Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Recordings Listing


Albany, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 21 2024

OR 2024 Mission Possible

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
Recording ID: 24-1000
Original Price: $110.25
Set Price: $54.00

2024 Complete Oregon Conference Set

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 24-001Impossible Homeschooling by: Daniel Craig24-002Hope Is Alive! by: Rick Green24-003How America Can Again Be One Nation Under God by: Rick Green24-004Why I'm Glad I Was Homeschooled (and Why Your Kids Will Be Too) by: Daniel Craig24-100With All Your Mind (Mark 12:30) by: Rick Green24-101Teens Don't Have to Rebel: Building Enduring Relationships with Your Children by: Daniel Craig24-102Choosing Joy—Identifying Joy Killers and Finding Our Identity in Christ by: Erika Poston24-103Volcanoes, Volcanic Rocks, and Earthquakes (Parent/child session) by: Patrick Nurre24-104Creating a Bright Future for Your Junior High /High School Homeschool Student by: Beth Mora24-105A Matter of Time — Why the Age of Creation Matters (Teen session) by: Bruce Malone24-106Getting Started Homeschooling by: Tauna Meyer24-111Experience the Classical Education Model by: Classical Conversations 24-112 Benefits of Military Service to Homeschool Families by: Oregon Army National Guard 24-114Education for Liberty by: Biblical Classical Community 24-115Raising Global Christians Through Education by: My Homeschool Spanish 24-116School Choice and Homeschool Freedom: Why Government Funding is Not the Answer by: Tauna Meyer24-200Teaching Civics in a Fun and Purposeful Way (yes, you can do both!) by: Rick Green24-201Boy Meets Girl … WHAT NOW?! by: Daniel Craig24-202Investing Your Time, Treasures, and Talents in Your Family by: Forrest Mora24-203The Dinosaur Hunters (Parent/child session) by: Patrick Nurre24-204The Ten Habits of Highly Effective Writers by: Beth Mora24-205Explosive Geological Evidence for Creation (Teen session) by: Bruce Malone24-206Loving the Preschool and Kindergarten Years by: Tauna Meyer24-300Taylor Swift, Jesus, and Me by: Daniel Craig24-301Leading Families in a Techno-World by: Corey Gilbert24-302Experienced Moms' Homeschool Panel by: Homeschool Panel24-303Teaching Geology to Build and Defend Your Faith by: Patrick Nurre24-304Finding Pieces to the Puzzle: Developing an Educational Plan for Your Student with Special Needs by: Beth Mora24-305Blind to the Obvious—How Intelligent People Can Be Blind to the Evidence for Creation (Teen session) by: Bruce Malone24-306First Things First: Cultivating Bible Habits and a Gospel-Centered Home by: Tauna Meyer24-400Raising Leaders with Moral Clarity in a World of Moral Relativism by: Rick Green24-401The Power of Delight (for Fathers/Sons) by: Daniel Craig24-402Best Homeschool Curriculum Choice: Your Marriage by: Beth Mora, Forrest Mora24-403Genesis and the Ice Age by: Patrick Nurre24-404Teaching American Literature (Handout Available) by: Thelma English24-405Discovery and Design (Teen session) by: Bruce Malone24-406Learning Styles and Curriculum by: Tauna Meyer24-410Increasing in Wisdom, Stature, and Favor with God by: Child Evangelism Fellowship 24-4115 Tools to Help Your Children Think Well and Develop Understanding by: Classical Conversations 24-412Multi-Age/Multi-Grade—All Together by: BiblioPlan Mindy Brouse24-414 Filling Math Gaps for the Struggling Student by: Math-U-See , Sue Wachter24-415Embracing Marketing Shifts in the Homeschool Community by: Beth Mora, Forrest Mora24-500Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World by: Rick Green24-501An Equipment Operator's Guide to Keeping Your Family Out of the Shop by: Forrest Mora24-502Into the Lion's Den by: Bruce Malone24-503Rock Identification Made Easy (Parent/child) by: Patrick Nurre24-504Teaching British Lit/English (Hand out available) by: Thelma English24-505Do Something! How to Engage Life for the Glory of God (Teen session) by: Daniel Craig24-506The Joys of Multi-Level Teaching by: Beth Mora This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

Volcanoes are nasty things! Even though we are surrounded by them, we know so little about them. How did they originate? Do they show that the earth is older than the Bible? In this seminar, we will tackle these subjects and the fascinating world of volcanic rocks. I have samples to look at and will set off a fun volcanic eruption using some special chemicals!

An old earth is the non-negotiable core of evolution. This talk uses stories and demonstrations to explain how dating methods work and why they give erroneously ancient results.

ID: 24-203
Jun. 21, 2024

This workshop provides a fascinating look at how human nature has driven the search for and discovery of dinosaur fossils. We will look at some of the intriguing people who have been driven to find these creatures, and the strange directions they took because of their worldviews.

Join Bruce Malone for this presentation of an astounding model for the rapid formation of the earth’s rock layers from the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980. This lecture has opened thousands of people’s eyes to the reality of a worldwide flood and destroys the myth that Noah’s flood was a small local event.

ID: 24-302
Jun. 21, 2024

Hear from the panel of veteran homeschooling moms as they discuss their struggles and triumphs of homeschooling. They will share how they scheduled their days, taught multiple levels, managed high school while also having toddlers, what hindsight has revealed, and much more! Receive encouragement from moms just like you! (Followed by Q&A.)

The common approach to teaching geology is to hit it once, probably in 8th grade. But Geology is the beginning point of understanding biology, astronomy, paleontology, anthropology, archaeology, and so much more. If we hope to win the battle for our children’s minds in the area of worldview, it is vitally important that we teach geology with the importance that it deserves. This seminar will equip you on how to teach geology effectively.

ID: 24-403
Jun. 22, 2024

Probably the least understood of subjects in Earth history is the Ice Age and how it fits into a biblical worldview. We’ll examine the evidence for an Ice Age caused by the Genesis Flood, how it could fit into the period between Noah and Abraham, and reinforce confidence in what the Bible says historically.

ID: 24-405
Jun. 22, 2024

A look at specific inventions that have changed human history as a direct result of observing creation. God is both the greatest artist and the ultimate engineer.

ID: 24-502
Jun. 22, 2024

Throughout our public education, university, media, and museum system, your children will hear only naturalistic explanations of origins and Earth history. This lecture draws upon 30 years of speaking at schools and churches to explain WHY our schools only allow “naturalism,” HOW we reached this point where American education has become indoctrination, what is being left out of the classroom, and how parents can prepare their children for what they are up against.

ID: 24-503
Jun. 22, 2024

What do you do with those rocks your kids are bringing home? You identify them! This seminar will give you a short primer in basic rock identification, with encouragement to not be afraid of a dirty subject.