Recordings Listing
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 6 through 7, 2020
2020 NCHEA Conference & Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationSet Price: $35.00
2020 Complete NCHEA Conference Recording Set
By purchasing this set you have the ability to listen to any or all of the recorded sessions made at the 2020 Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association Conference. (For your personal use only) If a session was damaged or lost due to technical difficulties it will not be included in the set.
Mar. 6, 2020
Give your child what is most important. Instead of academic or social pressures, Charlotte Mason encouraged mothers to give their little ones a full six years of developing good habits, getting acquainted with nature, exploring with the five senses, growing in their spiritual lives, and more. Learn how to give your child a quiet growing time.
Mar. 6, 2020
This encouraging workshop offers ideas for how to make homeschooling fit with your family’s unique situation and needs as well as your teaching style and your children’s learning styles. Faith offers suggestions for scheduling, time management, organization, and teaching children of different ages simultaneously.
Mar. 6, 2020
A child who learns to serve others with joy is sure to become the kind of husband or wife who brings genuine joy into their own family. The servant spirit, which Jesus said makes a person “the greatest of all”, is better caught than taught—that is, one must pick it up by being around people who love serving others! Dennis and Naomi have raised four sons who find great delight in serving others and they know how that outlook and attitude is passed on to children.
Mar. 6, 2020
Who is going to build a house by starting with the walls? Without a solid foundation, those walls may hold up for a bit but eventually will come crashing down. Math is a lot like building a house. We need to start with a strong foundation and build up from there. It doesn’t have to be hard! Come and see how easy it is to teach math.
Learn the importance of spelling and presents the developmental stages of spelling. She also shares various strategies, techniques, and fun, hands-on, multi-sensory methods for spelling practice, as well as specialized spelling programs and strategies to help you transform “I am a terrible speller” into “I am a good speller!”
How to start, where to find curriculum, when to school, and what a typical day looks like are some of the areas discussed. Get an understanding of Rule 13 (Nebraska) and gain valuable information for your homeschool journey. This workshop is a MUST for new homeschoolers!
Mar. 6, 2020
There are approximately 70 behaviors readers encounter when they struggle and there are hundreds of researched-strategies that parents and teachers can implement! BUT how to pinpoint where the reader struggles can be a struggle in and of itself, not to mention which strategy to try! The good news is that certain strategies are linked to certain behaviors and it is possible to assess, create a personalized plan, and improve reading as a result. You will receive a brief introduction to the most common reading problems students encounter and a handful of tools to help them overcome the struggle.
Mar. 6, 2020
Discover the secret to smooth and easy days: habit training. Learn how to instill good habits, which habits Charlotte Mason encouraged parents to cultivate in their children, and practical tips for cultivating the Top Three.
Mar. 6, 2020
This workshop addresses some of the challenges associated with teaching struggling or atypical learners at home in the high school years. Do you have questions such as “How do I award my child with special needs a diploma?” or “What do I do since my child with dyslexia can’t read typical high school level material?” Faith discusses alternative coursework, specialized curricula and learning materials, assistive technology, transcript options, possible graduation guidelines, high school programs for special learners, and post–high school options. She also offers tips for navigating the process of applying for testing accommodations for College Board tests.
Mar. 6, 2020
Come get ideas for healthy, nutritious meals for the busy homeschool mother.You will get new recipes, meal planning ideas and also learn how to incorporate sour dough in your daily routine. Take home recipes and your own sour dough starter.
Mar. 6, 2020
With all the demands on our time in this world, how do we do it? What mindset do we need to succeed in a world that seems to do everything possible to compete for our children’s hearts and minds? We will look into God’s Word to see what the Bible has to say on the subject and how to succeed in a fallen world trying to take our children captive. The problem is, we only have 45 minutes!
Mar. 6, 2020
What if the filters with which we look at history could be changed? What if there was far more to the old familiar and famous history stories we learned as kids and chances are, we are currently still teaching our kids? What if we could tell the stories of history and not leave out any of the key players, including people of color who made and are making huge contributions to our nation?Join this interactive workshop as we define Inclusive History, discuss why it matters and plan ways to implement it into your current history studies.
Homeschooling families are often heard saying, “The older books are so much better!” Is that really true? Why do people say this? This workshop explains what it is about Christian books from the 19th and 18th centuries that makes them unique, so rich in content, and helpful for the formation of godly character. The result is, you'll learn how you can best use literature from that era and, in fact, the great literature from every era, to promote Christian character in your children.
Mar. 7, 2020
Yes, we want our children to have good habits, but many of us parents struggle with habits in our own lives. Take a look at four powerful pictures that give insight into how habits are formed and what to do about your bad habits. Learn the three most important words to keep in mind when habit-training. Discover how to instill your own good habits that will serve you well and help your days run smoothly.
