Georgia Home Education Association

Recordings Listing


Atlanta, GA
Thursday - Saturday
Jun. 5 through 7, 2014

2014 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association

Are you confused about the accreditation issue? Are you convinced that colleges will only accept your child if you use an accredited program? This workshop clears away the confusion of the accreditation myth and gives clear direction for navigating the path to college and other post-high school options, including Dual Enrollment.

Just what it says: the nitty-gritty of these areas of post-high school – how to maneuver the maze of matriculation!


Atlanta, GA
Thursday - Saturday
May. 16 through 18, 2013

2013 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association

A radical disruption is in progress that is challenging our most fundamental assumptions about education in general and higher education in particular. Escalating costs, ‘college for free’, the increasing disconnect between college outcomes and marketplace demands, combining high school and college, credit for service learning and internships, increased transfer opportunities, and the list goes on. Think four years of college is your ticket to a successful career? Think again. Find out what you can do to navigate through the chaos and achieve the extraordinary.

How did our Founding Fathers graduate from college at 15, 16, and 17 years old? This practical session gives an inspiring overview to what’s happened to education and how today’s students can maximize their high school study by incorporating a souped-up version of dual credit into their daily schedule using the curriculum they already own. Topics covered include: how to earn dual credit, how to record dual credit on a H.S. transcript, a suggested daily schedule, and many others. A shortcut to life or graduate studies, this concept saves thousands of dollars and years of time. Learn how to graduate from college by the time your peers are graduating high school. We’re serious!

“I can’t get my son to sit at his desk and study!” “All my son wants to do is climb trees and play with LEGOs!” If this sounds familiar, you’ll find that most boys have more in common than you think! In this session, Woody shares the fears his mom had about home education and will help shift the paradigm to one of raising men. Sharing from his own perspective, he will help turn task-oriented drudgery into delight with practical tips and tricks! Do more than survive—help your son take personal ownership of his education and launch into life!

ID: 1349
May. 18, 2013

Panel of college admissions personnel discusses how to prepare for college admissions.