North Dakota Home School Association

Recordings Listing


North View Church, Fargo, ND
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 11 through 12, 2022

2022 ND Convention- Passing the Torch

Presented by: North Dakota Home School Association
Recording ID: 22-000
Original Price: $98.00
Set Price: $40.00

Entire 2022 ND Convention set (all Recordings)

When this purchase is made you may listen to as many or as few of the recordings from 2022 North Dakota Home School Convention as you like (for personal use only) for up to three years, and make a contribution to the NDHSA organization as well. (Sessions lost due to technical difficulties will be unavailable.)

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 22-01Daring To Do as Stanley Dale by: Eric Ludy22-02Raising William Wallace by: Eric Ludy22-03Most Outrageous Joy by: Eric Ludy22-10Honorable Manhood by: Eric Ludy22-11Math Outside the Book by: Nancy Bjorkman22-12Teaching High School without Fear by: Rebbecca Nyberg22-13Getting Started in North Dakota by: Theresa Deckert22-14Classroom Management by: Andrea Black22-20The Battle Within by: Chuck Black22-21Language Arts in the Real World by: Nancy Bjorkman22-22Preparing a High School Transcript by: Llora Knight22-23Learning Styles, Teaching Methods and Curriculum Options by: Theresa Deckert22-24Communications in Marriage by: Troy McQuown22-30What's Wanted Is a Man by: Eric Ludy22-31Panel Discussion with Homeschool Grads by: Theresa Deckert22-32Teaching Multiple Children at once by: Llora Knight22-33Growing Your Children's Communications Skills by: Given Hoffman22-34Call to Arms: Courageous Motherhood by: Andrea Black22-40The Dangerous Game by: Eric Ludy22-41Soft People Skills that Impact a Hard World by: Troy McQuown22-42High School How tos by: Llora Knight22-43Confessions of an Former Drama Queen by: Joy Wegener22-44I'm Going to count to Three . . again. Stop Counting by: Chuck Black, Andrea Black22-50Escapism: avoiding the Snares of the Media by: Chuck Black22-51Panel discussion with Home School Moms by: Theresa Deckert22-52Engaging Early Learners by: Nancy Bjorkman22-53Joy Fuels the Journey by: Rebbecca Nyberg22-54Getting Ready to Launch by: Kathy Miiller, Cindy Sanford This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 22-01
Mar. 11, 2022

It's about getting our eyes off of our own circumstances and seeing the bigger matters of a lost and dying world. This particular message addresses the Christian homeschool family. How can a homeschooled family live boldly for Christ? How can they change the world in which they live? How can they say “no” to the bait of self-focus and snatch up the call of God to audaciously serve in the Name of Jesus Christ? How can they dare to do as Stanley Dale?

ID: 22-02
Mar. 12, 2022

Parenting is difficult. The difficulty increases when we go after more than just “good enough” for our children. The flack that comes from aiming our children for “great and godly” is almost too much for most parents, so, “good enough” often seems like a reasonable place to settle. This message is about aiming our children toward “ready and raring to change the world”! It’s difficult, but it comes with power, because it’s parenting in agreement with the Holy Spirit. “Changing the world for Jesus Christ” is precisely what God is desiring to do in and through our children.

ID: 22-03
Mar. 12, 2022

The Bible teaches us that trials are our friends and sufferings are our bosom companions. In this hour with Eric, he'll unpack the strange but amazing concept that pure joy is not found in the absence of trials but BECAUSE of trials.