Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Recordings Listing


Linn County Expo Center, Albany, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 28 through 29, 2019

OR-2019 Walking in Freedom

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

This workshop will teach you about five surveys and checklists that have been developed that can make clear what strengths and weakness a student possesses. From here, this workshop also provides tips and means to teach to students' strengths while supporting their weaknesses. This workshop will cover learning styles, learning channels, a student's grit level measured on a scale, study habits measured by checklists, and the Multiple Intelligences Survey—with career possibilities suggested.


Linn County
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 22 through 23, 2018

OR-2018 Build Your House - Homeschooling for the Kingdom

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
Recording ID: 18-SET
Original Price: $310.50
Set Price: $99.00

2018 Complete Conference Set

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 18-01Family Worship: The Forgotten Home Discipleship Tool by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.18-02American Exceptionalism by: David Barton18-03 Culture Wars: How They Affect the Homeschool Family and How We Respond by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.18-04Keeping Truth in History by: David Barton18-101Bible Study Basics: How to Study and Teach the Bible at Home by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.18-102Sex, Porn, and Your Kids:Age Appropriate Conversations by: Corey Gilbert18-103Life is a Bowl of Cherries by: Betsy Ray18-104Developing a Plan for High School: Sample Four-Year Plans by: Carol Becker18-105A Mom's Sentimental Journey by: Vicki Bentley18-106Thriving in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges by: Eliot Grasso18-107The Challenged and Challenging Child by: HELP Vendor18-108Biblical Stewardship with Continuing Education Credits by: Timothy Partners18-109Getting Started Teaching Kids with Learning Difficulties by: Marianne Sunderland18-110The Days of Creation by: Pat Roy18-152Why Christian Collegiate Education? by: New StAndrews18-153Experience Excellence in Writing by: Institute for Excellence in Writing18-154Making the Cut: A Candid Look at Independent Filmmaking by: Little Crews Studio18-155Emergency Services by: Civil Air Patrol Oregon Wing18-156Top Ten Homeschooling Secrets to Ace the SAT/ACT/PSAT by: College Prep Genius18-157Storytellers: The Gatekeepers of our Heritage by: Jack Dublin18-158Developing a Quiet Time with God by: Real Life Bible Studies18-181It's Easy to Homeschool - Dads (and Sons) and Donuts by: Dick Karman18-182You've Got What It Takes, and It's Not What You Think - Moms (and Daughters) and Muffins by: Dorothy Karman18-201Don't Let Home Education Destroy Your Marriage! by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.18-202Leading Your Family in a Tech'ed-Out World- by: Corey Gilbert18-203Getting It All Done: Loop Scheduling for Homeschooling and Homemaking by: Tauna Meyer18-204High School Transcript Clinic: Practical Help and Tips by: Carol Becker18-205Exploring Curriculum Options by: Vicki Bentley18-206Evangelism, Mission Trips, and Spanish by: Living Waters Spanish 18-207Key Principles for Living Life with Passion, Purpose, and Victory by: Cheryl's Christian Books18-208Math is More than Just Numbers with RightStart™ Math by: Right Start Mathematics 18-209Avoiding and Overcoming Homeschool Burnout by: Marianne Sunderland18-210Made in the Image of God by: Pat Roy18-301God in the Constitution by: David Barton18-302Oregon Homeschool Law: Past, Present and Future by: Dorothy Karman, Rodger Williams18-303#IBELONGTOCHRIST by: Betsy Ray18-304Charting Your Way Through High School for College, Workforce, or Military by: Carol Becker18-305The Word for Wee Ones by: Vicki Bentley18-306Free College at Your Fingertips by: College Prep Genius18-307Aerospace Education/STEM by: Civil Air Patrol Oregon Wing18-308Been there. Done That. Still Doing It! by: Sandy Belschner18-309Help for the Hopelessly Unorganized Child: Homeschooling Kids with ADD or ADHD by: Marianne Sunderland18-310Dinosaurs and the Bible by: Pat Roy18-401Four Centuries of American Education by: David Barton18-402The Christian Man as Father by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.18-404Essential Skills for Successful Teens: Study and Time Management by: Carol Becker18-405Hope for the Organizationally Challenged by: Vicki Bentley18-406Build an Amazing Homeschool Transcript by: Jean Burk, College Prep Genius18-409Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by: Marianne Sunderland18-452What It Takes to Be a Missionary Pilot! by: Mission Aviation Fellowship18-453The Challenged and Challenging Child by: HELP Vendor18-454Hands-on Aerospace Activities by: Civil Air Patrol Oregon Wing18-455The Art of Grammar Across the Ages by: Classical Conversations 18-456Making a Difference: Children with Character by: Accelerated Christian Education 18-457Written In The Stars: by: Jack Dublin18-458Fractions: From Fear to Fun with RightStart™ Math! by: Right Start Mathematics 18-501Know the Bible by: David Barton18-502Our Valuable Homeschool Freedoms: Remain Vigilant, Be Vocal, Experience Victory by: OCEAN Freedom Watch Team18-503Developing and Teaching Your Family a Biblical Sexual Ethic by: Corey Gilbert18-504The College Admissions Process: The Homeschooled Student's Guide by: Carol Becker18-505Homeschooling Middles While You Still Have Littles by: Vicki Bentley18-506Best Kept Secret to Free College: The PSAT by: College Prep Genius18-509You Can Homeschool Your Child with Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, and Dyslexia: Identifying, Accommodating, and Remediating by: Marianne Sunderland18-601Biblical Manhood in the Home by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.18-602Homeschool Child Abuse, Government Control, and Homeschool Freedoms by: Dr. Brian Ray18-603This is My Story. This is My Song! by: Joyce Padilla18-604 You Can Homeschool High School…If You Can Make It Through Tomorrow! by: Carol Becker18-605When Life Broadsides Your Homeschool by: Vicki Bentley18-609Raising Kids with Vision by: Marianne Sunderland This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

