Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Recordings Listing


Friday & Saturday
Jun. 19 through 20, 2015

OR-2015 Our Hope is in the Lord

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
Recording ID: 15-SET
Original Price: $225.00
Set Price: $99.00

2015 Complete Conference

The 2015 Conference theme reminds us that "Our Hope is in the Lord" as we raise our families, tend our marriages, and homeschool. Sessions from the 2015 Oregon Christian Home Education Conference address all those aspects of Christian homeschool family life.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 15-001Our Hope is in the Lord by: Gregg Harris15-00230 Years of Vigilance for One Day of Freedom by: Dick Karman15-003Hoping in God Throughout the Seasons of Life by: Gregg Harris15-102Preschool 1,2,3,4 by: Jennifer Bliesner15-103Noah's Flood by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-1045 Secrets for Aspiring Entrepreneurs by: Daniel Craig15-105Christian Homeschool Success in High School by: Lee Binz15-106Nurture and Admonition - Not Pain and Provocation by: Dr. Brian Ray15-107Three Simple Goals for Your First Year by: Melanie Young15-108Nurturing Your Marriage While Homeschooling by: Ann Dunagan, Jon Dunagan15-109Your Struggling Learner, You Can Homeschool and We Can Help! by: Faith Berens15-201My Beloved, My Friend by: Melanie Young, Hal Young15-202Starting Your Preschooler Off Right by: Jennifer Bliesner15-203Ancient Man – What They Left Behind Confirms Scripture by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-204You're a Christian? That's Like So Weird by: Daniel Craig15-205High School Grades and Credits by: Lee Binz15-207Let the Homeschool Journey Begin by: Joyce Padilla15-208Aiming our Arrows into Adulthood by: Jon Dunagan15-209Teaching Struggling Learners At Home: Nuts and Bolts for Success by: Faith Berens15-303The Grand Canyon – Catastrophic Layering and Erosion by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-304Pop Culture, Jesus and Me by: Daniel Craig15-305One Hour Transcript Workshop by: Lee Binz15-306Training our Boys to be Men by: Jon Dunagan15-307Homeschooling Through the Hard Times by: Melanie Young, Hal Young15-308Personal Leadership by: Gregg Harris15-309Tackling Tricky High School Issues: Practical Help and Guidance by: Faith Berens15-402Endangered Minds: Raising a Thinking Child in an Electronic World by: Jennifer Bliesner15-403Dinosaurs and the Bible by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-404Daring Daughters: World Missions for PreTeen and Teenage Girls by: Ann Dunagan15-405Planning High School Courses by: Lee Binz15-406Anger: The Subtle Home Breaker by: Mike Schrock15-407Homeschooling a Houseful by: Melanie Young15-408A Yearning Fulfilled by: Gregg Harris15-409Laying a Foundation for Reading Comprehension in the Preschool Years by: Faith Berens15-501Raising Real Men by: Melanie Young, Hal Young15-502Dear Mommy: Loving the Little Years by: Grace King15-503Mount St. Helens – Evidence for the Flood by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-504How My Parents Kept My Heart...Even in the Teen Years by: Daniel Craig15-505Finding the Faith to Homeschool Through High School by: Lee Binz15-508Mission-Minded Families by: Jon Dunagan, Ann Dunagan15-509Developing and Drafting Student Education Plans (SEP's) by: Faith Berens15-601Parenting and Homeschooling By Faith, not Fear by: Ann Dunagan, Jon Dunagan15-602Homeschool FAQ's by: Joyce Padilla15-603The Ice Age by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-604Do Something! How to Engage Life for the Glory of God by: Daniel Craig15-605What's Next? Options After Homeschool High School by: Lee Binz15-606Communicating with Teens by: Mike Schrock15-607Homeschooling from the Beginning by: Melanie Young15-608Freedom – What's It Worth to You? by: Dr. Brian Ray15-609Dyslexia Demystified—Definitions and Hope for Homeschoolers by: Faith Berens This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 15-001
Jun. 19, 2015

Can we produce good moral character in others by means of education? If so, how? And if not, why are we educating? What can parents do to raise children who have a heart for doing what is right in a world that seems bent on doing so much that is wrong?

