Recordings Listing
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 25 through 26, 2010
OR-2010 Educating for Eternity
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association NetworkJun. 25, 2010
Rick Boyer and his wife have been home schooling since 1980. Starting out young and green in a time when only a handful of families was home schooling, Rick and Marilyn found few resources to help them in their journey. They had to blaze their own trail, surviving such obstacles as skeptical grandparents, hostile school authorities, unhelpful curriculum publishers, blizzards, Indian attacks&(just kidding). The Boyers are still home schooling today and now share their experiences around the world through their books and their speaking ministry. Rick will share some of the most profound lessons learned along the way, including: -It's not schooling, it's discipleship -Life is the curriculum -The kid is the can -Socialization is for socialists -George Washington survived without Little League -and many more!
Jun. 26, 2010
We all want our children to catch the vision for God and grow up to serve Him. But how do we begin? Rick and Marilyn Boyer, home education pioneers of thirty years, believe the Bible contains the best plan for the upbringing of wise and competent children. Seeking wisdom from God's Word and applying it to their own lives, they have trained their fourteen sons and daughters, some of whom are now parents and passing on the vision to their own children. Come hear Rick and Marilyn- with some video clips from some of their adult children- explain the scriptural method for passing on a vision of powerful Christian living from generation to generation through family discipleship!
Jun. 26, 2010
If this is your first year or your fifteenth year home educating, the future begins today. Mr. Karman is chairman of the Board of OCEANetwork and brings you encouragement from more than 25 years of experience. Hear about the real hope and the assurance that God is in control of your future in home education. We may not know what tomorrow holds, but we know Who holds tomorrow. Homeschooll success isn't for yesterday, it's for tomorrow. Homeschool freedom isn't for us, it is for our children's children.
It has been said that the parents of the 1980's and 90's were the Moses generation--they left Egypt (government schooling) and headed for the Promised Land, as the Israelites once traversed the wilderness to return to Canaan. The generation of Moses completed part of the mission, getting as far as the Jordan River. But it was left to Joshua and the younger Israelites to cross the river and take back the land that had been promised to their father Abraham centuries before. Today, home schooling parents have broken free from the bondage of Godless philosophies and are raising up the Joshua generation that will carry the battle over the Jordan--taking the banner of Christ back into American government, law, medicine, business, education and the arts, where God and His Word were once universally honored. The enemies of God are trembling today at the thunderous approach of the Joshua generation!!
Jun. 26, 2010
To those who understand history, the hand of God is unmistakable in the story of America. Our Founders built on the soil of the New World a nation organized on the principles of Scripture. The result was that early America astounded the world with its freedom, genius and productivity. But when the training of children shifted from the realm of the family and moved into the realm of government, it took only a few generations to bring about the social, spiritual, moral and intellectual decay that permeates our society today. Now, home educating parents are taking back their children and raising up a generation of bright, godly, competent Americans who understand their heritage and are determined to reclaim it for the glory of God. God the designed the family, not the school to be the primary training ground for His champions.
Jun. 25, 2010
Scripture records the stories of several cases of strife between siblings. In almost every case, there is a principle involved which the parents have violated, sowing destruction in their family. This series of case studies gives valuable insight into the causes --- and therefore, the cures - of sibling rivalry.
Jun. 25, 2010
Does the subject of literature seem like a mystery? Are you a loss about how to understand it yourself, much less teach it to your kids? This inspiring lecture demonstrates that everything you need to know about understanding and teaching literature is present in your second grader's bedtime story. Adam reads a classics children's story out loud and then leads the audience into a discussion of eternal literary themes. Along the way, he shows how you can do the same at home by following five simple steps. Your literature curriculum - to say nothing of family story time - will come alive automatically. You'll never put the kids to bed the same way again!
Jun. 25, 2010
A particular cell phone commercial features an NBA point guard trying to play basketball blindfolded. Because he can't see the goal, he's never sure whether he's scoring. Too often men in our age take on the tasks of husband, father, shepherd, principal, coach, and disciplinarian without the vision necessary to accomplish the goal. (What is the goal, anyway?) In this seminar we will define the goal and discover the divinely appointed means of achieving it. You may even learn the secret to making your wife deliriously happy, your home a quiet and peaceful kingdom, your children rich beyond measure, and your father-in-law in awe of your great accomplishments. Come join us in our discussion of the homeschool husband and dad.
How do you decide what to study in high school? How do you know that your teen is learning enough (and of the right things)? How can parents continue a home-school lifestyle during the high school years? Must home-school students model their high school years after the institutionalized educational style of learning? Come and learn how to make your high school years special, wonderful,and complete as we discuss the overall plans needed to teach high school at home.