Two hundred years ago a man could be excommunicated from his church for failing to lead his household in regular family worship. Today a man can become a pastor without ever having engaged in the process. Learn the history, theology, and importance of family worship, along with gaining practical tips any family can follow to institute this vital practice.

ID: 18-02
Jun. 22, 2018

America’s exceptionalism encompasses great diversity of race, ethnicity, and religion, and has benefited every American. For several decades of indoctrination in both education and politics, we have been taught America's flaws but little of its matchless benefits. Five principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence have produced blessings for America. Discover these principles and learn what every citizen can do to restore America.

There is a mighty clash of worldviews going on all around us, and there is no way to escape. Educating our children at home will only postpone the inevitable. Will our children engage their culture as lambs going to slaughter, or as sheep among wolves, being "wise as serpents and innocent as doves" (Matthew 10:16)?

ID: 18-04
Jun. 23, 2018

America has developed a severe case of historical amnesia. Not only have we forgotten how we became the most stable and prosperous nation on the globe, but now we often feel compelled to apologize to the world just for being Americans. Five specific historical attacks launched over the past century have now found a permanent home in American media and education. Learn about the five attacks and how to quickly identify and negate their harmful influence. Preserve the understanding of America’s greatness for generations to come.

What good is home education if the Bible is not central to all we do? However, often parents feel inadequate to interpret Scripture and teach it to their children. Revive your own study of Scripture and spark your family devotions by implementing Dr. Baucham's practical suggestions.

This session will help parents move past the awkwardness inherent in topics regarding sexuality and provide you with ideas and resources to incorporate into your family conversations.

ID: 18-103
Jun. 22, 2018

Life can be sweet, refreshing, and joyful. Do your children and spouse see God’s joy in you? Do they get refreshed by your joyful spirit? God gives us joy (Ecc. 2:26), He is our joy (Ps. 43:4), and He commands us to be joyful (Phil. 4:4) and full of joy (Jn. 15:11) regardless of our circumstances (Heb. 10:34). No matter your personality type, God wants you to bear His Spirit to your family. Come ready to be rejuvenated and encouraged to “rejoice in all to which you have put your hand, you and your household” (Deut. 12:7).

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/Life-Bowl-of-Cherries-Joy-handout-2018-05-02.pdf

Carol will guide parents in considering critical aspects of a high school student’s homeschool plan. Topics presented will include what subjects to teach and their timing, whether to follow a basic high school plan or a rigorous college prep plan, how to evaluate credits and determine grades, and whether or not transcripts and diplomas are needed. If you are beginning to think about homeschooling during the high school years, this seminar will help you organize your thoughts so you can begin laying the groundwork for a viable four-year plan.

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/Developing-High-School-Plan.pdf

ID: 18-105
Jun. 22, 2018

Twenty-plus years and seventeen kids later, what a veteran homeschool mom would repeat and what she would do differently on this homeschooling journey!

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/Sentimental-Journey-handout-2017.pdf

In this workshop, Dr. Eliot Grasso examines the preconceptions, opportunities, and challenges for Christian homeschoolers who are exploring and participating in higher education. The objective of this workshop is to give insider perspectives on Christian and secular institutions so that families can make informed decisions about the next critical developmental step in their children's education.

ID: 18-107
Jun. 22, 2018

Help for the parents who have tried everything and are at their wits end. HELP has been working with families to HELP Elevate Learning Processing for over 30 years.

Learn what the Bible has to say about financial stewardship, which includes debt, budgeting, investing and a lesser known concept—stewardship of culture. Discover how your homeschooler can earn continuing education credits through the process.

With wisdom and understanding, Marianne offers encouragement in making the decision to homeschool. She will equip you to answer critics who insist schools are the educational experts, tell you how to overcome common emotional issues for parents and kids, share the legalities of home education, and give you tips for finding local support. ?Marianne will share the truth about the state of special education in public schools, tips on finding and identifying homeschool curriculum for the dyslexic student, and strategies for getting it all done. She will also discuss teaching methods, when to get help in the form of diagnostic testing and educational therapy, and how to balance accommodations and remediations. *Complimentary coffee served during Marianne’s sessions.

Topics: Special needs
ID: 18-110
Jun. 22, 2018

Join Pat and travel through the first six days of earth history as you learn about scientific and biblical creation.

ID: 18-152
Jun. 22, 2018

As the culture disintegrates around us, why not encourage your students to pursue an education that will equip them for Christian leadership through the power of the Gospel? This education will not be just a train ticket to the next job, but a prized foundation for their lifetime of cultural leadership through Christian fearlessness wherever God calls them to serve.

