North Dakota Home School Association

Recordings Listing


Bismarck, ND
Thursday - Saturday
Feb. 15 through 17, 2024

2024 NDHSA Convention - Blessed is the Man

Presented by: North Dakota Home School Association
Recording ID: 24-1000
Original Price: $154.00
Set Price: $120.00

ND 2024 Complete Conference Set

When you purchase this set you do not need to "check" any other boxes. All messages (that were successfully recorded at the event) will be delivered (via email link) to you as soon as possible after they are presented. Note: Ms. Goyer was unable to attend.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 24-00Your Child, God's Champion by: Rick Boyer24-01The Killer B 'Bitterness' by: Rick Boyer24-02Our First 40 Years by: Rick Boyer24-11Boys will be Men by: Rick Boyer24-12AHow to get Kids Excited about Learning by: Jared Dodd24-13Got Kids? Get Character by: Marilyn Boyer24-14Simplify Your Homeschool by: Rebecca Moan24-15Return to Genesis by: Mike Snavely24-16The Power of Your Child's Emotions by: Roger Smith MD24-21Family Time: Ideas for Busy Dads by: Rick Boyer24-22ATime and Home Management by: Nancy Bjorkman24-23These Kids are Driving Me NUTS! by: Marilyn Boyer24-24Homeschool High School How-To's by: Llora Knight24-25The Horror of the Flood by: Mike Snavely24-26Transitioning from Controlling to Influencing by: Roger Smith MD, Jan Smith24-31Raising Cain without Killing Abel by: Rick Boyer24-32Homeschooling a Child with Dyslexia by: Alysia Budd24-33Getting it All Done by: Marilyn Boyer24-34Updates to the Academic, CTE, and ND Scholarship by: Jim Upgren24-35The Pillars of Evolution by: Mike Snavely24-36Dad's Essential Role by: Roger Smith MD24-41The Battle Within: Understanding the War Between Spirit & Flesh by: Chuck Black24-42ALeaving the Classroom Mentality by: Theresa Deckert24-43Exploring Homeschooling Methods by: Nancy Bjorkman24-445 Core Habits to Help Your Child Learn Anything by: Christina Rondeau24-45Lost Secrets of the Ancient Civilizations by: Mike Snavely24-46Discipline That Draws Children Closer by: Roger Smith MD, Jan Smith24-51Defining Moments That Change Your Future by: Chuck Black24-52Getting Started Homeschooling in ND by: Theresa Deckert24-53Why I'm Glad I Homeschooled through High School by: Marilyn Boyer24-54Exploring Learning Styles by: Nancy Bjorkman24-55The Stricken Earth by: Mike Snavely24-56Did I Just Say That? by: Roger Smith MD, Jan Smith24-61Beyond the Textbooks by: Rick Boyer24-62AFighting Apathy, Teaching your Children to Care by: Chuck Black24-63Delighting in Your Children, Key to Keeping Their Hearts by: Marilyn Boyer24-64Surviving High School Transcripts by: Llora Knight24-65Spiders! by: Mike Snavely24-66Just Tell Me What to Do by: Jan Smith24-71Heroes, Standing on the Shoulders of Giants by: Rick Boyer24-72AThe Mystery of the Dinosaurs by: Mike Snavely24-73Things I would Do Again or Differently by: Marilyn Boyer24-74Sensory Needs: Solutions to Help by: Alysia Budd24-76Managing Fear in the Midst of Chaos by: Jan Smith This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 24-00
Feb. 16, 2024

Throughout the history of Israel and Judah, God raised up several great men to rule over His people. But it was a king who took the throne at the tender age of eight who became the most godly king of all. II Kings 23:25 tells us: "Before him there was no king like him who turned to the LORD with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might...nor did any like him arise after him." The life of Josiah provides parents with dynamic principles for training up the next generation of godly leaders to turn OUR nation back to God!

ID: 24-01
Feb. 17, 2024

It’s quiet, but deadly. It can poison a whole family when no one even knows it’s there. It dampens affection, kills communication and leaves hearts wounded and hurting. It is the number one reason why marriages break up and why parents lose the hearts of their children. The Bible describes it as a “root” that springs up and defiles many. In this talk, Rick Boyer explains how the poison of bitterness damages relationships and how the grace of God can put them back together again. Peace and love in your home are not just a dream.

ID: 24-25
Feb. 16, 2024

Could you explain where the water for a world-wide flood would have come from, & where it all went afterward?! Many Christians can’t. Understanding the flood (the purpose, causes, aftermath and evidence) is very important to an understanding of a biblically sound creation model. This session covers the basics of this event, and also includes a video & PowerPoint presentation of the “Hydroplate Theory” - a biblically accurate and scientifically feasible portrayal of the flood event.

Parenting style MUST SHIFT as your child grows. Developing influence with your child is essential to reducing the struggle for control as he matures. Having raised 4 children to lead productive lives as adults, the Smiths bring real-life stories from their past to illustrate both good and bad approaches to controlling kids in the family. Effectively handling each stage of growth, from toddler to teen, will set the stage for more influence. You will be encouraged, and you will be inspired.

ID: 24-31
Feb. 16, 2024

Few things create more tension for parents than hearing their children fight with each other. But it's nothing new, as the Bible clearly shows. Scripture also shows several causes of sibling rivalry AND teaches us how to deal with it effectively. Peace in your home really is possible! Come and hear how you can help your children learn to live at peace with each other, laying foundations for successful relationships all throughout life.

One confusing aspect of the life of a believer is the war between their spirit and their flesh. This war and its consequences are personal and will determine a person's effectiveness as a believer. Understanding the biblical basis for this battle is paramount for living a victorious, joyful and faith-filled life. You will discover the power of the Spirit that lives within and cause the Enemy and his minions to tremble. This is also an excellent topic for parents hoping to prepare their teens for this challenge aspect of faith.

ID: 24-45
Feb. 16, 2024

With fascinating illustrations, this session contrasts the evolution model with the creation model from a historic standpoint through a look at what many ancient cultures were able to accomplish. These accomplishments baffle us even today! How did ancient man do these things? This session contrasts some of these civilizations to our own and has a personal application.