Jun. 25, 2010
This workshop will discuss current federal legislation that HSLDA is tracking as well as the present administration's policy that could impact home education freedom and broader parental rights. HSLDA staff attorney Tj Schmidt will cover both negative and positive federal bills that could have a national impact on homeschoolers as well as policy initiatives that the Obama administration has specifically championed.
Jun. 25, 2010
A Biblical, age-appropriate approach to sex education. In this workshop parents of elementary and middle school children will learn what to talk about with their kids at every stage of development. This workshop includes information on how to set the paradigm for purity and courtship beginning in preschool. We will also discuss media discernment, how to give "the talk", and how parents can begin now to open up the lines of communication with their children to pave the way for honesty and openness during adolescence.
Jun. 25, 2010
Mad? Angry? Ticked off? or just frustrated? What ever you call it, it will drive your kids away, divide your marriage, and destroy your home. No one likes living next to a volcano that could erupt at any moment. What are the dangers, the signs, and some Biblical solutions? How does one deal with an angry person and how do I get rid of these feelings that scream at me?
Jun. 25, 2010
"Why isn't this child learning as well as my other children? The other kids all learned to read using this curriculum, what am I doing wrong?" When a child seems bright but is not learning at the same rate as his/her peers a learning disability could be the reason. This session will explain the symptoms of a learning disability and how to determine when this is the problem. Teaching methods, curriculum selection and specialized tutoring will also be discussed.
Jun. 25, 2010
Marilyn Boyer has taught all fourteen of her children at home, so she has plenty of experience with any age group you can name. But her very favorite age to teach is those eager, curious, exciting, challenging munchkins we call preschoolers. This, Marilyn says is the time when we lay the foundation for greatness by pouring love and acceptance all over them, instead of treating them like a nuisance. Preschoolers aren't just little interruptions to be kept "occupied" while older siblings study. This season in a child's life is the time to tap into his huge potential by maximizing his natural love for learning and helping him to see that God is preparing him for a lifetime of important service. Come and learn from Marilyn how to make the most of this brief but exciting time.
Juxtaposition, metaphor, symbolism, irony, foreshadowing - HELP! Parents often avoid the subject of literature because of the intimidating vocabulary of literary analysis. The truth is, you don't need a college degree in literature to understand this vocabulary; what you need is a well written children's story. Adam takes the audience on a guided tour of literary devices, making discerning literary analysts out of each and every audience member. Doing the same with your own children couldn't be easier, but beware: soon, they will be finding onomatopoeia everywhere they look.
Jun. 25, 2010
In this workshop we will discuss not only the basics, but the BASIS, of a good marriage. Beginning in the second chapter of Genesis through the book of Revelation, marriage is a central focus in Scripture. God even uses the marriage relationship to explain to the church and the world the relationship between Christ and His church. We will establish a biblical vision for marriage, consider the roles of husbands and wives, discuss the unique pressures that homeschooling places on the marriage, and point out ways that we can divorce-proof our homes. The world is watching as the daily drama of our family lives play out before them. Let's make sure that our marriages and families point them to Christ.
Jun. 25, 2010
Culture is the practical outworking of our belief about origins. In what way does a culture's view of origins affect manners, education, social institutions, science, and morality?
Jun. 25, 2010
Once decisions have been made about what to require for high school graduation, once the overall plan has been set, there is still much to do. How do you set up each course? Courses can be designed or modified by using prepackaged curricula, by using a variety of materials you already have on hand, or by outlining the course and finding materials to fit your needs. We will discuss these methods of course planning, and will also cover grading, keeping track of assignments with no stress, and record keeping.
Jun. 25, 2010
Jun. 25, 2010
Is your daughter the "odd girl out" or the "leader of the pack"? The rise and fall of the hierarchies of our daughters, and their siblings and friends, is like the rise and fall of kingdoms and world powers. How do we as parents deal with the cliques and their fall out? What is a Godly pattern for our girls and how should they structure their relationships? How do the lies of our culture perpetuate the need for our daughters to bolster their self image and define themselves through the eyes of their peers? Come and hear about God's design for our daughters and their relationships. Step off the treadmill of our culture's say so and into the Spirit of God as the architect of relationships-even those of girls.
Jun. 25, 2010
Sons and daughters are very different to raise and have very different roles to train and target. Raising godly children is strategic. Many young men feel unequipped to face the challenges set before them as a future husband, father, and provider. Daughters also often feel unsure of what it takes to be an effective wife and mother. In this session, 10 trainable qualities will be discussed that young men and women will need to be successful after they leave your nest.
Jun. 25, 2010
A Personally Developed Plan (PDP) is required by Oregon Law when a home school student fails to score above the 14th percentile on a nationally normed achievement test. This session will explain how the PDP is cooperatively written by an academic advisor and the parents, and the ways in which the plan identifies, addresses, and measures student progress.
