know? How much time should we spend doing educational activities? Is preschool even important?!? This workshop will answer all of these questions and more. We’ll first focus on understanding the cognitive and physical development of preschoolers, and then explore practical teaching methods, tools and activities that will lay the foundation for future learning.

ID: 1406
Jun. 3, 2016

Does teaching reading and writing seem like a daunting task? It doesn’t have to be. Designed for parents of preschoolers and kindergarteners, this workshop will feature developmentally-appropriate activities and experiences that will encourage early forms of reading and writing to flourish.

ID: 2106
Jun. 4, 2016

Young children are naturally curious about the world. They wonder what things are called, how they work, and why things happen, often taking their daily question count into the hundreds. Take heart, parents, this is a good thing! Inquiry and exploration are the tools of active learning. This workshop is full of simple ways for parents to build on the naturally inquisitive behaviors of three to five-year-olds and promote an interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).