Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

Recordings Listing


York Expo Center, York PA
Friday & Saturday
May. 12 through 13, 2023

PA-2023 Teach me Your Way, O Lord

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania
Recording ID: 2023-000
Original Price: $170.00
Set Price: $125.00

The Complete 2023 CHAP Convention Set

You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the sessions from the 2023 Convention in York, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2023-100Hope is Alive by: Rick Green2023-111Motivation: Strategies to Overcome “I Don't Want To” and “It's Too Hard” by: Kathy Koch2023-112Being Quick to Hear and Slow to Speak by: Steve Demme2023-113Getting Started Homeschooling & Things I Wish I Knew by: Ginger Wayde2023-1218 Great Smarts: Help Children Believe They're Smart by: Kathy Koch2023-122Teaching Civics in a Fun & Purposeful Way by: Rick Green2023-123Homeschooling the Rebel by: Deborah Wuehler2023-131Five to Thrive: Increase Confidence and Contentment and Decrease Stress by: Kathy Koch2023-132Math Manipulatives – Removing Mental Blocks with Plastic Ones by: Gretchen Roe2023-133Mentoring Boys into Manhood by: Adam Hultstrand2023-141Technology's Influence Over Beliefs and Behaviors by: Kathy Koch2023-142The Top Fifteen Things Veteran Homeschoolers Would Repeat if They Had a Second Chance by: Bonita Greiner2023-143Reading Struggles & Overcoming Obstacles by: Deborah Wuehler2023-151Be of Good Cheer…Liberty is Making a Comeback! by: Rick Green2023-152Time OUT to Time IN – Teaching Effective Time Management Skills by: Gretchen Roe2023-153Complying with PA Homeschool Law by: Ginger Wayde2023-161Techniques and Ideas for Creative Learning by: Steve Demme2023-162What to Do When a Social Worker Knocks on Your Door by: Scott Woodruff2023-163How to Prepare for Evaluations and How to Become and Evaluator by: Marsha Hubler2023-171Raising Leaders with Moral Clarity in a World of Moral Relativism by: Rick Green2023-172Organize, Declutter and Find Time by: Bonita Greiner2023-173The Importance of the Bible in the Homeschool by: Deborah Wuehler2023-200How America Can Again Be One Nation Under God by: Rick Green2023-211Understanding, Recognizing, and Catering to Learning Styles by: Sarah Collins2023-212Loving Your Family Well by: Steve Demme2023-213Creating Godly Character in Women by: Bonita Greiner2023-221Restoring America's Constitution by: Rick Green2023-222You Don't Have to Like Writing to Teach your Kids to Write by: Gretchen Roe2023-223Remembering Why We Are Homeschooling by: Deborah Wuehler2023-231Help! My Child Won't Sit by: Sarah Collins2023-232Making Math Fun by: Steve Demme2023-233Coaching Children through Anxiety by: Adam Hultstrand2023-241The Power of Purposeful Communication Skills by: Rick Green2023-242Adapting Activities to Include Mixed Ages and Abilities by: Sarah Collins2023-243Mentors: Being One, Finding One by: Ginger Wayde2023-251The Sensory Balanced Homeschool by: Sarah Collins2023-252Homeschooling with Confidence: Understanding Pennsylvania Homeschool Law by: Scott Woodruff2023-253Do You Have All That You Need? by: Deborah Wuehler2023-262The Laundry Exploded and We Set Our School Books on Fire – Now What? by: Gretchen Roe2023-263Twenty Ways to Simplify Your Daily Homeschooling Life by: Bonita Greiner This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

Children’s motivation improves when you teach relevant character qualities and help children believe three specific things. In addition, learn the four roles you must play and comebacks to use when children are frustrated. You’ll love the practical ideas!

ID: 2023-112
May. 12, 2023

This is a practical session on how to listen to what has been said and then how to follow up with good questions to understand the speaker. As families are together 24/7, it is important we learn how to interact in a godly manner. Our job is to encourage and love God who is the One who changes hearts.

All children need to know they’re smart. This empowers them to have hope and believe in their future. When all 8 smarts are awakened and strengthened, children will know they can learn and will successfully study when something isn’t easy. When parents teach to all 8 and use them for review, motivation and learning improve.

ID: 2023-123
May. 12, 2023

“I won’t do it!” my child screamed after being asked to sit down and start the day’s math assignment. “You will too!” I resolutely stated back. “I will not!” And thereupon ensued an all-out fight of wills. The strong-willed mother determined to win over the strong-willed child. This workshop is designed to give you helpful tips in dealing with a strong-willed child, how to nurture as well as homeschool this child, how to stay sane in the midst of anguish, and give you hope for the future. Deborah Wuehler is the Senior Editor of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine whose goal is to glorify God and strengthen homeschoolers in their commitment to keep their children Home Where They Belong.

Your children have five legitimate needs that drive their wants, choices, actions, and attitudes. (You have the same five needs.) When their needs aren’t met in healthy ways, they can be anxious, depressed, apathetic, competitive, and more. When God meets their needs and you partner well with Him, your children will have less stress and depression and more contentment and joy. You’ll be refreshed by Dr. Kathy’s practical problem-solving approach to behavior, learning, and motivation problems.