ID: 15-002
Jun. 19, 2015

"Remember the days of old; consider the generations long past. Ask your father and he will tell you, your elders, and they will explain to you" (Deuteronomy 32;7). Haven't Oregon families always had the freedom to homeschool? Isn't it a right of parents to choose how to educate their children? With the experience of serving Christian home educators for three decades and the wisdom of God's oversight and help through it all, the founder of the OCEANetwork will tell the stories of God's grace and "influence" in Salem as we speak of the ever-present threat to homeschool freedoms that can overtake us at any moment.

ID: 15-003
Jun. 20, 2015

Many homeschoolers live with a disjointed and disconnected understanding of what homeschooling has to do with the bigger picture in the life of their child, the family, and the larger community. In this session Gregg will attempt to connect the dots to see how one thing relates to another in God’s purposes.

ID: 15-102
Jun. 19, 2015

How, What, When & Why! How do I go about teaching? What do I teach? When should I teach? And most importantly, why should I homeschool my preschooler? Bring your questions and get a wealth of information from a 25-year veteran of homeschooling.

Topics: Preschool
ID: 15-103
Jun. 19, 2015

What is the evidence for a global Flood? How did the waters recede? How did life restart when the Flood was over? This is the story of Noah and the science behind the Flood. This is a Parent/Child session.

ID: 15-104
Jun. 19, 2015

What does it mean to be an Entrepreneur? Is entrepreneurialism just for a select few, or is it something that even young people should pursue? Regardless of who you are, or where you work, the Word of God gives us a number of fundamental keys to personal growth and true success in life. In this session, you will learn 5 powerful, yet practical keys to developing as an entrepreneur. You will gain an understanding of why they are essential and how you can implement them.

ID: 15-105
Jun. 19, 2015

What does the Bible say about homeschooling? How can Christians draw on their faith to succeed in high school? How should Christians conduct their homeschool if they are thinking about college? In this presentation, Lee helps you prepare and not panic about high school, and reminds you that you are your child's best teacher.

Topics: High school

You want your children to be the best in academics, spirituality, and physical health – well, everything. You also want to have tender relationship with and godly compassion for your children. In striving to lead his wife and eight children to "greatness," however, Brian has found that he can fall into the sin of provoking them. He'll use scripture, experience, and findings from the new “Generation 2” (Gen2) Study to talk about how to combine high expectations with faithfulness, grace, justice, mercy, and kindness. Especially for fathers (but all are welcome).

ID: 15-107
Jun. 19, 2015

Over years of calls from brand new homeschoolers, Melanie learned that there were really three things that needed to be accomplished the first year in order for new families to succeed at homeschooling. Learn how to get through your first year without jerking anybody bald-headed, including yourself!

Your marriage is a priority and (should be) a beautiful reflection of Christ’s love. In the midst of this homeschooling conference – with all its curriculum choices and educational vendors – come aside together as a husband and wife for a mini marriage retreat and a brief romantic focus. You’ll be encouraged to laugh, and to love, and to enjoy each other. You’re a team together – to glorify God!

Faith will share diagnostic checklists for struggling learners, common roadblocks homeschooling parents face, and help you navigate around those, as well as share strategies for success with your children who learn differently. In addition, she will provide an overview of HSLDA’s Struggling Learner/Special Needs Department and the many resources they provide to both members and non-members.

Topics: Special needs
ID: 15-201
Jun. 19, 2015

Christian marriages are breaking up everywhere. How can this be? What is wrong when a family at the forefront of the culture war spins apart? If you homeschool, you know you are in a spiritual battle. Don't let your marriage be the weak point in your armor. Find out about challenges your marriage may face, and how to work it through, not just to stay together, but to find joy and strength in each other as you mirror the relationship of Christ and the church to your children – and the rest of the world.

ID: 15-202
Jun. 19, 2015

Get answers to the big questions: "What do they really need to know before kindergarten?” “How do I get started?” “How do I know if I’m doing it right?” Learn the tools of the trade to create a lifelong love of learning.

Ancient man multiplied and spread out across the earth after the Flood. Their technology and genius shows they did not evolve (nor was there assistance from aliens).

