Recordings Listing


Indian Hills Community Church, Lincoln, NE 68510
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 7 through 8, 2025

Nebraska 2025 Conference and Curriculum Fair

Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
Recording ID: 2025Set
Original Price: $194.00
Set Price: $55.00

NCHEA Conference Recordings Full Set

Friday, Saturday March 7-8 Conference, including Vendor sessions (for reference only

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 25Fri101Welcome Session by: Robin Gould25Fri201Learn and Grow Together: Benefits of Home Education by: Doug Pietersma25Fri202A Mom's Sentimental Journey by: Vicki Bentley25Fri204Supernatural Selection: Unveiling the Truth Beyond Evolution by: Brian Young25Fri205The Real World: Are They Ready? by: Dara Halydier25Fri301Homeschooling Motivations, Obstacles, and How to Overcome Them by: Doug Pietersma25Fri302Homeschooling Middles While You Still Have Littles by: Vicki Bentley25Fri303Homeschooling 101: Homeschooling in Nebraska by: Michelle Pietzyk25Fri304Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism & More: Simple Strategies to Teach Our Exceptional Learners Anything! by: Rebekah Nafziger25Fri401Foreign Language Learning in Home Education by: Doug Pietersma25Fri402Exploring Curriculum Options by: Vicki Bentley25Fri403Vision and Learning by: Mikaela Betka25Fri404Raise Doers of the Word So That Your Children Will Have Greater Joy As They Serve by: Monica Irvine25Fri601Smart Strategies for Homeschool Parents: Making College more Affordable by: 25Fri602Championing Chaos: Homeschooling Hacks For Teaching Mixed Ages & Toddler Tornados by: BJU Press/HomeWorks by Precept 25Fri603Story, Myth and Morality: How do stories drive us? & So Your Kid Wants to Write a Book… by: 25Fri604College 101 by: Concordia University25Sat101A Father's Role in Home Education by: Doug Pietersma25Sat102Blueprint for High School Success by: Vicki Bentley25Sat103Genesis Chapter 1 by: Richard Stepanek25Sat104How Are Imperfect and Flawed Parents Supposed to Raise Valiant Children? by: Monica Irvine25Sat201Home Educating Special Needs Students by: Doug Pietersma25Sat202When Life Broadsides Your Homeschool by: Vicki Bentley25Sat203Spark & Sustain: Fun, Interactive Learning to Reduce Burnout by: Stephanie McPhilomy25Sat204What is Homeschooling Success? by: Dara Halydier25Sat301Politics, Elections, and the Glory of God by: Keith Soencksen25Sat302Organized (Well Almost!) - Time Management For Busy Moms by: Vicki Bentley25Sat304Equipping Parents with the Biblical Truths on the Homosexual Agenda by: Brian Young25Sat401Earn High School & College Credit Simultaneously by: Crown College25Sat402How to Gamify Reading and Spelling So Everyone Has Fun! by: Play 'n Talk25Sat403Genesis Chapter 2 by: Richard Stepanek25Sat404Great Commission Lifestyle Training by: e3 Partners25Sat501The Dangers of School Choice Initiatives by: Doug Pietersma This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 25Fri101
Mar. 7, 2025

Opening session, primarily Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association Board members. Review of speakers, history of NCHEA, thanking sponsors, Conference Committee members, etc.

This seminar will cover some background of our home education experience, the one guarantee of home education, pitfalls to avoid, and finishing off with some statistics and research information.

ID: 25Fri202
Mar. 7, 2025

Twenty-plus years and 17 kids later, what a veteran homeschool mom would repeat and what she would do differently on this homeschooling journey!

Discover how new evidence challenges the foundations of evolution, revealing processes once thought to take eons now occurring in hours. Creation instructor, Brian Young will clarify misconceptions about the theory of natural selection and expose the impossibility of evolution from a Biblical perspective. Equip yourself and your children with the knowledge to navigate and discern false information about evolution in all subjects, and marvel at God's profound, super-natural involvement in our lives.

ID: 25Fri205
Mar. 7, 2025

Will homeschooling really prepare your children for life academically, socially, and spiritually? Will they be able to go to college and be competitive in the job market? Will they be able to stand against the world’s culture and be able to stand for Christ? Dara will talk about making life management skills a part of your home life and how to incorporate it into high school credits. She will bring wisdom from Proverbs and show you how to teach your kids to apply it to their lives as she shares with you the journey of her own 5 boys and their successes and failures in the real world.

This seminar will address some of the most common researched-based motivations to home education followed by some of the perceived impediments to home education. Some barriers will be shown not to be the obstacles that they may appear to be, while others, which may be genuine hindrances that emerge during the home education journey and how to overcome them.

