Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association

Recordings Listing


Indian Hills Community Church, Lincoln, NE
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 6 through 7, 2020

2020 NCHEA Conference & Curriculum Fair

Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
Recording ID: 2020-000
Original Price: $112.00
Set Price: $35.00

2020 Complete NCHEA Conference Recording Set

By purchasing this set you have the ability to listen to any or all of the recorded sessions made at the 2020 Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association Conference. (For your personal use only) If a session was damaged or lost due to technical difficulties it will not be included in the set.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2020A1The Early Years: Homeschooling Your Preschooler by: Sonya Shafer2020A2Walking on the Homeschool Tight Rope: A Practical Guide to Balancing Life and Lesson Plans by: Faith Berens2020A4Serving with Love and Loving to Serve by: Dennis Gundersen2020A5Building a Solid Math Foundation by: Kathleen Lawler2020B2Hlep! My Kid Can't Spell by: Faith Berens2020B3Ready, Set, GO! by: Danna Swartz2020B4When Readers Struggle, What Parents Can Do by: Rebecca Lowrey2020C1Laying Down the Rails: The Power of Good Habits in Your Homeschool by: Sonya Shafer2020C2Practical Help and Guidance for Homeschooling High School Students with Special Needs by: Faith Berens2020C3Help! I Have to Feed My Family by: Angi Bates2020C4Three Things Biblical Fathers Must Do, Teach and Exemplify to Their Children by: Tim and Angie Bates2020C5Inclusive History: What is it, Why it Matters and How Can You Implement it? by: Latrice Ingram2020C6The Place of Great Literature in Character Building by: Dennis Gundersen2020D1Habit-Training Yourself: Good Habits are Not Just for Kids by: Sonya Shafer2020D2The Missing Ingredient in Reading Instruction by: Faith Berens2020D4Building a Good Conscience in Your Child by: Dennis Gundersen2020D5History of Homeschooling in Nebraska by: David Lostroh2020F1One Word Can Change Everything: The by: Sonya Shafer2020F2Teaching Struggling Learners at Home: Nuts and Bolts for Success by: Faith Berens2020F3Finding Peace in a Digital World: How to Bullet Journal by: Nicole McNair2020F4Quitting the Herd by: Amy Juett2020F5Phonemic Awareness: Building Blocks to Phonics by: Gwelda Carlson2020G1When More is Less: A Call to Simplicity in Your Schedule, Your Home and Your Children's Education by: Sonya Shafer2020G2What Every Homeschooling Parent Needs to Know About Accommodations for Students with Disabilities by: Faith Berens2020G3Education and Careers in Construction by: Rick Willet2020G5Libraries Are More Than Books: Finding Online Treasures in Lincoln Libraries by: Vicki Clarke2020G6Speed Mentoring - Mom's Discussion Panel by: 2020K1Charlotte Mason and Her Methods by: Sonya Shafer This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 2020A4
Mar. 6, 2020

A child who learns to serve others with joy is sure to become the kind of husband or wife who brings genuine joy into their own family. The servant spirit, which Jesus said makes a person “the greatest of all”, is better caught than taught—that is, one must pick it up by being around people who love serving others! Dennis and Naomi have raised four sons who find great delight in serving others and they know how that outlook and attitude is passed on to children.

Discover the secret to smooth and easy days: habit training. Learn how to instill good habits, which habits Charlotte Mason encouraged parents to cultivate in their children, and practical tips for cultivating the Top Three.

Homeschooling families are often heard saying, “The older books are so much better!” Is that really true? Why do people say this? This workshop explains what it is about Christian books from the 19th and 18th centuries that makes them unique, so rich in content, and helpful for the formation of godly character. The result is, you'll learn how you can best use literature from that era and, in fact, the great literature from every era, to promote Christian character in your children.

Yes, we want our children to have good habits, but many of us parents struggle with habits in our own lives. Take a look at four powerful pictures that give insight into how habits are formed and what to do about your bad habits. Learn the three most important words to keep in mind when habit-training. Discover how to instill your own good habits that will serve you well and help your days run smoothly.

ID: 2020F1
Mar. 7, 2020

When Sonya realized how Charlotte Mason defined strong-willed vs. weak-willed, it completely changed her attitude toward her children. If you feel like you are constantly butting heads in a battle of the wills, this session could revolutionize how you view your child. Discover helpful ideas that can relieve the tension, refresh your perspective, and restore the peace.

It’s easy to get caught up in the mentality that we’ve got to add more: we must do more, we must get more, and our children must study more. More, more, more! But the funny thing is that when we keep adding more, we usually end up with less of what really matters. Come discover the richness that simplicity can bring to your schedule, your home, and your children’s education.

Learn a crucial but frequently misunderstood topic related to special needs homeschooling. In this power-packed workshop, Faith explains the difference between accommodations and modifications, describes 504 Accommodation Law, and answers homeschooling parents’ most frequently asked questions. Faith also shares a disability resource guide for teens and young adults.

ID: 2020G6
Mar. 7, 2020

Come with your most questionable questions for this distinguished panel of experienced homeschool mothers. The format will be a town hall setting with questions answered in two minutes or less. Line up, let’s go!