ID: 15-204
Jun. 19, 2015

Life in a post-modern world can be tough for Christians – especially young Christians. When skepticism is the rage and Christ is "so not cool," it's not always easy to express one's faith, much less do so courageously and convincingly. With pressure-relieving simplicity, this session will equip young Christians to stand up, step out, and defend the Christian faith – all without losing their own.

ID: 15-205
Jun. 19, 2015

Have you ever wondered, "How can I give grades when I don't give tests?!" Lee points out ways you already evaluate your children, and how you can translate that information into words and numbers that colleges will understand. Learn "grouch-free" ways to determine high school grades, and find freedom in grading criteria and grading scales.

Topics: High school
ID: 15-207
Jun. 19, 2015

Where and how does one begin this journey called homeschooling? Home education does not have to be overwhelming or fearful. Joyce will share simple teaching tips to help you navigate the early years.

ID: 15-208
Jun. 19, 2015

I Corinthians 13:11 says, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” As homeschooling parents, how can we prepare our children for adulthood? And how can we prepare our hearts (through prayer and effective communication) to release our kids into a new season? There’s life after graduation – with college, careers, romance, weddings, and next-generation purpose. Let’s aim and launch our arrows, to hit God’s mark!

This workshop offers practical resources, lists of materials, and curricula in order to help equip you as you work with a struggling learner in your home school. Multi-sensory teaching methods, direct instruction, modeled teaching, and “scaffolding” instruction are shared, as well as ideas for designing a unique home instruction program tailored to your child’s specific challenges.

The layers at the Grand Canyon show rapid formation during the global Flood and reveal that it was eroded catastrophically. Many similar formations around the world were also created during the Flood.

ID: 15-304
Jun. 19, 2015

If you pay any attention to the latest trends in popular culture, it’s impossible to deny that something is desperately wrong with our world. And while it might be nice to imagine that homeschoolers are unaffected by these trends, we cannot plead immunity to the lust and pride which saturates our toxic culture. The satanic rebellion of our generation is having its effect on us. So how should we respond? Should we resign ourselves to the status quo? Should we hide away in polar huts with lead lining? Or, should we just pretend things are not as bad as they seem? Upholding the biblical alternative to these extremes, this session will challenge you to stop playing games, and start picking fights. It will challenge you to draw some lines and start pitching the battle. It will challenge you to ask, “What’s the difference between pop culture, Jesus and me?”

ID: 15-305
Jun. 19, 2015

A fast-paced, high-energy follow-up to "High School Grades and Credits." After you finish this course, you'll have a rough draft of your high school transcript completed within just one hour! Great practice for parents of junior high children, and a great place to start for parents of high school students.

ID: 15-306
Jun. 19, 2015

How can we train our boys to be strong and godly men – not wasting their lives on video games and TV, but working hard, taking risks, enjoying adventure, and daring to following God wherever He leads? In this session, you’ll be challenged with biblical truth and hard-hitting honesty (from real-life experiences growing up with five brothers on a dairy farm and raising five sons into military service, international business, engineering, and rugged missions). Please note: If you’re easily offended, don’t attend. This session will be spoken with love, yet be direct and straight-forward.

Homeschooling is a challenge at any time. Hal and Melanie have seen God's grace in stage IV cancer, a baby with a heart condition, job loss, relocations, and more! The good news is that God can enable you to teach and learn more through the hard times than you ever thought possible. Find out why it's so important to keep homeschooling in spite of the challenges.

ID: 15-308
Jun. 19, 2015

Making the most of their time is the most important skill our children could ever learn. How can we help them begin to do so at an early age? In the process we may launch a new generation of business, church, and community leaders who can embrace their life purpose, set passionate goals, make well-informed plans, and take forceful actions for the glory of God and the good of others.

This workshop addresses some of the challenges associated with homeschooling struggling or atypical learners in the high school years. Do you have questions such as, “How do I award my child with special needs a diploma?” or “What do I do since my child with dyslexia can’t read typical high school level material?” Faith discusses alternative course work, specialized curricula and learning materials, assistive technology, transcript options, possible graduation guidelines/high school programs for special learners, post-high school options, as well as offer tips for navigating the process of applying for testing accommodations for the college boards.