Practical tips for creating a learning lifestyle—from a mom of 17 homeschooled students (seven school-age children at a time). Includes ideas for teaching your preschoolers, as well as multi-level teaching ideas for your school-age kiddos.

How to start, where to find curriculum, when to school, and what a typical day looks like are just a few of the areas discussed. Get an understanding of Rule 13, how to fill out your paperwork and gain valuable information for your homeschool journey. This workshop is a MUST for new homeschoolers.

Discover the tried-and-true strategies that can transform how your exceptional learner engages with their education. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to progress! Backed by the latest neuroscience, it’s actually much easier than you think! Taught by a second-generation homeschool mom who struggled with Dyslexia, an Auditory Processing Delay, and ADHD, these are lessons learned from the trenches!

ID: 25Fri401
Mar. 7, 2025

This will be a practical seminar to encourage families to pursue foreign language learning in their home education environment, regardless of whether there is an inherent capability or local “expert” that the family can utilize. It will not focus on any one curriculum or resource as ideal, but how to maximize language training by using multiple resources and how to tailor training to each family’s goals, preferred pedagogy, and specific learning requirement.

ID: 25Fri402
Mar. 7, 2025

Mom of 17 homeschooled students and curriculum counselor for a statewide homeschool organization, Vicki shares the secrets to mapping out a successful course of study for your children. This workshop helps beginners to get a solid start in home education and encourages veterans to re-examine goals and priorities. Includes a basic overview of different teaching approaches.

ID: 25Fri403
Mar. 7, 2025

20/20 vision means you can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance. However, it does not mean that you have perfect vision. Visual acuity gives no meaning about what a person sees. If your child is not achieving their full potential academically, struggling with written reading comprehension, skips lines or words when reading, reverses words or letters, or avoids reading or near work, this presentation is for you. There are more than 17 skills that are needed for efficient vision and learning. Children struggling with binocular vision or visual processing disorders often will not complain about symptoms because they are unaware that they visually experience things any differently than their peers. In this course, we will learn about these skills, the signs and symptoms of a visual processing disorder, and what can be done to help them be successful.

Parents, we must get our children off the couch, out of the house and outside of themselves. Teaching our children to serve and to become selfless is literally the medicine to improving almost anything, including: sibling unity, respect for family and family relationships, self confidence, selflessness, compassion, empathy, self respect and so much more. Come and listen to master motivator, Monica Irvine, share wonderful ideas that will inspire your family to become selfless while having a blast!! It will be so fun!!

ID: 25Fri604
Mar. 7, 2025

Vendor Workshop - Concordia University

ID: 25Sat101
Mar. 8, 2025

This seminar will address the biblical role and responsibility of fathers in the education and discipleship of their children. Although home education is often seen as the purview of mothers, there is much that fathers can do to bring together academic instruction and faith formation and even assist their wives in formal or informal instruction. The goal is to encourage fathers to have a lasting and meaningful impact in the home education journey, raising children that become followers of Christ, and strengthening marriage relationships as both parents work together for a common goal.

ID: 25Sat102
Mar. 8, 2025

In this workshop, Vicki will guide you through the essential steps in building a successful high school experience for your student. You’ll learn how to set clear academic goals, navigate graduation requirements, and plan course schedules and descriptions. She’ll also highlight key tools for recordkeeping, tracking credits, managing grades and transcripts, and incorporating life skills or independent studies into your student’s program. Whether you’re focused on conventional coursework or non-traditional learning, this session provides a blueprint for a solid academic foundation.

ID: 25Sat103
Mar. 8, 2025

God proclaims His great power and wisdom in His creation (Romans 1:20). As we study the laws of science, they proclaim the necessity of a Creator. The study will be a literal, scientific reading of Genesis chapter one “as it is written”. I will go step by step through each day of creation explaining the great things God did on that day. I hope to shed some light on the creation week for His glory and our edification. We will also discover that Genesis is relevant for our lives today. To have a true grasp of science and its interruption, and the events happening today, we must understand the true historical account of Genesis. Your life and eternity depend on it.

Parents, we are imperfect. We are flawed. We don’t always do or say the right thing. We don’t always react to our children like we should. We don’t always make good parenting decisions. So how is this supposed to work? How are our children going to be successful, happy and productive if the people teaching them and raising them often don’t know what to do or how to do it? If you worry that you may have already made too many mistakes and you’re concerned it might be too late, then come and listen to motivational speaker Monica Irvine give you peace and hope. There’s only one person who wants you to feel inadequate, helpless and overwhelmed and it’s not God.