ID: 24-51
Feb. 17, 2024

Every person has a dozen or so defining moments in their life that have the ability to change their future. Many people don’t recognize them or at the very least, don’t allow them to significantly impact their lives like God has intended them to. Chuck shares life examples, biblical lessons, and encouragement on how to recognize and respond to your next defining moment so that you are blessed, the kingdom is advanced, and your future is filled with purpose. God loves using average people to do amazing things because then the glory all goes to Him. Learn how to let your next defining moment propel you into the amazing promises of God.

ID: 24-55
Feb. 17, 2024

The earth is wearing out just like the Bible said it would. The earth is undergoing changes that can be seen everywhere. Why do volcanoes erupt? Why are there earthquakes? Why do rocks fall from the sky? What are comets? Why are there unique weather patterns? Is the earth warming? If so, why? Why are all continents shifting toward the Pacific? What produces El Niños? What does the mid-Atlantic Ridge have to do with the west Pacific? Etc. The answers are all related, & might surprise you!

What will really matter 10 or 50 years from now? Not how well you taught mathematics or sentence diagramming, or whether your laundry was always caught up. Sometimes we forget--or don't even knowhow to delight in our children and make time to enjoy being with them. Come hear Marilyn and catch a vision of how you can reach and hold the heart of your child and build family relationships that will be passed on through generations.

ID: 24-71
Feb. 17, 2024

Does your home schooling lack inspiration? Are you and your children just going through the motions of a curriculum, rather than striving for excellence? For countless generations, kids have been inspired by hero stories. Come and hear how you can revolutionize your child's education by giving him a legacy of greatness.


Bismarck Event Center
Thursday - Saturday
Feb. 16 through 18, 2023

2023 ND Convention Choose Joy !

Presented by: North Dakota Home School Association
Recording ID: 23-100
Original Price: $142.50
Set Price: $62.00

Complete 2023 Covention set of recordings

When you purchase this set, you do not need to purchase individual recordings. You have access to listen to any of the recordings which were successfully made at the 2023 North Dakota Convention

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 23-00Christianity and Government by: Jared Dodd23-01Living on Borrowed Time: The 9 Practices of The Proactive Parent by: Steve Scheibner23-02Marriage, Communication and Friendship, Part 1 by: Steve Scheibner, Megan Scheibner23-03Marriage, Communication and Friendship, Part 2 by: Steve Scheibner, Megan Scheibner23-11Revelation Generation: Preparing Your Children for the Days to Come by: Chuck Black23-12Am I Messing Up My Kids? by: Nicki Truesdell23-13The A to Z of a Character Healthy Homeschool— by: Megan Scheibner23-14Getting Started Homeschooling in North Dakota by: Theresa Deckert23-15God's Calling for Grandparents by: Jared Dodd23-22Simplifying Language Arts by: Nicki Truesdell23-23The Toddler Toolbox by: Megan Scheibner23-24The College Question: Exploring Alternatives to College debt by: Rory Groves23-25Why Dads Are Essential to Homeschooling by: Jared Dodd23-312ML - Second Mile Leadership by: Steve Scheibner23-32What I Wish My Parents Knew About My Dyslexia by: Alysia Budd23-33The Disciple-Making Mom by: Megan Scheibner23-34Time and Home Management: Managing Life and Home While Homeschooling by: Nancy Bjorkman23-35Dual Credit/College Prep: What You Need to Know by: Dan Dreissen23-41Practical Apologetics by: Chuck Black23-42Factual History 101 by: Nicki Truesdell23-43Unit Studies: Bringing Life to Academics by: Megan Scheibner23-44Homeschooling Through High School by: Nancy Bjorkman23-45Help Your Kids Get Excited About Learning by: Jared Dodd23-51Battling with Behaviors by: Steve Scheibner23-52Teaching Multiple Children Without Losing Your Mind by: Nicki Truesdell23-53Choose Your Own Adventure: Teach Writing Your Way by: Sarah Young23-54The Family Economy: God's Design for the Biblical Household by: Rory Groves23-55You Can Do It and Why You Should by: Jared Dodd23-61Training Young Men to be Gentlemen in a Feminist Culture by: Steve Scheibner23-62Homeschooling! No Matter What! by: Nicki Truesdell23-63Woman to Woman: The Mentoring Model by: Megan Scheibner23-64Durable Trades for a Durable Future by: Rory Groves23-65When Your Children Question the Faith by: Jared Dodd23-71Homeschool Q & A Panel Discussion by: Theresa Deckert23-72Supernatural Selection by: Brian Young23-73Snatching Joy: ‘Cause Sometimes Life Just Stinks by: Megan Scheibner23-74Preparing Homeschool Transcripts by: Betsy Gross23-757 Mistakes That Many Parents Make by: Jared Dodd This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 23-00
Feb. 16, 2023

From a Biblical perspective, this session explains when God instituted Government, the proper role of civil Government, and the Christian's role in the context of civil government. Hear about transforming biblical principles as they pertain to you and the governing authority that God has ordained.

As a pilot for American Airlines, Steve was very close to the events of 9/11. He tells his deeply moving story of God's providence on that terrible day in our history. Come and discover why God gave Steve a second chance and now uses him to teach parents all around the world to parent with purpose and urgency as he introduces you to The Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent. Intensely practical and Bible based, they are designed to give parents both the tools they need and the hope necessary to build a Christ-centered character-driven home environment. The Nine Practices are a great way to revitalize parents in the all important task of parenting

Twenty-six hundred years ago, three teenagers stood in defiance to a powerful king. In our world of entertainment-minded youth, are we doing enough to prepare them for the possibility of challenging days ahead? Chuck encourages parents and teens to ‘Know What You Believe’, ‘Know What’s Coming’, and ‘Know What You Will Do’ so that if the day should come, we will stand and not bow

If we homeschool simply to achieve high academic marks, we are squandering the opportunity to influence our children for Christ. Character healthy leaders are those children who have learned to elevate virtues above feelings. If we spend our homeschooling hours simply on academics and activities, we may win the praise of man, but we risk losing the hearts of our children. In our few short years with our children, we must focus on the first things first, and character is always the first thing! In this session, Megan will challenge you to use every opportunity to teach your children to serve God by loving others and to love others by faithfully serving God.