This workshop explores how a child’s brain develops and how you as parents can give them the best start. Discover how true comprehension and learning take place and the damaging effects the electronic world is having on students from preschool to college.

ID: 15-403
Jun. 20, 2015

Dinosaurs were made on day six, went on the ark, and lived for a while after the Flood. Surviving soft dinosaur tissue gives us some clues and there’s evidence of dinosaurs and man living together in ancient cultures.

Orphans. Impurity. Poverty. There are so many needs in our world and so many people who need Jesus. Becoming a beautiful and godly woman is more than being a pure and pampered princess. Romans 10:15 says, “How beautiful are the feet of them who bring the gospel of peace…” No matter where you live, or where you’re called to go, you can DARE to care, DARE to cry, and DARE to make a difference for God. As Amy Carmichael prayed, “Give me the love that leads the way, the passion that burns like fire.”

ID: 15-405
Jun. 20, 2015

In this presentation, Lee explains which core classes are important to cover every year in high school, and which classes are required or recommended for college preparation. Lee encourages you to use what you know about your students and their learning styles, and shows you how to plan not only for the three R's, but for electives and delight-directed learning as well.

ID: 15-406
Jun. 20, 2015

Mad? Angry? Ticked off? or just frustrated? What ever you call it, it will drive your kids away, divide your marriage, and destroy your home. No one likes living next to a volcano that could erupt at any moment. What are the dangers, the signs, and some Biblical solutions? How does one deal with an angry person and how do I get rid of these feelings that scream at me?

ID: 15-407
Jun. 20, 2015

Sometimes homeschooling feels like one of those plate-spinning acts, and you wonder how in the world you're going to meet everyone's needs. The baby needs to be changed, the toddler is playing in the toilet, your high school student is impatiently waiting for you to help with his biology experiment, and two other children say, "I can't do anything without you, Mom!" Melanie Young, mother of eight, shares encouragement and ideas for how to keep all those plates spinning at once without your life spinning out of control. Learn how to raise independent learners, keep the household moving, and make sure the little ones get enough attention.

ID: 15-408
Jun. 20, 2015

Physical Hunger, Boredom, Loneliness & Meaninglessness are all God-given appetites that hold forth the promise that each one can and should be fulfilled. Within God’s good and wise purposes, each form of hunger is actually our invitation to a feast.

In this session, Faith will discuss the ultimate goal of reading instruction, which is comprehension, and will explore various types of thinking and processing skills required for proficient comprehension. Tips, techniques, and strategies will be shared on how to develop very young children’s vocabulary and good habits of mind in order to lay a solid foundation for comprehension with our wee ones, ages birth to five.

ID: 15-501
Jun. 20, 2015

In spite of what the culture is telling us, boys and girls are different. Have you ever had a war breakout in the middle of history, or had a single math lesson take three hours? Then you're probably raising boys! If the world seems intent on gender-bending and forcing our sons into a feminized mold, Hal and Melanie, parents of six boys, explain the biblical way out - and a better way to turn wild little dirt-lovers into strong Christian men!

ID: 15-502
Jun. 20, 2015

In the midst of these days with little ones, where the days are long and the years are short, it’s easy to feel a little lost and overwhelmed. Advice is plenty, but support feels farther away. You’re not alone. You’re not failing. Let’s take some time to not only see the light at the end of the tunnel, but to rejoice in the sunshine God pours into this grand adventure of raising small people for His glory.

Topics: Preschool

The catastrophic events at Mount St. Helens gives us clues about how the global Flood impacted the earth.

Many parents begin the Homeschool Journey motivated by a strong desire to nurture deep and enduring relationships with their children. Over time, they realize that winning and keeping their children's hearts requires something more than simply schooling them at home...especially during the teenage years. With stories that will make you laugh and cry, Daniel shares how God, in His great mercy, used two wonderful but imperfect parents to humbly, lovingly and yet courageously train him up in the way he should go, and not depart from it.

ID: 15-505
Jun. 20, 2015

This encouraging class will give dozens of scriptural reasons that will strengthen you and encourage you in your homeschool and life.