Jun. 25, 2010
If you sometimes feel like homeschooling is drudgery, you can bet your kids feel the same way! It's such a temptation to stress over teaching predicate nominatives or the steps of division that we forget to delight in our children and make time to enjoy being with them. In this session, Marilyn shares how she and Rick have found this to actually be the key to instilling values that stick and building in them a heart for things of the Lord.
Jun. 25, 2010
In an engaging presentation that is as much class discussion as lecture, Adam involves the audience in a lively debate on the definition of the classic. In the process, listeners are encouraged to consider the moral and ethical nature of reading, and invited to suggest candidates for a "class list" of all-time great books. This presentation teaches three important tests to apply to any book in order to determine whether it is worthy - and suggests some reasons why you should even care. So, which books belong on your student's reading list? Come listen and find out!
Jun. 25, 2010
Is your homeschool day made up of demanding toddlers and emotional teens, six subjects to prepare for each child, co-op demands, music, sports, falling behind, tears, chores, skipping chapters...ultimately the question, "Where is God in all this?" Learn to work together as a family to achieve attainable goals with a fresh outlook and easy-to-implement organizational ideas. Bring sanity and success back to your home, and enjoy the process. Your homeschool chaos can come to an end!
Jun. 25, 2010
The statistics are tragic and startling. Great percentages of children raised in evangelical homes are not continuing in their faith and beliefs as they reach and continue into adulthood. Some of the most important academic and practical training we can give our children as we homeschool them is worldview training. For Christians, our goal is to teach our children to think biblically about all of life. During the course of this workshop, we will delve into why Christian worldview training is an absolutely crucial component of our homeschooling. We will also discuss the following questions: · What is worldview? · What function does worldview serve in my child's life? · How can I teach worldview? · How can I teach worldview if I don't understand it? · At what age should I teach worldview to my children? · Can I award high school credit for studying worldview? If we want to see true revival in our culture, we must teach our children how to think biblically about all of life-from academics to social issues to daily decisions. A true biblical worldview will equip our children to become powerful thinkers, leaders, and communicators. This workshop will change the way you teach!
Jun. 25, 2010
Selecting curriculum for the upper grades can become a real nightmare. On the one hand, many materials seem designed for a classroom setting with expensive equipment required, and on the other hand, home-school-designed materials vary so widely in ability level (for both students and teachers) that it is hard to know what will work. Parents often wonder if they need an advanced degree to teach advanced courses, or if "throwing money" at a difficult subject will help, or if materials they like are too basic to count for high school. In this session, we will focus on resources for a variety of subjects that almost any family can use, and will discuss ways to evaluate the myriad of texts and programs available.
Jun. 25, 2010
The intricacies of raising girls in this generation are never ending. Challenges abound with girls: - Emotions run wild. - Trying to be modest in a world full of indecency. - Battles between sisters and girlfriends. - How to act with the opposite sex. Join Julie Hiramine as she gives practical wisdom and advice on how to raise a generation of Godly daughters. God's call on this generation of young women is key to their upbringing, and the world challenges us at every step of the way. Establish a renewed vision of why our daughters are so special to the Lord and His plan for this generation.
Jun. 25, 2010
Parents who decline to put their children in their church's Christian school or youth group are sometimes viewed as odd or rebellious. Rather than reacting or withdrawing homeschoolers must take the initiative in the church and be examples of families who really minister.
Jun. 25, 2010
Some do dating. Some do courtship. Some do dating and call it courtship. It's not about what you call it. It's about getting God's best in finding a mate and keeping your purity. This session discusses practical ideas for protecting hearts and purity while feelings and hormones are screaming.
Jun. 26, 2010
American higher education has become unfriendly territory for Christians and other conservatives in many ways. Many parents wonder whether they should consider sending their students to college at all. Drawing from extensive experience in higher education, Adam offers invaluable advice on this all important question, suggesting ways to make the considerable benefits of a college education available to your homeschool graduates. You'll learn valuable tips for deciding what kind of school to choose, and for avoiding the pitfalls that await the unsuspecting freshman. A must for every parent of high schoolers.
Jun. 26, 2010
Our children are precious gifts from the Lord but sometimes they can interfere with our human plans. Many homeschooling parents are in distress because they find their little ones seeking attention at all the wrong times. As the father of six children, David Hazell, along with his wife, Marie, have found creative ways to prepare these young "sponges" for school while keeping them creatively occupied at times when the parent needs to concentrate on the older ones. The workshop is full of practical suggestions for educational toys and common household items that can be used to educate and occupy young ones. Homeschooling with young ones can be easier than you think!
Choosing curriculum involves more than selecting text books. It includes deciding what to study, preparing and equipping the teacher and students, and choosing a variety of materials to assist in the teaching process. Once you know how to assess materials, deciding which ones to use comes much easier.