Discover award-winning Excellence in Writing, a method of teaching composition that really works. Using this program, students of all ages will learn to write stories, reports, and essays with style. This workshop will give you an overview of the program and show you how to get started.

This is a crash course for those interested in filmmaking. Joel Steege, director/producer of The Runner from Ravenshead and The Defense of New Haven, shares just what it takes to make an independent Christian film. Bonus: view newly-released behind-the-scenes footage from Little Crew Studios' productions.

ID: 18-155
Jun. 22, 2018

Be part of the solution during a natural disaster. Learn to be prepared and how to act in your local community.

Homeschoolers are not at a disadvantage when it comes to acing standardized tests. But there are little-known secrets that can hinder scores and scholarship money. We uncover wrong information that has been perpetrated for years. Discover why colleges are coveting homeschoolers and how they use tests like the SAT/ACT and PSAT to validate the transcript. You will join tens of thousands of informed families and walk away knowing the key to beating these tests and how your student can receive life-changing, incredible scholarship money.

ID: 18-157
Jun. 22, 2018

Jack Dublin, teller of tall tales, reads from his journal and discusses the importance of wisely choosing the stories we read. Have you ever wondered why the culture has morphed into what it is today from what it was when you were a child? The answer may surprise you: the gatekeepers of our heritage—storytellers—weaved contrarian tales for the cinema, television and print to achieve a desired end. We are living out that desired end, but we have reason for great hope in this ascending generation.

What is a quiet time? Not only will we look at the importance of building a regular devotional life, but we will learn some practical ways to build this habit in the lives of adults and young people. The pressures of life and media choices fight against having a meaningful relationship with God. Instead of living under guilt, take fresh courage to walk with God. We will also look at the most important part of Bible Study.

Dads have it easy. Twenty years ago we used to say, “I’m the principal, and the principal is your pal.” Have times changed? Is education just a series of new chapters in a textbook? Does someone else make your decisions? “I’ve got my job and my hobbies—that keeps me busy enough.” Does your wife agree? Homeschool veteran Dick Karman will take a few minutes to remind us of God’s plan. You will look at your family from a different point of view. Honestly examine what God has to say for you and your house.

Topics: Fathers

So many homeschool moms get burned out trying to do it all. Sometimes we just have to be reminded to take advantage of the resources God has given us for the job He has called us to do.

Will the fabric of your relationship as a couple unravel once your children leave home? Home education demands can consume couples, causing them to forgo investing in their marriage. Dr. Baucham shares the theological and practical importance of a strong marriage as the foundation of home education and explores ways to make time for our marriage and why it will benefit not only us but our children in the long-run.

ID: 18-202
Jun. 22, 2018

Technology is inescapable, but it is also not the enemy. Learn to manage tech so it does not manage you. It can be a great tool for us and our families.

Always feeling behind? Wondering how to get it all done? Find out about this simple and flexible tool and how you can incorporate it into your homemaking and homeschooling! The handout is a link to a blog post where you can download loop scheduling templates.

Handout available at: https://www.proverbialhomemaker.com/loop-scheduling-printables.html

Creating a high school transcript is a vital part of your teen’s high school records—but it doesn’t have to be hard! In this interactive, practical seminar, you will create a transcript that can be used as a pattern when designing your own. The session will guide you through transcript essentials, evaluation of credit, grading guidelines and scales, and calculation of grade point averages (GPAs). In addition, you’ll receive sample transcripts showing other formats for you to consider.

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/High-School-Transcript-Clinic.pdf

ID: 18-205
Jun. 22, 2018

Mom of 17 homeschooled students and curriculum counselor for a statewide homeschool organization, Vicki shares the secrets to mapping out a successful course of study for your children. This workshop helps beginners to get a solid start in home education, encourages veterans to re-examine goals and priorities, and includes a basic overview of different teaching approaches.

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/Exploring-Curriculum-handout.pdf

You will walk out of this session knowing how to share the Gospel, both in Spanish and English. Be ready to share the Good News with anyone, anywhere, whether with a neighbor or on a mission trip.

As Christians, we must recognize we are living amidst a battle between light and darkness. In today’s culture, what is right is seen as wrong, and what is wrong is seen as right. The battle is fierce! We must gird ourselves daily with scriptural truths, develop hearts of wisdom and discernment, and speak God’s Word out loud. Jesus is our Victor! His power is within us. If we pray and speak out loud God’s Word and model these behaviors for our children, our families will live the victory that is already ours in Christ Jesus.

Poetry is beautiful because it has rhyme, reason, and pattern. Poetry paints a picture. It is so much more than letters; math is so much more than numbers. RightStart™ Math becomes poetry when it’s explored and understood. Do you see the patterns in math? Does math paint a picture? If you said no to these questions, you need to come and discover the beauty of math.

Marianne provides encouragement to step back from a busy mom’s everyday tasks and get her eye on the big picture. Moms, learn how to know the warning signs in order to avoid burnout and how to create priorities that work towards meaningful goals for yourself and the whole family. *Complimentary coffee served during Marianne’s sessions.

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Avoiding-and-Overcoming-Burnout.pdf

ID: 18-210
Jun. 22, 2018

During Creation Week, God is preparing the earth for His most precious creation - People. Go day-by-day through that amazing week as God makes His preparations.