ID: 23-15
Feb. 17, 2023

Many grandparents, because of the influence of modern culture, have forfeited much of the amazing opportunity and responsibility God has given them. In this talk we share the Biblical vision of grandparenting and give practical instruction on how to impact grandchildren for the Kingdom of God.

ID: 23-25
Feb. 17, 2023

In recent years, homeschooling has become a responsibility placed solely on mothers. The Scriptures, however, give a very different recipe for success in training up children in the ways of God. In this workshop, fathers will learn not only the vision that God has for them in the area of homeschooling, but also some great ideas for being involved in their greatest calling. Dads are essential to their children’s education.

ID: 23-31
Feb. 17, 2023

Second mile leaders are those counter-intuitive servants of God who earn the right to be heard by developing a consistent love of virtue, a disciplined approach to gratification, and a submissive love for the authority of God’s Word. Male leadership is essential to the success of marriages, families, the church, and society. This session will teach men to Earn The Right To Be Heard, Prefer Proactivity, Reject Reactivity, Learn to elevate virtues above feelings, Build Moral Muscle, Seek Forgiveness, and Develop A Finisher’s Attitude.

ID: 23-33
Feb. 17, 2023

Being a mom is about so much more than feeding, dressing, and driving our children to play dates! With only a few short year s to impart critical spiritual truths to our kids, every day becomes an eternal opportunity for teaching training, and modeling Christlikeness. This session will give moms the tools they need to disciple their children in the most critical areas of prayer, service, Bible study, scripture memorization, and genuine fellowship. Moms will walk away encouraged and strengthened, knowing that although discipling their children seems a huge task, God is on their side!

ID: 23-41
Feb. 17, 2023

The deception of the Enemy in our modern world seems overwhelming at times, especially for our young people. Is there scientific evidence for God? Does faith deny logic and reason? Chuck tackles these challenging questions and offers solid answers through practical apologetics. Equip your youth using the synergy between scripture, science, technology, logic and reason to stand against the onslaught of deception the world will throw at them.

ID: 23-45
Feb. 17, 2023

Do you have to prod your children from assignment to assignment? Do they find homeschooling to be boring or a burden? If education isn’t fun and exciting, then something needs to change. Come and learn how to turn your child from a lazy student to one of initiative, hard work, and dedication.

ID: 23-51
Feb. 18, 2023

Want your teen to take more initiative around the house? Want to reduce the “drama” level in the family? Want to get your pre-teens, teens, and young adults excited about character healthy living? Join “America’s Parenting Doctor,” Dr. Steve Scheibner as he reveals seven practical steps to raising the behavior bar in your home. This “character matters” session will begin the process of moving your young people from ordinary to extraordinary.

The Bible teaches that the basic economic unit of society is the Family—not the corporation, not the government, not the individual. This talk explores the basic elements of a family-centered economy and provides practical steps for families to reclaim productive households that will thrive in uncertain times.

ID: 23-55
Feb. 18, 2023

The pressures of society and the lies of modern philosophy have convinced many parents to doubt their ability to educate their children. God’s Word is clear. Not only can you do it, but you can do it better than anyone else, and Jared will tell you why.

Is behaving like a gentleman an outdated and antiquated idea? Join Steve in a discussion of how to teach our young men to be masculine in a society that seeks to squeeze them into a feminine mold. Becoming a gentleman starts at home. Discover ways to cultivate a culture of masculinity without raising men who are brutes!

ID: 23-63
Feb. 18, 2023

Women thrive on relationships! But, are our relationships glorifying God or do they draw our hearts away from faithful obedience to the Lord and His Word? Megan will encourage women to use their relationships to encourage, edify, and exhort one another. As sisters in Christ and homeschooling moms, we have the unique opportunity to build up and strengthen one another. Every homeschooling mom will benefit from giving and receiving encouragement from other women. This session will challenge you to examine your friendships and to structure Christ-centered, God honoring, and faith-deepening relationships.

ID: 23-65
Feb. 18, 2023

How do we respond when our children doubt what we've taught them? What do we do when they start speaking in a way that contradicts the Scriptures? How a parent responds to such circumstances will either lead to a solution or be part of the problem. Doubts and struggles can be scary, but God wants to use them to make us stronger. This breakout will prepare parents on how to respond, should the event ever take place.

ID: 23-72
Feb. 18, 2023

This session will explore the latest and greatest of what is going on within the creation/evolution debate. This presentation turns evolution on end since the primary evidence of evolution (natural selection) has been explained today by genetics and points to a Creator rather than chance processes. In fact, these so-called evolutionary changes take place in hours to days, not eons of time. It is the most recent and powerful evidence serving a death-blow to evolution and a must know for every student and parent to defend the faith.

ID: 23-75
Feb. 18, 2023

The Scripture says that we are to be aware of the devil’s schemes. Friendship with the World is Enmity towards God. Here we identify seven traps of the enemy that most Christian parents are involved in unawares.


North View Church, Fargo, ND
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 11 through 12, 2022

2022 ND Convention- Passing the Torch

Presented by: North Dakota Home School Association
Recording ID: 22-000
Original Price: $98.00
Set Price: $40.00

Entire 2022 ND Convention set (all Recordings)

When this purchase is made you may listen to as many or as few of the recordings from 2022 North Dakota Home School Convention as you like (for personal use only) for up to three years, and make a contribution to the NDHSA organization as well. (Sessions lost due to technical difficulties will be unavailable.)

