Massachusetts Homeschool Organization of Parent Educators

Recordings Listing


Worcester, MA
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 26 through 27, 2019

MA - 2019 MassHOPE Christian Homeschool & Family Discipleship Convention

Presented by: Massachusetts Homeschool Organization of Parent Educators
Recording ID: 19-00
Original Price: $297.00
Set Price: $99.00

Complete Convention Set all available recordings

This set will allow you to download any or all of the available sessions from the 2019 MassHOPE convention (for personal use only). One purchase will give you access to this great resource for years to come.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 19-01This, We Believe! by: Todd Wilson19-02Ten Lessons I Learned on the Way to Jail by: Zan Tyler19-03Reckoning with Truth (Teens) by: Eric Ludy19-04Embracing the Struggle: Encouragement for Weary Educators by: Brian Phillips19-05Developing a Plan for High School: Sample Four Year Plans by: Heather Frommak19-06Building a Solid Math Foundation by: Allison Fitzgibbon19-07Raising G-rated Sons in an R-rated World by: Joe Tyler19-08Homeschooling: Seven Steps to a Great Start by: Jessica Mura19-09Lies Homeschoolers Believe by: Todd Wilson19-10Lineage of Majesty (Teens) by: Eric Ludy19-11Motivate Your Child by: Dr. Scott Turansky, Joanne Miller, R.N.19-12Laying a Foundation for Reading Comprehension in the Preschool Years by: Faith Berens19-13Why All Our Students Must Study Shakespeare by: Roy Speed19-14Nature's Secrets in Our Backyards and Beyond… by: Kathy Dunfee19-15Reliability of Scripture (Teen) by: Paul Jordan19-16Happy at Home: Four Elements of a Superb Preschool Experience by: Zan Tyler19-17Charting Your Way through High School for College, Workforce, or Military by: Heather Frommak19-18Teaching Struggling Learners at Home: Nuts & Bolts for Success, Part 1 by: Krisa Winn19-19Math That Adds Up: It's Not Just About Numbers by: Sharon Fisher19-20The Importance of Teaching Art to Your Child by: Monique Pappas19-21What to Do When Your Plan Doesn't Go According to Plan by: Todd Wilson19-22How To Remove a Foundation with a Squirt Gun (Teen) by: Paul Jordan19-23Christ among the Pagans: Christians and Classical Education by: Brian Phillips19-24HLEP! My Kid Can't Spel! by: Faith Berens19-25Beyond the Five-Paragraph Essay by: Roy Speed19-26Raising Courageous Kids to Confront a Sexualized Culture by: John Lowrey19-28Talk with Me: How Conversation Stimulates Learning by: Zan Tyler19-29Cultivating Our Relationship with Christ (Teen) by: Paul Jordan19-30Honor: The Key that Helps Our Kids Excel by: Joanne Miller, R.N., Dr. Scott Turansky19-31Essential Skills for Teens: Study and Time Management by: Heather Frommak19-32Teaching Struggling Learners at Home: Nuts & Bolts for Success, Part 2 by: Krisa Winn19-33Reading Between the Lines by: Sharon Fisher19-34Raising William Wallace: Parenting with an Epic Outcome in Mind by: Eric Ludy19-35Homeschooling - A Revival Movement by: Zan Tyler19-36Help! I'm Married to a Homeschool Mom by: Todd Wilson19-37Ten Simple Proofs (Teens) by: Eric Ludy19-38Understanding Attitudes in Children and How to Change Them by: Dr. Scott Turansky, Joanne Miller, R.N.19-39High School Transcript Clinic: Practical Help and Tips by: Heather Frommak19-40Deists or Devout? The Founders, Faith, and Freedom by: Andrew Frye19-41Becoming a Tech-Confident Parent by: John Lowrey19-42Homeschooling: Seven Steps to a Great Start by: Jessica Mura19-43Raising Children to be Intentional Christians in a by: Zan Tyler19-44The Power to Do It: Exchanging Failure for Victory in Your Daily Christian Life (Teen) by: Eric Ludy19-45The Classical Educator as Lifelong Learner by: Brian Phillips19-46Reading Difficulties: Remediation Strategies and Techniques, Part 1 by: Faith Berens19-47Grammar for the Real World by: Roy Speed19-48Lighting a Fire vs. Filling a Bucket: The Heart of a Charlotte Mason Education by: Kathy Dunfee19-49You CAN be a Great Math Teacher by: Allison Fitzgibbon19-50Don't Tell Me What You Believe…LIVE It! by: Todd Wilson19-51Veritas: Defending Truth in a Postmodern Age (Teens) by: Andrew Frye19-52There's Hope! Understanding the Roadmap to Help Kids Thrive by: Dr. Scott Turansky, Joanne Miller, R.N.19-53Extracurricular Activities: Jazz Up Your High School Program by: Heather Frommak19-55How to Get Your Family Excited About Science by: Sharon Fisher19-56Connecticut Homeschooling: A Look to the Future by: 19-58Logos - A Reasoned Faith (Teens) by: Andrew Frye19-59Trivium & Trinity: Classical Education Beyond Dorothy Sayers by: Brian Phillips19-60Reading Difficulties: Remediation Strategies and Techniques, Part 2 by: Faith Berens19-61Teaching Math to Struggling Learners by: Krisa Winn19-62Teaching Writing Simplified by: Sharon Fisher19-63Fractions: Misunderstood by Most by: Allison Fitzgibbon19-64Canon: Understanding the supernatural construction of the Scriptures by: Eric Ludy19-65Reaping the Whirlwind: Darwin, Scopes, & Evolution in History (Teens) by: Andrew Frye19-66Dealing with ADD: A Heart-Based Approach by: Dr. Scott Turansky, Joanne Miller, R.N.19-67God Uses Our Weaknesses and Limitations as Homeschool Moms by: Zan Tyler19-68The College Admissions Process: The Homeschool Student's Guide by: Heather Frommak19-69Leaving a Legacy: The Vision of the Homeschool Dad and Husband by: Joe Tyler This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 19-13
Apr. 26, 2019