ID: 18-301
Jun. 22, 2018

The courts and secularists have weaponized the Constitution to limit public religious expression rather than protect it. They have convinced many Americans that the Constitution is godless. Seven specific parts of the Constitution establish its generally religious and explicitly Christian nature. Learn about these important clauses deliberately ignored by today's secular-minded scholars and judges. It's time for us to know and help restore the original intent of the Constitution.

Hear a brief history of how and when homeschooling became legal in Oregon from those who have been involved "from the beginning," find out why OCEANetwork is so vigilant about protecting and advancing homeschool freedoms in Oregon, and get your questions answered about homeschool notification, testing, and homeschooling students with disabilities.

ID: 18-303
Jun. 22, 2018

First Corinthians 1:12 is one of many scriptures reminding us we are not defined or directed by the cultures of the world. We have been bought with a price (Revelation 5:9). Betsy will talk about cultural influences and share some ideas on how the culture or cultures that own us influence our family life—especially our marriages, and what and how we teach and train our children.

Preparing your teens for their post-graduation goals requires advance planning. This seminar provides a timeline and checklist to ensure that important items are not overlooked. For parents of college-bound teens, discover tips for the application and financial aid process. For parents of teens headed directly into the workforce, explore job hunting and workplace skills. For parents of teens interested in a military career, learn about the military’s homeschool enlistment policy and hear tips for applying to the service academies.

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/Charting-Your-Way-through-High-School.pdf

ID: 18-305
Jun. 22, 2018

Practical, hands-on ideas for surrounding your preschoolers with God's Word as you sit in your house, walk by the way, when you lie down and rise up (Deuteronomy 6:5-9).

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/Word-in-Your-Wee-Ones-handout-2015.pdf

ID: 18-306
Jun. 22, 2018

Are you ready to make $500 an hour? Although it sounds too good to be true, it is possible to earn this much in scholarships for college. Author Jean Burk will teach you two important concepts: how to get into the college of your choice and how to find the scholarships to pay for it. You will learn methods of receiving substantial scholarships that go beyond tuition and may include room and board, graduate school, and money to study abroad. Unlock the keys to finding free college at your fingertips.

ID: 18-307
Jun. 22, 2018

Aerospace applications in the real world and future job opportunities.

ID: 18-308
Jun. 22, 2018

Sandy Belschner is a mother of seven and grandmother of five. She began homeschooling their first son in 1994 and is still homeschooling. Hear what Sandy has learned, including what does and does not matter, loving the standards, and that wisdom really is the principle thing. Sandy will share stories about homeschooling in the military, classical education, and being the mother of twins. Her hair used to be fire-engine-red, but she’s happy to be wearing a crown of grey—she knows she’s earned it.

Do you have a child who is hopelessly unorganized with their belongings—and even with their thoughts? Do they have difficulty starting and completing projects? These issues stem from poor executive function skills. Find out what executive function is, how it affects organizational skills, and most importantly, how you can teach your seemingly hopelessly unorganized child to grow in this area. *Complimentary coffee served during Marianne’s sessions.

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Help-for-the-Hopelessly-Unorganized-Child.pdf

Topics: Special needs
ID: 18-310
Jun. 22, 2018

The subject of dinosaurs is one of the most popular of all times. Sadly they are often used to disprove the Bible. However, the Scriptures have a lot to say about these amazing creatures. This fascinating presentation will include a journey through many of the dinosaur graveyards around the world.

ID: 18-401
Jun. 23, 2018

Religion, morality, and knowledge have formed the core elements of American education for four centuries, but in recent decades a secularized approach to education has gained prominence. This workshop discusses the effects of both religious and secular philosophies and presents stories of early American heroes in the field of education.

ID: 18-402
Jun. 23, 2018

The only thing worse in our culture today than the way men view themselves as husbands is the way they view themselves as fathers. Men have no idea how important this role is in the development of their children physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Grasp a bigger vision for a father’s role and its importance in the grand scheme of things. The family is a hub of gospel-centered activity that serves as the foundation upon which the faith of the next generation is built (Deut. 6:6-7; cf. Eph. 6:4).

The high school years offer a crucial opportunity to equip your teens with skills they will need for future success. If your teen is headed to college, the workforce, or the military, they will benefit from study and time management skills. This session provides parents with ideas to incorporate these skills into high school coursework and lists resources to help teens cultivate these essential skills.

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/Essential-Skills.pdf

Topics: High school
ID: 18-405
Jun. 23, 2018

A recurring theme among homeschoolers is: Help! I’m committed to homeschooling, but I’m feeling overwhelmed just by everyday life! For many of us, standard organizing suggestions don’t “stick,” and we wonder what’s wrong with us. In this workshop, Vicki shares some tools that have helped her (and other busy moms) to homeschool and get dinner on the table… on the same day. (If you were “born organized,” you may find yourself in this workshop anyway, to possibly pick up one more idea!)

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/Word-in-Your-Wee-Ones-handout-2015.pdf

There is only one secret ingredient to giving credibility to a homeschool transcript. If you don’t know it, author Jean Burk will share the answer. Discover the insider criteria that Harvard uses to judge applicants and why summer break needs to be more than just a vacation. Learn the differences between AP, Dual Enrollment, and CLEP courses and the pros and cons of adding them to your schedule. Find out about the 3-Tier credit plan, so you can correctly build a portfolio that will impress any admissions counselor.