ID: 25Sat201
Mar. 8, 2025

This seminar will cover some basic research on home educating, but will mainly focus on practical tips, drawing information from seminar participants and providing resource for families to use in their continuing growth as home educators. As time allows, I will cover why parents are the perfect teachers for special needs home educators, why home education can help families find the perfect way, and tips for teaching reading to special needs students.

ID: 25Sat202
Mar. 8, 2025

You had a wonderful plan at the beginning of the school year for a well rounded education, envisioning academic excellence and character development in your smiling, well-adjusted offspring. But then…life happened. How do you find “normal” again? In this workshop, Vicki helps you focus on the essentials when you’re on the frontlines, especially in a crisis situation.

This engaging workshop is designed to spark creativity and keep learning fun! This session will explore innovative strategies for making lessons dynamic and interactive, featuring hands-on sensory activities, practical tips to prevent burnout, and ways to ensure that your teaching remains fresh and exciting. You’ll leave with a toolkit of inspiring ideas to transform your homeschooling journey, making it a joyful experience for both you and your children.

ID: 25Sat204
Mar. 8, 2025

Success is not high scores, perfect children, or a clean house! Success is about obedience. What is it God is calling your family to be about? What are your goals and desires for yourself, your marriage, and your children? Do they line up with God’s word? Dara will share how to be a success in homeschooling your children in spite of shortcomings, feelings of inadequacy, life’s interruptions, and the world’s influence.

ID: 25Sat301
Mar. 8, 2025

The 2024 election season was the most divisive and slanderous in history, and many of us are breathing a sigh of relief that it's finally over. For many Christians, regardless of who’s in office, the future seems darker and more uncertain than ever. Don’t think for a minute that your homeschooled teens and youngers don’t see and feel it too. Your kids will find peace when they see you find peace - resting in the knowledge that, regardless of worldly politics and election outcomes, God is still on His throne and retains absolute, sovereign control. We will learn how this powerful Biblical truth can bring calm in the chaos. Parents will leave feeling confident about discipling their kids with a Biblical view of the heart- wrenching national trend toward evil and help them use it to impact the culture for Christ!

As a busy mom, do you sometimes struggle with lesson planning, keeping the house somewhat presentable, teaching, keeping up with the laundry, AND getting dinner on the table the same day you homeschool? Come hear practical tips and encouragement from a fellow homeschool mom of many. Your husband and children will thank you, and you will have hope for another day of science and language arts!

With society and media increasingly promoting homosexuality and transgenderism, it’s vital for parents to understand these issues from a Biblical perspective. Brian will explore the underlying motives, societal influences, and misconceptions, providing you with the strong defense for your Christian faith. Learn how to teach your children the Biblical worldview on these topics, balancing truth with love and compassion. This session will empower you to navigate these sensitive issues confidently and faithfully, ensuring your family is grounded in Scriptural truth.

ID: 25Sat401
Mar. 8, 2025

High school students can earn college credits while completing their high school diploma. Learn about the advantages of dual enrollment programs and the many opportunities available. Crown College has offered dual enrollment courses for over 20 years. Theu offer online courses and hybrid courses in Omaha. Attend our workshop to hear how Crown can help you, or your student, get a head start on college!

Who says learning has to be boring? In this dynamic session, discover how to turn reading and spelling lessons into engaging games that captivate your student’s attention and make learning a joyful experience for everyone involved. Drawing on the latest neuroscience and play-based learning strategies, this session will show you how to transform even the most challenging subjects into fun, interactive activities that keep your kids asking for more. Whether you’re teaching a reluctant reader or a struggling speller, you’ll learn how to create a learning environment where everyone is excited to play—and learn! Walk away with a toolkit of game-based activities that you can easily implement at home, using everyday items you already have on hand. Let’s make reading and spelling the most anticipated part of your homeschool day!

ID: 25Sat403
Mar. 8, 2025

God proclaims His great power and wisdom in His creation (Romans 1:20). As we study the laws of science, they proclaim the necessity of a Creator. The study will be a literal, scientific reading of Genesis chapter Two “as it is written”. I will go step by step through each day of creation explaining the great things God did on that day. I hope to shed some light on the creation week for His glory and our edification. We will also discover that Genesis is relevant for our lives today. To have a true grasp of science and its interruption, and the events happening today, we must understand the true historical account of Genesis. Your life and eternity depend on it.

ID: 25Sat404
Mar. 8, 2025

This simple Biblical training gives you tools to get started making disciples and casting vision for a Great Commission lifestyle to others. 

ID: 25Sat501
Mar. 8, 2025

Dr. Pietersma discusses "school choice," the role of money and government control, and includes ESA's (Education Savings Accounts), Biblical precedents, statistical analysis, and draws very carefully considered conclusions - the government's concept of "school choice" is not something a Christian home educator should be in favor of. Please listen to this session!