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 22-01Daring To Do as Stanley Dale by: Eric Ludy22-02Raising William Wallace by: Eric Ludy22-03Most Outrageous Joy by: Eric Ludy22-10Honorable Manhood by: Eric Ludy22-11Math Outside the Book by: Nancy Bjorkman22-12Teaching High School without Fear by: Rebbecca Nyberg22-13Getting Started in North Dakota by: Theresa Deckert22-14Classroom Management by: Andrea Black22-20The Battle Within by: Chuck Black22-21Language Arts in the Real World by: Nancy Bjorkman22-22Preparing a High School Transcript by: Llora Knight22-23Learning Styles, Teaching Methods and Curriculum Options by: Theresa Deckert22-24Communications in Marriage by: Troy McQuown22-30What's Wanted Is a Man by: Eric Ludy22-31Panel Discussion with Homeschool Grads by: Theresa Deckert22-32Teaching Multiple Children at once by: Llora Knight22-33Growing Your Children's Communications Skills by: Given Hoffman22-34Call to Arms: Courageous Motherhood by: Andrea Black22-40The Dangerous Game by: Eric Ludy22-41Soft People Skills that Impact a Hard World by: Troy McQuown22-42High School How tos by: Llora Knight22-43Confessions of an Former Drama Queen by: Joy Wegener22-44I'm Going to count to Three . . again. Stop Counting by: Chuck Black, Andrea Black22-50Escapism: avoiding the Snares of the Media by: Chuck Black22-51Panel discussion with Home School Moms by: Theresa Deckert22-52Engaging Early Learners by: Nancy Bjorkman22-53Joy Fuels the Journey by: Rebbecca Nyberg22-54Getting Ready to Launch by: Kathy Miiller, Cindy Sanford This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 22-01
Mar. 11, 2022

It's about getting our eyes off of our own circumstances and seeing the bigger matters of a lost and dying world. This particular message addresses the Christian homeschool family. How can a homeschooled family live boldly for Christ? How can they change the world in which they live? How can they say “no” to the bait of self-focus and snatch up the call of God to audaciously serve in the Name of Jesus Christ? How can they dare to do as Stanley Dale?

ID: 22-02
Mar. 12, 2022

Parenting is difficult. The difficulty increases when we go after more than just “good enough” for our children. The flack that comes from aiming our children for “great and godly” is almost too much for most parents, so, “good enough” often seems like a reasonable place to settle. This message is about aiming our children toward “ready and raring to change the world”! It’s difficult, but it comes with power, because it’s parenting in agreement with the Holy Spirit. “Changing the world for Jesus Christ” is precisely what God is desiring to do in and through our children.

ID: 22-03
Mar. 12, 2022

The Bible teaches us that trials are our friends and sufferings are our bosom companions. In this hour with Eric, he'll unpack the strange but amazing concept that pure joy is not found in the absence of trials but BECAUSE of trials.

ID: 22-10
Mar. 11, 2022

Over the past five years Eric has constructed eight different messages for his son about becoming an honorable man. These eight messages explore a man’s purpose, his uniqueness, his sexuality, and his powerful role in this world. This message will supply an overview of all of these super-important dimensions of godly manhood.

ID: 22-20
Mar. 11, 2022

This is about Understanding the Raging War Between the Spirit & the Flesh and How to Live in Victory One of the most confusing issues a teen will face is the war within- between their spirit and their flesh. This war and its consequences are personal and will determine a teen’s effectiveness as a believer. Understanding the biblical basis for this battle is paramount for living a victorious, joyful and faith-filled life. Teens will discover the power of the Spirit that lives within and cause the Enemy and his minions to tremble.

ID: 22-30
Mar. 11, 2022

Over and over throughout history the same thrilling storyline unfolds: evil encroaches, all seems lost, and a manly hero rises up to put evil in its place. Of course, this is the storyline of the Gospel. But, it is also the storyline of the Church. And if there was an hour in history when the Church triumphant was needed, it’s right now. This is a heartening message in the midst of the darkening age in which we live to remember how God has worked in history past and how He will surely work today.

ID: 22-40
Mar. 12, 2022

When a Christian gets his game on, sirens go off in hell. A Christian man functioning as he ought to has always been, and always will be, considered “dangerous” to this world’s systems. There is no greater threat to the Dark Kingdom than a man courageously shining Light and proclaiming Truth. Since Godly men are “dangerous men”, the games they must learn to play are “dangerous games”.

ID: 22-41
Mar. 12, 2022

In a world of snaps, texts, and tweets, many have forgot the most powerful form of human interaction..."face-to-face". Introduce your teens to the dynamic world of human interaction and its importance for fulfilling God's plan for them.

ID: 22-43
Mar. 12, 2022

or -Confessions of a Former Drama Queen How does God take an aspiring model and actress and turn her heart to ministry? Find out as Joy shares her testimony and teaches young ladies principles for following Jesus wherever He leads!

ID: 22-50
Mar. 12, 2022

In today’s technology culture, the enemy’s lure of our young people’s minds to escape into an artificial world is great. As the line between reality and simulation blurs, the stronghold of escapism becomes more and more powerful. Apathy and self-indulgence are two destructive consequences that lead to broken relationships, broken homes, and broken hearts. Find some practical tools you can implement to help keep your children from getting caught in the snare of escapism.


Bismarck Event Center
Friday & Saturday
Feb. 19 through 20, 2021

2021 North Dakota Home School Convention

Presented by: North Dakota Home School Association
Recording ID: 21-000
Original Price: $112.50
Set Price: $49.99

Complete 2021 ND Convention Recording set

This set will allow you to listen to any or all of the recordings made at the North Dakota Home School Association 2021 convention. The audio messages from this purchase will be in your account and can be downloaded when and if you like for years to come. (For personal use only.)