ID: 18-409
Jun. 23, 2018

Homeschooling is the perfect opportunity to observe the learning styles and unique gifts and talents of each of your children. ?This session will explain the eight intelligences and how to observe them in your children. God has created each of us uniquely for a purpose. Understand your children’s individuality better, so that you can teach them more effectively. *Complimentary coffee served during Marianne’s sessions.

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Fearfully-and-Wonderfully-Made.pdf

We will describe the work, training, cost, and the impact on ministry in being a missionary pilot, mechanic, or other technical missions support personnel.

ID: 18-453
Jun. 23, 2018

Help for the parents who have tried everything and are at their wit's end. HELP has been working with families to HELP Elevate Learning Processing for over 30 years.

Topics: Special needs
ID: 18-454
Jun. 23, 2018

ADVISORY - This session includes many hands-on activities for 12-18-year-olds. Although there is a narrative through most of the session, there are several times where participants are completing tasks and there is no dialogue. We think you would really have to have been there to appreciate this recording - The Recording Team for OCEAN

ID: 18-455
Jun. 23, 2018

Languages Through All the Ages: Does the idea of teaching your child English grammar sound daunting? Have you wondered, “Does my child really need to know how to diagram a sentence? Is it possible for Latin to help your student better understand English?” If you have ever asked yourself these questions, learn how Classical Conversations can help you as you educate your children with our programs. Together we will unlock language and discuss the art of grammar.

How can you instill in your children that which counts for eternity? Teach them a Christ-centered character that yields social, scholastic, and spiritual growth. Imagine the difference a child with godly character could make in this world!

ID: 18-457
Jun. 23, 2018

Jack Dublin, teller of tall tales, reads from his journal and discusses the importance of teaching children through the power of the spoken word. Across the ages, storytellers from Aesop to Jesus told stories to convey great truths.

Do you remember the groans in math class when the word “fraction” was brought up? Well, there is a better and less painful way of teaching fractions! Fractions are fun when they are taught the right way. Discover the beauty and simplicity of fractions using RightStart™ Math.

ID: 18-501
Jun. 23, 2018

Hear surprisingly bold historical declarations from U. S. Presidents across two centuries on how the Bible shaped American society and culture along with unequivocal evidence of its benefits to daily life. In the past 50 years, the knowledge of this influence has diminished, especially within the faith community. In fact, most Christians today have not read through the entire Bible even once, and have thus accepted the modern secularist doctrine of compartmentalization. Discover the true and positive influences of the Bible on American life.

In the light of some recent high-profile abuse cases by alleged homeschool families, legislatures have responded by attempting to restrict homeschool freedoms. California and Hawaii are recent examples where homeschoolers have responded in large numbers to protect their homeschool freedoms. Why? Homeschool freedom gives flexibility to families allowing them to customize education to fit their children's needs. Hear why protecting homeschool freedom is so important to your family and to the OCEANetwork, what Oregonians might expect from the upcoming legislative session, and what we can do about it. Bring your questions for this panel consisting of the OCEANetwork Freedom Watch Team members.

You can’t teach what you don’t know. ?This session is designed to equip parents as they develop a biblical sexual ethic for themselves that they can then share with their children.

You are not just your teen’s teacher; you’re also his guidance counselor! Find out how to maneuver through the entire college admissions process—from narrowing down the selection of colleges to filling out college applications, and applying for financial aid. Learn how to ask the right questions that will help you discern whether your teen is spiritually, academically, and emotionally prepared for college.

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/College-Admission-Process.pdf

Practical tips for creating a learning lifestyle—from a mom of 17 homeschooled students (seven school-age at a time). Includes ideas for teaching your preschoolers, as well as multi-level teaching ideas for your school-age kiddos.

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/Homeschooling-Middles-While-You-Still-Have-Littles-handout-2017.pdf

Imagine throwing away seven trash bags full of college offers! It happened to my family and it could happen to yours. How? The PSAT. Contrary to popular belief, “P” does not stand for practice. In reality, the PSAT is a scholarship qualifying test, and it can write you a ticket to just about any college. Discover the 3 little-known secrets about the PSAT and 11 steps to success! Learn how to get colleges begging you to enroll and pick up the tab at the same time.

Homeschooling struggling learners is not only possible but one of the best things you can do for them. Learn the common signs of each of these learning differences, as well as suggestions for accommodation, remediation, and homeschool modifications. ?Marianne will provide a list of trusted resources and share suggestions for identifying reliable resources. *Complimentary coffee served during Marianne’s sessions.

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/You-CAN-Homeschool-Your-Kids-With-Learning-Difficulties.pdf

Topics: Special needs
ID: 18-601
Jun. 23, 2018

One of the most glaring shortcomings in the home education movement has been the absence of male involvement. This session offers a biblical look at the father's true role in the home and why it is absolutely essential to the successful home education of the children. Dr. Baucham will address several issues including feminism and hyper-patriarchy, which have brought imbalance and disorder into many Christian homes. He will disclose how the gospel addresses these issues for ultimate hope and healing.