Mar. 7, 2020
Do you have a child who just isn’t getting phonics—or is struggling with beginning reading instruction? Or perhaps you have a child who has sloppy speech or doesn’t seem to hear things correctly? Poor phonemic awareness could be partly to blame. This session provides parent-teachers with an understanding of phonemic awareness skills and how these skills (or lack thereof) impact a child’s ability to become a proficient reader. Participants receive a phonemic awareness assessment that they can use at home, take part in interactive activities in order to “play” with phonemic awareness, and receive a list of curriculum, materials, and games that address these important, foundational skills.
Mar. 7, 2020
What the Bible calls “a good conscience” is vital for our children to form in their youth. Parents can strengthen the conscience, so a child grows into an adult of strong convictions and is compelled from within away from sinful living and towards righteous choices, even when parents are not present. Let’s make one of the goals of our instruction “a good conscience” (1 Timothy 1:5). A practical plan for achieving this is the focus of this workshop.
Mar. 7, 2020
Learn where freedom comes from, how homeschool freedom came about in Nebraska, and how to maintain our freedom. This presentation highlights the various concepts and newspaper clippings from the battle for homeschool freedom in the early 1980s.
Mar. 7, 2020
Exhibitor Workshop - no description available
Mar. 7, 2020
Movement Solutions Exhibitor Workshop - no description available
Mar. 7, 2020
Exhibitor Workshop - no description available
On This Day in History Exhibitor Workshop - no description available
Mar. 7, 2020
Notgrass History Exhibitor Workshop - no description available
Mar. 7, 2020
Southeast Community College Exhibitor Workshop - no description available
Mar. 7, 2020
When Sonya realized how Charlotte Mason defined strong-willed vs. weak-willed, it completely changed her attitude toward her children. If you feel like you are constantly butting heads in a battle of the wills, this session could revolutionize how you view your child. Discover helpful ideas that can relieve the tension, refresh your perspective, and restore the peace.
This workshop offers practical resources, lists of materials, and curricula to equip you as you work with a struggling learner in your homeschool. Faith explains multi-sensory teaching methods, direct instruction, modeled teaching, and “scaffolding” instruction. She also shares ideas for designing a unique home instruction program tailored to your child’s specific challenges.
Mar. 7, 2020
Have you wondered what all the hype about regarding Bullet Journals? Come to this interactive workshop to find out all about it. Learn how to organize task lists, journal plans, and stay on top of projects with a Bullet Journal. This workshop will focus on strategies to improve time management, self-care, and habit tracking while you create your own bullet journal. Each attendee will receive their own notebook, pens, and extras to take home. There will also be a drawing for one free official Bullet Journal notebook!
The pressure to conform is all around us, but we are called to “quit the herd.” In this workshop, we’ll take a look at what it means to quit the herd, why we should quit the herd, examples of biblical and historical herd quitters, and how your choice to be a herd quitter can impact your homeschool, your family, and your legacy.
Mar. 7, 2020
We will discuss what children need to know before phonics instruction, how to layer phonemic awareness on phonics instruction, and hands-on activities to help children hear, segment, and blend sounds. Includes hearing initial and ending sounds, sound boxes, rhyming, word families, counting syllables in words, and counting words in sentences. Techniques to enhance learning through movement and multi-sensory activities will be reviewed.
Mar. 7, 2020
It’s easy to get caught up in the mentality that we’ve got to add more: we must do more, we must get more, and our children must study more. More, more, more! But the funny thing is that when we keep adding more, we usually end up with less of what really matters. Come discover the richness that simplicity can bring to your schedule, your home, and your children’s education.
Mar. 7, 2020
Learn a crucial but frequently misunderstood topic related to special needs homeschooling. In this power-packed workshop, Faith explains the difference between accommodations and modifications, describes 504 Accommodation Law, and answers homeschooling parents’ most frequently asked questions. Faith also shares a disability resource guide for teens and young adults.
Mar. 7, 2020
Two contractors describe how to get into the construction trades.
Mar. 7, 2020
You have searched the library's catalog and placed holds on books, but did you know there is so much more you can access on the library's web page? Libraries subscribe to many online resources that are available for you to use from the convenience of your own home. Discover how to access new software knowledge and technical learning, enhance your reading lists, learn 100 languages, even access a live tutor, plus much more. It is all available with your library card—and learn how you can get one too!
Mar. 7, 2020
Come with your most questionable questions for this distinguished panel of experienced homeschool mothers. The format will be a town hall setting with questions answered in two minutes or less. Line up, let’s go!
Mar. 6, 2020
Join Sonya for a practical and encouraging overview of the simple yet effective methods used in the Charlotte Mason approach. Learn about Charlotte and experience using her methods for yourself during the session.