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 21-001How to Keep Your Children in the Faith by: Israel Wayne21-01CHOOSE THIS DAY by: Jared Dodd21-02YOU CAN DO IT and WHY YOU SHOULD by: Jared Dodd21-03CHALLENGE TO SONS & DAUGHTERS by: Jared Dodd21-10When Children question the Faith by: Jared Dodd21-11Dual Credit, What you need to know by: Dan Dreissen21-12Help! I'm Homeschooling with Toddler Strapped to My Leg by: Jamie Erickson21-13Exploring Learning Styles for More Effective Instruction by: Nancy Bjorkman21-14How Can I Know What is True by: Israel Wayne21-20Education VS Schooling by: Israel Wayne21-21Getting Started in North Dakota by: Theresa Deckert21-22Learning Like da Vinci & Jefferson: Notebooking 101 by: Jamie Erickson21-23When You Have a Child who is Not Driven by: Sherri Seligson21-24Outside the Box Careers: Build Your Skills With and Without College by: Kathy Miiller, Cindy Sanford21-30History of Family Part 1 by: Jared Dodd21-31Mom with a Plan by: Krista Smith21-32Montessori? Isn't That a Dinosaur by: Jamie Erickson21-33Navigating High School by: Sherri Seligson21-34How Can I Know God Exists by: Israel Wayne21-44How can you Know that the Bible is True by: Israel Wayne21-50North Dakota Scholarships by: Jim Upgren21-51High School Answers by: Theresa Deckert, Llora Knight21-52Homeschooling When You're One Day Away From Crisis by: Jamie Erickson21-53Why Teaching Science is a Critical Part of Education by: Sherri Seligson21-54How Can I defend my Faith by: Israel Wayne21-60History of the Family Part 2 by: Jared Dodd21-61Increase Your ACT Score by: Kathy Miiller21-62It's Homeschool, NOT School-at-Home by: Jamie Erickson21-63Am I Ruining My Children? What I Wish I Knew As a New Homeschooling Mom by: Sherri Seligson21-64Creation Science Apologetics by: Israel Wayne This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 21-01
Feb. 19, 2021

The culture of this world is so strong and deceptive that if we are not proactively fighting against it, we will become it. God is calling your family to choose His narrow path, not the path of mainstream American Christianity. The road ahead will be challenging, but well worth it.

ID: 21-02
Feb. 20, 2021

The pressures of society and the lies of modern philosophy have convinced many parents to doubt their ability to educate their children. God’s Word is clear. Not only can you do it, but you can do it better than anyone else, and I’m going to tell you why.

ID: 21-03
Feb. 20, 2021

A Multigenerational Vision: It is high time for young men and women to stop bowing down to the mediocre expectations of modern culture. This talk is given directly to your children. The future of this nation and her church is upon them

ID: 21-10
Feb. 19, 2021

How should we respond if and when our children question the faith? Unfortunately, many parents react in a way that adds to the doubt and rebellion rather than cure it. No family is beyond such dealings. It is wise to prepare and be ready if such a day should ever come.

ID: 21-14
Feb. 19, 2021

There is a common skepticism today about knowing anything with certainty. It is assumed by many that if you claim to know something in an absolute sense that you are arrogant. How do Christians respond to this challenge? Can objective truth really be known and defended? This will be a thoughtprovoking and engaging session.

ID: 21-20
Feb. 19, 2021

“Education vs. schooling" ...they are NOT the same! Most people think of “schooling” when they hear the word “education”. In reality, however, the two are not intrinsically linked in any way. Learn why most people are schooled but never truly educated and how you can ensure your children get a great education...even without schooling.

ID: 21-34
Feb. 19, 2021

Is there truly an infinite, loving, personal God who exists, and can be known? How can I believe in God when I can’t experience Him through my five senses? Do I just accept it by blind faith? How do I answer the objections made by atheists and agnostics? This session will enable you to have certainty that not only does truth exist; God does as well.

ID: 21-44
Feb. 20, 2021

Is there truly an infinite, loving, personal God who exists, and can be known? How can I believe in God when I can’t experience Him through my five senses? Do I just accept it by blind faith? How do I answer the objections made by atheists and agnostics? This session will enable you to have certainty that not only does truth exist; God does as well.

ID: 21-54
Feb. 20, 2021

Mr. Wayne teaches how to defend the Christian faith in a postmodern culture. The term, Relational Apologetics, describes how we are to communicate objective truth in a way that is truly loving. It demonstrates where the Church has been ineffective in evangelism and apologetics and what changes we should make. Learn to be gracious absolutists!

Let’s face it. At one time or another we all feel that by homeschooling our children, they are missing out on “something.” After all, we’re pretty sure the 7th grader down the street is up for a Nobel Prize, everyone else is receiving a full-ride scholarship to Princeton, and we haven’t even begun to cover 13th century humanities in China! RELAX. This workshop will talk you down from the cliff – or at least encourage you that homeschooling is the BEST thing for your children. Join Sherri as she shares how she went from stressing over teaching everything about everything to trusting in the path, resources, and experiences God had for her children.

ID: 21-64
Feb. 20, 2021

Learn how you can defend a Biblical view of origins, with only a basic knowledge of science. By learning a few key concepts, you can dismantle any significant evolutionary argument. This is a great workshop for anyone who has ever felt unsure about what say when talking about Creation with a skeptic.


Jamestown, North Dakota
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 6 through 7, 2020

2020 North Dakota Home School Convention

Presented by: North Dakota Home School Association
Recording ID: 20-000
Original Price: $166.50
Set Price: $65.00

2020 Complete NDHSA Convention Recording Set

By purchasing this "complete set" you have the ability to listen to any or all of the great sessions at the 2020 NDHSA convention. A few sessions had been excluded at the request of the speaker. Sessions that were technically damaged or not recorded are not included in this set.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 20-01Train.Defend.Stand.— by: Chuck Black20-02Homeschooling: the Right Choice by: Chuck Black20-11Dealing with Doubt by: Chuck Black20-12Reaching the Heart of Your Child by: Ginger Hubbard20-13Learning & Teaching History From a Biblical Worldview by: Angela O'Dell20-14The Culture of God's Kingdom vs the World's by: Jared Dodd20-15Three Hot Careers: Plumbing, HVAC, and Refrigeration by: Mark Wood, Ryan Meisch20-16Ministry in the Midst of Mothering Many by: Jana Biel20-21Keeping your Kids from Losing their Faith by: Luke Miller20-22Taming Your Tongue— by: Ginger Hubbard20-23What I wish I'd Been Told at the Beginning by: Angela O'Dell20-24How to Have an Ever-Increasing Marriage by: Jared Dodd20-25Getting Started Homeschooling in North Dakota by: Theresa Deckert20-26CLEP / Dual Credits by: Kathy Miiller20-31Call to Arms: The Guts & Glory of Courageous Fatherhood by: Chuck Black20-32Talking to Your Teens About Pornography by: Keith Soencksen20-33Charlotte Mason for Today's Families by: Angela O'Dell20-34Seven Mistakes Many Homeschoolers Make by: Jared Dodd20-35You CAN Be a Great Math Teacher by: Maren Ehley20-36You Are Your Teen's Best Guidance Counselor by: Kathy Miiller20-41Practical Apologetics by: Chuck Black20-42Taming Your Child's Tongue by: Ginger Hubbard20-43Aiming at a Moving Target by: Angela O'Dell20-44Why Gender is Paramount by: Jared Dodd20-45Language Arts in the Real World by: Nancy Bjorkman20-46Why You Need to Teach Geology and How by: Patrick Nurre20-51Dads Homeschool, Too by: Bryan Dalzell20-53Helping Our Kids to De-stress in an Overstimulating World by: Angela O'Dell20-54How to Get to the Marriage Altar with Purity by: Jared Dodd20-55High School Transcripts How-To's by: Llora Knight20-56Four Powerful Words by: Patrick Nurre20-61Escapism: Avoiding the Snares of Media by: Chuck Black20-62How to Parent Without Provoking Anger by: Ginger Hubbard20-63I Believe in You, Kiddo...Here's Why!— by: Angela O'Dell20-64Essentials for Your Child's Success by: Jared Dodd20-65What's Next? Our Changing Role: Letting Go With Joy and Peace by: Rebbecca Nyberg20-66Apologetics From the Ground Up by: Patrick Nurre This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 20-01
Mar. 6, 2020

Homeschooling families are on the frontline of spiritual warfare, and only diligent preparation brings victory. The reasons to homeschool vary greatly, but for believers in Jesus Christ the goal is the same—train them up in the way of the Lord, equip them to defend their biblical beliefs, and strengthen their faith so that they will stand firm in the days to come as they engage in spiritual warfare with the enemy. Chuck challenges and offers key instruction on how to disciple your children to train, defend, and stand as ambassadors for Jesus Christ in a world that desperately needs hope

ID: 20-02
Mar. 7, 2020

Mr. Black will share encouragement along with biblical and historical support for choosing to home educate your children. His wife, Andrea, will join him as they list their top-ten lessons learned from living for twenty-four years in the trenches of home education. From the obvious to the original, Andrea and Chuck share from their hearts ideas to incorporate into your home to help you be successful in the journey.

ID: 20-11
Mar. 6, 2020

At fourteen years old I faced an episode of doubt in my life that lasted for fourteen years. Because of it I could not claim God’s Word as infallible nor witness boldly to anyone seeking answers about Jesus Christ. God preserved my faith through it all, but much was lost to those years lived in flimsy faith. It doesn’t have to be so for your child. As parents we have an obligation to equip, pre-pare, and launch our children into the world fully capable of standing against the spiritual attacks and waves of doubt that they will often face. Discover how to discern if doubt is something your child is dealing with and learn a few basic principles on how to help them overcome and live a faith-filled life, even as a youth

This session dives into the hows and whys of teaching history from a Biblical worldview. What does history from a Biblical worldview look like and why is it important? How do I make history interesting to my kids? When should I start teaching histo-ry? Do I have to teach history in chronological order? Having worked for more than a decade to produce history curriculum that reaches into the heart of the student, Angela shares her heart and passion for teaching history in a fresh and relevant way.

ID: 20-14
Mar. 6, 2020

Culture is what you do without thinking about it. Unfortunately, the culture of the world has seeped into the church of America, having devastating effects. God is inviting people to repent and return to the priorities and practices of His Kingdom Culture.

ID: 20-16
Mar. 6, 2020

The season of home schooling and mothering littles is daunting, long, and BUSY. It’s hard to imagine being able to invest our ministry efforts anywhere beyond our front door. Come hear some encouragement and ideas on engaging in ministry during this amazing time of life.

ID: 20-21
Mar. 6, 2020

Between 50-75% of Christian kids are leaving the faith by their second year in college. In this session, recent homeschool graduate Luke Miiller, will offer simple, practical steps that will empower teens to solidify, defend and protect their faith in God. Faith isn’t enough when you’re being pounded with atheistic agendas. Faith, combined with science, evidence and logic, creates a force that not only defends our faith but is an evangelistic tool to bring others to God.

ID: 20-22
Mar. 7, 2020

Do you find yourself threatening, repeating your instructions, or raising your voice in an attempt to get your children to obey? Do you feel guilty because you know you should be faithfully training and instructing your children in righteousness but you aren’t sure how? Through personal experience and practical application of Scripture, Ginger guides parents in how to give a biblical reproof. This presentation richly inspires and equips parents to let faithful instruction flow from their lips.

ID: 20-24
Mar. 6, 2020

What does it take to have a wonderful marriage? Why do marriages grow apart? Jared will discuss how to get rid of lie-based thinking and bitterness, have courageous conversations, and how to truly be one. He’ll also discuss the impact this transformation will have on your family as a whole. Couples, singles, sons and daughters are all welcome to attend.

There is a spiritual war being waged for our families. Our enemy is strong and we are in his territory. Dad, if you don’t fight for your family, no one else will. A soldier in enemy territory is alert, focused, and purposeful about every move he makes with weapons ready. Only you stand between the enemy and your family, for God has given you the authority and the responsibility to stop him from destroying your marriage and your children. This takes courage, but your calling is noble…it is God's call to arms. Chuck offers straight answers and practical help for dads who are looking to protect, train, equip, and launch soldiers for Jesus Christ.

Pornography has become one of those awkward, taboo topics that too few Christian parents discuss with their teens, especially sons. This is exactly what the enemy wants! All parents need to be aware of the massive prevalence and the physical, emotional, and spiritual perils of pornography. Young people are falling victim to it at greater rates than ever before, and falling much deeper into depravity, because of its ready availability on the internet. You’ll be given practical steps for having open dialog with your teens. Keith will answer questions like: What do I say? What’s the right age? What if my teen is already addicted,? What about long term accountability? Parents will walk away encouraged and empowered to speak to their teens about this crucial issue!

ID: 20-34
Mar. 6, 2020

Our enemy is the great deceiver. By definition, when we are deceived, we don’t realize it. In this session, we expose seven pitfalls that are common and, yet, not often recognized by homeschool families.

ID: 20-41
Mar. 6, 2020

The deception of the Enemy in our modern world seems overwhelming at times, especially for our young people. Is there scientific evidence for God? Does faith deny logic and reason? Chuck tackles these challenging questions and offers solid answers through practical apologetics. Equip your youth using the synergy between scripture, science, technology, logic and reason to stand against the onslaught of deception the world will throw at them.

ID: 20-42
Mar. 6, 2020

Are you ever embarrassed or shocked by what comes out of your child’s mouth? Based on her newest book, I Can’t Believe You Just Said That, Ginger provides a practical, three-step plan to reach beyond the behaviors of tongue-related struggles—such as lying, defying, and manipulating—to address your child’s heart. After all, as Matthew 12:34 tells us, “the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.”

ID: 20-44
Mar. 7, 2020

Gender is under attack in our culture, and for good reason. The enemy of God hates gender because he understands its power. If parents make it their greatest ambition to teach their sons what it means to be men, and to teach their daughters what it means to be women, then their children will succeed.

ID: 20-51
Mar. 7, 2020

Hear from a veteran homeschool father about successful homeschooling for dads. Bryan believes all dads should be involved in their kid’s education. Each family, though, is different. Today, more dads are taking an active part in home educating their children. Ideas covered: 1) why home school, 2) switching of traditional roles in today’s families, 3) adapting homeschooling to fit your life-style, 4) keeping your eyes on the big picture, and 4) you can never “fall behind”.

ID: 20-54
Mar. 7, 2020

How important is your child’s purity? Is there a safer way to find a soulmate? In this session, we will explore what the Bible says regarding the path to marriage and expose some of the common pitfalls that many well-intended homeschoolers fall into.

ID: 20-56
Mar. 7, 2020

There are four words that if understood correctly will help you to navigate the debate that rages around Genesis, our origins, and the Flood. These four words will help your children be better apologists for the Faith.

ID: 20-61
Mar. 7, 2020

In today’s technology culture, the enemy’s lure of our young people’s minds to escape into an artificial world is great. As the line between reality and simulation blurs, the stronghold of escapism becomes more and more powerful. Apathy and self-indulgence are two destructive consequences that lead to broken relationships, broken homes, and broken hearts. Find some practical tools you can implement to help keep your children from getting caught in the snare of escapism.

ID: 20-62
Mar. 7, 2020

Does your child have a comeback for everything you tell him to do or always try and get the last word, even if it’s mumbled under his breath? Does he become mad and lose control when you discipline him rather than repenting? Or does he seem indifferent, giving the impression that discipline doesn’t faze him in the least? Through biblical insights and powerful drama, learn how to avoid the snares of parent-provoked anger and raise emotionally healthy children.

ID: 20-63
Mar. 7, 2020

Is the world sending you mixed messages? Have lies about your identity from the pop culture, high expectations from others, and confusing self-talk from your own emotions and brain become a jumble of exhausting mental activity tossing and turning like a washing machine’s agitator? Many teens are secretly wondering, “How do I sort through all of this to find out who I really am and what I’m supposed to be? Do I really have what it takes to be a Christ- follower in this culture?” Angela will reach into the hearts and minds of teens with the TRUTH of God’s Word that brings confidence, peace, and wisdom to those who are searching.

ID: 20-64
Mar. 7, 2020

What does it mean to truly be educated? Many homeschoolers are schooled but not educated. This workshop walks through essential elements necessary for a child’s success. Topics include: gaining a knowledge of history, being good with money, knowing apologetics, desiring purity, and acquiring life skills.

ID: 20-66
Mar. 7, 2020

There is more to building a solid worldview than having a right catechism of creation. Our culture is on the move to destroy Biblical faith. This is no more apparent than in the treatment of the book of Genesis. Part of the solution for our kids is in knowing what the Bible says and how is explains the physical earth around them. Learn about evidence for the Flood and the truth of the Bible with every step you take!


Jamestown Civic Center
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 1 through 2, 2019

2019 North Dakota Home School Convention

Presented by: North Dakota Home School Association
Recording ID: 19-00
Original Price: $171.00
Set Price: $65.00

Complete set of 2019 NDHSA Convention (41 sessions)

Purchasing this set will allow you to download 41 sessions from the 2019 North Dakota Home School Convention, for personal use only. Each of these sessions will appear in your Alliance Recording account. NOTE: Hands-on Science Labs, computer classes, crafts and the TEEN TRACK are not included in this set.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 19-02Freedom: What's It Worth To You by: Dr. Brian Ray19-11Who Am I? Identity Determines Strength by: Dr. Brian Ray19-12The Homeschooling Dad by: Jake MacAulay19-13Tips for successful Homeschooling by: Nancy Manos19-14Shoestring Budget Homeschooling by: Dara Halydier19-15Getting Started in North Dakota by: Theresa Deckert19-16High School Record Keeping by: Lisa Nehring19-21Dinosaurs, Ice Age and Pre - Flood World by: Brian Young19-22Homeschooling Outside the Box by: Cam Leedahl19-23Curriculum Approaches by: Nancy Manos19-24Marriage Matters by: Dara Halydier19-25Building a History Timeline by: Jay Patterson19-26The Fundamentals of Writing Fiction by: Chuck Black19-31Swimming Upstream: The Water Gets Clearer by: Dr. Brian Ray19-32Practical Apologetics by: Chuck Black19-33Ideas for Hands - On Learning by: Nancy Manos19-34Raising Godly Kids by: Dara Halydier19-35Dual Credit: What You Need to Know by: Dan Dreissen19-36Blended Learning by: Lisa Nehring19-37Fashioned by God (For Young Ladies) by: Shaun Prince19-41Scientific Evidence of a Young Earth by: Brian Young19-42Rebels and Prodigals: God Can Rescue Them by: Jake MacAulay19-43Joy in the Journey by: Nancy Manos19-44High School Fun: All Subjects Without All the Textbooks by: Dara Halydier19-45Engaging Early Learners by: Nancy Bjorkman19-46Working and homeschooling by: Lisa Nehring19-51About to be Co-Opted by: Dr. Brian Ray19-52Understanding Temperaments by: Catherine Zoller19-54Gracefully Letting Go by: Dara Halydier19-555 Mistakes To Avoid in Teaching Math by: Antoinette LaGrossa 19-56Teaching Multiple Children by: Llora Knight19-57Make a Joyful Noise: Applied Vocal Technique by: Emily Black19-61Nurture and Admonition... Not Pain and Provocation by: Dr. Brian Ray19-62Revelation Generation: Preparing Children for the Days to Come by: Chuck Black19-64What Homeschoolers won't Talk About by: Dara Halydier19-65Parenting the Special Needs Child by: Thea Lee19-66What's Next by: Lisa Nehring19-67Courting, Dating or Becoming a Eunuch by: Catherine Zoller This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 19-02
Mar. 2, 2019