ID: 15-508
Jun. 20, 2015

You’ll be encouraged, challenge, and equipped with ideas, as the Dunagans share from their local and global adventures. Mission-minded families focus on God’s Great Commission with a passion for the lost. There’s a spiritual depth and hunger that reaches beyond the maintenance mode of cultural Christianity. Learn to “raise the bar” in leadership and service, to “guard the gates” of your home, and to live with an attitude of self-sacrifice and submission to God, while radiating an unmistakable, contagious joy.

Does your child have a learning disability or perhaps severe special needs? Have you pulled your child out of public school where he used to have an IEP (individual education plan)? Participants will learn the purposes and benefits of writing an SEP, student education plan, the homeschool version of an IEP. This workshop also provides guidance in how to draft an SEP. Participants will look at sample student education plans, receive a template of a Student Education Plan, and a resource list of books that will assist them in drafting their own homeschool student education plan.

Fear can paralyze; it can grip your heart, torment your mind, and hinder you from parenting in God’s joy and purpose. Philippians 4:6 says, “Be anxious for nothing.” Nothing means NO-thing. Not even ONE-thing. Do you fear your own inadequacies (or wonder if your homeschooling is going to mess up your kids for life)? Do you fear teenage rebellion, hormones, high school, or the future? Do you fear not pleasing others, not having finances, or not fulfilling God’s purpose? In this workshop, you’ll be encouraged by God’s faithfulness and love for you, concluding with a time of prayer.

ID: 15-602
Jun. 20, 2015

Are you looking into educational options for your children? Just what is homeschooling? Is it really legal? Am I qualified to teach my own? What if I miss something? Come explore the answer to these and many more "Frequently Asked Questions" drawing from Joyce's many years of experience homeschooling.

ID: 15-603
Jun. 20, 2015

The Flood produced the right conditions for only one Ice Age, which grew and melted in a matter of a few hundred years. A single Ice Age explains extinctions of mammals like the Woolly Mammoth and saber tooth tiger.

No matter where we turn, we're facing an epidemic of visionless, clueless, fantasy-driven young people. Stuck in an education system which fosters this disconnect from reality, few Millennials, even Christians, are able to successfully bridge the gap into real life. From the perspective of a Millennial, Daniel calls students and parents to adopt a new paradigm for his generation in light of God's word. Don't attend this session unless you are ready to be challenged with a new vision for life and an awakened understanding of the responsibilities God calls every young person to fulfill.

ID: 15-605
Jun. 20, 2015

Wondering how to help your student plan their course of action after high school? Lee explains the variety of different options open to students today, including CLEP, community college, regular college, online classes, working, College Plus, and gap years.

ID: 15-606
Jun. 20, 2015

Communication is often hard for people, but it is especially difficult for men and their teenagers. Some fathers lose the hearts of their kids, not because they are not doing the right parenting things, but often because they do not know how to communicate. The talk will cover learning the language of your teenager, girl and guy differences in communication, what things need to be communicated, and a survey of questions that dads can use to start conversations that go deeper into their heart.

ID: 15-607
Jun. 20, 2015

When do you get started and what do you do first? We've had precocious readers and late bloomers, but every one of them has benefited from being homeschooled from the beginning. Learn to relax and introduce your little ones to the joy of learning in a gentle and realistic way that will prepare them to succeed academically.

ID: 15-608
Jun. 20, 2015

Is that word “freedom” for just ol’ graying hippies and revolutionary wannabes? No. It is a biblical concept and at the core of what it means to be an American and, especially, a homeschooler. Dr. Ray will answer: How’d we get our homeschool freedoms? Why should you care? Are we really free? How might we lose this liberty? What are the enemies? Risks? Is Common Core related? What about compulsory attendance laws? Parental rights? Whether your youngest child is pre-born, 7, or 18, you need to know the core principles of educational freedom and why we must strive to keep or expand that liberty. Dr. Ray has been in this practical and theoretical battle for over 30 years.

Faith will define what dyslexia is (and what it is not), discuss the different types of dyslexia as well as levels of struggle (mild, moderate, severe), and then offer hope by sharing the types of necessary teaching methods, specific, research-based interventions and programs that can be implemented in homeschool setting. Hope and encouragement are offered, in addition to right brain “tricks” and strategies for success to add to your teaching toolkit!