What should civil government’s role be in protecting our homeschooled children? What should our response be to government intervention or to legislation creating pre-emptive dragnets to try to catch parents before they do evil things to their children? Dr. Ray will lay out core scriptural principles to answer these questions. He will also explain the findings of his brand-new study showing that the degree of state regulation (control) of homeschooling is not related to the frequency of abuse of homeschool children. Further, evidence suggests that public school children are at greater risk of abuse and other harm than are the home educated. Inform yourself with statistics and biblical philosophy!

ID: 18-603
Jun. 23, 2018

Have you lost the song in your heart? Do you feel robbed of joy and peace? ?Be encouraged as Joyce shares her personal story of finding joy and peace in the midst of chaos.

Topics: Encouragement

As a parent homeschooling a teen (or considering homeschooling a teen), you may have doubts about your ability and your sanity. Are you weighed down by the seriousness of high school? Do you question your competence to teach your teen? Be encouraged as you discover a new long-range perspective for teaching your teen that is filled with much hope, faith, help, and joy!

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/You-Can-Homeschool-HS-If-You-Can-Make-It-thru-Tomorrow.pdf

Topics: High school
ID: 18-605
Jun. 23, 2018

You had a wonderful plan at the beginning of the school year for a well-rounded education, envisioning academic excellence and character development in your smiling, well-adjusted offspring. But then… life happened. How do you find "normal" again? In this workshop, Vicki helps you focus on the essentials when you're on the frontlines, especially in a crisis situation.

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/When-Life-Broadsides-Your-Homeschool-HANDOUT-V.-Bentley.pdf

ID: 18-609
Jun. 23, 2018

As the mother of teen sailors Zac and Abby Sunderland, Marianne is often asked what their homeschooling experiences were and what enabled their 16-year-olds to challenge themselves with sailing alone around the world. ?The secret of their success is readily available to all. Hear how Marianne and her husband nurtured their children’s God-given dreams, passions, and talents, and in doing so, helped their children find their own callings. Discover how to avoid the pitfalls that thwart us in following God’s unique calling for us. Open your eyes to a world of God-inspired possibilities. *Complimentary coffee served during Marianne’s sessions.

Handout available at: https://www.oceanetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Raising-Kids-with-Vision-FINAL.pdf


Portland, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 23 through 24, 2017

OR-2017 Strength for Today and Hope for Tomorrow

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
Recording ID: 2017-all
Original Price: $247.50
Set Price: $99.00

All sessions from the 2017 Oregon Conference

This one price allows you to download any or all of the sessions from the 2017 Oregon Christian Home Education Conference, (for personal use only) now and in the future. Sessions unavailable (or lost) due to technical difficulties will not be included.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 17-01Fearless Homeschooling by: Heidi St John17-02The Home God Uses to Change the World by: Matthew Jacobson17-03Ripped from the Case Files by: Jim Mason17-04Uncommon Courage by: Heidi St John17-101Multi-Level Teaching by: Heidi St John17-102Homeschooling the Early Years: You Gotta Turn Right to Go Left by: Heather Haupt17-103High School 101 by: Jean Burk17-104Micro Business for Teens: Starting a Micro Business by: Carol Topp, CPA17-105Successful Homeschooling by: Lisa Jacobson17-106Homeschooling: Real Hard and Real Blessings by: Colene Lewis17-107Recruiting & Retaining Volunteers by: Beth Mora, Forrest Mora17-108The Prodigal Son, the Forgiving Father, and the Power of Beholding by: Jim Mason17-109Math-You-Hate becomes Math-U-Love with Math-U-See by: exhibitor17-201Strong Roots – Strong Families by: Heidi St John17-202Sharing Life, Loving, and Learning by: Heather Haupt17-203Managing Anger and Conflict in Your Home by: Beth Mora17-204Free College at Your Fingertips by: Jean Burk17-205The Secret to Building a Strong Marriage by: Lisa Jacobson17-206Well Planned Day, Yes It's Possible by: Rebecca Farris17-207Top 10 Tips for Running a Homeschool Organization by: Carol Topp, CPA17-208Choosing and Using the Best Curriculum by: Caleb Crossman17-209Experience Excellence in Writing by: exhibitor17-211Walking Tall: How a Man Can Win in This Sex-Saturated Culture by: Matthew Jacobson17-212Why Is My Fabulous Child So Forgetful and Frustrated? by: Bill Hartner17-301Help and Hope for the Overwhelmed Mom by: Heidi St John17-302Marriage Wisdom: Practical Tools for Love and Friendship between Husband and Wife by: 17-303Knights in Training: Raising Boys into Men by: Heather Haupt17-304Learn Real Life Skills by: Carol Topp, CPA17-305Dream Bigger by: Beth Mora17-306Homeschooling Hints from Calvin & Hobbs by: Colene Lewis17-307Dyslexia: Facts and Fiction by: Joann Matson17-308Note to Self: The Vital Role of Homeschooling Dads by: Jim Mason17-309Logic Through All Ages by: exhibitor17-311Work at Home as a Medical Transcriptionist by: exhibitor17-312Seven Principles for Living a Passionate Life with Joy, Purpose, and Victory by: exhibitor17-401The First Three Years: A Workshop for Homeschool Rookies by: Heidi St John17-402Beauty in the Bloom by: Beth Mora17-403Stepping Outside the School Box: Creating a Home Where We Learn by: Heather Haupt17-404How to Ace the “New” SAT by: Jean Burk17-405An Equipment Operator's Guide to Keeping Your Family by: Forrest Mora17-406How the IRS Sees Homeschool Organizations by: Carol Topp, CPA17-407Choosing and Adapting Curriculum for Special Needs Students by: Jennifer Bliesner17-408History of Homeschooling in Oregon by: Dick Karman17-453Thriving in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges for Christian Homeschoolers by: exhibitor17-454Why Is My Fabulous Child So Forgetful and Frustrated? by: Bill Hartner17-455TROWEL - Teaching Children about Christ and Culture by: Dennis Tuuri17-456Radically Different Spelling Success with Spelling You See by: exhibitor17-501Better for Best: Keeping Christ as the Center of Your Home by: Heidi St John17-502Why We Need a Parental Rights Amendment by: Jim Mason17-503Help for the Homeschooling Mom: How to Stop Spinning Your Wheels and Move Forward by: Heather Haupt17-50430+ Micro Business Ideas by: Carol Topp, CPA17-505Treating Writing Allergies by: Beth Mora17-506Homeschooling Teens – Tips That Work by: Colene Lewis17-507The Who, What, When, Why & Hows of Developing a PDP by: Jennifer Bliesner17-50810 Relationship Mistakes by: Matthew Jacobson This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 17-01
Jun. 23, 2017

