Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

Recordings Listing


Harrisburg, PA Farm Show Complex
Friday & Saturday
May. 8 through 9, 2015

PA-2015 Plans to Give You Hope

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania
ID: 2015-115
May. 9, 2015

There's a lot of talk about Christian worldview. In fact, never before have Christian teens received so much training in developing a proper worldview. But something seems dreadfully wrong, because the truth is...there just doesn't seem to be much difference between "our teens" and "their teens." To be honest there sometimes isn't much different between "our adults" and "their adults." That's about to change.

ID: 2015-217
May. 9, 2015

From the perspective of a mom who raised four teens, long time high school level teacher and evaluator of numerous high school homeschool programs. The high school years are your child's resume for the future. Here's how to maximize his time, prepare him for a changing job market, get doors to open, and facilitate non-traditional learning experiences.

Presenter Carol Topp, CPA, has encouraged hundreds of teenagers to start their own micro business. She'll share with you at least 30 viable business ideas that a teenager (or parent) can launch this week. Plus information on how to get started, pitfalls to avoid and tips for success.

ID: 2015-304
May. 8, 2015

Change is happening rapidly in higher education. Universities are doing their best to keep up with the demands of the student marketplace. Come learn how to be on the cutting edge and not left behind. Learn strategies and tools to ensure you receive a quality education, have a great college experience and walk away with a degree but without a mountain of debt.

ID: 2015-305
May. 8, 2015

For preventative maintenance during the high school years, learn what important "to—dos" and deadlines to keep in mind. Major pit stops will include information about various tests, benefits and sources of outside classes, college search and application tips, alternatives to traditional college, and career and post high school paths.

ID: 2015-307
May. 8, 2015

You are not only your child's teacher, you are also his guidance counselor! Find out how to maneuver through the entire college admissions process, from narrowing down the selection of colleges to filling out college applications, applying for financial aid, and asking the right questions that will help you discern whether your child is spiritually, academically, and emotionally prepared for college.

The Introduction to American Government workshop provides a comprehensive overview of our local, state, and federal systems of government, with an emphasis on how to engage in the civic arena for Christian causes. If you have an interest in history, political science, government, or statesmanship, you will not want to miss this workshop!

Basic Academic knowledge is important, but does it prepare a student for success in their field of employment? Is your student becoming a Collaborator, a Communicator, a Critical Thinker, a Creator? Are they developing Media, Information, Technology, Life and Career Skills? When College Professors and CEO's are surveyed, they disagree greatly on how prepared a graduate is for life in the modern world. Come learn how to set up your student for success... beyond the curriculum.

ID: 2015-315
May. 9, 2015

Are you in a quandary as to what tests your teens need to take during high school? Do you know the array of possible tests—from college admissions tests; to tests for college credit, placement, or military enlistment; to tests necessary for certain scholarships; to even career tests? When should they be taken? Where? How can your teen prepare for them? Come with your questions and receive answers and new confidence.

ID: 2015-316
May. 9, 2015

Does the idea of homeschooling a high school student strike fear deep into your heart? Or are you 'in the trenches' of homeschooling high school and looking for direction. Join us in this practical workshop designed to provide you with a road map for navigating high school. High school record keeping, graduation requirements, Transcripts, Apprenticeships, and PSAT/SAT and ACT testing will be explored. We will also journey across the myriad of college and military opportunities available to our young adults as they reach their final destination in the homeschool expedition. Q & A time will be specifically set aside to get your questions answered!

Join a panel of "experts" to discuss the possibilities for post high school training. After a brief introduction by each panelist, you will have the opportunity to ask questions. "Experts" simply means they have walked this path before you and have some experience they are willing to share. On the panel will be the following "experts" willing to share and answer your questions: •Carol Topp - Micro Business for Teens •Jonathan Brush - college with no debt - College Plus •Diane Kummer - HSLDA's Homeschooling Through High School •John Lisle - apprenticeship and trades - contractor & mentor •Katie Miller - post high school professional training in the performing arts from a Christian Worldview - Sight & Sound Conservatory

ID: 2015-412
May. 9, 2015

Our culture is changing at a terrific speed and today's youth are not always getting the Biblical principles they need in time to help them make wise decisions. In this session Dr. Martin will share a Biblical approach to social networking, blogging, YouTube, Smartphones, texting, iPods, Kindles, etc. which are a huge part of everyday life now. While these technology innovations are not bad in and of themselves, they can have a negative influence on our lives if our use of them is not guided by Biblical principles. This session will present specific Scriptures to help guide Christian teens and young adults in their use of technology-based systems so that they will glorify the Lord - not feed the flesh.