Jun. 26, 2010
Jun. 26, 2010
Hear ye, hear ye: Her Majesty, Julie Hiramine, cordially invites you to a regal gathering with all families from the royal realm for a splendid celebration of true beauty and purity of heart. All young Princesses and Queens are welcome to attend this heart-warming seminar about true beauty, modesty, and character. After all, our young princesses are daughters of the Heavenly King-so we must equip them for their royal heritage.
There are plenty of misconceptions about the role of the father in a home schooling family. Some people think that if he can't be at home during "school time" he can't be involved. Others think his job is to take over some of Mom's chores in order to free her to spend more time with the children. But Scripture gives seven functions of a father in a godly home, and each of these can be applied very practically and powerfully in home education. Enjoy the wisdom and humor of this presentation as Rick answers the question of "What's A Dad to Do?"
Jun. 26, 2010
The phone rings. "Hello." "Is this Jennifer Bliesner?" "Yes." "I was told that you could help me with home schooling." "I'd be happy to, when are you planning on starting?" "I pulled them out of school today." More and more this is how the conversation starts. If you need the nuts and bolts of how to start home schooling after public school this is the session for you. Married 38 years and a mother of eight, Jennifer Bliesner currently tutors home school students and mentors home schooling families.
Jun. 26, 2010
Entropy is true, even with regards to Parental Rights (PR). The "From Order to Disorder" of PR over the last 200 years has suffered from destructive energy and the threatening U.N Treaty "Convention on the Rights of the Child" looms to destroy Parental Rights as God has intended them. We must exercise the stewardship God has granted us and through constructive energy, like support of the Parental Rights Amendment, to rebuild the pillar of Parental Rights in our society. There will be plenty of time for Q & A.
Jun. 26, 2010
Marilyn Boyer is no stranger to the joys and challenges of raising teenagers. With ten sons and daughters now having graduated from high school at home, Marilyn shares why she taught them herself from kindergarten through the high school years and why she wouldn't consider doing it any other way.
Jun. 26, 2010
What is your current role in your family's homeschool? Believe it or not, busy dads can be involved in school too. There are simple things you can do to connect with your children and help de-pressurize your wife's already overloaded day. David introduces interesting, easy, and time effective ways for dads to become active parts in the homeschooling process, without interfering in the work day. Leading devotions, instituting a "Mom's Day Off," guiding the slimy science experiments, reading books aloud, and going to the library, are just a few of the things David will introduce. Homeschooling is hectic but in the truest sense it is eternal discipleship. Learn to stand with your wife side-by-side and watch her sparkle..
Jun. 26, 2010
Do you ever have those moments of panic when you wonder if you are giving your children everything they need to succeed in life? Or, in those rare quiet moments of thought and reflection, do you worry that you are inadequate for all that homeschooling requires of you? Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night plagued by the long list of important things that still need to be done-and know there will never be enough time in the day to accomplish them? If you, like I, have experienced these feelings and fears in your homeschooling journey, then come to this workshop and be encouraged. God knows that as human beings we are confined and surrounded by limitations and weaknesses. We will look specifically at the challenging areas of vision, finances, knowledge, home management, and fatigue. The Scripture provides promises of hope, strength, power, and help for those of us who are weak, weary, and imperfect. The Bible also instructs us in accomplishing the impossible as we bask in God's boundless resources, amazing strength, and infinite love.
Jun. 26, 2010
All homeschoolers desire a successful educational experience for their children, but most wonder if they will be able to achieve that lofty goal. Come and be encouraged as we look at ten simple secrets to successfully homeschooling your children. These tips will help both new and veteran homeschoolers to prosper.
Jun. 26, 2010
Applying the teamwork necessary for a coordinated fire attack, and how to have the courage to be first in to face the fire for the purpose of saving someone.
Jun. 26, 2010
Internet, IM's, texting, blogs and spaces. Our generation faces abundant pressure when it comes to technology and it's so called "perks". Join the Generations of Virtue team as they help you navigate your internet world, while sharing how to guard your heart, mind, and body in the midst of the world wide web's allure.
Jun. 26, 2010
What is your goal in educating your children? How can the preschool years be the starting point for a solid foundation in your child's life? There is much more to a child's education than a simple diploma. Be encouraged and challenged to raise children who will be mighty in God's kingdom, as you learn to teach your preschoolers with intentional purpose. Practical and fun ideas, with thought provoking challenges, will send you home excited and eager to take advantage of your child's early years.
Jun. 26, 2010
Learn your own teaching style as well as how to adapt curriculum for your child's specific needs. Make your lesson planning a breeze. This session is especially good for families with more than one child who also have a hectic schedule.