"I’m not strong enough."
"My kids are going to have gaps in their education."
"Everything depends on me."
"I’ve failed too many times."
"I can’t do this right."
"I’m screwing up my kids."
"Everyone else’s kids are doing better than mine."

Have you heard the lies, too? Join Heidi as she talks about her own experience of homeschooling out of fear and into faith. You’ll want to bring a friend to this one!

ID: 17-02
Jun. 23, 2017

Does the quality of your marriage matter? Do the endless days of child rearing and homeschooling matter? Does your family have a larger purpose in this world? God says, "Yes!" Will you live for His plan and purpose?

ID: 17-03
Jun. 24, 2017

A serious but entertaining look at HSLDA’s recent cases and why they are important to you and your homeschool. You’ll want to hear about the Case of the Miscreated Court, the Case of the Rotten Big Apple, and the Case of the Caseworker’s Monumental Miscalculation. With over 15 years’ experience representing homeschooling families around the country, Jim has a unique, up-close perspective on trends, emerging issues, and what the future holds for homeschool freedom.

ID: 17-04
Jun. 24, 2017

In today’s culture, parenting requires an uncommon courage. Being a Christian parent in a culture that has rejected Christ requires a steadfast commitment to imparting truth to our children in a world that has rejected Truth. This is not our grandparents’ generation. We are parenting in a generation where fear is a driving force. But when faith finds its feet in this generation of parents, Heidi believes we will begin to see amazing things.

ID: 17-101
Jun. 23, 2017

Toddlers, Tweens, and Teens, OH MY! Do you have a houseful? Are you planning on having a houseful? If so, then this is a great workshop for YOU! Heidi and Jay St. John are the homeschooling parents of seven perfect, never messy, always obedient, very sweet, usually tidy, generally obedient, always energetic, very curious children. They have homeschooled all the way through high school.

One of the most challenging aspects of homeschooling a houseful is figuring out how to teach them all while finding time to manage the rest of your day! Moms are always wondering if they are “doing enough” and finding the time to teach individual subjects, well, individually… can be overwhelming.

In this workshop, Heidi will share seven secrets of multi-level teaching that will empower, encourage and enlighten you! If you’ve got a houseful, then you’ve got your hands full! Let’s laugh together, and rediscover the JOY of homeschooling with a full heart AND a full house

Want to give your preschooler and kindergartner an edge? Though it may seem counter-intuitive, having a playful relaxed, yet intentional attitude towards learning in the early years develops creativity, encourages curiosity, builds independence, expands attention span, enhances relationships, and has fun, too. And it is PROVEN to give them an academic edge! Join Heather as she share's the art of teaching young children through play.

ID: 17-103
Jun. 23, 2017

Many parents are intimidated at the thought of homeschooling a teenager through high school. The idea of teaching physics, chemistry, and calculus elicits fear and trembling from most parents… throw in grading essays and creating transcripts and you’ve got a complete recipe for a true mental breakdown! Home school high school veteran Jean Burk’s two homeschooled students received full-rides to college, grad school, and law school. She joyfully testifies that the high school years have been the most rewarding! She’ll share her successes and failures and everything else you need to know to homeschool through high school. At this workshop she’ll answer these questions and many more:

  • Why homeschool high school?
  • Statistically, how do homeschool graduates perform as adults?
  • What’s the difference between credits, grades, and transcripts?
  • What every high school student needs to know beyond academics (life skills, spiritual skills, social skills)
  • How can middle school students acquire high school credit?
  • How in the world do I teach chemistry, algebra, and calculus?
  • What’s the difference between CLEP, AP, and Dual Enrollment?
  • Can my homeschooled student really get into college?
  • What scholarships are available to home school students?
  • Do I need an accredited transcript?
If you have a middle or high school student and you’re considering home education through high school, you should definitely attend High School 101! You’ll walk away knowing you CAN do it!

Encouragement for teenagers to start and run their own micro business. They will learn a lot while earning some money. A micro business can be started quickly and easily with no debt from home. Presenter Carol Topp, CPA has counseled dozens of teenagers starting a business and will discuss business plans and ideas. Teenagers and their parents are encouraged to attend together!

