Recordings Listing
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 6 through 7, 2020
2020 NCHEA Conference & Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationSet Price: $35.00
2020 Complete NCHEA Conference Recording Set
By purchasing this set you have the ability to listen to any or all of the recorded sessions made at the 2020 Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association Conference. (For your personal use only) If a session was damaged or lost due to technical difficulties it will not be included in the set.
Mar. 6, 2020
A child who learns to serve others with joy is sure to become the kind of husband or wife who brings genuine joy into their own family. The servant spirit, which Jesus said makes a person “the greatest of all”, is better caught than taught—that is, one must pick it up by being around people who love serving others! Dennis and Naomi have raised four sons who find great delight in serving others and they know how that outlook and attitude is passed on to children.
Mar. 6, 2020
With all the demands on our time in this world, how do we do it? What mindset do we need to succeed in a world that seems to do everything possible to compete for our children’s hearts and minds? We will look into God’s Word to see what the Bible has to say on the subject and how to succeed in a fallen world trying to take our children captive. The problem is, we only have 45 minutes!
Homeschooling families are often heard saying, “The older books are so much better!” Is that really true? Why do people say this? This workshop explains what it is about Christian books from the 19th and 18th centuries that makes them unique, so rich in content, and helpful for the formation of godly character. The result is, you'll learn how you can best use literature from that era and, in fact, the great literature from every era, to promote Christian character in your children.
Mar. 7, 2020
What the Bible calls “a good conscience” is vital for our children to form in their youth. Parents can strengthen the conscience, so a child grows into an adult of strong convictions and is compelled from within away from sinful living and towards righteous choices, even when parents are not present. Let’s make one of the goals of our instruction “a good conscience” (1 Timothy 1:5). A practical plan for achieving this is the focus of this workshop.