Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association

Recordings Listing


Indian Hills Community Church, Lincoln, NE
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 10 through 11, 2023

Nebraska 2023 Conference and Curriculum Fair

Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
Recording ID: 23-all
Original Price: $180.00
Set Price: $65.00

2023 Complete Nebraska convention set

When you buy this set you need not check off or purchase any individual recordings from the 2023 Nebraska Convention and Curriculum Fair

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 23Fri101Homeschooling—A God-Centered Revival That Begins in Your Living Room by: Zan Tyler23Fri201Raising G-Rated Sons in an R-Rated World by: Joe Tyler23Fri202Origin of Man and Cavemen by: Richard Stepanek23Fri203Nebraska Patriotic Places: Former Forts and Military Monuments by: Gretchen Garrison23Fri204Building Your Homeschool Community by: Annette Vaughn23Fri206Raising our Daughters to be Ladies and Showing our Sons what a Lady Looks Like by: Monica Irvine23Fri207Teaching Struggling Learners at Home: Nuts and Bolts for Success (Part 1) by: Krisa Winn23Fri301How Talking with Your Children Can Stimulate Learning by: Zan Tyler23Fri302Supernatural Selection by: Brian Young23Fri303High School Fun! – All Subjects Without All the Textbooks by: Dara Halydier23Fri304Ready, Set, GO! Homeschooling in Nebraska by: Danna Swartz23Fri305Teaching Struggling Learners at Home: Nuts and Bolts for Success (Part 2) by: Krisa Winn23Fri306Engaging Early Learners by: Nancy Bjorkman23Fri501Life in the Fiery Furnace: How to Heal and Prevent Homeschool Burnout by: Zan Tyler23Fri502The Stars: God's Word in the Sky by: Brian Young23Fri503Vision and Learning by: Mikaela Betka23Fri504Teaching Reading, Writing, and Pioneer History with Bess Streeter Aldrich Resources by: Kurk Shrader23Fri505Developing and Drafting SEPs (Student Education Plans) by: Krisa Winn23Fri506Thriving in Degenerating Times by: Timothy Price23Fri601Graduation Message by: Joe Tyler23Sat101Is Homeschooling Freedom Fragile? by: Zan Tyler23Sat102So You've Decided to Home-School Your Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder! by: Diane Marti23Sat104Raising our Boys to be True Gentlemen and Being an Example for our Daughters by: Monica Irvine23Sat105Teaching Math to Struggling Learners by: Krisa Winn23Sat202Autism Spectrum Disorder Questions and Answers by: Diane Marti23Sat301Raising Children to Be Intentional Christians in a Hostile World by: Zan Tyler23Sat302Why Creation is Important by: Brian Young23Sat303Teaching Our Kids about the Internet by: Tyler Morten23Sat304God Didn't Make a Mistake by: Dara Halydier23Sat305Motivating the Reluctant Learner by: Krisa Winn23Sat401Leaving a Legacy: The Vision of the Homeschool Dad and Husband by: Joe Tyler23Sat402Do Aliens Exist? by: Brian Young23Sat403Why Teaching Boys to Read is Different Than Teaching Girls! by: Aimee Eucce23Sat404High Wage, High Demand, High Skill Careers in Nebraska by: 23Sat405Calming Stormy Behavior by: Krisa Winn23Sat501Pulling in the Same Direction: A Family Vision for Homeschooling by: Joe Tyler, Zan Tyler This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

Imagine what it feels like to watch your daughter continue to strive for excellence in all aspects of her life, because she knows she has endless potential and a great responsibility. She matures with a desire to be a voice for good and a contributor to making our world a better place. She seems fearless, yet uses great wisdom. She is courageous, yet humble. She is KIND. You watch her as she exercises true empathy for those in need and although she holds herself to high standards, she never places herself above others. She has been taught by example of what a true lady is and she looks forward to one day being that example to her family. She is truly a lady. Parents, this Master Class will help you understand how to create the example your daughter needs to become this lady. You don’t want to miss this. She needs you.