Homeschool Louisiana

Recordings Listing


Baton Rouge / Baker - Louisiana
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 17 through 18, 2015

2015 CHEF of Louisiana Homeschool & Parenting Convention - Raising the Next Generation

Presented by: Homeschool Louisiana
ID: B4
Apr. 17, 2015

Not sure about the ACT / SAT or whether your children need to take them? In this session, Julie will share insight and information on the value and importance of standardized tests for your children.

Topics: High school

Most purity resources these days focus on girls, but purity tends to be a much bigger problem for young men and many seem hopelessly naïve about the battles our sons are facing. Today’s young men grow up with challenges to their purity on every side. In a time when over 90% of teens have been exposed to internet pornography, how can we teach our boys to keep their way pure? What can we do when temptation is lurking on friends' phones and beckons are just a click away? How can we give them a Biblical context for sexuality—from their toddler years to adulthood? Come hear the parents of six sons give you frank, practical advice on raising your son to be a virtuous knight.

ID: D3
Apr. 17, 2015

Learning to embrace a natural, holistic way of education can make homeschooling doable and successful academically, spiritually and socially for both the students and the parents. It’s important to let go of our pre-conceived notions of what “school” should look like, and instead major on the strengths of homeschooling – flexibility, real life learning, real books (living books), dialogue rather than formal tests, etc. Discover how to emphasize the benefits of homeschooling and avoid the burnout that happens when parents try to replicate a traditional school in their homes.

ID: E1
Apr. 18, 2015

Whether you are homeschooling "all the way through" or are just beginning your homeschooling adventure, there is lots to learn about homeschooling high school-aged children. Come hear about the benefits and challenges along with the how-to's about record keeping, transcripts, diplomas, and more.

ID: E2
Apr. 18, 2015

Don’t let the idea of teaching science send you into a panic. Science at its core is about making observations, asking questions, and seeking out answers. Going on a nature walk provides the perfect opportunity to nurture the budding scientist inside each of you. Come unlock the wonder and beauty of science explorations awaiting your family in the great outdoors. We’ll delve into the many benefits and give you an arsenal of ideas to implement in your neighborhood, parks and nearby wilderness areas! Plus you’ll discover how these adventures will help in all of your other academic endeavors as well.

ID: E3
Apr. 18, 2015

"My child hates piano - should I let him stop?" "I'm thinking about starting my children in music - what should I do?" "When should my child begin piano?" "Should all children learn piano?" These are questions I commonly hear from homeschool parents. What should one look for in a teacher? How can a child be encouraged to play? These questions and more will be covered in this workshop.

ID: G6
Apr. 18, 2015

Do the social sciences leave you thirsty for more than dry academics? Join us as we blow the dust off the books and take a fresh look at teaching God's world, God's people, and God's story. We will descuss tips and tricks for taking our studies outside the box and making the social sciences engaging for all learning styles.