ID: 17-105
Jun. 23, 2017

The very thought of homeschooling can be overwhelming—whether you're a newbie or a veteran homeschooling parent. It's a big job and there's no way of getting around it. But after 18 years of teaching, I've found these steps that actually work. And these aren't merely academic solutions, but answers that have helped our family relationships—and my sanity—as well. It's a surprisingly simple plan that will prepare your student—and the teacher—for real success.

ID: 17-106
Jun. 23, 2017

This talk provides honest encouragement to those considering homeschooling. The real hard part of home education is the commitment of time, energy and resources. The real blessings of home education include stronger family bonds and a personalized education. And these blessings will make the work worth it.

ID: 17-107
Jun. 23, 2017

Volunteers are the backbone of nonprofit organizations. Without volunteers, visions crumble. How do you recruit qualified volunteers? How can a leader strengthen a volunteer to go the distance? How do you inspire your volunteers to serve with passion? Forrest and Beth Mora will share ten key principles to help you form a team that will thrive and create a lasting impact.

We homeschooling parents invest a lot of ourselves in our children. When one of them strays, it is a painful, prayerful time. As one who has wandered himself, and one who has shepherded seven children through sometimes challenging times, Jim has a word of encouragement, reconciliation, and hope for walking through troubled times.

Presented by Math-U-See

Math-U-See’s unique instructional approach using simple but powerful manipulatives, videos, and textbooks helps students master math concepts and fundamental skills. Our manipulatives are used to represent abstract math concepts to be represented in clear, relatable ways. Come see how even reluctant mathematicians can help children develop a positive relationship with math.

ID: 17-201
Jun. 23, 2017

Arguably the most profound change in America in the past 50 years has been the deconstruction of the family unit. The foundational building block of 4000 years of world culture and 250 years of American society has been undermined, underappreciated, and under attack since the 1960’s. Learn how to put down the kind of strong roots that will help you become an “intentional arborist” as you nurture the strong family that you desire-and that your children need. Learn how you can nurture what’s important and learn to ignore the flurry of cultural foolishness that we all-too-often mistake for what’s really important.

ID: 17-202
Jun. 23, 2017

Heather Haupt is joined by her mother, Colene Lewis for this 2-generation workshop.

One of the perks of homeschooling is the opportunity families have to build relationships. Learning to live and learn together 24-7 provides a wonderful environment where relationships are cultivated. It isn't always easy, but the benefits are well worth the effort!

ID: 17-203
Jun. 23, 2017

Conflict happens. Anger happens. Siblings fight. Mom and Dad don’t see eye to eye. Feelings get hurt. Things are said that shouldn’t be said, and things are done that shouldn’t be done. We each have different points of views on how life should go. Add the personal character flaws of each family member to the mix, and you’ve got a recipe for calamity. Unchecked anger and unresolved conflict can undo the best of homeschool plans. Teaching your child how to manage anger and conflict far outweighs any school subject. Beth Mora, author, blogger, and homeschool mom tackles real-life tensions that happen behind all of our homeschool doors and offers practical solutions for messy moments.

ID: 17-204
Jun. 23, 2017

Are you ready to make $500 an hour? Although it sounds too good to be true, it’s possible to earn this much in scholarships for college. Author, Jean Burk, will teach you two important concepts: how to get into the college of your choice and how to find the scholarships to pay for it. You will learn methods of receiving substantial scholarships that go beyond tuition and may include room and board, graduate school, and money to study abroad! Unlock the keys to finding free college at your fingertips!

ID: 17-205
Jun. 23, 2017

No one really talks about this part. They talk about curriculum and co-op classes. Schedules and science fairs. Teacher-student relationships and sibling relationships. But there's little mention of the most important behind-the-scenes relationship of all: the one with your husband. Here's how you can do more than maintain your marriage; you can grow and even thrive while you homeschool together.

ID: 17-206
Jun. 23, 2017

Having a productive day is so much more than buying a planner or a tool for organization. In this workshop, Rebecca, the Well Planned Gal, takes listeners a few steps back, helping them begin with a philosophy and understanding of the uniqueness God has created in each family. From there, Rebecca explores ten essentials for having a Well Planned Day.

This is a “potpourri” of topics and attendees can bring up any subject they wish to discuss. Carol Topp will lead off with her Topp 10 tips for running a homeschool organization. Included are tips on bylaws, boards, avoiding fraud, hiring workers, buying insurance, and conducting fund raisers. A handout of tips for leaders to share with your board back home will be provided.

ID: 17-208
Jun. 23, 2017

Choosing the right curriculum can be daunting — not only are there too many options, understanding them is often more work than teaching the content. In this brief workshop, we'll discuss some hacks to understanding what a curriculum offers, including its strengths and weaknesses, and how to make the best choice without hurting your head. It isn't really the curriculum that matters — it's what it represents, both in terms of worldview and practical concerns.

ID: 17-209
Jun. 23, 2017

Presented by Excellence in Writing

Come and discover award-winning Excellence in Writing, a method of teaching composition that really works. Using this program, students of all ages will learn to write stories, reports, and essays with style. This workshop will give you an overview of the program and show you how you can get started.