Taking manipulatives out of the kindergarten classroom and recognizing their benefit in teaching mathematical concepts all the way to Algebra can make a proven difference in students’ mathematical comprehension. Explore the science that helps unlock the key to long-term mathematical understanding. This workshop will be of particular benefit to parents who struggle to help their children learn mathematically.

ID: 2023-133
May. 12, 2023

Presently there is a big identity crisis among males regarding what a man is. There is no clear transition from childhood to manhood, and the culture has defined men simplistically. As a result, many fathers are relationally isolated and emotionally disconnected leaving them at a loss for how to lead boys into manhood. This workshop will address the culture’s attack on boys/males, the impact of biology on boys/males learning style, mentoring and educational principles to help boys develop into honorable men and concrete action steps moms and dads can take in the developmental process of boys.

Technology’s Influence Over Beliefs and Behaviors – Dr. Kathy Koch Using technology can cause children (and you) to believe five lies about how the world works. These lies are the root of some of your biggest concerns about children’s behavior (e.g., complaining, pride, anger, depression, selfish decision making). Understanding why they believe the lies and what the lies cause will empower you to make practical changes even as they keep using technology. You’ll find hope in this message.

Research says that students who learn to manage their academic time are more successful. How do you teach a child to stay on task when they cannot even find their way to the school table? Come and join Gretchen Roe as she shares research into why your child struggles to manage their time and effective ways you can teach them to set goals and stay on task.

ID: 2023-161
May. 12, 2023

How to make learning fun, memorable, and enjoyable. After many years in the classroom, and as a youth leader, followed by many more years as a homeschool dad, Steve shares strategies and tips that he has practiced and developed in his lifetime to help kids learn.

This session is for anyone looking for information about evaluations. It's for those who are preparing to meet with an evaluator as well as for those who might be interested in becoming an evaluator. We'll look at the requirements in the Pennsylvania Home Education Law for both. There'll also be time for questions. Marsha will share her experience in doing evaluations for over 30 years.

There is no right or wrong way to homeschool, yet the homeschool can cater to your specific child. This course will help you to recognize your child’s learning style and how to support it with tips and tricks added to any curriculum. We will also discuss how to help our children understand themselves so they can advocate.

Home academics can be particularly difficult if you think composition is a mystery and you HATE to teach writing. Wouldn’t you love to have the practical tools to teach composition without the stress? Join Gretchen Roe as she reflects with humor and insight on ways to teach a subject many parents dread.

ID: 2023-231
May. 13, 2023

1-2-3 Eyes on Me- Many of us were told we weren’t taking in information unless we were showing it with our whole bodies. However, many children need to move to learn. This course will delve into the times that children benefit from sitting and how to engage our moving, wiggly learners.

ID: 2023-232
May. 13, 2023

When a student is having fun, it is much easier to learn … and remember what is being taught. Join Steve as he shares interesting and humorous ways to illustrate and convey key math concepts in an enjoyable manner.

ID: 2023-233
May. 13, 2023

Anxiety is a normal emotional response that we all deal with in varying degrees. As parents our hearts hurt when we see our children face anxiety that interferes with their everyday activities and we naturally want to rescue them. What are the red flags for unhealthy anxiety in our children and how do we effectively intervene? This seminar will explore anxiety from a biblical and psychological perspective. Special attention will be given to cognitive and practical strategies to assist parents in fulfilling their God-given roles as coaches and supporters in “training up a child in the way he/she should go” (Proverbs 22:6).

ID: 2023-241
May. 13, 2023

Regardless of the particular passion God has placed in your child, being successful in any profession depends greatly upon the ability to communicate effectively. As a leader, one must learn how to speak the language of your audience and present your message in a way that allows them to perceive and understand the exact purpose of your communication. In this workshop, Rick will give students and parents specific tools and skills to start them on a road to mastering effective communication skills.

Are you longing to find predictable points in your day to bring all your children together around the table rather than distractedly jumping from child to child? This course will provide tips to keep children of all ages and abilities engaged as well as help us to set realistic goals specific to our kid’s needs.

ID: 2023-243
May. 13, 2023

What is a mentor? Who can be a mentor? Do I need a mentor? Where do I find a mentor? Understand the importance of mentoring relationships in your homeschool journey and how unique each one can be.

ID: 2023-251
May. 13, 2023

Do you hate to wear a certain type of clothing? Does the sound of a person chewing really bother you? Do you tap your leg or repeatedly fidget during the day? These are all “sensory quirks.” When these quirks impact your or your child’s participation in what they need and want to do, we need to address it. This course will discuss the eight sensory systems and ways to help our children organize information from them all.

When good people don’t understand the homeschool laws, bad things can happen! Based on over 22 years of helping homeschool families around the country, Mr. Woodruff will give a thorough, but understandable explanation of the ins and outs of Pennsylvania homeschool law.