This homeschooling dad has been teaching Shakespeare to homeschooled students for more than a decade; his online Shakespeare courses have transformed reluctant students all over the country into ardent Shakespeare fans. In this workshop, he will show you six things no one ever told you about our greatest writer. In the process, you will discover why no other writer in English is in the same league as Shakespeare—and why knowing and understanding Shakespeare is indispensable for all our students.

Kathy Dunfee acquired a deep reverence for the beauty and wonder of nature from spending her childhood in her backyard. She invites you to re-awaken your sense of childlike wonder by simply stepping outside your back door. Based on Charlotte Mason’s approach to nature study, Kathy offers simple and practical “no-to-low-prep” ideas on how to engage children of all ages in nature through the language of poetry, literature, picture books, art, music, and adventures that enrich daily life. Nature Study is not a curriculum. It’s a way of life. A way of seeing the wonder all around us. Handout:

Have you ever wondered what the value is in art? Art magnifies the handiwork of our God and His merciful blessings in allowing and equipping human beings to create and imagine beautiful things! Art is a motivator that inspires, uplifts, and develops “artistic confidence” that encourages all ages to have trust in their creativity and to be able to express their imagination. The Bible is full of artists with the most prominent being Bezalel in the Old Testament. Art is found in everything around you- from the classes you take in school to the beauty in the world God created. Handout:

The Church father Tertullian famously asked, What indeed has Athens to do with Jerusalem? Many conclude that the answer is nothing; an answer which poses problems for classical educators who teach pagan literature from nearly every historical period. So, what are Christians to do with pagan stories? Should Christian students read such books? If so, how should Christian educators engage with such writings? This talk examines Tertullian’s important question in light of Scripture and several classic writings, drawing principles for how Christian educators and their students can better interact with classic literature and ideas.

ID: 19-24
Apr. 26, 2019

Faith addresses the importance of spelling and presents the developmental stages of spelling. She also shares various strategies, techniques, and fun, hands-on, multisensory methods for spelling practice, as well as specialized spelling programs and strategies to help you transform “I am a terrible speller” to “I am a good speller!” Handout:

In a traditional classroom environment, students have an average of eight to ten individual interactions with their teacher each day. In your homeschool, these verbal interactions can number in the hundreds and greatly enhance the education your children receive at home. Zan Tyler shares how the simple and free tool of conversation can help your children replace boredom during lessons with a motivation to learn. Discover why parents make the best teachers and capitalize on these strengths. Explore strategies to minimize conflict in your home and promote camaraderie, enthusiasm, and learning with stimulating academics instead. Conversation is the key! Conversation IS core curriculum. Handout:

ID: 19-45
Apr. 27, 2019

Parents and teachers trying to provide a classical education to their students are in the difficult position of providing what they did not receive themselves. That is, the overwhelming majority of classical educators were not classically educated themselves. So what do we do? This talk explores how classical teachers and homeschooling parents can better prepare themselves to model and provide a classical education for their students by developing habits of lifelong learning.

Kathy began homeschooling armed with how-to books and award-winning curriculum thinking she would do all the teaching and her children all the learning. Charlotte Mason’s writings completely transformed her approach. Kathy offers simple and practical ways to engage your children and yourself in a Charlotte Mason education by preparing a feast, laying down tracks (habits) for life to run more smoothly upon, and fostering an atmosphere of grace, truth, and beauty. God meets us in our weaknesses and failures, and we are changed. Charlotte Mason’s profound yet practical methods light a fire in the hearts of both teacher and student. Handout: