Recordings Listing
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 26 through 27, 2019
WA - 2019 Spring Conference
Presented by: Christian Heritage Home Educators of WashingtonSet Price: $125.00
2019 Conference Complete Audio Set
This set contains all recordings available from the 2019 Christian Heritage Spring Conference, Building a Godly Legacy.
Apr. 26, 2019
Can you defend your faith? Do you even want to? Or do you think doing so would be unkind, arrogant, or even unchristian? Voddie exposes the contemporary ideologies that stand opposed to the idea of apologetics and introduces the basics of defending the faith. He also speaks to contemporary cultural apologetic issues.
Apr. 27, 2019
Have you heard of the Protestant Work Ethic? Did you know it is more than just a predisposition to hard work? There was actually a significant theology of work that undergirded Protestant culture and led to prosperity and freedom we take for granted. Voddie explores that theology and gives you tools to help you incorporate it into the education of your children.
Apr. 27, 2019
Modern Christianity is awash with pragmatism and mysticism. Unfortunately, these ideologies are so common that many Christians are not even aware of the influence in their own lives and families. Voddie examines these ideologies and shows you how to counter them with biblical thinking and decision making.
Apr. 26, 2019
Teaching literature is not for the faint of heart, or for those who are easily taken by bad worldviews. Many of our homeschooled children like to read and may become great leaders unless they are corrupted by wrong worldviews. As the developer of the Christian Curriculum Project, Kevin invites parents and students to discernment on both content and method of great literary works.
Apr. 26, 2019
There is a very real war for hearts and minds of the next generation. If we do not fight we are guaranteed to lose. Come be equipped to stand successfully in the battle for truth. Homeschooling parents may fear that when their children graduate they may turn against their upbringing. Is there a way to prevent that? Come explore God’s powerful tools and learn from homeschooling parents’ experiences.
The First Law of Thermodynamics says that energy/matter can neither be created nor destroyed. The Second Law states that disorder in the universe is always increasing. Together, these laws completely invalidate the idea that the universe could create itself. But, they are in harmony with the Bible.
Apr. 26, 2019
Most of our children watch hundreds of hours of electronic media every year—often with little benefit. Jeff shares practical guidance on how to use popular Hollywood movies to teach life-changing relational skills to your children.
Repulsive beasts, right? Perhaps, but spiders have incredible abilities. They are marvels of design and very beneficial to mankind. Let’s take a fun and fascinating look at these creatures in a new light. Will you hesitate to squish the ones you see in your house after this? No, probably not! But outside? That’s another matter!
Apr. 27, 2019
“I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by men who were inspired. I study the Bible daily.” That was said by Isaac Newton, and he wrote more on the Bible than on mathematics or physics. Yet, he is consistently ranked as the greatest scientist of all time. Learn the surprising life of the world’s greatest scientist, who lost twenty years of his life’s work when his dog set his laboratory on fire.
In 1925 there was a trial in America that changed the world’s trust in God’s Word. Pat reviews the main evidence given during the case, and shows what we know about the evidence almost one hundred years later.
A recent survey shows that teens believe that ape men fossils are the strongest proof for evolution. Pat shows that the evidence clearly tells us something else.
Apr. 27, 2019
The Pillars of Evolution - Show More
Mike defines “science” and illustrates the scientific method of problem solving. In the light of true science, three main concepts that the theory of evolution is based upon are examined and shown to be faith-based rather than science-based. Mike will not only show you that science does not support evolutionary theory, but also give you some “tools” with which to combat the theory.
Apr. 27, 2019
It’s hard to stay the course during the high school years. Everything is changing: the rules, the requirements, and the relationship. Your teen is changing too. So why is staying the course a crucial goal of your homeschooling journey, even though the rules aren’t working anymore? Well, teens need you to be a steady force in their life. This time can be the most rewarding of your parenting journey
Because we are shaped by our personality types, the power of grades can motivate some and destroy others. Linda shares grading theories, as well as practical tips to make keeping grades simple. With Linda’s “real life” examples from the work of her own children, be encouraged—newbies and veterans alike!
Apr. 27, 2019
It’s hard for Westerners to understand how Hebrew families viewed the essentials of education. Consider the schooling the young Jesus of the Bible would have received. Take a journey back to Nazareth’s school and see unique perspectives and goals encouraged there. We can learn a lot from an ancient Hebrew schoolhouse!