The word “freedom” isn’t just for ol’ graying hippies and revolutionary wannabes? It’s a biblical concept and at the core of what it means to be an American and a home- schooler. How’d we get our homeschool freedoms? Why should we care? Are we really free? How might we lose this liberty? What are the enemies? You need to know the core principles of educational freedom and why we must strive to keep or expand that liberty. Dr. Ray has been in the battle for over 30 years

ID: 19-11
Mar. 1, 2019

Ever feel lost, wandering, ineffective, or downright wimpy? Ever wonder where your roots really go? Only if you know who you are and where you are going can you be the most successful and effective in life. Face a few big questions with Brian and hear some practical, biblically-based suggestions. This session is aimed especially at youth but is for all ages, single or married

ID: 19-21
Mar. 1, 2019

Have you ever wondered how people could live to be 900 years old? Where did Cain get his wife? Are dinosaurs in the Bible? What about the Ice-Age? Did dinosaurs go on Noah’s Ark? How old is the earth? Did dinosaurs live with man? All these and many more questions will be answered as we examine the world before Noah’s Flood

ID: 19-25
Mar. 1, 2019

Just how old is the earth and does it really make a difference? We will show you how to make a precise timeline using the Bible as a reliable, historical record. Of course, some very key questions pop up along the way.

Many parents fall prey to their own insecurities and the critics’ darts when their children reach age 14 and they consider abandoning home-based education. Professionals, institutional schooling, public school enticements, misperceptions of reality, and the world’s opinion muddy the waters. Dr. Ray will rally parents’ spirits and harden their resolve to continue homeschooling for the long term to reap the harvest of its excellent fruits

ID: 19-32
Mar. 1, 2019

The deception of the Enemy in our modern world seems overwhelming at times, especially for our young people. Is there scientific evidence for God? Does faith deny logic and reason? Chuck tackles these questions and offers solid answers through practical apologetics. Equip your youth using the synergy between scripture, science, technology, logic and reason to stand against the onslaught of deception the world throws at them.

ID: 19-34
Mar. 1, 2019

What does a godly child look like compared to a perfect child? Trying to raise a perfect child will lead to rebellion, low self-esteem and other problems, while raising a godly child will lead to grace, joy and freedom. We will walk through aspects of God’s law that can be incorporated into our families and then give ideas of moving the child to grace as they mature and grow.

ID: 19-42
Mar. 2, 2019

How did our wonderful home-trained son go off the rails? He forsook his faith and all he was taught. Lies consumed our relationship. He plunged into the lifestyle of worldly passions and fell into the deep end of the legal system. We lost our son... but God! This prodigal came back to the kingdom of Heaven taking it by force and revenging his former disobedience. The impossible happened in our son. That son is Jake MacAulay, and he’s here to share his story. Parents, there is hope.

ID: 19-43
Mar. 2, 2019

The idea of teaching our children at home can be a rather dreamy notion. We imagine happy, contented, obedient children that rise early, complete their chores without complaint, and cheerfully gather around the kitchen table eager to learn. The reality often involves struggles that can leave a mom feeling overwhelmed and inadequate with children who are equally frustrated. Join Nancy as she shares encouragement to bolster and refresh you as you endeavor to create an atmosphere of joy

ID: 19-51
Mar. 2, 2019

Lures abound to sidetrack homeschooling parents. One such lure is the promise of “free,” state-run, “home” school programs to “help” you educate your children. It is paramount to consider who should be in authority over what is taught to the minds and hearts of children. Dr. Ray will challenge you to think through this issue and provide you with information and insight that will help you promote the concept of the separation of school and state. This has emerged as one of the most important issues with which homeschoolers must grapple

ID: 19-52
Mar. 2, 2019

"Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6) has often been misunderstood as assuring parents that their prodigals will return to the Lord. However, the verse is more properly translated, "Train... according to their bent, or in keeping with their temperament...". Explore how understanding the four basic temperaments can help you better parent your children.

ID: 19-54
Mar. 2, 2019

You've schooled and fed them, wiped their tears, and showed them the way. You’ve introduced them to Jesus and encouraged them to have a relationship with Him. Now, how do you let them go? Dara will address concerns of teens and parents as they enter this next phase of life. There is a way to prepare your teen for what is to come and to prepare your heart as well

You want your children to be the best in – well, everything. You also want to have tender relationship with and godly compassion for them. In striving to lead his wife and eight children to "greatness," Brian has found that he can fall into the sin of provoking them. He will talk about how to combine high expectations with faithfulness, grace, justice, mercy, and kindness.

Twenty-six hundred years ago, three teenagers stood in defiance to a powerful king. In our world of entertainment-minded youth, are we doing enough to prepare them for the possibility of challenging days ahead? Chuck encourages parents and teens to ‘Know What You Believe’, ‘Know What’s Coming’, and ‘Know What You Will Do’ so if the day should come, we will stand and not bow!

ID: 19-64
Mar. 2, 2019

Do you ever wonder what you were thinking when you signed up to homeschool? Do you tend to compare yourself, your school, and your children with others? Dara will address issues like feelings of inadequacy or insecurity, being overwhelmed, etc. She’ll use a Biblical base, personal stories and humor to encourage moms that God is able when we are not!

ID: 19-67
Mar. 2, 2019

Was Joshua Harris correct? Is it God's desire that young people "court" rather than date? Is dating really such a negative thing? We’ll look at the pros and cons as we seek God's wisdom on these often confusing and conflicting issues.